How To Seduce A Sagittarius Man

How To Seduce A Sagittarius Man


How To Seduce A Sagittarius Man
As far as fun loving, spontaneous and fast moving men go, you won’t find many more upbeat than a Sagittarius.
Born under one of the fire signs of the zodiac, the Sagittarius man has one of the most positive outlooks around.
None of life’s hurdles ever faze a Sagittarius man for long. He’s smart, he’s good-looking, but more than anything, he moves with the flow of life almost too fast to catch.
If you think he’s too hot to handle though, relax – because here’s how to seduce a Sagittarius man and make him fall in love with you.
The Sagittarius man is an individual , through and through. He has a unique outlook on life, and he moves through it at his own pace.
Having said that, that pace tends to be rapid – you’re dealing with the king of spontaneous fun. The Sagittarius man sees life as his playground, and seldom is seen without a smile.
If you’ve ever shared stories with a man who seems to remark even on his unlucky moments with a gleam in his eye and a broad grin, he may well be a Sagittarius.
As you might expect, those women wondering how to seduce a Sagittarius man should keep the lighter side of life in mind.
A Sagittarius man doesn’t like the idea of negative thinking, gloomy talk or dwelling on heavy thoughts and feelings.
Of course, that can sometimes make it seem like he’s chuckling while running from his problems, but cross that bridge when you get to it. In the meantime, make a Sagittarius man love you with your happy go lucky ways.
If you imagine life from his perspective, it can often feel to a Sagittarius man like he’s the only one around seeing the more upbeat side of life. He can’t relate to the doom and gloom happening in the media and news.
Show him how you’re able to make the best of every situation , just like him, and you’ll have started your journey into dating a Sagittarius man in a confident way, with plenty of common ground.
While you might be longing for some traditional wining and dining, the traits of a Sagittarius man mean he’s often easily bored.
That isn’t your fault, it’s simply that his pioneering spirit and longing for adventure mean he can seldom keep still for long.
This actually makes a fantastic opportunity to show your fun side to him, especially if you can show off your love of life’s little pleasures.
It doesn’t have to be whitewater rafting or bungee jumping every time you meet up, but you can definitely think up date ideas like dance classes, bowling or other more outlandish activities.
You can win the heart of the Sagittarius man, despite his reputation for moving on fast, by showing that you’re so much fun and entertainment to be around that he simply can’t leave you alone.
Don’t worry though, he’s got the tenderness and heart to see the real you too. You’ll find the balance as you go – what counts is that you’ll have masses of fun getting there.
The Sagittarius man is a giving and warm-hearted lover, and thanks to his unstoppable honest streak, he’s also really loyal and trustworthy.
But what matters to him is that life stays fresh and fun – this is the only obstacle you need to keep in mind.
The Sagittarius man is the kind of guy who lives his life in the moment, as has been discussed.
However, one thing to keep in mind is that this can mean that, when it comes to what to expect when dating a Sagittarius man, you might want to think twice about elaborately planning out how you spend time together.
As soon as something appeals to a Sagittarius man, he’s off and away to get involved with it. It could be sport, performance, art or a new project, but he wants to make it happen.
You don’t need to feel left in the dust though. In fact, if you’re finding out how to make a Sagittarius man fall for you, one of the best things you can do is learn to live in the moment too.
Better still, feel free to change up the game plan yourself and see how he reacts. You’ll find he rolls with the punches like no man you’ve ever met, and that adaptive quality is a big part of the best Sagittarius male traits.
Before you know it, you’re one of the most fun people he knows – and most of all, he’s inviting you to everything he does.
More than this, you’re one step closer to one of the biggest secret ways to a Sagittarius man’s heart.
In short, you can make a Sagittarius man fall for you by being his best friend and partner in crime. That’s what he wants in a lover more than anything.
As already explained, the Sagittarius man sees the bright side of life, and even if that blinds him to the darker side of life from time to time, what’s important to him is having a good time, all day every day.
Of course, over time he’ll see that other matters need his attention too, but when it comes to dating a Sagittarius man, it’s best not to get drama involved.
Avoid fights and confrontations – talk through disagreements rationally and, wherever possible, with a sense of humour.
Similarly, you can help him even more by proving how you’re the ultimate escape from the drama and aggravation he finds elsewhere in life.
You can make a Sagittarius fall in love with you by lifting his spirits when he faces that grey, serious stuff he hates in life.
A Sagittarius man loves the good life, and the better you can make things for him, the more he’s going to stick by you.
Given half a chance, he’d laugh away stress and anxiety anyway – if you’re looking for a boyfriend who’ll cheer you up when you’re down, look no further!
While there’s plenty of information around on how adventurous and spontaneous a Sagittarius man can be, a big part of that involves him having the freedom to do that whenever the whim takes him.
It isn’t always timed the best way, but when the urge overcomes him, it’s a powerful one. What’s more, one of the fastest ways to turn off a Sagittarius man is to contain him or make him feel like he can’t be free.
There’ll be plenty of times he wants to be with you, but when it’s your Sagittarius man’s time to reconnect with himself the worst reaction you can take is to come across as clingy.
To him, it’s as though the cage door is slamming with him inside it, and he’ll run a mile.
The good news is, a Sagittarius man is very honest and direct, and you can trust him to speak his mind. If you’re worried that you’ll need to read between the lines, don’t be.
The thing is, it could catch you by surprise sometimes, so it’s another reason why it’s best to try and go with the flow with your Sagittarius man as much as you can.
While it’s true that a Sagittarius man loves having fun and taking life as it comes, another layer to him is that he absolutely loves unravelling the big questions.
The Sagittarius man might hate drama and glum feelings, it’s true, but that doesn’t mean he’s shallow or only out for a good time.
In fact, the Sagittarius is driven to find out the truth about everything that falls under his gaze.
A great way to connect with a Sagittarius man is to discuss philosophy, the meaning behind a movie or a piece of art, or the deeper meaning of life as a whole.
The Sagittarius man is always asking questions, and it means a lot to him to be able to share that curiosity with his partner and best friend.
Expanding on that even further, keep an open mind about all the things that you and your Sagittarius man discuss together.
If you’re able to show that you can see things from another perspective and that you’re not closed-minded, he’ll confide everything in you.
While he’s not the kind to keep secrets in the first place, your Sagittarius man definitely wants to feel like he’s doing more than just running his mouth to someone who won’t listen.
Pay attention and be that kind ear he needs, and you’ll have worked out how to find a Sagittarius man for a soulmate.
Because he’s so driven to find the truth, the Sagittarius man comes to learn to despise even the idea of dishonesty. It simply doesn’t resonate with him.
This means that you know that what you see is what you get when you date a Sagittarius man – and more than this, you might find it cute when he’s put in a position where he feels he has to lie and blunders even trying. He’ll blurt out what he got for your birthday as soon as look at you.
However, what the Sagittarius man often fails to realise is that he’s quite unique in being as direct, honest and forthright as he is.
In fact, sometimes he’s so honest that his truth can be cutting, although if you point this out to him he’s sure to apologise – he hates the idea of hurting someone.
While this all sounds good on paper, it can be scary for the soulmate of a Sagittarius man to think that even the little white lies won’t wash with this man.
He expects the same direct honesty and truth as he gives, and doesn’t always realise what a tall order this can be.
Do your best in being as open and earnest with your Sagittarius man as you can, though. Fostering that trust together early is the best way of ensuring the relationship lasts, and lets him know that investing in you is a wise move.
The infectious grin and unstoppable pace of a Sagittarius man is intoxicating, and it’s hard not to be taken in by his goofy flirting and constant joking around.
However, beneath all that clowning about is someone who wants to see the truths of the world laid bare and used to enrich humanity.
The Sagittarius man might look like he’s just out to have fun, but there’s ore of a hunger for profound discussion and intellectual stimulation going on under the surface than sometimes even he realises.
When you’re planning how to win over a Sagittarius man, don’t hold back in the fun and games department.
This is a guy who loves to go out partying all night, spontaneously take a flight away for the weekend, or randomly driving out for takeout at 4AM.
If you’re able to avoid being clingy and containing, he’ll feel more liberated with you around than he ever could alone – and you’ll have truly worked out how to win the heart of a Sagittarius man.
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Imelda Green has been the Psychic Medium and spiritual advisor of choice to the rich and famous ever since 1982.
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A Sagittarius in love is a sight to behold. Aggressively fun, this sign usually moves full speed ahead once they have their love target ’locked’. They enjoy a challenge and especially are attracted to confident outgoing partners.
A Sagittarian’s zeal for life is quite contagious. Their curiosity about life is enticing and they view relationships as adventures to be enjoyed to the fullest. Expect to be spoiled by your intense Sagittarius and get ready for a roller-coaster experience.
Sagittarius men have a reputation for being flirtatious and hard to catch. The reputation is not totally undeserved. On the other hand they are very friendly and like to meet new friends. The problem lies in the fact that they get easily bored. You might attract his interest easily but keeping that same interest alive far more challenging.
The solution lies in keeping him guessing. There are several ways to accomplish this.
For a first date, do not take the traditional approach of dinner and a movie or anything similar. Instead take your Sagittarius for a wacky, adventurous outdoor activity.
This sign needs physical movement or he gets restless otherwise. Indulge his love of adventure and he wont’ be bored with you. Some good ideas would be a paintball party, a rafting trip followed by a picnic, a rodeo show or an evening of drinking and gambling.
No wonder you’ve fallen for a Sagittarian, they definitely have that little something something that makes everyone and not just the ladies go crazy! That something is a kind of a zest for life that not many people have, especially not these days.
Usually, there’s a crowd there and they’ll always loves the show almost as much as he’ll love putting it on for them. He’s a true people person, so if you want to get close you’ll simply have to work your way through the crowd and get your chance. But don’t take your time, he’s not the one to dwell on anything for longer periods of time. Not even relationships!
Yes, a Sagittarian guy is a complete and total flirt! This is where his enticing personality, sharp tongue, openness and sarcasm come into play. And boy does he have game or what? But you probably know that already seeing as how he’s already caught your eye. The way to catch his on the other hand may not be as easy as you’d think.
Yes, he’s a flirt, yes he’s super talkative – but, the way to truly spark interest in a Sagittarian is with brains! You don’t want to be just one of the girls he casually talks to. There are many of those. He’s probably bored with them by the end of the conversation, and being bored is what makes him run for the hills!
So, he may be surrounded by women and leading a somewhat promiscuous life but the way to really get him into thinking of settling down is to charm him with a sharp mind. One that can be compared to his. Once you’ve got him NEVER try to tame him completely. His independence will always remain the number one thing in his life, and he’ll respect you the most if he sees you appreciate your own independence as well!
When he sees you’re the type of girl who can measure up to him in optimism and the undisputable will to live life to the fullest without conforming to anyone or anything, only then will he find a permanent place for you in his heart.
The thing with a Sagittarian man is that although he may be a bit of a gamble as a boyfriend, he’ll never ever be dishonest. Deceit is not in his nature, and he will always be upfront with where he stands and how he feels, even to the point of unintentionally hurting you with his frankness.
He’s the kind of guy that can dream up the most amazing things, and just when you thought he’s stuck in fantasy land, get up and make it all happen. So, you better learn now to keep up pace ’cause getting him to slow down is not an option!
🌕 Beaver Full Moon in November 🦫 occurs at a time when autumn practically gives way to winter. Animals, including beavers, prepare for the cold. People also think about their future. This is a time of reflection, planning and augmentation of benefits. Opportunities should not be scattered, energy should not be wasted in vain. To succeed, you need to be consistent.

Home / Astrology / How To Seduce a Sagittarius Man And Make Him Want You

How To Seduce a Sagittarius Man And Make Him Want You

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Learning how to seduce a Sagittarius man will help you understand his characteristics and create a pathway to fun intimacy and a fulfilling connection.
The Sagittarius man has vast reserves of energy, which he channels into his passions, interests, and anything new. And the fun side to this trait of his is that you can also get him to channel this energy towards you.
Due to his boundless energy and powerful presence, Sagittarius man is popular with the opposite sex. Therefore, I advise you to get straight to seducing him before another woman takes his eye.
Understanding his traits and characteristics is all-important in appreciating how he reacts when it comes to matters of the heart.
Getting him to notice you is easy, but seducing a Sagittarius man needs a little understanding of his unique character traits, and how his mind operates.
Something that should be at the forefront of the mind of any woman who has the hots for a Sagittarius man, is by understanding his complex personality.
Leading relationship and dating expert Anna Kovach has studied this zodiac sign and developed a program called Sagittarius Man Secrets , which I think you will find really interesting.
The signs of the zodiac are divided into four categories:
Of course, the sign of Sagittarius relates to the element of fire and, therefore, is a fire sign.
As you can probably imagine this is where your crush gets the masculine fiery energy that constantly pushes him to be interested in adventure and new discoveries.
The red-blooded male born in the sign of the centaur archer is very much the hunter.
He is drawn to a woman who is confident and presents a challenge to his enquiring mind.
This guy will be attracted to a woman who dresses well and has an air of mystery about her.
Attention from a fire sign like Sagittarius Man is usually from a woman’s physical assets, so make the most of what you have.
Avoid being trashy or too revealing, and make sure your hair is well-groomed, nails polished, and a subtle perfume to arouse his other senses.
If you have broken the ice and he has started to ask you questions avoid telling him your life story but just feed him snippets about yourself to keep him interested.
Try to keep him guessing, which will make you seem all the more mysterious.
This star sign is one that generally needs companionship and is not destined to be alone for his lifetime.
It’s just that he is not necessarily looking for a partner because he has so much else always going on.
If you want to date him then you need to present yourself as desirable to the Sagittarius man.
Sagittarian men usually make loyal and committed partners who prove to be honest and considerate lovers as well as good breadwinners.
Because of their free spirit, they hate to feel caged or stifled into commitment.
Check out Sagittarius man Secrets to discover his true characteristics.
A Sagittarius man has a wide interest in topics, some of which can be a bit way out!
He is also taken with anything that has a sense of adventure.
Even if you are not interested in sports, for instance, asking him questions about the rules of a particular game that he enjoys will hold his interest.
If you show any interest in something he knows about, he will revel in the opportunity to explain everything to you.
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