How To Seduce My Wife

How To Seduce My Wife


How To Seduce My Wife

Written by Mike Zhang in Marriage , Wife
In the book Every Woman’s Battle by Shannon Ethridge, it is indicated that women crave emotional intimacy. They need to have their body, soul, mind, and heart enticed and cared for because these are all intricately connected.
Being the husband, you must continually seduce your wife so that her attention and love will regularly be filled and satisfied. It not always the grand things that can make her happy. It is the everyday stuff and your consistency that can make a world of a difference.
What they see, hear, and experience with you is critical in making your marriage and your intimate relations grow. You should make every effort possible every day so that your sexual life remains interesting even years down the road.
You must understand that for these tips to work, you must actually want to seduce your wife. Seducing simply means winning her heart and her love every day. It does not mean that you want to seduce her for the purpose of just having sex.
Seduction is more than physical intercourse. Seducing your wife means reminding her the reasons why she gave up her freedom of singlehood for you. Enticing your wife is giving her the love that she deserves every day.
By reminding yourself that you are doing these things because you love your wife, it will be easier to make an effort to seduce her.
Whether you have been married for a decade or for just a few months, your goal must be to know the likes and dislikes of your wife. It is not just because you want to please her, but also a way to build your relationship with your wife.
You should know the things that make your wife laugh and smile. You must understand when she reacts positively and when she responds negatively. By identifying her likes, you can definitely know the different ways to seduce your wife.
Just a little note, though. Just like you, your spouse’s likes continuously evolve and change. This is actually the joy of relationships and marriage. By talking and doing things with your wife, you can also determine her current favorites and dislikes.
I think most women will agree on this: they want men to lead and to take control—not just in sexual activity, but in everyday tasks and chores. They want their men to be strong and firm in their decisions.
You have to take charge of your relationship and your marriage. As the husband, you must be accountable and responsible for your wife. You should be critical in the direction of your marriage and determine the right path for your relationship.
As your wife sees that you are very hands-on in your marriage, it will definitely be a turn-on for her. She views you not only as her lover, but also as the leader of your relationship.
I do not know about you, but I can honestly say that I am not a natural when it comes to showing physical affection to my wife. I literally have to make an effort to hug and kiss her.
Early on in the marriage, when I hugged and kissed my wife, my only intention was to do these things so that they would eventually lead to sex. But my wife reiterated that I should also make an effort to do these acts just for the sake of doing them.
Women love hugs. They can feel the warmth and the love that you have for her if you just hug her tight. Wrap your hands around her to make her feel secure and protected. Hugs will also give her the comfort that she needs, especially when she is tired or stressed.
Another way of showing affection is by kissing her on different parts of her body. You can give her a peck on top of her head when she is reading, at the nape of her neck when she is washing the dishes, on the lips when she is not looking, on the cheeks when in public, on the hands when she is going out of your car, and on her forehead when she feels beaten and defeated.
You may see these are just minor acts of affection, but to your wife, these are affirmations of your love to her. You are definitely seducing your wife when you do these every day.
When I say give, it does not only pertain to material possessions. You should be a giver in different aspects of your relationship as a couple. What do I mean when I say that you must be a giver?
The most obvious way would be sex-related. You must do everything that is pleasurable for her. The key here is communication. If you are not sure whether the things you do in bed are good for her or not, you can just ask her. You might be surprised and enticed by the things that she will suggest to you.
Foreplay is something that is crucial in your physical intimacy with your spouse. You cannot just go to your bed, do the deed, and sleep. Touching and stroking is very important to her. Massages are great starters.
Another way to be a giver is by letting her decide on some of the things in the household, like the color of the room, the type of drapes, and what kind of sofa to buy. Giving her the power to choose makes her feel empowered. It also makes her a true partner in the family.
Another way to seduce your wife is by challenging her intellectually. You ought to know that most women want to be stimulated in their thoughts and minds. You must understand her way of thinking and talk to her about what arouses her the most.
If she loves talking about movies, then you can make an effort to watch the genre of movies that she likes. If she loves books, then you can try to read her favorite novels or fiction stories. If she loves biking or outdoor activities, then you can read some magazines about gears, apparel, destinations or popular personalities.
Instead of the usual “I am coming home” or “What’s for dinner?” texts, you can send her a message saying “I love you” or “I can’t wait to see you.” Women always want to be surprised, even in texts.
By building up the anticipation and sensuality of your messages, you will make her more than eager to see you after work.
No matter how many years you have been married, you should always see your wife as the one you fell in love with. Do not ever stop complimenting her dresses, her shoes, her makeup, and her overall appearance. You can see how much effort she puts into fixing herself up. Reward her by telling how beautiful she looks.
And you should not only compliment her in her aesthetics. You can also say to her that you appreciate her for being there for you in times of trouble, or say something nice like “Thanks for being by my side” or “I love the way you take care of me.”
Another way to seduce your wife is by making a romantic dinner reservation. Plan the day ahead by purchasing flowers or buying a nice dress for her. Make the night more memorable by dancing with her or walking with her on the way home.
You also do not have to spend much for a dinner date. You can cook for your wife and set up your dinner table. Dim the lights, prepare some nice music, and get some candles to make the ambiance more romantic.
Thank you for reading this post. We hope you found it helpful.
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By ReGain Editorial Team | Updated June 23, 2022
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Women and men are very different. What puts you in the mood is totally different than what puts her in the mood. It seems like men are almost always in the mood. But when it comes to getting the wife into bed, that is a whole different ballgame. No matter how long you have been married, it seems like you still have no idea what she wants, right? In the beginning, it was easy because everything was new and exciting. But now that you have been together for a while, you have no idea how to seduce your wife .
You may think it should be easy to get sparks flying with your wife. After all, she married you, and she loves you. Why should you have to work so hard to get your wife into bed? But seduction is not really about love or being married. Seducing a woman is about attraction. According to experts, women are attracted to certain things. Here are some of the most common turn-ons in most women.
If your idea on how to seduce your wife is putting the kids to bed and asking her to get naked, you are doing it wrong. After all this time, you ought to know at least a little about what your wife likes. Think about it. What did your wife enjoy the last time you two got romantic? Of course, you do not want to do the same thing every time because that gets boring. But you can at least get some ideas of how to get your beautiful wife into bed by thinking about it.
Women do not have a button you can press that automatically put them in the mood. Women love it when you romance them. Spend some time telling her how beautiful she is and how much she still turns you on. Bring her flowers. Ask her about her day. Make her laugh. There are many ways to bring back intimacy with your wife. Women love it when you offer to do something for her that she doesn’t like to do. Like vacuum or put the kids to bed.
Seducing your spouse may be as easy as writing her a love note or poem. Just stick a small note that says, “I love you,” in her purse or under her cell phone. With marriage today, we do not have enough time to do things like that. Everything is trending towards texting or social media chats. A hand-written note is more personal because it takes more effort; she will appreciate that. Don’t stop there, though. Maybe you can write a longer note about all the things you love about her and how much you appreciate all that she does.
Please don’t stop telling her why she is great. Make your comments personal and true. She wants to hear other compliments like how intelligent she is and how proud you are to marry her. Again, be authentic and sincere. What is she really good at? Does she have a hobby she loves? Please pay attention to what she does and compliment her on how well she does it. Paying attention is the key point in this paragraph. It’s time to start paying attention to her again.
What does your wife love to do that she hardly ever gets to do? Get a mani-pedi? Go to the movies? Go out for dinner instead of cooking dinner? Or maybe she loves it when you rub her feet after work or massage her shoulders. Don’t just do it because you want it to turn sexual, do it because you care about her. She wants to know that you are doing it because you love her and not just get her into bed. Seducing your wife could be as simple as having a nice meal and seeing a movie. This also makes the chore of making dinner off both of you, so you have more time and energy to enjoy each other in the bedroom.
Remember when you two first got together? What did you do for fun back then? When you were so worried about impressing her and making her want you. Think about what you did back then that actually worked. Were you charming and funny? Did you dress better? Maybe you used to wear cologne and style your hair. If you stopped doing all of that over the years (or during the COVID quarantine), you might need to dab on a bit of Old Spice and get a haircut. Put on some nice jeans and a nice t-shirt. She will be impressed.
You may think you are brilliant when it comes to cars, computers, or whatever else you know about. But when it comes to women, most men are a little more insecure. Women like to feel challenged, and she wants to know that you value how smart she is. Women tend to need some mental and emotional stimulation. Ask her opinion on something you know she loves to talk about. Or talk to her about a problem at work that you want her help with. You may be surprised what she comes up with. When you truly listen to her ideas and opinions - that makes her feel special.
You may need to try something new in the bedroom. Remember, this is about her needs, not yours, so be careful what you propose. When you are in a sexually intimate situation, remember to take care of her. Positive outcomes from one situation help to lead into the next encounter. Maybe she has always wanted to have sex in the backyard or the pool. Or you could try some new sexual positions. It may just be that she is bored and needs a new trick to get her back in the mood. Talk about it. She may be able to tell you herself how to seduce her.
Of course, she was attracted to you when you got together. You probably would not have lasted this long if she wasn’t. But time has gone by, and maybe you do not look the same as you used to. Have you put on a few pounds? Stopped grooming your beard? No? Maybe you look exactly like you did when you first met. But as women get older, their tastes sometimes change. Watch how she looks at other men. Does she seem to appreciate some facial hair but not a beard? That may be a way to catch her eye.
However, it is not only about looks with women. Intelligence can be a major turn-on for women. Show her some new things you have learned or start a conversation about something you are really good at. Posture is another thing. Once we get married, we seem to let ourselves get too relaxed. Are you slouching in your chair right now? Women can see that as low self-esteem or lack of interest in what is going on around them. Sit up straight, hold your head up, and be confident. Another thing women like is someone fun and happy. If you seem to be going through life with no passion, that can be a turn-off.
You should never do many things when trying to bring back the spark with your wife. So, what are some important things that you should not do? Here are some of our tips:
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How do I get my wife to be attracted to me again?
If you notice that the spark has faded in your relationship and your wife seems less attracted to you, do not fear. This phenomenon happens in many relationships as time goes on, simply because we get used to our surroundings and become less exciting. 
A great first step is to analyze your situation. It is essential to determine the larger issues causing your wife to become less attracted to you (or seem less attracted to you).
Distance in a relationship could be due to a lack of intimacy (whether emotional or physical), frequent disagreements, being too busy with other aspects of life, among other things.
Addressing these obstacles together is often key to making your wife or spouse happy. She may not have all the answers herself, but communicating that something is amiss together is critical. 
If you find that she is less attracted to you because there is a lack of intimacy, try seducing your wife in a way that she finds exciting. If frequent spats are causing the lack of attraction, try talking to a relationship counselor that can help you work together to find compromise and communication strategies. 
Sometimes, simple changes can make a big difference. Be sure to make time to be together if you find that that is lacking in your relationship. No matter what, remember that open communication and patience are wonderful tools to have.
Why is my wife not interested in me sexually?
Often, spouses have trouble maintaining sexual interest in each other as the years go on. It is very typical to experience a decrease in libido for many different reasons. 
Also, many people can lose interest in a monogamous partner sexually even if they still feel romantically interested. However, maintaining a sexual connection with your spouse is very important to many couples, and there are ways to reignite the spark if it has diminished. 
Often, to help reignite the spark , couples need to switch something up to make things feel new and exciting again. Depending on the root cause of the diminished sexual attraction, this can include seducing your wife or incorporating something exciting in the bedroom routine, working on yourself outside of your marriage, or trying something new to make her feel emotionally supported.
What to do when your wife is no longer attracted to you?
As a relationship goes on, it is unfortunately somewhat common for couples to feel less attracted to each other. The nature of day-to-day life can easily make us forget why we appreciate others, and people also grow and change with time.
However, it is possible to bring back the excitement and attra
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