How To Protect Your Privacy Online In 4 Tips? -

How To Protect Your Privacy Online In 4 Tips? -


Webroot is the best antivirus software. Sometimes people forget about their online privacy and device security. So, Webroot team just wants its user to aware about the risky online behaviors which can put you and your family’s members at risk. And the user can activate this antivirus in their gadget through

 Risky Online Behaviors:

  • Accept Friend Requests from Strangers:

When the user is scrolling their Facebook page, you get so many new friend requests. Some of the friend requests are from friends who are from your “friends” of your friends, and you think they are OK and you “accept” their friend request. So, hackers take advantage of your emotions and steal personal data from your posts and install malware on your devices. It is advised that you should only accept friend request from person you know in real. And just ignore the friend request of indirect friends or contact the actual friend in order to ask about that person.

  • Getting Odd Requests in Messages:

If in case, you get an email or text which comes from your bank and it offers you a coupon, or claim that you are eligible for a big refund and you are confirming this personal information by clicking on a link. This will make you a victim to a phishing scam.

Hackers send these messages which looks that they are from a trusted source so that they can gain money or steal your private information like your passwords, account numbers etc. It is suggested when you get an email or text which ask you to take an action then just stop and think. And verify that the request is authentic or not by contacting the sender.

  • Broadcast your Location to Hackers:

It is advised you should not show your exact location to the hackers by just posting your photos on social media platform. As hackers use social media to track the victims. In order to protect your privacy, you should avoid posting photos which show the location where the photo was taken. And you should also disable location metadata on photos on your Android Phone.

know here this link: What is the Method To Secure Your Website Data with Webroot?

  • Overshare Information about your Kids on Social Media:

Sometimes users share the information and photos about their kids, which can fall into the hands of bullies, data miners, and identity thieves. It is suggested that you should care about your kids online privacy. You should first check your privacy settings on social media and just avoid posting the information, photos, and personally identifying information, about your kids as this will put your children at risk and lead to identity theft.

These are some of the risky online behavior which the user should stop right now. And for more protection, the user must install Webroot antivirus software in their devices via as this will alert you from malicious links, attachments and protect your device from malware and viruses.

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