How To Steal An Election Uniparty Style

How To Steal An Election Uniparty Style


"How to steal an election," Uniparty style 

"Over time, the [political establishment, Big Tech, Big Media] systematically consolidated its domination over politics, turning elections from a democratic contest into a controlled system that delivered regime victories."

"...elections are now state-directed performances that eliminate opposition.

"Random targeted arrests and violence – especially against those who try to lead alternative political movements – are common"

People "arrested and convicted of extremism and then beaten outside of his home for his political actions."

"Even eliminating viable opposition can’t ensure certain victories at the polls. To eliminate all risk...autocrats must take four additional steps:

"1. Dominate the media message by controlling major news outlets through ownership"

"2. Assert control over local government officials who then ensure that voters turn out to support the regime."

"3. Build a vote tabulation process that allows ballot stuffing and falsified vote counts."

"4. Declare victory immediately and allow no questioning of the results."

"The [Democrat Party] used its media control to project a dominant narrative in support of [Biden]. He never campaigned for votes."

"Together with legislative allies, the [Democrats] changed electoral laws at every election to maintain the dominance"

"There is an unwritten regulation that poll workers must be members of the [Democrat Party]. And they count behind closed doors, padding the vote as they go."

Turns out our elections were a lot like Russia after all

Twitter thread by @realLizUSA.

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