How To Renew My Oklahoma Medical Card? Explained.

How To Renew My Oklahoma Medical Card? Explained.

The medical marijuana cards across the United States are valid for one year. After that, if you want to continue to purchase medical marijuana then you must first get your Oklahoma medical card renewed. 

Avoid being late with your renewals. The entire process of getting a renewal is easy and simple. Any marijuana medical doctor can help you get an evaluation.  

Back in 2019, some patients could visit a clinic to see a doctor. Those who qualified would get the Oklahoma medical card. Later, there were many crucial changes in this process. Now, the physicians cannot provide a medical marijuana card inside a dispensary. 

The physicians with the designation to provide the medical marijuana card and recommendation are online. You can get a re-evaluation and renewal of your marijuana card online. 

Qualifying Conditions for Oklahoma Medical Card

To be eligible for an Oklahoma medical card renewal you must be 18+ years old. That said, you must carry residency proof, valid identification, a photograph, and a recommendation from a licensed physician. 

Any patient under 18 must have a caregiver. He/she can submit an application, registering themselves to purchase medical marijuana products. 

Similar to any other state in the United States, Oklahoma has a list of qualifying conditions. You can receive a recommendation only if you are eligible under the below-mentioned list of medical conditions. 

  • Inflammation 
  • Anxiety 
  • Cachexia 
  • Cancer
  • Chronic or Severe Pain 
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Epilepsy 
  • Severe Nausea
  • Any terminal illness 
  • Wasting Syndrome 

How to renew a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma?

Simply fill in the online form and you’ll receive your renewed MMJ recommendation from the licensed health professional. Today, through the power of telemedicine, the entire renewal process has been shifted online. Once you get approval, you will receive a renewed Oklahoma medical card in your email. 

3-Step To Renew Your Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Card


Fill the renewal application form, enter all your personal information. 

420 Evaluation 

Once you are connected with a medical health professional via a video call. Share your medical condition details and concerns.

Receive Recommendation 

Once upon approval, you will receive the Oklahoma medical card recommendation on the same day via email. 

Different Ways Medical Marijuana Is Used

If you want to skip smoking medical marijuana, then you can follow different delivery methods including - 


One of the popular methods to consume marijuana is by using vaporizers. The sleek and easy-to-use device heats the marijuana. The buds are heated at a level just below the point of combustion. Then the active ingredient is inhaled. 

Vapes also filter out harmful smoke. Many consumers believe vaping is a cleaner and better way to consume marijuana. It generally produces less marijuana smell as compared to smoking. Also, there is no residue. 


Another method of using marijuana is dabbing. It is somewhat similar to vaping but the key ingredient used in it is THC. It is a psychoactive compound extracted from the marijuana plant. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol produces the sensation of ‘high’. You can also purchase it in the form of oil called hash oil. There are softer forms available called wax or budder. 

Oral Ingestion 

One of the tastiest ways to consume medical marijuana is by mixing it in home-baked marijuana brownies. The recipes of marijuana-infused brownies have been around for decades. Marijuana edibles are now commonly known as Medibles. They are produced and marketed in many states.

Medibles use oil extracted from marijuana plants in cooking, baking or simply mix with a variety of food items to produce - cakes, cookies, gummies(most popular), cereal, CBD lollipops, and chewing gums. 

Wrapping Up 

There are multiple benefits of renewing your Oklahoma medical card. You can carry more marijuana, save money and have peace of mind while consuming cannabis. With an MMJ card, you store up to 8 ounces of medical cannabis and grow up to six mature plants in your private residence. 

Once you have successfully applied for your application, you will receive your MMJ recommendation in 10-15 minutes. Get an Oklahoma medical card at OnlineMedicalCard

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