How To Run A League Of Legends Ping Test The World Over

How To Run A League Of Legends Ping Test The World Over

You are playing League of Legends to have enjoyable, relax, and challenge yourself. You certainly don't play it so you can meditate as the game is lagging. Server lags could lead to defeat due to frustration more than the actual delay.

What is the reason for Ping Test?

You have probably done all you can to ensure that League of Legends runs smoothly. It's important to have an operating system that is compatible with the minimum requirements for system. Also, make sure your Internet connection is wired, and switch off any virus scanner software.

But all that's not enough. Lag ultimately comes down to the degree of connectivity you have to the server that you are playing on. How do you determine which game server to select?

You could login and out of the game by selecting different servers to see which one seems the fastest. This can take time away from playing. You'd be trying to figure out which server is the fastest.

You can also select the one closest to you, because more distance you travel, the greater the greater the speed. This may be the case based on several factors.

A ping test will reveal what server will provide you with the least lag before you start playing.

Ping Testing - The Way to Do It The Hard Way

Before you can begin, you will need to know the IP addresses for the servers you want to connect to. The addresses may fluctuate from time to time because of a variety of reasons. An online search should lead you to the most recent addresses.

On the Windows' Command Prompt, you'll need to type "ping" followed by the IP address you would like to connect to. This is how it'll appear:


You'll get the outcomes of ping test lol in a matter of seconds. To test different servers, you'll need to have a text-based file (or whatever you like) that contains all IP addresses. This way, you can duplicate them one after another as you test each in turn.

Accuracy in Trade for Ease

There are a few websites that can examine League of Legends server lag time in just a click or two. These sites ping via http instead of the command console, therefore they can only return an estimate of ping time. This is going to always be less accurate than other methods.

You can get everything

Isdown provides both the accuracy and ease of the conventional way. Similar to the command console technique you'll have to know the IP addresses for the different servers. Contrary to that in which you only need to enter the IP addresses one time - no copying and pasting them over and over again.

You can save your test to take it out whenever you're ready to begin playing. It will show you which server has the highest Ping time, so you can play without any issues.

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