How To Play Lucian Like An LEC Pro

How To Play Lucian Like An LEC Pro

Lucian has recently seen a huge rise in priority in professional Domestic league of Legends over the course of the Summer Season and leading up to the modern world Championship. In fact , he’s currently one of the most highly contested chooses at Worlds, sporting a pick/ban rate above 85 percent. Let’s take a look at what makes the Purifier such a dominant pick in today's meta.


Lightslinger is Lucian’s passive. After casting a spell, Lucian Guide next basic encounter shoots an additional shot. This makes Lucian’s trading and burst open damage incredibly potent, as he can land an capacity and two basic attacks in very quick succession. Lightslinger is also able to critically strike and make use of on-hit influences, which synergises perfectly with the current meta build.

Lucian’s Q, Piercing Light, deals damage to targets in a instantly line. This is Lucian’s main trading and wave distinct tool. You’ll always see Fnatic’s Tim “Nemesis” Lipovšek taking trades with Piercing Light in order to deal quite a few burst damage to his opponent. It’s also possible to kick multiple enemies with Piercing Light, meaning that it can price huge damage in a team fight if the enemies mattress group and get struck by it.

Ardent Blaze is a bit more of a electric spell. While it does deal some damage, its most important use is the movement speed provided when Lucian or perhaps his ally attacks a target who has been struck by the spell, allowing Lucian to catch up to, or maybe kite away from, his opponents. Ardent Blaze also gives vision at the explosion, making it useful for safely checking unwarded areas such as bushes.

Relentless Pursuit is Lucian’s Y. Possibly the biggest skill expression tool within Lucian’s kits, Relentless Pursuit simply allows Lucian to dash within the chosen direction. The cooldown is also reduced for each Lightslinger shot that is landed, and reduces more if it bites an enemy champion, meaning that its cooldown can be absolutely reset with a well-executed combo or ability chain.

For the duration of all in’s, Rogue's Emil “Larssen” Larsson will use Constant Pursuit to dodge away from key abilities that would if not result in a lost trade, and maybe death. The outplay possibilities provided by Relentless Pursuit is huge, and often is the figuring out factor in who wins and loses any one-on-one trust.

Lucian’s ultimate, The Culling, rapidly fires Lucian’s rifles in a straight line. Lucian is also able to cast Unyielding Pursuit during The Culling, allowing him to dodge critical abilities while still dishing out damage from a distance. The exact Culling has a much longer range than Lucian’s normal auto-attacks, making it great for melting through enemies who are just out about range, or from a bit of a safer distance. The Culling also deals double damage to minions, so if a minion wave ever needs to be cleared incredibly fast, it's a solution – but maybe not the wisest use of an amazing ability.

Here in the clip below, Nemesis makes a substantial outplay against Rogue, keeping Renekton from ever bumping him thanks to great kiting and usage of Relentless Hunt, while still being able to melt down Sejuani with The Culling.

Skill Max Order

Our players agree with the normal technique order for Lucian. Piercing Light should be maxed outside first. It's the main trading and wave clear software, and also scales the best out of all of Lucian’s abilities. Phone points in Relentless Pursuit. More points means a lower cooldown, which makes it easier to reset its cooldown with potential chains. It's kind of a two-for-one. If not for the unbelievable damage scaling and early game power provided by Piercing Light, Relentless Pursuit could be a contender for maxing primary.

Ardent Blaze is left for last as, the damage scales well, the base cooldown on the ability huge high. It is also an Area of Effect (AoE) ability for instance Piercing Light, but in a much more restrictive manner, meaning that this a strong or effective wave clearing tool. It also does not scale with your Attack Damage, making it pretty clear who's shouldn’t be maxed any earlier realistically. As always, decide to put points into The Culling at levels 6, 11, together with 16.


The runes used on Lucian are really unanimous among all pros, with some slight deviations depending on the attacker team comp. Press the Attack is the go to keystone. Lucian has a very easy time activating this rune by using Lightslinger which also synergises well with Press the particular Attack’s damage increase once activated.

Follow up with Presence of Mind, Legend: Bloodline, and any of the three in the backside row depending on the enemy team comp, usually taking Reduced against tanks, or Coup De Grace against even more squishy teams. Presence of Mind helps Lucian in reference to his mana problems by restoring mana and increasing Lucian’s maximum mana pool, which allows Lucian’s first core thing Muramana to deal more damage. Legend: Bloodline supplies some much needed lifesteal, which aids in winning trades and many types of out fights later on.

Inspiration is the go-to secondary hardwood for Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery. Magical Boots or shoes allows more gold to be spent on core early merchandise without having to worry about spending the extra 300g on boots. Cookie Delivery grants sustain in lane, and also increases Lucian’s maximum mana pool like Presence of Mind.

Object Build

We’re going to take a look at what Nemesis built for Lucian in his recent match against Team SoloMid within the group stage of Worlds 2020. He starts out by using a Corrupting Potion for laning sustain, before following up with a first Pickaxe and Null-Magic Mantle. His first core piece is Manamune, which is followed up with Mercury’s Treads. He or she picks up Essence Reaver soon after, and grabs an additional Null-Magic Mantle since the enemy has a lot of magic damage. They goes directly for an Infinity Edge, and ends his particular build with a Rapidfire Cannon.

This build offers irresistible scaling, with Manamune transforming into Muramana, along with a mixture cooldown reduction, critical strike chance, attack damage, and incredible passive effects provided by the other items in the create, synergising perfectly with one another and Lucian himself. This construct allows Lucian to take over the game in the later staging and be the biggest difference maker in dictating the outcome associated with fights.


Lucian has a quite dominant laning step against most champions, especially melee ones. He can ligue them away from the minions, and sometimes even deny minion practical knowledge due to how easily he can punish and out-damage these questions trade, thanks to the range advantage he has. He has a bit of a more robust time against ranged champions, but is still capable of retaining his own.

Lucian is considered a lane bully and can induce opponents into taking bad trades which they won’t acquire. He can also dodge skillshots with Relentless Pursuit, as well as punish the enemy for missing by trading tough onto them. As a lane bully, Lucian has a superb laning phase against most champions. You’ll often discover Larssen abusing his opponents early, getting mid demand and allowing him and his jungle duo Kacper "Inspired" Słoma to control the map.

Team Fighting

Lucian is usually a big deciding factor in the outcome of a team fight influenced by how well it’s played. Far too often do we experience fight turned on its head due to an outplay out of Larssen or Nemesis on the Lucian pick. Lucian’s occupation in a team fight is to deal as much damage as is feasible to the best targets available to him. In some cases, this can be wailing on the frontline while sliding around the battlefield with Continual Pursuit, or it can be with a deep dive onto typically the backline, assassinating a squishier target with the immense leaked damage he can output when played correctly.

As witnessed below, Nemesis cleans up the teamfight with a nice flank against Rogue, showcasing Lucien’s prowess.


Lucian is definitely incredibly strong AD lane bully who synergises most effective with an AP threat in the jungle. This synergy will be we most often see, and one reason as to why he is a real strong pick in the current meta. If you’re looking for a solo becker, or even a marksman who has a high amount of skill expression and can challenging win his lane, then try out Lucian.

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