How To Order An Escort

How To Order An Escort


How To Order An Escort


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A note for USA clients: In places where sex work is criminalised, you won’t be able to ask for services - or talk about sex at all - in your message. Talking about swapping sex for money is a big no-no. Unfortunately, this means that in order to ask for specific sexual services, you’re going to need to meet an escort and get to know them a little first before you can talk specifics.
Making a good impression is essential... 
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Your ultimate resource for enjoyable experiences with escorts and other independent, hands-on sex workers.’re ready to book a date with an escort. But how do you start the conversation? What should that first message or email actually say?
Perhaps you’re new to’ve spent ages searching online on escort directories or classifieds. You’ve found someone you like, your fingers are poised over the keyboard or ready to dash off a quick text message.
Wait just a moment. Read this first.
Before you start, there are a few things you really need to know about arranging a session with an escort. Knowing these simple rules is the difference between having an amazing date, or an awkward one...or, perhaps, not getting a date at all.
Here’s my basic definition of an escort: it’s anyone who runs their own business, offering hands-on sexy services in exchange for payment. A date with an escort often closely resembles a real-life date: you might go out to dinner together, talk for hours, and spend time getting to know each other. Or, like a good hook up, you might jump straight into bed together and discover some sizzling sexual chemistry.
When it comes to the professionals, it’s a choose-your-own-adventure. Because you’re paying someone to create a sexy experience for you, you have much more freedom to ask for what you really want.
A lot of guys assume that because they’re paying, the way they approach sex workers doesn’t matter. But they’re wrong. Read on to find out why...
Lots of folks think that seeing a sex worker is as easy as ordering a pizza: you call up, tell them what you want and then a package of delicious goodness arrives at your front door. Unfortunately, an escort isn’t a Super Supreme Thin-n-Crispy.
When you email or text an escort, you’re not just ordering up a service; you’re negotiating with someone who is both a businessperson and a human being. When you make contact with a sex worker, they’re going to spend the whole time they read your message trying to work out:
That’s quite a few boxes to tick, before we even agree to meet you!
On the other hand, if your very first contact makes a bad impression, you’re in for some problems...
So, what happens if you dash off any old message to an escort you’ve found online, and hope for the best?
There are a number of possible outcomes - and none of them are good. Here are a few ways things can go wrong:
If you’ve sent multiple emails or texts to escorts and have never received a reply, it’s possible that your inquiry just isn’t up to scratch. Often, escorts will simply ignore messages that don’t appear genuine. After all, we’re busy people too!
Even if your poorly-written message leads to a sex worker accepting your booking, it can also result in you getting a bad service. If your escort has spent ages trying to work out what you want, or if it’s taken twenty messages back and forth before they have all the information they need, they’ll have less energy and enthusiasm left to spend during your time together.
That means less fun, less enthusiasm, and (probably) bad sex. If you want your escort to look forward to meeting you rather than dread it, sending an excellent first message is crucial.
'Getting Started with Escorts' shows you how to arrange a session with a hands-on sex worker.
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Now that you know why this is important, here’s my personal guide on how to write a really good message to request a session with an escort.
Whether you’re starting out or having trouble getting an escort to reply to your messages, following this step-by-step process can help.
Think about the first impression you’re making. Are you showing that you’re someone who can be trusted? Are you organised? Do you know what you want? Have you worked out all the details of the session - the day and time you’d like to meet, and where you’d like the date to take place? Doing this work in your head beforehand makes you look like you know what you’re doing.
Here are the steps to follow when contacting an escort.
Tell them your name, a little about yourself, and how you heard about the escort you’re contacting. This allows us to get to know you a little better.
Unless an escort has the exact details of the session you want, they can’t work out whether they’re free to see you. Not all escorts are available 24/7, and we often need to plan ahead! Your escort will also need to know whether you want an incall or outcall (and if it’s an outcall, they’ll need to know the name of the hotel or the suburb where you want them to visit).
Note: In some states of Australia, incalls are prohibited by law. You might not be able to directly ask, without sounding suspicious. Instead, try saying, ‘Do you have any suggestions for where we could meet?’
A lot of escort clients assume that every escort session is the same, and that they don’t need to talk about what kind of sex they want. Or they might feel too embarrassed to open up about the kind of experience they’re hoping to have. If this is you, it’s totally understandable!
But in order for an escort to give you a good service, they need to know what kind of experience you want. That means getting specific about the particular services or activities you’re interested in.
This doesn’t need to be complicated - and it shouldn’t turn into a porn essay, either. Just list a few things you’d like to try, so that your escort can tell you whether they provide those services. No need to be shy - we’re very open minded!
If your escort says ‘no’ to a particular activity, don’t be offended. We’re all different in what we enjoy! It’s better to find out now, than to go on a date together and then discover that you’re not compatible. NEVER try to talk a sex worker into doing something that they’ve said ‘no’ to - it will only make us dislike you, and you’ll get a very bad service.
Learn how with our member-only video, 'Reach out and Connect'.
During my time in the sex industry, I’ve noticed that some issues come up over and over. Here are some of the most common ‘first contact’ etiquette mistakes that clients make. You’ll want to avoid these at all costs!
Once you’ve sent that message, you need to wait. This is the hardest bit - it might take a worker two or three days to get back to you, and all that wondering can be nerve wracking!
But it’s important to resist the urge to send follow-up messages. Your escort is a businessperson, and they probably have their hands full with other work (and other clients). If you spam them over and over, they’ll probably decide they don’t want to see you.
Instead, take a deep breath, put your phone or computer away, and find something to distract yourself for a few days. In due course, you should hear back with a 'yes' or 'no'.
If you've waited a few days and haven't received a reply, it might be time to try the next worker on your list. And if you contact a few workers and never hear back, re-read the 'dos' and 'don't's above to make sure you haven't accidentally said anything inappropriate.
Arranging an escort booking takes a bit of thought, to ensure everything goes well. But once you’re on your way, you’ll be glad of the time you invested in crafting a good booking request. Because when you act and sound like a gentleman at first contact, your escort will be delighted to meet you - and you’ll have a much better date.
Our eBook 'Getting started with escorts' gives you the essential know-how to meet up with independent, hands-on sex professionals.

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A wise man once said that the best sex is with someone that you love. I’ve had some pretty great sex with people I didn’t love, but I do agree that the more you are invested in the other person and the more connectivity you have, the better your experience with them is likely to be.
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Home Getting Started Escorts How to Find an Escort and Safely Arrange a Meeting

Eros is perhaps the most renowned and famous escort directory in the world. It has been connecting escorts with prospective clients for over two decades now.

Tryst is a website that is dedicated to providing escorts with an adequate and useful platform where they can advertise their services. It holds its users to high standards and is home to many different types of escorts.

Slixa is a well-known escort directory with a great database. It has a handy “discrete mode”, allowing you to look for escorts in places where it is otherwise inappropriate.

Freemium ($10 a month to $80 a year)

If you are looking for a high-quality, porn star escort in the USA, Porncompanions is perhaps your best option. This upscale escort agency sets industry standards with its number and quality of escorts, as well as the website’s convenience and security.

This escort agency offers a variety of high-end escorts and operates worldwide. It is one of the few agencies that actually list virgin escorts, among their many other categories.

Free ($50 a month to $30 000 a year)

This agency employs a great variety of gorgeous, supermodel escorts. CatWalkModelEscorts is a high-end website with escorts who work at very, very expensive rates.

One of the oldest and most renowned apps for sugar dating, SeekingArrangement allows young men and women to find sugar mommas and daddies to provide them with financial help and mentoring.

Ohlala is among the first apps to openly promote “paid dating” — men paying women to go on dates with them. The platform is universally known as the Uber for escorts.

SEPA Direct Debit, Visa, Mastercard & American Express

Pure is a dating app that puts a heavy emphasis on safety and security. If you are wondering how to find an escort in the most discreet way possible, Pure is the way to go.

Through Google/Apple account or with a Credit Card

The Erotic Review is perhaps the most famous and reliable escort review website out there. It is known for the quality and usefulness of its reviews, as well as its security measures and overall design.

Freemium ($30 for 1 month to $250 for 1 year)

Even though its design is a bit outdated, Escort Babylon is the most visited escort review website. It has a huge community of active users who are ready to help you.

This escort review website also has a somewhat outdated design, but it generally looks better than the previous one we looked at. It is a classic directory and review platform that sticks to its roots when it comes to visuals.

Freemium (£10.50 a 1 month to £105 a year)

TNABoard is one of the very first escort review forums to emerge on the scene. On top of that, it has perhaps the best overall design when compared to its alternatives.

Freemium ($20 a month to $155 a year)

This forum has a plethora of real escort reviews posted by verified users. However, membership at ECCIE is more expensive than one might expect.

Freemium ($40 a month to $250 a year)

This is one of the most popular escort review forums in the USA. It has an immense amount of traffic and a huge user base.

Nowadays, hiring a professional escort has never been easier. The Internet has given us a staggering number of escort websites and apps that allow us to quickly find a provider in our area. However, you must never drop your guard — there are quite a lot of scammers and con artists looking to take advantage of you on such platforms. Research has shown that one out of ten escort profiles is actually fake and one out of ten adults in the USA fall victim to fraud every year. In this article, we will show you how to find an escort in the safest way possible.
On top of potential scams, you also need to be mindful of the legal issues that come with hiring an escort. The industry as a whole is considered a gray area in many countries, while being outright illegal in some. So, you need to check if escorts are legal in your area and be extremely careful while looking for one. Before asking yourself how do I find an escort around here , make sure you do your research on the matter. It’s also a good idea to check out some international sex guides and educate yourself about sex scenes in different countries before joining the fun.

Once you find a verified escort who is providing legitimate services, you need to behave appropriately. As you are probably aware, you are not the only one in danger of being scammed — the escorts themselves are also vulnerable to con artists and potential legal issues. For their own safety, escorts also require customers to behave in a certain way before they agree on providing any services. In addition to showing you how to find an escort, we will teach you how to appropriately communicate with one as well.
Getting in touch and requesting the services of a professional escort used to be way easier back in the day. Classified ads websites like Backpage were a haven for escorts, allowing them to advertise their services and easily find clients. On top of that, such websites helped escorts keep blacklists, do client screening, and communicate with other providers to ensure a safer experience.
However, the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act and the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act got signed into law by the Trump administration back in 2018. SESTA and FOSTA made website publishers responsible for prostitution ads posted on their platform, removing the protections that Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act provided them. As a result, websites that ran escort ads had to be extra cautious.
Backpage, the most popular website for escort ads, was eventually seized by the US government on allegations of child and sex trafficking. This event had an enormous impact on the escort industry, as one of its central hubs was taken down. Avid clients started wondering where did the Backpage girls go . In the wake of Backpage’s shutdown, multiple alternatives started popping out, looking to provide escorts with a new place where they could advertise their services. We will cover some of the Backpage alternatives later in this article.
As we already mentioned, escort services are semi-legal or downright illegal in most countries in the world. Before you start looking for an escort online, you need to be fully aware of what you are getting yourself into. Do your research on the matter and see what the laws are concerning prostitution and sex workers in your country and are escorts legal in general. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry.
In the following lines, we will present you with some sound advice on how to find an escort online today. Before that, however, we would like to explore the main reasons why people look for escorts in the first place. As you might expect, it is not always about sex, even though it plays an important role in most cases. Let’s have a closer look at the reasons escorts services are in such high demand today.
Some people just need a good-looking companion for a social gathering or a corporate event.
Certain people have unorthodox fetishes and kinks and prefer to not share them with standard, non-escort companions. Also, they might just want to experiment with something new and exciting.
It might not come as a surprise that the divorce rate in the USA is around 40% . Physical intimacy often fades away after several years of marriage, even if love and respect are still present. However, people have basic needs that need to be satisfied.
Escorts are great for people who need physical, or sometimes purely emotional, intimacy, but want to avoid all the responsibility and commitment that come with being in an actual relationship.
Some people like to use escorts to practice their sexual prowess, so they can perform better with regular girls they pick up without paying them.
If you want to throw an amazing bachelor party for a friend, getting an escort as opposed to a stripper is a great idea. True, some strippers offer sexual services, but most of them do not.
Finally, escorts are great for people with disabilities who find it hard to start and maintain a relationship. The same goes for people who are shy, awkward, or insecure about their attractiveness, and think it’s impossible to find a girl who likes them.
If this is your first time booking such a service and you are looking for information on how to find an escort in the most dependable way, we have some up-front advice for you. First of all, do not be anxious or unnerved — hiring an escort is completely normal and people are doing it all the time. There is nothing to be ashamed or scared of when it comes to escort services. However, you do need to be careful.
A huge mistake you need to avoid is to go out trying to pick up streetwalkers. They are low-quality providers that come with a lot of associated risks. For example, you might end up robbed, scammed, or even catch an STD. There is no way to screen them or make sure they are a legit escort that provides a satisfying service. On top of that, you might run into an undercover cop. Read on below for information on how to find an escort in the safest, most effective ways nowadays.
Wondering how to find real escorts? As we already established, the easiest way to find an escort nowadays is to look for them online. There are essentially three types of online escort platforms — escort directories, escort agencies, and escort apps. We will take an in-depth look at each of these, providing you with a clear
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