How To Pick Up Girls At A Club

How To Pick Up Girls At A Club


How To Pick Up Girls At A Club

How to Pick Up Girl in a Club! Here is What Every Guy Should Know in Order to Pick Up a Girl

MLA Style Citation:

Apollo, James "How to Pick Up Girl in a Club! Here is What Every Guy Should Know in Order to Pick Up a Girl."
How to Pick Up Girl in a Club! Here is What Every Guy Should Know in Order to Pick Up a Girl .
12 Mar. 2010
30 Aug. 2022 <­to-­Pick-­Up-­Girl-­in-­a-­Club!-­Here-­is-­What-­Every-­Guy-­Should-­Know-­in-­Order-­to-­Pick-­Up-­a-­Girl&id=3918280 >.

APA Style Citation:

Apollo, J. (2010, March 12). How to Pick Up Girl in a Club! Here is What Every Guy Should Know in Order to Pick Up a Girl .
Retrieved August 30, 2022, from­to-­Pick-­Up-­Girl-­in-­a-­Club!-­Here-­is-­What-­Every-­Guy-­Should-­Know-­in-­Order-­to-­Pick-­Up-­a-­Girl&id=3918280

Chicago Style Citation:

Apollo, James "How to Pick Up Girl in a Club! Here is What Every Guy Should Know in Order to Pick Up a Girl." How to Pick Up Girl in a Club! Here is What Every Guy Should Know in Order to Pick Up a Girl .­to-­Pick-­Up-­Girl-­in-­a-­Club!-­Here-­is-­What-­Every-­Guy-­Should-­Know-­in-­Order-­to-­Pick-­Up-­a-­Girl&id=3918280

James Apollo  |  

Submitted On March 12, 2010

It can be quite difficult to pick up a girl in a club merely because of the environment. It's loud and crowded and hence a lot is left to chemistry to work its charm. But you can turn things around and make this environment work in your favor and get a girl that you like. Here are a few things that you can do to pick up a girl in a club.
Arrive at the right time Arrive at the club a little early and grab a table. Get your friends along and grab a spot wherefrom you shall be able to get a good view of the entire place. However, make sure that you come just before it gets crowded and not before. You don't want to look jobless.
Hang out with friends till you spot her Until you spot the girl that you like, hang out with your friends and have a good time. Get a drink, dance a little...look like you are enjoying yourself. It's pretty lame to look like you have gone to a club with the sole purpose of picking up a girl.
Make eye contact When you are able to spot a girl that you like look in her direction and try to establish eye contact. When you catch her eye hold her gaze for a few seconds and then let go. If she looks at you again then it's time to approach her
Choose the right time to approach her Don't go over when she is either surrounded by her friends or is just about to leave. You will be met with rejection. Getting the timing right is very crucial so, wait until she is relatively by herself or is not surrounded by her friends and then make your move.
Have a confident approach Don't ne nervous or edgy when you approach her. You have to look like you are absolutely sure of yourself and that you know what you are doing.
Say something witty Start up a casual conversation and say something witty to get her attention. You have to make sure that you get the general approval of her friends as well so engage them in conversation as well. So use humor to your advantage, buy them all a round of drinks (if your pocket allows it!) and begin a conversation with her.
Ask to dance Once you have established a connection with her, ask her to dance with you. Don't fall all over her when you go to dance but be close to her. Once all this is done you can ask for her phone number or even ask her if she would like to go for a drink with you elsewhere.
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All right. Lez get real, kids. No one is more terrified of picking up a girl at a bar than I am. In fact, I'll just throw it out there: I'm afraid of women. 
Who can blame me, really? Women are complicated, mystical creatures, gorgeously multifaceted and wildly complex. Women are born with an innate bullsh*t radar and can tear down your ego in seconds with an ice-cold gaze and subtle roll of the eye. They can smell inauthenticity and sense an ulterior motive before you've even had the chance to explain yourself.
Who wouldn't be afraid of a WOMAN? Only a fool. And any woman who knows her worth isn't going to f*ck around with a fool.
But even though I might be completely overcome with shyness when it comes to even making small talk with my own kind, I still know what women like.
First of all, I am a woman . Like all women, I've been hit on by a few men in my day. I've also had the unique pleasure of being hit on by women. And let me tell you: Wipe sexual attraction out of the equation, and 9 times out of 10, lesbians have a way smoother, more effective approach than men.
Did I just make a sweeping generalization? Yeah, I DID. And I don't feel like apologizing for it. Because it's just true.
A lot of my straight girlfriends agree. Just the other night, I took a hetero lady friend of mine to a lesbian party, and she was so enamored by the lesbian prowess pulsating through the air that she momentarily contemplated switching over to the dark side with me. I'm pretty sure I saw her blush. Twice. And this babe isn't a blusher.
And while, yeah, I do find it scary to hit on women, I've grown bolder and wiser with age . I've implemented the advanced lesbian flirting tactics I've keenly observed over the years into my own pick-up approach, and sh*t works. Evidence is in this video I made just last month:
So I'm here to help you straight men.
It's hard to pick up a woman in a bar without seeming like a total f*cking creep. It takes a master's degree to even remotely understand the inner workings of a woman. Plus, truth be told, there really are a lot of creeps out there roaming around the wilderness. The ladies have their guards up, and it takes a f*cking bulldozer to break down those epic walls of steel.
Here are some tips and tricks to help YOU pick up that gorgeous, fascinating girl in the back of the bar without seeming like a serial killer. Because no one wants to go home with a serial killer.
Boys, you need to master the art of eye contact before you swoop in for the pick-up line kill. This is how you can tell that she even wants to be approached at all.
Now, I'm not the best with my words, but I'm excellent with my eyes , so I can really help out on this one. You don't want to go in for the eye f*ck right away. That's creepy.
Start by just catching her eye and smiling. Not a creepy predator serial killer smile; just an authentic, small smile. It's all about being subtle.
If she smiles back or even meets your eyes, then you can let your eyes linger a little longer when they meet again.
It's a tease. Remember, girls don't like things that come too easily. We deem it cheap if it's overly available. I don't shop at the sale rack for this very reason. I think there's something wrong with it if it's cheap. Like it or hate it, that's just the way it works, babe.
So play around with the eye contact for awhile. And when the tension is hanging heavy in the air and a few personality drinks have been tossed back, slowly approach her.
Specificity is your best friend. Like I said earlier, women have an inherent bullsh*t radar. They know when you're using a "line" on them. I don't care how good you are -- you'll never convince a woman that you're being authentic if you're not really being authentic.
So how does she know you're just playing roulette with words and not paying her a real compliment? Because you're being so f*cking generic, that's why!
Don't just go up to her and creepily say, "You have pretty eyes." She will turn her back to you and pretend to text her friend.
A lesbian will take the same line and cater it exactly to the girl in question. She'll say something like, "Wow, you're eyes are really interesting. What color are they? Is that hazel? That's a really unique color."
This works because she's showing the girl that she really took the time to LOOK at her eyes and make observations. She's not just ogling her tits. You can't tell eye color from staring at a girl's chest, unfortunately (trust me, I've tried).
Men are either like excited, puppy dogs with their tongues hanging out, slobbering all over you, clawing at you with their dirty paws -- OR they're cats. Shy, distant kittens who scurry off at the sight of a pretty girl.
Lesbians, however, understand balance. They know how to play it ~cool~.
Don't be super aggressive asking for her PHONE NUMBER or anything crazy just yet. Take a deep breath. Relax. Start by asking her name.
I get it. She's stunning, and it's hard to not start wagging your tail, but channel your inner power lesbian if you can.
As long as you listen to her and play off of her commentary, you'll be totally fine.
Women don't like to be crowded. High school was full of poor female/male boundaries, and we've been traumatized. Women appreciate a man who respects personal space.
The trouble is that sometimes when boys are too liquored up, they lose sight of their spacial relationships. So let HER ~cozy up~ to YOU.
When her entire body is directed toward you, and she's batting her long, lush lashes into your eyes and smiling, it's OK to move in. But again, go in slowly.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Women. Love. A. Tease.
If she's stiff and radiating ice-cold beams of energy, she's either not interested or has a boyfriend. Don't let it put a dent in your self-esteem. Move on!
Lesbians make for some pretty badass wingwomen . Because if you're a dude hanging out with a lesbian, you're letting all the straight women in the bar know that you're capable of being friends with a woman even when there is zero chance of sex.
Also, we'll keep you in check. My kind is outspoken by nature, and we'll let you know when you're breaching creep territory.
The tricky thing is that sometimes, our skills can turn on you. And the girl will decide that maybe she's more interested in us. Even if she's "straight."
I mean, come on! I was "straight" once...
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The article is 
Copyright © 2007 by the original author &
Learn The Skills Corp. Republished with permission from
mASF Forum.

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