How To Sell Feet Pics On Instagram

How To Sell Feet Pics On Instagram


How To Sell Feet Pics On Instagram
Do you want to make money selling feet pictures online?
If so, then this article is for you! We’re going to show you how to sell your feet pics on Instagram.
You can sell photos of your feet and even create custom content for people who want it! It’s a great way to make some extra cash while doing something fun.
So if you have pretty toes or nice ankles, read on and we’ll tell you everything there is to know about making money with them.
And don’t worry – no one will ever see these pictures unless YOU say they can!
Yes? Ready to sell feet pics on Instagram?
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Instagram is one of the best social media sites to sell your feet pics on because it’s used by so many people.
And, most importantly, anyone can create an account and work towards getting maximum exposure!
It is just as simple as it sounds like.
In fact, there are tonnes of people who are selling feet pics on Instagram already. You can find them using the most popular hashtags like #feetpics #feetpicsforsale #feetpicsinstagram #footfetis #feetpicswanted
Well, we did some of the work and found these feet pic accounts on the top –
To get started, you’re going to need a dedicated creator account. This is an Instagram page that you will use only for selling feet pics.
This way, your personal account remains safe from any of the content that you post on your business site!
You can avoid any picture, locations or clothes that reveal your identity on your business Instagram account.
It is best to keep your Instagram account separate if you want to use it to sell feet pics.
Your catered Instagram for selling feet pics should have an optimised profile with an attractive display picture and a relevant link.
After you create and upload the content, you need to build a relevant following.
Having a good amount of followers will help to increase the exposure that your foot pictures get.
To do this, make sure that your Instagram account is easy to find with appropriate hashtags as well as having good engagement on all of your posts.
This is the best way to build up a following for your feet pics.
To get more followers on Instagram, ensure that you reply to all of your comments and direct messages.
This step is very important because it will help you set your prices for feet pics. If you’re new with average to no following, you can start selling your feet pictures at about $5 – 20 (depending on how good and creative your feet pics are)
You can also create packages that include x number of feet pics for an x amount.
Make sure to get a clear idea of what your price ranges are before you start selling your pictures.
If you have a good following, you can increase the prices since customers will be happy to pay more for your content.
The next step is to upload the feet pictures that you want sell on Instagram.
There are a couple of things that you need to remember when uploading your photos.
Having an engaged following on your business Instagram for selling feet pics is essential.
Try creating exclusive foot pictures for fans who pay you (discuss the price in advance with them depending on how popular they are and their willingness to pay).
This will provide an incentive to buy feet pics from you.
After you get a few customers, you need to find ways to keep them coming back.
No, it is not illegal to sell feet pics on Instagram. You can use it to sell feet pictures as discussed in this post.
As discussed in the answer to the previous FAQ, it depends on your Instagram follower and if they want exclusive or not. You can set a rate yourself and you can also do packages.
At a minimum, I would say charge between $5 – 20 for a single feet pic.
You can use #niche #selling #sell #customfeetpics #feetpicsforsale #feetpicbuyers #custom #forsale #buyers #instamodel #instagood #instadaily to try to get more people to see your Instagram selling feet pictures.
Selling feet pics doesn’t require you to be a foot model, it only requires that you have nice looking feet.
You can choose the feet pictures of women wearing high heels, stockings or other kinds of clothes.
Just google up feet pics or sexy feet pics and get inspired. Get creative.
At this point, I would really love to tell you that you can also make money selling photos of yourself, selling hand pics and more.
and, if all this is TOO MUCH, you can get paid to chat and flirt.
Wondering where you can sell your feet pics , then you should try the following:
Check this and this out to know everything about selling feet pics and make money.
If you have ever wanted to earn money from your feet, the time is now.
You can make money through selling photos of your feet on Instagram, and making custom content for people who want to buy it!
This article has shown you how to sell feet pics on instagram.
The best part is that there are no start up costs; all you need is a cell phone with an internet connection and some creativity.
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The talk about selling feet pictures comes up in every weird conversation.
You also hear about lots of people making absolute bank by doing so.
But the ultimate question is, is it really possible to make money selling feet pictures?
And the answer is a resounding YES.
In this article I’m going to teach you how to harness the power of Instagram and make this possible.
Instagram is the most powerful social media today.
It makes complete sense that we use this platform for our existing businesses or for creating new ones.
First and foremost you need to create an Instagram account dedicated to your feet pics.
This means creating a good username, bio and profile picture.
The key is to make it known that you’re a foot model from the get-go.
As soon as people land on your page they should know that you’re there to sell feet pics.
I found a comprehensive list on Nick Finder , but use it for inspiration only, you don’t want to use something similar to somebody else’s.
Be unique, and let your username describe who you are.
The possibilities are endless. Just have fun with it.
You want to keep it subtle that you’re selling feet pictures. Your bio is for people to learn who you are and what your profile is about, it’s NOT a place to sell.
You never want to mention anything about selling. It’s meant to be subtle.
If you go on someone’s page and you don’t even know who they are, but they have in their bio “I’ve been using this to make money online. It’s only $47 to join and they have a free trial. Sign up now”.
It just makes you want to click the back button right way.
In the website area you want to add your Linktree. In your Linktree page you’ll have a link to your Instafeet page, or whatever website you use.
Stick to the tried and true method when it comes to adding content.
Simply add a good amount of pictures in the beginning so you have content for new visitors.
When you have a good amount of content and lots of followers, you can slow down a bit and add 1 picture per day.
Because you are now a foot model, you will have to take lots of feet pictures.
In this business a good camera matters, good lighting matters, pedicures matter, good looking feet is your money-maker.
Treat them well and they’ll treat you well.
Take Goddess Verona for example. Her pictures are pretty basic but they are HIGH quality, and she looks after her feet incredibly well.
Hashtags are a great (and might I add super easy) way to get targeted followers.
I don’t recommend using them all in one post. Switch it up to match your pictures, you don’t want to use irrelevant hashtags.
Also these are just a starting point, you can branch out to other hashtags. Heck, you might find more success using others.
The great thing about feet pictures is that it’s a fetish, and there are websites for many different fetishes.
Therefore there are websites we can use to our advantage that are dedicated to feet.
The good part is that feet lovers go to these websites, and if your profile stands out, you’ll get a new subscriber (in addition to subscribers from Instagram).
You can use OnlyFans but there are some downsides.
Feet lovers hang out at Instafeet and they have a search function that allows them to view different profiles, that way you can gain additional subscribers.
OnlyFans doesn’t have this surfing feature, and also they’re not targeted buyers.
Instafeet only takes 10% of your earnings, while OnlyFans takes 20%. It just makes more sense in every way to use Instafeet over OnlyFans.
Liking feet is a foot fetish, and that means there are people we need to target that have an absolute love for feet.
I will show you EXACTLY how I earned 5-figures from a little camping blog I made
The super simplest way to grow your Instagram account is to use hashtags (no more than 15 – 30 for each post) and following other people.
For example: Go to a popular feet fetish hashtag like #feetfemdom, click on a profile that’s getting lots of engagement, then follow their followers.
Do this everyday and your Instagram account will grow steadily.
When you’re getting new subscribers just by posting frequently, you can stop using this method.
According to Hubspot, the best times to post on Instagram for optimum exposure is between 11 am and 2 pm on weekdays, with weekends being the worst times to post.
Of course these are mostly calculated in generalities, as everyone has a different follower base.
The best time to post your feet pics is when your audience is the most active, which you can find under Followers in your analytics.
You can see the hours and days of the week they are most active, and post in those time slots.
As a foot model you want to get paid monthly, this is how your income can snowball and make thousands of dollars per month.
Don’t bother trying to sell a feet picture here and there for $5. That is limited thinking.
You want explosive growth, and the best way to get there is by getting people to subscribe.
I recommend Instafeet but if you don’t like them you can use Feet Finder.
If you want to use OnlyFans, you can, just know that they take 10% more from your earnings.
The plus side to OF is that they’re a trusted website, so it might be easier to get new subscribers.
Angles, poses, and locations are your best friend. Take inspiration from Google Images and see what other people are doing.
This is the easiest way to draw inspiration and try different things.
You can also make yourself a mystery by only showing half of your face in your pictures.
If they want to see your full face, they can pay for it by going to your link.
If people like your content they’ll go to your profile and check out your link anyway.
Plus you’ll look less spammy and more genuine.
Feet pictures are for those that have a foot fetish.
Not everyone likes feet, so your pool for potential customers is lower than someone selling nudes.
However, there are still millions of people paying girls to see their feet, and you can be the next one.
As long as you follow the tips I have outlined and keep at it, you can make good money.
I say start with $10 just to get your foot in the door and some subscribers under your belt.
Goddess Verona charges $15 a month and she’s currently in the top 3.9% on OnlyFans, JUST by selling feet pics.
That simply tells me that people are willing to pay even more than $10 per month as long as your content is good.
That’s why it’s important to put out nothing but the best. High quality pictures with good lighting is key.
It’s a simple numbers game. The more subscribers you have, the more money you can make.
You can make just as much money selling feet pictures as you can selling nudes.
The secret is in your marketing efforts.
As long as you can grow your Instagram account with targeted followers, a small percentage of them will subscribe to your Instafeet account.
That wraps up this article on selling feet pictures on Instagram.
I’ve discovered that it’s very hard in the beginning and you’ll feel demotivated a lot of the time.
But it’s the small wins that bring that motivation back and desire to keep going.
That’s why I say charge people only $10 at the start, because those little wins are going to keep you at it and grow.
PS: If you’re an attractive female you can use these 8 other methods to make money.
If you still have any questions or concerns, please ask me in the comments below and I’ll get back to you asap
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What do you consider a job? In 2021, Influencers, OnlyFans accounts and TikTok creators are amongst some of the highest paying job roles. One of the easiest ways to sell money will blow your mind!
The sale of feet pictures is one that is often joked about, but there are some people who make really good money out of it.
There are countless users on Instagram who send messages to accounts asking for feet pics, but it is very rare that they are being serious.
There are some people out there who have a fascination with feet, or a foot fettish, as it is more commonly known.
These people will often send mesasges to people, usually on Instagram or Twitter, asking for pictures of their feet in exchange for money.
The amounts of money that people can make from selling feet pics can vary, as it all depends on the seller or the buyer.
Some people sell their pictures for £20 and some for £200!
According to some of the videos made by professional feet pic sellers, it can be done easily on apps like Instagram.
Users just need to respond to certain dm’s or start looking for the accounts that want to buy feet pics.
Famous YouTuber @Ellbat sold pictures of her feet and made a fortune by doing so.
She now shares YouTube videos informing users how to do the same.
There are countless videos on TikTok of users explainig what they have used the money they gained from selling pictures of their feet for.
This user explains how you can make money by selling feet pics.
PART 1 : how I sell feet pics to make money #fyp
This TikTok user has paid her last 6 month’s rent by selling pictures of her feet.
In this video a user shows off about how she makes her money, and how her parents have no idea.
It’s a joke but if you know any good apps to sell feet pics let ya girl know #ButterGlossPop #foryoupage #xyzbca #fyp #ohio #feet #coronavirus

How To Sell Feet Pics: Make $200 A Day Selling Pictures of Your Feet
It is a complete guide for creators to sell their feet pictures and make $200 a day on different feet pics selling sites.
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Can you believe that people could buy your feet pics and you can make money? In this article, do you understand how you can sell your feet pics and some platforms to sell your feet pics? I know some people might find this idea of selling feet pictures weird, but believe me, there is a whole genre of people selling feet pictures and making money.
Selling feet pictures are entirely legit, legal, and a real side-hustle to make money. However, a vast market exists where more people are interested in buying feet pictures for various reasons, including some people who have the fetish. In contrast, others believe your feet pics for adding them to their blog posts or other media.
We were on a date, and my girlfriend asked me to take a picture; I thought she wanted us to show a full-body shot, but turn out, she directed the camera to our feet. I know this might be an Instagram or TikTok thing, but some people like the idea of showing feet pictures.
When you are selling something, it is important to understand who wants to buy your feet pics? If you might find the idea of selling nudes is more viable than someone selling their feet pics, but I have to tell you, selling feet pics is very real, and there are a lot of different kinds of people and companies who would love to pay you for your feet pics.
The following type of people are the ones who will be interested in buying your feet pics;
Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram could be ideal for creators who want to sell pictures of their feet. For example, on Instagram, people like to share and engage with the idea of sharing feet pictures with their followers. As a result, hashtags like #feetpics and #myfeet are famous among thousands of people.
Similarly, hundreds of Facebook groups and Subreddits on Reddit have the name r/feet with over 240,000 followers. So again, this shows the possibility of reaching a great audience and exposing yourself to opportunities to get more sales.
But, the question is; how do people buy feet pictures from you? Interested clients reach out to you
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