How To Milk Your Own Prostate

How To Milk Your Own Prostate


How To Milk Your Own Prostate



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Prostate massage or milking can be prescribed to men for a wide range of issues, such as prostatitis and erectile dysfunction. Though the evidence of its benefits is mostly anecdotal, prostate massage is becoming a more and more widespread treatment method.
Proper education and preparation are of key importance, as bad technique and poor hygiene can cause great damage to the area and bring numerous medical complications. Keep reading to find out how to milk your prostate in a safe and healthy way.
Some experts agree that a regular prostate massage therapy can help with a wide range of issues. The greatest benefit is the regular clearing of the prostatic duct. It can also help relieve the symptoms of prostatitis. Here are other conditions on which regular prostate massage could have beneficial effects:
Prostate massage or milking does, however, come with its own set of risks. If you’re not careful, you can seriously damage your prostate gland, walls of the colon, and anus.
Possible complications of an excessively vigorous massage can result in hemorrhoids, perforation of the rectal lining, infection, bleeding, septicaemia, and gangrene.
It is not advised for men suffering from prostate cancer to perform the milking, as it may help spread cancer cells to nearby organs or other parts of the body.
To minimize the risk, you should seek out a medical professional who can give you instructions on how to perform the milking in a safe and healthy way. If you want your partner to perform it for you, they should also get educated on the matter before proceeding.
There are several things you should do before you proceed with the milking. Here’s how to prepare for the session:
In the following sections, we’ll explain how to milk your prostate using either the external or the internal method.
The external method does not involve inserting your fingers or a massaging device into your anus. Instead, you will use either to massage the perineum, the area that’s located between the scrotum and the anus.
This approach doesn’t guarantee the results as external massage can be insufficient on its own. This largely depends on the masseur’s skill level and the sensitivity of the area. Usually, it takes more time to drain the prostate this way than it would with the internal method.
You may or may not opt to use a glove or lubricant for this method. It is not necessary, though it might help smooth the entire process. Also, you may perform the massage with fingers or with a massager specially designed for this purpose.
Whatever you opt for, it is always advisable to empty your bowels and bladder before proceeding with the external massage.
You should start by gently rubbing the perineum area with your fingers or a massage device of your choice. Keep massaging for several minutes and make sure to cover the entire length of the perineum. If you feel discomfort or have sensitive skin, consider applying some lube.
You should keep going until the semen is released from the prostate. Have in mind that it might take a while, especially if you’re inexperienced.
You can perform the milking with a prostate massager for external application. They are designed to be sat on and to provide pressure to the perineum. External massagers usually have the vibration function to help facilitate the process.
As with finger massage, it might take some time before you see the results. Of course, if it is excessively uncomfortable or becomes painful, stop the massage and consider another approach.
The internal method entails the direct stimulation of the prostate. It is done through the anus and involves inserting either fingers or a massage device into the cavity to achieve the desired result.
You can opt to perform the milking yourself or ask your partner. If you feel reluctant to do either, you can always go to a doctor. If you’re inexperienced, it is advisable to turn to a professional for help to rule out possible health complications.
Clearing your bowels and emptying your bladder is a must if you opt for this method. It is also recommended to perform an enema prior to milking your prostate.
First, put a glove or a condom over the hand with which you will be performing the massage. You don’t want to spread the bacteria living in your colon to other parts of the body.
Next, pour some lube on your fingers and apply it to the inside of your anus. Though it might be unnerving if you don’t have experience with prostate milking, try to relax and breathe normally.
Locate the prostate and start gently rubbing it. The prostate is, depending on your height, 2 to 4 inches up the colon. Technically, it is not in the colon. It is located on the outside, between the bladder and the colon wall.
At first, you should apply the pressure for only several seconds before pulling back. The prostate is roughly the size of a walnut and is round-shaped. Its surface is smooth and very sensitive to the touch.
Repeat the previous step as many times as needed. You can try massaging different areas of the prostate if you can. It is nothing unusual if you experience erection during the process.
You can also opt to massage your prostate with a massage device. If you choose to go this route, get a massager that’s specifically designed for this purpose. Make sure it is a quality product that won’t do any harm to your prostate or the anus.
Generally, there are two types of massagers, with and without vibration. Both are shaped to fit the shape of the rectum and come in different sizes to match the position of the prostate. It is strongly advised that you do not use any other device for this purpose.
First, lubricate the massager thoroughly and then insert it into your anus. As with finger massage, you should start gently and apply the pressure to the prostate gland for several seconds before pulling back.
Repeat the previous step as many times as needed. Have in mind that the electric massagers with vibration function can also help with inflammation, improve the blood flow in the area of application, and relax the prostate gland.
While potentially risky, a prostate massage can help with a number of problems, including benign prostatic hyperplasia, inflammation of the urinal tract, and erectile dysfunction.
You should take some time to educate yourself on the proper methods and techniques. Performing the massage with little or no knowledge can have grave consequences on your health. Consult your doctor if you’re not sure whether or not you should do it.
The information provided is no substitite for an informed medical professional.
Please consult an expert before taking any action
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Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate

MLA Style Citation:

Ducat, Joseph "Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate."
Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate .
29 Jan. 2007
10 Jul. 2022 <­By-­Step-­Directions-­for-­Milking-­the-­Prostate&id=435808 >.

APA Style Citation:

Ducat, J. (2007, January 29). Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate .
Retrieved July 10, 2022, from­By-­Step-­Directions-­for-­Milking-­the-­Prostate&id=435808

Chicago Style Citation:

Ducat, Joseph "Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate." Step By Step Directions for Milking the Prostate .­By-­Step-­Directions-­for-­Milking-­the-­Prostate&id=435808

Joseph Ducat  |  

Submitted On January 29, 2007

The prostate is a gland of the male reproductive system. It is not found in women. Its primary function is the production of seminal fluid, and it also stimulates orgasm in males. The prostate gland can be affected by disease, including infectious inflammation or prostatitis, and prostate cancer, the second most deadly cancer among American males. Many people recommend milking the prostate regularly as a preventative treatment against prostate cancer and prostatitis.
Prostate milking is also referred to as prostate massage. It is a fairly simple procedure and you can do it yourself if you want to. Here are the steps to take in milking the prostate on your own:
1. Perform urination or a bowel movement in order to maximize the relaxation of the area.
2. Make sure that your fingernails are trimmed and have no jagged edges jutting out.
3. Clean your body and your hands thoroughly. Then put on a sterile latex glove on your hand. Dab a little water-based lubricant on your fingers.
4. Carefully insert your finger or fingers into your anus. Move them gradually upwards and to the back, along the area of the rectum towards the front of your body. Your fingers should be moving in roughly the direction of your navel.
5. You will feel the prostate gland, which is like a small, round bulb about the size of a large walnut. Gently massage it with a light waving motion along its sides, taking care not to press hard on the central area, where the sensitive nerves are located. Avoid touching the prostate gland with your fingernails.
6. You may experience a disconcerting sensation that makes you feel like going to the bathroom although you do not have to. Try not to let it affect you, and continue with the procedure.
7. After a few minutes, the prostate gland may be stimulated enough for ejaculation to occur. You are also likely to experience sexual pleasure or orgasm. However, the procedure does not always successfully bring about ejaculation.
Prostate milking when used as a preventative treatment may carry a few risks. It is a technique that is not recommended for men who have a disease of the prostate or acute prostatitis, an acute inflammation of the glandular tissue. The problem in such cases is that the act of milking the prostate may cause the infection to spread to other areas of the body.
If you are looking for more information about milking the prostate [], check out my other tips and articles at []
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