How To Pick The Perfect Smartphone Wallpaper

How To Pick The Perfect Smartphone Wallpaper

You'd think that it's a simple task however, smartphone wallpapers can be surprisingly difficult to pick out. Here's how to pick one that you'll be able to keep for a long time.

Wallpapers are a pretty personal choice, which is why we've provided a variety of choices and strategies you could take. It's all about your personal aesthetic preferences, however there are some good practices to follow.

How to change the wallpaper on your phone

The first step is to make sure you know how to switch your phone's wallpaper. It's simple.

On Android Mobile Phone:

Press your home screen for a long time

Select Wallpaper and pick your wallpaper of choice

Click "Save" and you're all set


Click Settings > Wallpapers & Brightness

Tap "Choose Wallpaper".

Choose a picture from your camera roll

Choose your lock screen, or your homescreen by tapping "Set".

Find the right resolution for your screen

It is important to be aware of the resolution of your screen when you search for Apple wallpapers. It's a simple task however it's actually a little complex. You'll need to search for various sizes based on the dimensions of your device as well as the operating system and setting.

Android devices have a wide range of resolutions. You can find the resolution of your phone here. It is then necessary to increase the resolution's width because Android moves the wallpaper from side to side when you swipe on your home screen. You can also check the resolution on iPhones here. Parallax is most likely to be enabled if iOS 7 is used. In order for the wallpaper to be able to appear right on your screen, you'll have to increase the resolution to 200 pixels. If you're looking for some great wallpapers with parallax Parallaxize is a great place to begin.

Choose Functional Wallpapers

It doesn't have to be beautiful and it can be very useful. Your home screen wallpaper doesn't have to be more than a nice background. But, there are some smart ways to enhance the security of your lock screen. efficient.

If you're concerned about losing your phone and you lock it with a passcode You can create a lock screen with your name and number on it , so that people can easily get a hold of you. Or, if Apple backgrounds trying to recall some information, such as school schedules, festivals schedule, or just about any other small detail take a photo of what you need to keep in mind and see it repeatedly throughout the day on your lock screen. Pretty? No, but at least it's useful.

Option 3: Create Your Own

Simple wallpapers are best for your personal screen. But that doesn't mean that they're boring. If you can't find any wallpapers that you like, you can make your own fairly easily.

For instance, if you're a fan of gradients, Blur is an app for iOS which takes any photo from your camera roll and apply a strong blur effect that makes an amazing background. Blur for Android can do the same process for Android devices. Gradient Wallpapers Android and Grad for iPhone create simple gradients. Isometric is a program that allows you to create backgrounds on iOS and Android, is perfect for those who love patterns. If you are searching for a simple Apple wallpaper background, they're easy enough to design on your own, so you can pick the most appropriate colors.

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