How To Solo Amber Shaper

How To Solo Amber Shaper


How To Solo Amber Shaper
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Boards World of Warcraft Any tips on soloing Amber-Shaper Un'sok?
Not sure whether I should be bursting the golem or whether I need to wait and burst him down in P3. So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
You need to do both. If you don't kill the golem fast enough the mechanic kills you. Once he finishes his cast at the start of P3 he'll summon another golem, which in turn the mechanic will kill you. It's doable on 10N. I was able to solo him on my Demon Hunter and Paladin at around 845 item level. 25N wasn't even close. I think I got the golem to 70%.
It depends on what difficulty you're on and how geared you are. In most cases the answer is "bring a friend."
I will rule the world, and find that truly good cup of coffee.
Attack him until golem comes, kill golem, kill him. Hope you have the damage to do it before he transforms and kills you. I did it on 10N and 10H easily and barely missed it on 25N and that was about 60 ilvls ago.
Can be soloed on 10N (and 10H) for most classes if you have the burst to down it. I have been able to clear it on my Ret Pally and BM Hunter. Damage him until the Golem is summoned, then burst down the Golem ASAP. Then burst down Un'sok. If you can put out some decent damage then he and the Golem should go down quickly enough.
It's a cunning illusion, That time is on my side. I wanna feel before I have to say goodbye.
The only character I can solo him on 25H with was my warrior, who was pushing 330k dps without a pot.. Basically the entire fight is a burn phase, so if you can spread out cooldown usage; do it.
pegusus123456 (Topic Creator) 5 years ago #7
I'm a destro lock, so I don't have a ton of CDs unfortunately. I can throw infernals and an imp at the problem, but that's all I got <_< So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
Boards World of Warcraft Any tips on soloing Amber-Shaper Un'sok?

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Amber-Shaper Un'sok Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic Mode included)

Last updated on Jan 10, 2013 at 20:04Β by Vlad


5.2.2. Mutated Construct Role - Tanks
6.2.1. Mutated Construct Role - Everyone
9. When to Use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp
11. Achievement: I Heard You Like Amber
12.1. Differences from Normal Mode
12.2.2. Dealing with Respawning Living Ambers
12.2.3. Dealing with Amber Globules
12.2.4. Trick for Burning Un'sok's Health

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This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the
encounter with Amber-Shaper Un'sok in Heart of Fear. It is targeted at anyone
who desires to understand the fight mechanics.
This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.1.2.
Amber-Shaper Un'sok is the fifth boss in the Heart of Fear raid
instance. This is a very complex encounter, where you will have to face
several adds, and deal with many interesting abilities.
The fight is strenuous for all your raid, but we feel that it is DPS players
and healers who will be tested the most.
We currently do not know what the enrage timer is, but it is at least 9
In addition to the items listed below, Mel'jarak drops the tokens that
you will need for buying your Tier 14 Legs parts.
The encounter against Amber-Shaper Un'sok (henceforth referred to simply
as Un'sok ) is a three-phase fight.
Phase One starts when the boss is engaged, and lasts until the boss
reaches 70% health. During this phase, your raid will mainly have to kill
small adds and avoid damaging ground effects.
Phase Two starts when the boss reaches 70% health, at which point he
summons an add. Phase Two ends when the add is killed by your raid. During
this phase, Un'sok takes 99% reduced damage.
Phase Three starts when the add that the boss summons at the
start of Phase Two is killed, and lasts until Un'sok dies. This is a very
intense phase, for both healers and DPS players. During this phase, the boss
gains a sizeable increase in his damage.
Throughout the fight, Un'sok will regularly transform random raid members
into a type of elemental mob, called a Mutated Construct . When
transformed in such a way, the player can use certain special abilities, and
must perform a very complex role. In fact, the players who are transformed
into Mutated Constructs play the most important part in the encounter, so it
is imperative to have an excellent understanding of the Construct.
Because the tank is regularly turned into a Mutated Construct, and also
due to an ability that the boss casts in Phase Two that targets the current
tank and incapacitates them, your raid will require two tanks for this
Every 50 seconds, during Phases One and Two, and more often, during
Phase Three, Un'sok will cast an ability called Reshape Life . This ability
targets a random raid member, and transforms that player into a
Mutated Construct . During Phase One, the ability only targets tanks
(provided that both tanks are not already Mutated Constructs), while in Phases
Two and Three, it can target anyone in the raid.
The Mutated Construct (which is under the full control of the transformed
player) has a unique resource, called Willpower. This resource must be used
wisely, and it is the key to defeating the encounter. Willpower starts out at
full capacity when the player is first transformed, and then slowly decreases
over time. When the Mutated Construct runs out of Willpower, the transformed
player is instantly killed.
The only way to avoid being killed is to use one of the Mutated
Construct's abilities, which causes the player to leave the Mutated Construct.
This ability is only usable when the Mutated Construct is below 20% of its
maximum health. The implication of this is that the raid will have to DPS the
Construct, ensuring that the transformed player can exit it before running out
of Willpower.
If the Mutated Construct is killed (i.e., if the transformed player has
not exited the Construct himself), then the transformed player will also
In addition to using this ability before their Willpower runs out, the
transformed player has 3 abilities that they can, and should use, in
specific ways, throughout the encounter.
It is important to note that Un'sok will continue to cast Reshape Life
even if there is already a Mutated Construct present, meaning that there can
be two or more Mutated Constructs active at the same time.
The Mutated Construct is hostile to both the rest of the raid, and to
the boss. This is relevant, because the Construct must attack the boss, and
the raid must attack the Construct.
Of the 4 abilities that the Mutated Construct has, one generates Willpower,
one costs Willpower, while the other two neither generate Willpower, nor cost
Finally, it is not possible for the Mutated Construct to act as a tank,
as both the boss and the add from Phase Two have the Destroy Will
ability, which causes them to drain 40 Willpower from the Construct each time
they melee it.
The role of the Mutated Construct will become more obvious to you as you
learn to understand the various mechanics of the encounter, and we will detail
this every step of the way. Even though the Mutated Construct will usually
target a tank, every player in the raid must be prepared to use the Mutated
Construct, should they have to.
While the assignments of the Construct will vary somewhat in each phase,
there are a few general guidelines we can provide.
The aim of your raid, throughout the fight, will be to have only one person
transformed into a Mutated Construct at one time. As we will see, Phase Three
can be an exception to this rule.
Phase One begins when the boss is engaged, and ends when the boss reaches
70% health.
During this phase, Un'sok makes use of several abilities.
During this phase, your raid will mostly focus on DPSing the
Mutated Construct s, and bringing Un'sok to 70% health. There are many
different tasks your players must perform, although each one is rather simple
individually. The most complex role belongs to whoever is transformed into a
Mutated Construct .
If your strategy is executed correctly, there should always be only one
Mutated Construct active at one time.
We will summarise your raid's tasks below, before going into detail.
The idea is to strike a balance between killing Living Amber s,
DPSing Mutated Construct s, and DPSing Un'sok. The more Living Ambers
you kill, the more void zones your raid will have to maneuver around.
Fortunately, this is not usually a concern, since the room is very big. Also,
remember to account for the void zones that will be generated throughout
Phase Two.
The first priority during this phase is to always bring the
Mutated Construct to 20% of its maximum health or lower. This is important
because only then can the player inside it exit the vehicle. If they fail to
exit the vehicle before their energy runs out, they will be instantly
DPS players will also have to kill Living Amber s. Your raid leader will
probably decide how many such adds should be kept alive, depending on the
amount of damage that the raid can handle. When killing Living Ambers, keep in
mind that you cannot AoE them, because each dying Amber heals other Ambers
around it for 40% of their maximum health. Also be mindful of the rather large
amount of AoE damage that the Living Ambers deal around them when they die.
Finally, your raid will DPS Un'sok whenever one of the above targets does not
need to be attacked.
Only tanks can be made into Mutated Constructs during Phase One. As a
Mutated Construct, there are several things you must do during this phase.
Your goal should be to ensure that the Destabilize debuff applied by Amber Strike
never runs out on the boss, so that it can stack very high. In order for this
to happen, the tank who is currently a Mutated Construct must delay leaving
the construct, so that they can continue to stack Destabilize right up to the
point when the other tank is turned into a construct. In other words, as a
Mutated Construct in this phase, you should consume one or two void zones
to replenish your Willpower, and aim at remaining in the construct until there
are about 5 seconds left to the next Reshape Life cast. Your raid's DPS
players will have to be aware of this, and make sure not to kill your
Mutated Construct.
Following the above-mentioned steps, when the next tank becomes a Mutated
Construct, they should have several seconds to refresh the debuff on the
boss, and so on.
Doing this will make Phase One go by much faster, but it is hardly a
requirement, so do not worry too much about it.
Make sure that you do not accidentally use Amber Strike on
fellow raid members. They are hostile targets, so you will have to be a bit
Healers will have to contend with the following sources of damage in this
A few notes regarding Parasitic Growth are in order. Firstly, as we
mentioned earlier, it can be removed by abilities such as Divine Shield
and Ice Block . Secondly, using absorption effects on players affected by
Parasitic Growth does not trigger the debuff's effect, so Power Word: Shield
and Sacred Shield can be used to great effect to mitigate damage on these
players without causing additional damage.
Hand of Purity also works well against this debuff, and can almost
negate the final 6 seconds of the debuff's duration.
Finally, we feel it is necessary to state that any overhealing done to
players affected by Parasitic Growth will still stack the debuff on them, so
you must be careful.
When Un'sok reaches 70% health, he shields himself through
Amber Carapace , becoming practically immune. He also summons a large add,
called Amber Monstrosity . The phase ends (and Un'sok is once again
attackable) when the Amber Monstrosity is killed. The death of the Amber
Monstrosity triggers Phase Three.
During this phase Un'sok continues to use all his abilities from Phase One,
namely Amber Scalpel (including the resulting Living Amber adds and
all the mechanics that these adds entail), Parasitic Growth , and
Reshape Life . Reshape Life can now target any raid member, including
healers (which can be quite problematic).
In addition to this, the Amber Monstrosity uses several abilities
against your raid.
During this phase, your raid will have to handle all the abilities from
Phase One, while also dealing with the several abilities that the
Amber Monstrosity brings. The focus in this phase is to kill the Amber
Monstrosity, in order to push Un'sok into Phase Three.
The Amber Monstrosity adds a few constraints for your raid.
Anyone except the tanks is susceptible to being turned into a Mutated
Construct during this phase.
There are several things that the Mutated Constructs must do.
Ideally, you should attempt to stack the debuff as high as possible on the
Amber Monstrosity, and this also involves refreshing it just before you leave
the Mutated Construct, and leaving the Mutated Construct close enough to when
the next Mutated Construct is created, so that they can re-apply the debuff
before it runs out. In reality, this means that you will probably have to
consume one or two void zones to prolong the time you can stay in the Mutated
Construct and apply the debuff. Your DPS raid members must make sure not to
kill off your construct before it is time for you to leave.
The above-mentioned strategy (staying inside the constructs long enough to
maintain the stacks on the Amber Monstrosity) is hardly required for the
completion of the Normal mode of this encounter, so you should not worry too
much about it. Doing it properly, however, will result in a much shorter
Phase Two.
In addition to the Phase One healing concerns, healers have to to watch out
for the following things:
When the Amber Monstrosity dies, Un'sok will enter Phase Three. He will
no longer be shielded by Amber Carapace , being fully damageable once
again. The phase lasts until Un'sok is killed.
At the start of the phase, Un'sok will cast Concentrated Mutation ,
buffing his damage done and his attack speed by 50%.
During this phase Un'sok no longer casts Amber Scalpel , but retains
Parasitic Growth , and, as we mentioned much earlier, casts
Reshape Life much more often. The increased rate of Reshape Life casts
will act as a soft enrage mechanic in this phase.
The only added mechanic is Volatile Amber . Un'sok will regularly cause
one of the amber pools located around the edges of the room to explode. This
fires a barrage of amber shards at the raid, which strike the first player
that they come into contact with. When striking a player, it deals a moderate
amount of Nature damage to them.
If the Mutated Construct is hit by Volatile Amber, it is healed for
20% of its maximum health.
Phase Three is a DPS burn phase. The greatly increased damage that Un'sok
deals due to his Concentrated Mutation buff will eventually run your
healers out of mana. Additionally, the increased rate at which
Reshape Life is cast will make it impossible for your raid to keep up with
killing the Mutated Constructs.
You should simply focus on burning the boss and ignoring any damage on the
Mutated Constructs. These Constructs should stack Amber Strike on Un'sok
as much as possible, and they should consume Burning Amber void zones
whenever needed to replenish their Willpower. This is why we advised consuming
as few void zones as possible in the previous two phases, namely so that you
would have an ample amount during this final phase.
Executing this strategy will result in a kill where you have several players
turned into Mutated Constructs.
Players must also be careful to interrupt their own Amber Explosion s
by using Struggle for Control .
There are alternative strategies available for this encounter that
revolve around stacking Destabilize to very high
numbers, and using to shorten the duration of the phases in the encounter.
In one strategy, you should do very little DPS on Un'sok During Phase One,
and kill many Living Ambers , until the room has a very high amount of
void zones. Then, when Phase Two starts, you should have the first person who
is transformed into a Mutated Construct remain in the construct for the
remainder of the fight, eating some of the many void zones to replenish their
Willpower. This player will focus on stacking the debuff on the Amber
Monstrosity, and no one should DPS this player. Subsequent Mutated Constructs
during this phase should perform as they normally would. This will result in
a short Phase Two, since the Amber Monstrosity will take greatly increased
Another strategy involves stacking the debuff as high as possible on
Un'sok during Phase One (by making sure that it never drops off between
Reshape Life casts), and bringing Un'sok down to about 72% health. When
Un'sok has very many stacks of the debuff (in excess of 60), you should wait
for a cast of Amber Scalpel and, a few seconds before it is cast, use
Heroism / Bloodlust / Time Warp and use all DPS cooldowns to burn
Un'sok down during the long cast of Amber Scalpel. If done correctly, Un'sok
should be dead or very close to dead by the time that Phase Two begins and he
starts taking greatly reduced damage. E
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