How To Pick Up Asian Girls

How To Pick Up Asian Girls


How To Pick Up Asian Girls

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Hey, Dean Cortez with some helpful Asian dating tips . Today we'll focus on how to pick up Asian girls using powerful techniques of influence and persuasion .
The other night my buddy Hunter and I hit a nightclub in Los Angeles. The place was filled with women, who were sticking close to their groups of friends (as Asian girls tend to do).
As you know, these types of hot Asian girls will often go out and shoot guys down just for the fun of it. And they NEVER pay for their own drinks, because there is always an endless supply of loser guys who will buy them drinks just to get a moment of their time.
But I know how to turn the tables. Hunter and I know specialways to get girls to "lower their force fields," and we have special tactics to get girls who are typically cold to guys who approach them. You can't try to start a conversation with them in the typical way; you've got to catch them off-guard with a funny and unexpected opener, then proceed to tease them and challenge them in a playful way. This shows that you're NOT a typical guy who is trying to buy her a drink and win her approval.
So, my Hunter started chatting with a gorgeous little 23-year-old Vietnamese honey with an amazingly hot body.
She said something funny, and Hunter laughed, and as he took a sip of his beer, he said to her...
"It's too bad you're not my type -- you're actually kinda cute."
Of course, the girl is surprised to hear this -- but Hunter doesn't explain. He switched topics and started talking about his recent snowboarding trip.
You could tell that Hunter's comment had taken this beautiful Asian girl by surprise!
She's thinking, "WHAT did he just say? I'm not his type?? But I'm supposed to be EVERY guy's type!!"
So one the one hand, she was a little bit pissed off and confused...
But on the other hand, it was obvious that Hunter's "cocky confidence" had flipped a switch in her brain. Now she was suddenly INTERESTED in him!
Then the hot Asian girl tossed her hair back and started using really "flirty" body language ...because she wanted him to show that he WAS into her. But Hunter didn't give her the affirmation she wanted. He did the opposite! At one point, he actually handed her his beer and said "hold this for a sec, I gotta make a phone call," and went outside for a few minutes.
When he came back, she was standing there looking like a lost puppy, holding his beer, waiting for him...and you KNOW she was thinking, "What's the deal with this guy? He is SO freakin' confident...what's so special about him? How come he doesn't kiss my butt and buy me drinks, like every other guy??"
She felt insecure, confused, and VERY CURIOUS to know more about him :)
So then Hunter switched it up and used some advanced Mack Tactics to "bond" with her. He said to her,
"Y'know, I can tell that because you look a certain way, guys make assumptions about you. I bet most guys never take the time to really know you, and understand what you're about. I get the sense that you're actually a lot deeper and more sensitive than people realize..."
So, he pays her this little compliment, which also makes him seem like a thoughtful, perceptive guy. A statement like this will get her to start sharing personal details about herself that you can then use to "build the bond" with her.
The "regular" guy, in that situation, would be trying to make awkward small talk instead of PUSHING the conversation forward into the right areas.
But when you use a Tactical approach to get Asian girls, it becomes surprisingly easy to make them feel attraction and pick them up.
Download This Notorious Guide To Picking Up Women And Learn The Most Effective Ways To Approach Girls and Seduce Them Fast: How To Pick Up Asian Women
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Hi, it's your wingman Dean Cortez and I've got a few quick tips on how to use INFLUENCE and PERSUASION tactics to get hot Asian girls attracted to you.
The other night my buddy Hunter and I hit a nightclub in California. The place was jam-packed with beautiful Asian girls...lots of wanna-be models, actresses, and even some celebrity chicks.
As you know, these types of hot Asian girls will often go out and shoot guys down just for the fun of it. And they NEVER pay for their own drinks, because there is always an endless supply of loser guys who will buy them drinks just to get a moment of their time.
Hunter and I are gurus on the topic of how to get Asian girls and date Asian women, and we know these types of hotties require a slightly different set of tactics. You've got to TEASE these women, BUST ON THEM a little bit, and let them know you're NOT an average, typical guy who is in desperate for their approval and eager to impress them.
So, my Hunter started chatting with a gorgeous little 22-year-old Vietnamese honey with an oustanding body.
She said something funny, and Hunter laughed, and as he took a sip of his drink, he said to her...
"It's too bad you're not my type -- you're actually kinda cute."
Of course, the girl is surprised to hear this -- but Hunter doesn't explain. He switched topics and started talking about his recent snowboarding trip.
You could tell that Hunter's comment had taken this beautiful Asian girl by surprise!
She's thinking, "WHAT did he just say? I'm not his type?? But I'm supposed to be EVERY guy's type!!"
So one the one hand, she was a little bit pissed off and confused...
But on the other hand, it was obvious that Hunter's "cocky confidence" had flipped a switch in her brain. Now she was suddenly INTERESTED in him!
She tossed her hair back and started using really "flirty" body language ...because she wanted him to show that he WAS into her. But Hunter didn't give her the confirmation she wanted. He did the opposite! At one point, he actually handed her his beer and said "hold this for a sec, I gotta make a phone call," and went outside for a few minutes.
So when Hunter returned, the hot Asian girl was standing there looking like a lost puppy, holding his beer, waiting for him...and you KNOW she was thinking, "What's the deal with this guy? He is SO freakin' confident...what's so special about him? How come he doesn't kiss my butt and buy me drinks, like every other guy??"
She felt insecure, confused, and VERY CURIOUS to know more about him :)
So then Hunter switched it up and used some advanced Mack Tactics to "bond" with her. He said to her with a playful smile,
"Y'know, I can tell that because you look a certain way, guys make assumptions about you. I bet most guys never take the time to really get to know you, and understand what you're about. I get the sense that you're actually a lot deeper and more sensitive than people realize..."
This little compliment he paid her sounded sincere and original, and it also made Hunter seem like a perceptive dude who "understands" her. (When in reality, he just used a tactic called a Cold Read -- I give many examples of these in the Mack Tactics manual on how to pick up Asian women this way) A statement like this will get her to start sharing personal details about herself that you can then use to "build the bond" with her.
They'd just be standing there, trying not to stare at her boobs, struggling to make "small talk"...
But when you use a Tactical approach to get Asian girls, it becomes surprisingly easy to make them feel attraction and pick them up.
Download This Best-Selling Guide To Picking Up Girls And Learn The Best Ways To Approach Girls and Seduce Them Easily (With NO Fear Of Rejection!): Seduce Asian Women
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Picking up Chinese girls requires a different approach than picking up western women. Chinese women are much less straight forward and they are less sensible to certain pick-up lines. In fact, using the same language you use with western women might even set you back completely and totally ruining your change of getting a date. On this article we will look at some top 10 ways of getting to a Chinese girl. Hopefully, if you play the cards right you will not walk away empty handed.

Tip 1. Pick something very narrow to focus on and use it to transition into a broader compliment.
Don’t just say that the girl looks beautiful, but rather look for something specific and compliment that. You could say that she looks very good in a particular dress or that her hair color suits her very well. This will give her the impression that you don’t say these compliments to every girl and that indeed there is truth in what you say.
Tip 2. Express your love and admiration for China.
Even if you don’t know squat about Chinese culture, you should definitely try to learn a few things and use them on your pick up attempt. If you want to get a smile from a Chinese person, then tell them you love their country. This works 100% of the time. If you are already living in China and really want to blow a girl’s mind away, then tell her you want to settle down there and you would love for her to help you learn more about the culture of the country. Remember, lying to get a date is not recommended. That being said, enjoy tip number 2.
Tip 3. Don’t be afraid to exaggerate.
Small comments like “I like your hair” may just be brushed off as politeness. Instead over exaggerate and again make it clear that you are complimenting her. If she is wearing high heels, then go on to say that those heels really make her legs look long.
Chinese girls can be shy, and will often try to deflect your compliments. A very common way for Chinese women to deflect a compliment is “哪里哪里” “nǎli nǎli” which literally means “where, where?” If she says something like this, don’t back down.
Compliments about a Chinese girl’s personality are usually more powerful than compliments about her appearance in general. Try to find out what she does for a living and what education level she has. Go on to let her know how smart you think she is and if she drops something or does something silly, then, don’t forget to let her know how cute she is. Chinese girls seem to have a cute fetish and they do everything to act and look cute.
Chinese girls go wild when they see a foreigner speaking good Chinese. If you can speak the girl’s language or better yet, if you can complement Chinese girls in their own tongue, you have the potential of being a living legend in your area. This is especially true for foreigners living in smaller Chinese towns.
Remember that concepts of beauty change from culture to culture and in China this is no exception. Before you go on to compliment a girl’s looks, you should do a little research about what they consider to be beautiful. A few basic things that all Chinese girls focus on are being tall/having long legs, having a very white complexion, a narrow almost triangular face with the point being the chin, and long eye lashes. Complimenting any of these four areas is sure to be effective.
Tip 8. Avoid using ready-made pickup lines. 
The problem with pickup lines is that they never work. Some guy invented them 100 years ago and some amateurs still believe they will work today. There is nothing more ridiculous than spamming women with ridiculous pickup lines and doing this in a culture where these pickup lines mean nothing is even more inefficient.  In general, avoid pick-up lines, jokes, and sarcasm. Chinese girls aren’t used to using or hearing that kind of language and usually won’t understand it.
Tip 9. Don’t say they she is funny.
Avoid saying calling a girl “funny”, as it carries a negative connotation in Chinese. If she makes you laugh, then just use tip 5 and say she is “cute”.
Tip 10. Avoid talking about past relationships.
When she asks how many girlfriends you have had, lie about the total number. Usually, Chinese women don’t look for a date, they look for a husband. Even what might seem like a small insignificant date to you, will be an opportunity for her to observe you and decide if you are a good potential long term partner. If you are also looking for marriage, then telling her you want to form a family and would love to have a couple of cute mixed babies one day, will melt her heart. At this point, she should be yours even though she might remain careful.
Bio: Lucas C. is a 31-year old Brazilian who has been living in northern Germany for the last 6 years. In 2010 he accidentally ended up in Shanghai for 7 months and immediately fell in love with China. Ever since his return to Germany, he continues to delve deep into the Chinese world by studying Chine language, researching about Chinese economy and analyzing changes in Chinese society. Lucas has been to more than 12 Chinese cities and is currently sharing a life with his Chinese girlfriend. If you want to read more articles about how to find an ideal Chinese girl or are interested in finding out more about Chinese women, then head over to
Ohh come on guys we all know in the end we’ll just dump those chines or japanese in the end ! Let’s be real honest for once they are just sex object and in the end we can’t deal with them cause culture difference.
as a chinese girl, i am offended. i feel as though you are being racist -.-
You don’t know anything. Chinese girls are loving and caring. They aren’t just sex objects, NOT EVEN CLOSE! Have you even looked up any info about chinese or japanese girls?
Chinese girl is the treasure you will never get
New here .I am really true chinies lover since i meet one chinies boys working with me. I really love chinies culture and China girls their beautiful face is my dreams since long time. If any serious chinies girl here can contact me back. I will assure you will never be get disappointed or never feel out of your country. I will give you respect morethen my self.
chinies => chinese?????
are you a real foreigner?
you are fun. LoL.
It is very interesting to talk with foreign how to pick up a Chinese girl.
Hellen, you say, “Oh my god…” Who IS your God?
Ok. But the author did not end up with a Chinese woman. The ONLY valid tip is that if you try to get a woman based on her ethnic culture, you will fail. If you want success, you will be yourself, and allow her to be as well.
Signed, happily married (15) years, white husband of a Chinese lady, and woman.
Some comments here are pretty pathetic. All women are inherently the same. While culture and upbringing is important, there is no way that smooth small talk and decent kino won’t work just as well as on western women.
While I didn’t visit China yet, my experience includes most of western europe, Vietnam, Japan and Thailand.
Please don’t get discouraged by the comments, I think some people here don’t want westerners to date chinese for whatever reason.
Silly article makes Chinese girls looking more smart than westerners and it’s not what we see when they stumble upon everything in western cities. Just prop
i am pakistani i need chinees beautiful girl i like the chines my age 19 years
“where,where…”you must be a fool don’t know Chinese at all. In fact if someone uses those tips and trys to date us, he must be totally a fool. We are really sensible about whether you mean what you are saying or not.
As a rule, women will say that money is not important, but only when there IS money.
25 years ago I married an American woman , and for 10 years my life was a living hell, which I stood for my 3 adorable baby girls, she was materialistic ,bossy, bad tempered,and very liberal,so she said.then I finally divorced , 1 year later married ,a Mexican girl, she was excellent wife until she got her green card,then she became totally the opposite.then I divorced again, I was single for 3 years,then in atrip to China I knew my current wife.I am not afraid to say that she is the most perfect wife in the whole world.. I adore her,she is beautiful,tender respectful and , feminine and you could ask of a perfect wife,12 years have gone,and Ilove as the first the way I am according to her all she could dream in a husband she is treated like the most delicate part of me,because she earns it.
Hi everyone !
I’m italian,a Milan resident,and I recently happened to meet a pretty china girl here in Milan’s downtown,while both having a drink with friends.We had never seen each other before and we just had few words about our respective drinks: not a great idea ok,but I wanted to get into touch with her and couldn’t do anything better at the moment !
The 2nd time I met her(same place)I asked her “What’s your name?” She told me her name and immediately she gave me a card of the company she’s working for.A few days later we had a third encounter:I gave her my personal address and mail asking her to mail me so that I could get her mail address.
The day after I got a mail from her and then,we met again at the same bar:
she was nice but not so friendly.Two weeks followed with no contacts so I recently I sent her another mail just asking if she was ok and claiming I felt happy for meeting such a pretty well mannered and smart girl.Unexpectedly I got a quick replay in which she wrote down her portable phonenumber,writing me to feel free to call her.She also did remark private calls are not allowed in her office,and assured me she would call me back as soon as possible.
As for ready made dating lines,since our first meeting,I have obviously expressed admiration for her charming look and manners besides great appreciation for her smartness.
New to this site,after reading the dating suggestions and your comments,I dare say that ready made dating lines can’t apply to single personalities (both of the chinagirl and the western guy dating her).
As a sample,I was aware of their shyness and slower approach compared to wester
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