How To Sexually Satisfy A Woman

How To Sexually Satisfy A Woman


How To Sexually Satisfy A Woman
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We asked 3,289 women how happy they are with their sex lives. Then we took notes from the ones with the biggest smiles.
She Wants More Although our survey shows that satisfied women have sex several times a week, two out of five are still left craving more. "Women have a broad definition of sex, so this doesn't necessarily mean they want more intercourse," says Scott Haltzman, M.D., author of The Secrets of Happily Married Men . "A woman might just want to feel more sexual in general, so let her know you're thinking about her throughout the day, and tinge it with sexuality." One way is to text her about dinner plans and ask her to wear her hot red blouse.
Listen in: "He's afraid of seeming too eager, but I have just as large a sex drive as he does." —Marissa, 19
She Knows She's Hot Satisfied women don't suffer from low self-esteem—four in five think their partners find them extremely sexy. Want a confident girlfriend? Never criticize other women's bodies. "She'll worry about how you feel about hers," says Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., sexual-health educator at Indiana University's Kinsey Institute. "She won't feel comfortable showing you her body if she's worried you'll think she's fat, ugly, or full of cellulite."
Listen in: "When I hear him compliment me in bed, it sends me over the top." —Jane, 28
She'll Speak Up Satisfied women know what they want, and 87 percent will express it. "A woman comfortable asking for what she wants is going to be orgasmic more of the time," says Lonnie Barbach, Ph.D., author of For Each Other: Sharing Sexual Intimacy . Encourage her openness by increasing sex talk in nonsexual situations. But be sure to look out for nonverbal cues, too. "Some people do to their partners what they would like done to themselves," Barbach says. If she keeps touching you gently, for example, do that unto her.
Listen in: "I tell him everything. That's why we have great sex!" —Kathleen, 32
Pleasure's the Goal Sounds crazy, but it's true: Orgasm isn't essential to a woman's sexual satisfaction. Three out of four women say the pleasure from sex makes orgasm less necessary. So relax—your laid-back approach can put her more at ease, making her more likely to climax. "The more you try to focus on orgasm, the more you scare it away," says Barbach. Instead, attend to her without that Big-O-or-Big-Zero attitude.
Listen in: "I don't love sex for the orgasms, I love it because it brings us closer together." —Sara, 22
Passion Trumps Size The cliché is true: It is how you use it. Only 7 percent of sexually satisfied women say penis size is critical to their pleasure. The other 93 percent say they can be satisfied in other ways. "Passion is what keeps women coming back for more," says Yvonne K. Fulbright, Ph.D., the author of Touch Me There! Our survey participants agreed: They were 10 times as likely to rank both passion and generosity as more important than penis size.
Listen in: "Our sexual chemistry and his passion are what make the sex incredible!" —Louise, 22

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How to Sexually Please a Woman- Seducing a woman is not as easy as its shown in movies. It takes a lot efforts for a man to sexually please her woman but many fail miserably. You have come across this question several times that how to sexually please a woman? This could be little tricky as it is not easy to please woman. Women are complicated and you never know where you could go wrong without even knowing.
When it comes to sex it is easy for men to enjoy it but women take time to reach to orgasm. It depends on man how to sexually please a woman . There are many ways by which you could be master in bed by giving your partner all the pleasure. Here in this article we will tell you about the 4 amazing ways by which you can sexually please your woman. We hope this will help you out in having good sex with your partner.
Men consider foreplay as a a warm up for the real action and thus do not pay much attention over it. It is the biggest mistake where they go all wrong. Nothing is more pleasurable for a woman than to have foreplay. Women enjoy it a lot and it is one of the best part for them of intimacy.
Go for some new moves in foreplay and keep old one aside for sometimes because it could be no more fun for her and way more predictable. Go for something new and exciting. There is no doubt in this that foreplay are the best way to turn on a woman but it also sexually please her a lot.
Foreplay is kind of pampering for the woman. This is also very helpful in making strong bond among couple.
Your partner may get little self conscious by lying naked by your side. It is your responsibility to make her comfortable and confident with you. There is not any better way for doing this than complimenting her. She really needs to know that how beautiful she look, feel, smell and many other think which comes to your mind.
There could be a lot of stress in women’s mind that whether she is looking good or not. These factors keep her away from the sexual pleasure. Make sure that your partner do not think about all these thinks while having sex with you.
The best way to please your woman is to do what she like and to do that you are needed to communicate. Woman are mostly uncomfortable in talking about sex. It all depends on you how you make her feel comfortable. Talk to her, ask her what she likes more while having sex. You can do this during, before or even after sex this will keep her interest in you for long.
The more attention you will pay to your partner the more she will enjoy the sex with you. So do your best to please your woman sexually.
We know this is not a biology class. But you need to know all about the woman body if you want to please her. If you want to please your partner in bed than you need to play some extra attention on some part of her body. Women needs clitoral stimulation to climax, this is the best spot on which you need to focus for pleasing your women sexually.
Do not change your positions constantly, as woman need time to actually enjoy the sex, therefore, stay in same position for a while. Feel free to ask your partner that what makes her feel good and then keep doing that.
Bring a woman to the climax is difficult as compare to man. So if you really want to please your woman then you really need to put some efforts from your end. Talk openly with your partner about sex you never know you might just have some common fantasies. Keep in mind to make her feel comfortable with you this also helps her to enjoy sex. Understand between both of you will make sex more pleasing for both of you.
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