How To Reference a Masters Thesis

How To Reference a Masters Thesis

Leslie Bailey
How To Reference a Masters Thesis

When referencing a Master's thesis, the specific format can depend on the citation style you are using (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, etc.). Each citation style has its own rules and guidelines for citing various types of sources, including theses.

Here are general guidelines for referencing a Master's thesis in some common citation styles:

APA Style:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstInitial. (Year). Title of thesis: Subtitle (Master's thesis). Name of the Institution, Location.

Example: Smith, J. A. (2018). Exploring the impact of environmental policies on sustainable development (Master's thesis). University of XYZ, City, State.

MLA Style:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstInitial. Title of thesis. Master's thesis, Name of the Institution, Year.

Example: Smith, John A. "Exploring the impact of environmental policies on sustainable development." Master's thesis, University of XYZ, 2018.

Chicago Style:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstInitial. Year. "Title of thesis." Master's thesis, Name of the Institution.

Example: Smith, John A. 2018. "Exploring the impact of environmental policies on sustainable development." Master's thesis, University of XYZ.

Harvard Style:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstInitial Year, 'Title of thesis', Type of thesis, Name of the Institution.

Example: Smith, J.A. 2018, 'Exploring the impact of environmental policies on sustainable development', Master's thesis, University of XYZ.

Note: In the above examples, replace "AuthorLastName," "AuthorFirstInitial," "Title of thesis," "Name of the Institution," and other placeholders with the actual information from the thesis you are citing.

Always consult the official guidelines of the citation style you are using to ensure accurate formatting. If you are unsure which style to use, check with your institution or instructor for their preferred citation style.

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