How To Not Squirt

How To Not Squirt


How To Not Squirt

I'm embarrassed that I squirt, although the orgasm is fantastic, I feel disgusted at the fact I pretty much pissed myself and I can't see how a man honestly would like that happening either. Hs it due to a weak bladder? Does anyone know how to stop squirting but still enjoy sex?
Well I have had some helpful reassurance from men and the first women to respond was a criticising b**** so not much new there then. If you don't have anything nice to say I will just remove you, this is a sensitive topic for me and to accuse me of being a troll or a man pretending to be a women is just cruel.
Is there a way to stop yourself squirting during sex or foreplay but still have an orgasm?
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How dare you say those words take them back right now, lol no for me i love it and if i was your boy friend I would encourage you to do it with me for me it's a total turn on going to hear it but you feel it and see it I went out with a girl that kind of felt the same way and right in the middle of sex she would want to stop and I would and one day I just asked her why what is wrong and she told me I told her I understood the way she felt and I can respect that but please don't go back that's what I'm trying to do with you as make you to the best you've ever felt and just let yourself go and she did and after she gave into it was twice did she really let her go free and go and it was one of the hottest sex I've ever had in my life I think maybe you should talk to your partner first before you know beating yourself up for I understand and I respect your point of view but I don't think I'll guys are going to mind whatsoever it's it's part of a beautiful moment together and when that happens do when there's a moon behind it and breathing and screaming it is beautiful like I said I would be your boyfriend any day
It’s really just a natural response. don’t be ashamed or worried about it. just sort your bed a little differently. Mattress protectors like they use with memory foam mattresses are a good start, as is putting a big towel down. For me it’s really sexy as it means I have made the girl not only feel good but fucking great. Also technically it’s not fully pee, does not taste like it, or smell. potentially you could try different position, but you lose that rush. live with it and embrace it, some girls want to but can’t. but towels or similar help.
I think most things us girls are self conscious about are things that most guys find hot. Most guys know that sex is messy and the messier the better, tbh. Since you know you’re a squirter just make sure you have extra towels on hand. No biggie. And you’re lucky you can squirt. I hope I can one day.
The liquid isn't urine, it's lubricant derived from blood plasma and mucus, if you're actually squirting. You can tell because it's clear. If it's yellow you might have a bladder control issue. Honestly I like when women squirt, generally it takes a lot of effort to cause an orgasm that powerful. Maybe you're just lucky. Anyways just put down a towel, it's not a bad thing. Sex in general is a bit of a silly proceeding, all that slapping of parts and getting messy.
It's not yellow like urine but it can have a light tint to it on kitchen towel or something. Might have to talk with a gp about it if it bladder related.
I think most guys would be very accepting about your squirting, especially because as you say it happens with a fantastic orgasm. It's a turn on for a guy when his female partner has a powerful orgasm. I suppose you know what to expect and I guess you put a towel on the bed.
It's hot. I mean you can argue it's a disgusting embarrassing mess and I can't exactly say it's not it's just... hot to fuck a woman to the point she turns into a leaking wet mess. passionate sex where the room stinks after is better than convenient easily cleaned up sex.
Squirting is really hot. Most men would love that you squirt. It sounds like you’re stressing over it too much and letting it cause too much anxiety for you. It’s not a bad thing I would suggest figuring out how you can accept that part of yourself rather than try and fight it. You could do more damage to yourself trying to fight it than if you were to just accept it
Don't be ashamed. It's amazing things Lots of girls dream about being like you, So have fun and don't think about it again, Let your fountain flow.
Lol, odd way of putting but thanks anyway
I want you to imagine this squirt as honey, so don't deprive your partner from this delicious thing
Maybe one day you will invite me to taste this honey. I am obsessed with honey
I think t may be a good idea for me to delete my question now, thanks for the reassurance
And waiting for your next questions
Forget about it. It's fine. Be happy that your orgasms are so strong.
I don't see squirting as disgusting , i actually find it sexy but don't ask me why I couldn't tell you.
I'm not sure, but there's nothing wrong with that tbh. in my opinion its a turn on if she squirts.
Don't worry about it. I bet your boyfriend doesn't mind.
Guys love it. So nothing to worry about. Plus not many girls can do it
I think that's another reason I find it embarrassing if I don't need to do it why does it happen
We can't can't control how we cum. if you squirt or didn't a guy or girl would still you no matter what cos there in to you
Why would you WANT to stop yourself? This guy and many others SEEK OUT women with your skillset!!! BE PROUD and The FEW!
Why would you want to stop that. That's so oo oo sexy I would let you stop my goal would be to make you squirt as much as possible
don't be ashamed of it. ddid anyone told anything negative about your squirting?
Well I Knew someone who mentioned that the idea of a girl doing that made him uncomfortable and this wasn't about me it was just a general conversation he was having with another guy and he also said that it's pretty much missing yourself so you know I guess I feel it could be a issue and not something women are supposed to do cos if we were why don't all women do it?
don't worry. sometimes it is good not to know too many things.
No guy will have a problem with you squirting
That can’t be stopped, that’s your G-spot.
I'd be lucky to see a NHS nurse during covid.
I don't even have a private dentist, all reliant on NHS at the moment and they are struggling right now with the pandemic so my chances of getting any kind of appointment involves me needing to see someone if I'm like dieing, I severely don't that I'm gonna die
The right man will welcome you and your squirting

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Think you know everything about female ejaculation? Sit down and learn a thing or two, guys
We don't know a lot about the science behind female ejaculation, a.k.a. squirting . We don't know exactly what's in it. We don't know why some women can do it, while others can't. Even women who squirt don't fully understand how they do it (though they do generally agree it's pretty dope). As if the female orgasm weren't complicated enough, squirting adds a whole new level of confusion.
As a woman, I thought I was incapable of squirting until I found myself doing it one night while I was masturbating in my bathtub (easy cleanup!). As it turned out, part of the reason why I hadn’t squirted yet was because I had bought into the myths about squirting: namely, that you can only do it when you stimulate your g-spot, or that it always looks like you've taken a Super Soaker to your sheets.
It's time to clear up these myths about female ejaculation once and for all. Here are eight common misconceptions about what happens when your partner showers you with love (pun absolutely intended).
If your experience with squirting is limited to watching it in porn, you've probably convinced yourself that there's no way that Super Soaker blast is legit. But “there’s no question that squirting is absolutely real,” says Amanda Luterman M.A., M.E.d., C.C.C., a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in sexuality. While the science behind squirting is not fully understood, documentation of female ejaculation stems all the way back to the 16th century, and numerous studies since have found that some women do indeed expel fluid during orgasm . So yes, squirting is real .
That said, just because squirting is real doesn’t mean that all women do it. In fact, one study of 300 participants reported that only seven women self-reported female ejaculation during orgasm. “I would never tell a woman that she’s incapable of squirting, nor tell a woman that everyone squirts,” Luterman says. It’s like anal: porn may make it look easy, but not everyone finds it pleasurable or even comfortable. And that’s OK. So if your partner doesn't squirt, don’t make her feel bad about herself. “Everyone is different. The body doesn’t go by a template,” Dr. Shepherd says.
OK, fine — t here is some pee in female ejaculate . But it’s not all pee. “It’s a combination of ejaculatory fluid as well as urinary fluid,” says Jessica Shepherd MD, an OB/GYN. The ejaculatory fluid comes from glands on the anterior wall of the vagina known as the Skene’s glands. Urine is present in the fluid because these glands are in close proximity to the urethra, says Shepherd. So if you’re dating a squirter, chill. You might get a bit wet, but Shepherd says exposure to female ejaculate carries no health risks. (And by the way, dudes: FYI, there’s totally a little urine in your pre-cum .)
“The top squirting myth is that it’s always an orgasm,” says sex educator Lola Jean , aka, “Lola Jean the Squirting Queen.” Jean teaches squirting workshops and says that while squirting and orgasm often happen in tandem, they aren’t always one and the same. Sometimes women will squirt without having an orgasm; sometimes, they'll squirt while coming, and sometimes they'll squirt after they get off, when they’re feeling more relaxed.
Pleasuring the g-spot, the spongey area of the anterior wall of the vagina about half-way between the opening and the cervix, makes some women squirt. But that’s not the only road you can or should take to that particular destination. Some women squirt from clitoral stimulation . Remember: the clit is more than the little sensitive bump right above the vaginal opening. “Think of a tree growing all those roots; the ends of the clitoris go way under the vaginal area that you wouldn’t be able to see. So how those nerve endings respond or how sensitive they are will be different for everyone,” Luterman says. So instead of zeroing in on the g-spot, have your partner show you what feels best when she masturbates. Once you’ve figured out what works for her, she can show you how to touch her in a manner that may induce ejaculation.
If you watch a lot of porn, you've probably seen a woman's vagina spout like a geyser. That's likely the result of porn stars using douches prior to shooting a scene. While some women do squirt a lot, others dribble, while some make puddles that look like they wet the bed. That's why you probably shouldn't expect your partner to gush the second you thrust two fingers inside her.
Unlike men, most women haven’t been shooting fluid out of their genitals on the reg since middle school. So most women who do squirt need to be ultra-relaxed to make it happen. Plus, some squirters may have been shamed for it by previous partners, which makes it even more difficult. So if you're turned on by her squirting, that's great — just don't pressure her to do it, which will likely make her anxious. Just focus on giving her pleasure and having a good time.
Yes, if your partner squirts a lot, staining is a possibility (especially if you have silk sheets). But hey, at least you’ll have sweet new tie-dye bedding. Seriously, if you’re concerned about ruining your sheets, just throw a towel under your partner. Jean suggests the Liberator Fascinator blanket , a glam plush throw designed to soak up sex messes. Need a squirting sheet protector in a pinch? “Regular old puppy pads are great for on the go,” Jean says.

When you Google “squirting,” the results are a mixed bag. There are articles proclaiming that they can teach you how to do it, along with forums and blog posts questioning if it’s even real. And, of course, there is porn—so much porn.
WebMD, that website we all know and love for helping us falsely self-diagnose a terminal illness whenever we get a tummy ache , breaks down squirting like this : “​​Squirting refers to fluid expelled from the vagina during orgasm. Not all people with vaginas squirt during orgasm, and those who do may only squirt some of the time. This type of orgasm includes a rapid ejection of urine from the bladder.”
B ased on that (and all the porn), we know squirting can happen— even if WebMD is right that it’s just pee (though many experts disagree about the pee thing—more on that in a moment ). Here’s how you can attempt it, or find inner peace if you can’t make it work.
“Squirting is real for vagina owners,” asserted Matt Lachman, a certified sex therapist and owner of Cleveland Sex Therapy . “The debate among the sex therapy world and the medical field, too, is pretty intense when it comes to squirting. It’s not urine, but it’s also not the fluid that gets released when a vagina lubricates itself.”
He explained that the fluid—whatever it is—comes from the Skene’s glands located on either side of the urethra in someone assigned female at birth . Still, he added, “what the fluid is, exactly, is still really unknown.”
Sari Cooper, a certified sex therapist and directer of the Center for Love and Sex , expanded on what is known about the fluid, telling Lifehacker that while the fluid is expelled through the urethra, researchers have found it is “significantly different from urine.”
“Basically, the ejaculate contains high levels of prostatic acid phosphatase, prostatic specific antigen, glucose, and fructose, but low levels of urea and creatinine,” or the “opposite” of healthy urine, she said. So, we know it’s not pee, but there is still debate on what the purpose of the fluid is.
That might not be comforting to hear if you’re earnestly endeavoring to squirt. Lachman says, though, that the focus should be less on how you can squirt and more on why you want to.
“When we look at people who identify as female vagina owners, they feel like they can have this pressure in a relationship, [like], ‘Why am I not squirting? Should I be squirting?’” Lachman explained. “And I think the real question is looking at what is the point of putting a lot of pressure on someone to squirt?”
He said that American sex ed is “very, very poor” (which is quite true ), and students here never learn about the importance of pleasure in sex. As a result, we turn to porn or prioritize the “performance” of sex above any pleasurable experience. Squirting, a visual representation of an orgasm, is essentially a performance that signals the end goal of the encounter has been achieved. Penetrating partners can feel a sense of accomplishment when they see their partner orgasm. This puts pressure on both parties and takes the focus away from enjoyment and intimacy. At best, it’s a distraction; a t worst, it’s an anxiety-inducing nightmare.
Lachman warned that penetrating partners shouldn’t consider it their “job” to pleasure their partner, and receiving partners shouldn’t consider it theirs to put on a show. He said to ask yourself, “Why the hell am I focusing so much on giving my partner something instead of just focusing on us achieving pleasures together?”
Of course, that’s easier said than done. He sees clients who share that their boyfriend or partner is requesting that they squirt. One also might feel pressure to compete with porn, or past partners who do squirt . It can be frustrating not to achieve squirting, which is bizarre when you consider that researchers don’t even know what the bodily function of squirting even is .
Moreover, Cooper even said that those who do squirt don’t always love it. “In my experience, women who do ejaculate feel tremendous self-consciousness about it and find it a turn-off to themselves even if their partner isn’t bothered by it or is actually turned on by it,” she said. All this hype for something that many squirters wish they weren’t even able to do.
You may never be able to squirt or help your partner to do it, which is totally fine and normal. The best chance you have, though, requires two things: The partner with the vagina has to be relaxed, and their G-spot needs to be stimulated.
Relaxing under pressure to perform is hard, which is the big paradox here. Be open with your partner about this endeavor. Have honest conversations and, if you’re the penetrating partner, be clear that you will not be disappointed if the other person doesn’t do it. Communicate through the whole encounter, listen to each other, and, of course, use toys, fingers, or a penis to stimulate the G-spot from the inside. Practice makes perfect, and at least this can be fun to practice, right?
“One can practice stimulating their G-spot (which is a spongy prostate on the anterior side of their vagina about ½-1” above the entry) in a come-here motion with two fingers, or use a sex toy that is specifically created for G-spot stimulation,” said Cooper, who added, “The sensation is different from the arousal experienced with clitoral stimulation, so it’s important to be mindfully breathing to remain in one’s body without worrying about a specific outcome.”
If you try and it doesn’t work, do n’ t be discouraged, embarrassed, or upset. There is a whole world of fun stuff to do in the bedroom. This is just one thing.
“At the end of the day, sex is for pleasure and enjoyment, and what I tell my clients is, ‘Focus on your enjoyment, focus on what turns you on, and talk to your partner about that,’” Lachman said. “So the conversation would be, ‘Let’s not focus on trying to reach a goal. Let’s not even focus
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