How To Please A Pisces Man Sexually

How To Please A Pisces Man Sexually


How To Please A Pisces Man Sexually

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How To Turn On a Pisces Man And Make Him Crazy For You

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Understanding how to turn on a Pisces man is the key to a sensual, loving, and more importantly a lasting relationship.
Do you feel like your Pisces man is constantly playing hard to get? It’s time for a little nudge.
Pisces men are the type of guys who will want you to show interest, but they’re also the first ones to say “I love you” provided you know how to push their emotional buttons .
The key to turning on these romantic creatures is getting their attention and keeping it. Read through the rest of this article to discover sure-fire ways to awaken his passion and set his pulse racing whenever he thinks about you.
It’s hard to guess what your Pisces man finds appealing, sensual, and irresistible. He is sometimes a closed book that needs to be gently opened to discover his hidden desires.
Born under a sign of water, and like any other water sign, this man is full of surprises. Awaken his passion and he will prove to be a considerate and dynamic lover.
Despite his dreamy and sensitive nature, there are some things that can really turn him on. Don’t forget that the ruler of Pisces is Neptune, the king of dreams and illusions, which gives a clue to his feelings.
Who knows what is going through the head of a Pisces man when it comes to romance? Well, relationship expert Felicity Keith certainly does, especially when it comes to his sexual thoughts, feelings, and desires!
Felicity teaches some very controversial but highly effective techniques that hundreds of women have been using to turn their men on and ignite the passion in their relationships.
You can find out more about Felicity and her unique method here .
Now, let’s try to explain this man’s complex nature.
Here are eight sexy tips that you can use straight away to turn a Pisces man on sexually. Some of these tips are dynamite, so use them with caution!
That can give you trouble from time to time.
A Pisces man is a dual sign, with two fishes swimming in opposite directions, which sometimes gives him a dual nature. Occasionally, he really doesn’t know what he wants.
He would have no problem with sleeping with complete strangers but also looking for a deep connection with someone at the same time.
So how to know what he wants from you?
If you really want to make him go crazy for you, become mysterious and a bit unavailable.
A Pisces guy wants to know that he has won you.
To keep him, you need to show him that you can turn him on as no other woman has ever been able to do before, just like how Felicity Keith explains in this short video here .
Let him dream about you as you tease him. If you have a more serious relationship in mind, you should definitely allow the emotions to flow.
As you already know, a Pisces man is a dreamer.
He likes to create alternate realities in his head and live in them.
Sometimes, it can be used by you, in a sexual way. Try to find out about his wildest fantasies, but don’t ask him directly.
Not even that he won’t tell you, but you will literally ruin your chance to surprise him with it.
Anticipation is the secret of an exciting relationship . You can become a master of anticipation by learning how to push your Pisces man’s emotional buttons to create a desire for you and only you.
Be as creative as you can, and try to guess what he fantasizes about. Is it a dominant lady who will lead the game, or is it some kind of role play?
Show him how powerful you can be. Emit as much feminine energy as you can, and cover him in it. A Pisces man tends to idealize his partner.
Every woman he likes must be better than any other in this world. If you accept that role and perform it well, he will just go crazy for you!
For him, you will be a Goddess who conquered him but is still slightly unreachable.
A Pisces man is usually laid-back and doesn’t take the initiative in most things, so don’t be afraid to take him by the hand confidently and lead him in the world of pleasure.
One of the most effective ways of stimulating passion is by using oral techniques to take your guy to new levels of sexual pleasure. However, many women avoid taking the initiative due to embarrassment and lack of confidence.
Learning how to do oral the right way can bring a new dimension to your lovemaking and also show how much you care in raising the pleasure for your man.
If you want proven techniques that will drive him wild for you, then this sex guide for Women will tell you the exact tips and tricks that will blow his mind and keep him coming back to you (and only you) for more.
Implement ideas in his mind. You don’t need to be direct.
You can even be romantic it all depends on what kind of relationship you two are in.
If it’s only the passion that is the attraction, then be as wild as you want.
You can even start talking about a fantasy about you two doing certain things.
 This is something all women should know
If you are starting to feel your guy is losing interest in you
Or maybe, you have drifted apart due to a breakup?
The reason could lay in not understanding a fundamental desire a man needs in a long-term relationship.
The next few sentences could hold the key to your future relationship happiness.
There is one thing a man craves above all else, even more than sex.
Yet 90% of women don't even know it even exists.
It is the reason why relationships never get started or why couples just drift apart.
If you want to learn the secret to becoming the center of his world and being the only woman he truly desires , this video explains the simple steps that can turn your dreams into reality.
(Please use your new knowledge ethically)
Don’t tell the whole story, though.
Let him think about it and finish it himself.
He will make a lot of different outcomes in his mind because he loves to make stories in his head. So let him enjoy thinking about you.
You can even play with him, looking him right in the eye and biting your lip or smiling devilishly.
Do not forget to still hide under the mask of a good girl.
If this is something that you may find embarrassing, don’t worry because relationship expert Felicity Keith has covered all the groundwork.
This video takes you by the hand and explains how to turn on a Pisces man sexually and make him want you.
A Pisces man will not take human connections lightly, even if it’s a one-night stand for him.
He has respect for every woman that he has physical contact with, so make sure that he remembers your touch, and maybe he will even crave more.
Show him how deep physical contact is for you, and that you value every single eye contact or smile that you share with him. Learn how to give and receive sexual pleasures that will create a bond between you that will alleviate any need for him to wander into the arms of another woman.
Teasing him would be a good idea. It is highly possible that your Pisces man is pretty submissive at times.
He generally likes to change his roles, but sometimes he just enjoys when a woman is driving him crazy.
Since you are probably already idealized in his eyes, that will not be hard to do at all.
You can “accidentally” touch his neck or shoulder while doing something near him, just make sure that it’s not that obvious.
Let it be your little secret , and make him wonder about it.
A Pisces man hates criticism, and he can really lose interest if he feels like he is not appreciated by his partner, so much so that he might even consider ending the relationship if it continued for too long.
Giving him a few compliments will really boost his mood and make him want to do even more to please you.
The truth is, although your man is a water sign, he really can be wild when it comes to physical contact.
Show him that you see it inside of him, and if you don’t know how exactly to do it then use this method here .
This youtube video is brief and contains a lot of ideas that you can use to turn on your Pisces man.

It’s hard to understand a Pisces man and we all know that. It’s because he seems to swim in opposite directions at the same time.
Depending on the stage of your relationship, it’s hard to know whether you should shower him with emotions and affection or try to become his little devil.
All in all, the best bet is to be out of the ordinary and away from boring stuff. If you want to be his princess, combine both sides.
If you only want to him for some casual fun, you can use any of the tricks that I have already mentioned.
For some additional ideas . This program contains some startling methods that will get any man obsessing over the woman who knows how to use it.
You should know that flirting and being mysterious with a Pisces man can be nothing but fun, so enjoy your little games with your Pisces love interest.
With patience, you will gradually learn the quirks in his character that will make him go wild for you.
If you would like to know more about how to turn on a Pisces man and make him crazy for you, the answers are in articles on our Homepage here .
Isabella was introduced to astrology by her mother at an early age and has had a fascination with it ever since. Having been brought up in India while her father was serving with the army, Isabella quickly understood the connection between the zodiac signs and the universe.
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Are you interested in Pisces Man Sexuality? Then this guide is for you!
When dealing with this man, you need to be in touch with his precarious, sensitive, and passionate nature.
He’s likely to do the unexpected. This arises from his contradicting impulses. His symbol is an indicator of two fish, swimming in opposite directions.
He may choose one thing at one time, and change his mind when you least expect it.
The Pisces man understands you and your needs. This is why you are attracted to him in the first place.
With time, you’ll discover that he has a receptive, warm soul. He will easily overlook your shortcomings and concentrate more on your strengths.
Men born under the Pisces zodiac sign are most attracted to sensual women. Your man will love you more if you are sensual as well as dominating.
The Pisces man is gentle and forgiving. If he loves you, he believes that you are incapable of doing something that can’t be forgiven.
He will work with you to create emotional stability. This is a sure sign that he has decided to form a lasting relationship with you.
If you want to know what a Pisces man really wants, it’s worth reading the comprehensive Pisces Man Secrets guide.
You will soon discover that the Pisces man is a dreamer. He has a high level of imagination that helps him to fulfill his fantasies in bed.
He often looks for a girl that reflects his opposite personality. You complement him is this aspect. He is quite receptive to your ideas.
Being a dreamer, he’s sensitive to your needs.
With this man, you’ll find that you are taking control more and more in bed. The Pisces man will want you to make the first move.
He has a soft spot for girls that have a streak of dominance. If you are one such girl, he finds you very attractive.
He will only ask you out when he’s sure that you’ll oblige him. You need to boost his self-confidence. Ensure that you don’t do things that could make him feel uncomfortable when he’s with you.
If he loves you, he may not tell you. Rather, you have to look for the cues that indicate this. He will wait for you to show him that it’s okay for him to ask you out.
This means that you must never play hard-to-get with the Piscean man. Otherwise, he won’t even attempt to get cozy with you.
He enjoys sexual play that revolves around the themes of dominance and submissiveness. In creating this kind of fun, he’s okay playing the submissive role.
He enjoys making love to a dominant woman. He is most comfortable when he and this partner have a mutual trust and faith in each other.
The Pisces man wants immediate results. He gets agitated when delays occur. He doesn’t want to be questioned, especially when he’s certain of his decisions.
If he wants you, he wants you immediately. Otherwise, if he can’t get you, he’ll be tempted to have secret liaisons with other girls.
He respects neither legal nor moral barriers. He prefers to have sex with married women because he considers them more experienced.
But, if you can help him to resolve the conflicts within himself, he will respond more appropriately to your advances.
He will desire to establish a stronger emotional and physical connection with you. He longs to create a spiritual union with the girl that he truly loves.
He needs a lot of encouragement, especially if he has encountered disappointment from acquaintances in the past.
If you desire to enjoy the thrill of sexual encounters with him, help him to overcome the problems of interpersonal life.
This means that you enable him to create trust and faith in your relationship. It’s easy for this man to create a sexual relationship if he believes in you and your intentions.
To seduce this man, you need to get in touch with his personality. This man is gentle as well as affectionate.
If he realizes that your intentions are good, he will give you the time of your life in the bedroom.
Be his best friend before you attempt anything else. This means that you should first create an emotional connection, as this leads to an improvement in all the other aspects of your relationship.
It is easier for both of you to engage in lovemaking when you have a clear understanding of each other’s needs.
If you are a dominant lover, you will make much headway with this man. Your dominance appeals to his sentimental nature. He is likely to sing a love song or write a romantic poem for you.
Also, you can appeal to his sense of generosity. He has an inherent need to shower his lover with flowers and gifts.
If you show him that you appreciate this side of his personality, he will share himself with you unreservedly in the bedroom.
Pay close attention to this man’s feet. Most men born under the Pisces zodiac sign have a foot fetish. Touch his feet whenever you can. Caress them lovingly.
This is bound to capture his attention.
The Piscean man is a good match for a girl that’s opposite to him in nature. He seeks the kind of girl that complements him.
If you want to know what a Pisces man really wants, it’s worth reading the comprehensive Pisces Man Secrets guide.
The Pisces man will do his best to please – but he has to trust you first. If you want this guy for yourself, you need to know what he likes in bed.
He likes it when you are intuitive and dominant.
If you can guess his desires, you’ll score very well with him. He likes it even more if you can read his subtle signals.
He may not tell you exactly how he feels about you. He may not tell you directly what he wants. But, by looking at his body language you will receive the hints that he wants you to get.
The Piscean man does everything in his power to satisfy his lover. He is generous with love and sexual pleasure.
In this aspect, this is one of the most fulfilling partners you can find yourself with.
He likes experimenting. In this, he knows no limits. He will break barriers to ensure that both of you have the time of your lives.
Also, he has a wealth of imagination. He’s constantly coming up with new ideas. You need to be open-minded and receptive to these ideas.
If the Pisces man finds the right girl, he gets fully committed to her. He may be fragile inside, but he will do just fine if he gets the right support.
He will empathize with you. He understands what you are going through, and he’s willing to help you overcome the predicaments in your life.
His main goal is to ensure that you both have the best time possible.
If you want to know what a Pisces man really wants, it’s worth reading the comprehensive Pisces Man Secrets guide.
The Pisces man likes it when you provide him with feedback. He desires to know how you find his lovemaking.
He’s explorative, and he’s willing to take up new ideas from you. He is a bit impatient when he wants to be with you.
If he desires you, you don’t need to start playing hard to get. Otherwise, he may lose interest and opt to look for love elsewhere.
The symbol of the Pisces man is two fish, swimming in opposite directions. This is an indicator that he has a dual personality.
He often contradicts many of his beliefs and principles.
But, when he gets a girl that fully understands him, he creates a relationship that’s full of fantasies and mysteries.
This is just what both parties could be looking for to create a lasting relationship.
PSSST…If you want to know what a Pisces man really wants, it’s worth reading the comprehensive Pisces Man Secrets guide.
Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice.

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A Pisces man is a very emotional and caring person. He is also very creative and intuitive. A Pisces man can be your most trusted friend as he is known to be sensitive to the needs of others. He is a typically Mills & Boons romantic guy, who has a lot of humility and love for romance. They often appear mysterious to others because they have a knack for sensing and feeling things which other people miss. They are keen observers of other's body language and most often than not pick up subtle signs and read in between the lines too well.

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