How To Massage A Man Penis

How To Massage A Man Penis


You Can Drive Him Wild With This Penis Massage
Babe, would you like to show your partner that you’re much more than the average girlfriend? Learn how to give him a penis massage to be an extraordinary girlfriend!
A penis massage is a slow and relaxing massage that will drive him wild and open him to more love and connection.
Now, please hear me out: this is not a handjob!
When you give a man a handjob, you’re trying to provide him with as much pleasure you can as quickly as possible. There is nothing wrong with that, but a penis massage holds other meanings: it is a space for deep relaxation and release of stress associated with intimacy or sex.
When you give him a penis massage, you show your man that you care for his well-being.
You want to learn how to give a penis massage because it will help your man:
It will all be to your advantage with time. Your man will become more tender, self-aware, empathetic, and sensual as a lover.
If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, this is an experience that reignites passion. This practice has helped many men and women as a couple. It has also helped many men reconnect with their masculinity.
So in this article, I am going to walk you through the process of a penis massage step by step. It will be mind-blowing!
Let your man know this isn’t going to be the average everyday sexual experience. To set up space, you need to think of the following details.
Music changes the vibration of the room and enhances relaxation. I’d recommend opting for sensual and gentle music such as this erotic tantra massage music.
Choose a soft and warm light as it increases arousal. If you have them, light some candles.
If you’re using candles, opt for lightly scented ones. If you have essential oils, let your man sniff different scents. It will activate his sense of smell, which is strongly connected to his primal sexual instincts. Most men prefer citrus or woodsy scents like eucalyptus or lemon. Your personal scent can be another fantastic way to awaken his senses.
Make sure that the room in which you’ll give him the massage is cozy and tidy. How is the texture of the bedding? How is the temperature in the room? Make sure you have several hours of privacy ahead of you and that nothing has a chance to affect the mood. This means that you need to be comfortable as well as you give him his penis massage.
Have some massage oil handy. I personally prefer odorless baby oil so that it doesn’t mix up the scents of the room. But you can use oils with a pleasing scent like coconut or cacao oil. If you have some silicone-based lube, keep it aside as you might want to use it.
Now it is time to start the process with some ritual and body massage.
Sit in front of each other and engage in deep, synchronized breaths. Share your intention as a giver and receiver and slowly help your man remove his clothes, one piece at a time. You can keep yours on or undress — just be sure to keep your boundaries.
Remember, it is not about sex; it is about offering him space for relaxation.
Now, as your man sits facing you, kneel between his open legs. With this, you are honoring and respecting him as a man.
Before giving him his relaxing penis massage, let’s help him fully relax and warm-up.
First, have him lay on his stomach. With the massage oil, massage his neck, his shoulders, his back, his inner thighs. Move deeply along his pelvic floor and down to his pelvis, to his legs, to his feet.
Then, ask him to turn onto his back and massage him from the bottom up.
Most men like a deep, firm touch. Check-in and ask him if he likes the pressure and the speed. Press harder and deeper than you think you can for the massage to feel good. He’ll feel a massive release in areas where he carries a lot of tension.
Now that he’s relaxed, hold his penis firmly. It is better to focus on connecting with and following your intuition than trying to remember specific massage techniques. So learn your techniques beforehand, and if you don’t remember them, that’s okay. The most important thing is that you’re present through the act.
Here are five strokes that will allow him to experience a mind-blowing penis massage.
This stroke is very stimulating. Encircle your man’s penis firmly with both hands and then, without squeezing too hard, turn them gently in opposite directions.
Start at the base of his penis and gently press his penis with your thumbs and index fingers. Then, release. Move up about a centimeter and repeat. Keep going until you’ve worked your way up to the tip. It doesn’t matter if he’s erect during this or not. Actually, his penis is even more sensitive to this stroke when soft.
The foreskin is located at the head of the penis. It is attached to the penis by an elastic band of tissue called the penile tissue. With the tips of your thumb and index finger, circle this zone gently in both directions.
Hold the sides of his penis with both hands and imitate a skiing motion with your thumbs. Alternate movement up and down his penis from the base to the tip. Experiment with different speeds and pressure levels. Check his facial expression and responses to know what he likes best.
Interlace your fingers as you would to pray and curl his penis between your hands. Open your thumbs and, at varying speeds, slide them up and down along each side of his penis.
At this point in the massage, he’s probably feeling very turned on. There is a critical moment where you must not push him over the edge into ejaculation or orgasm. Instead, bring him up to a level 8 — level 9 is the climax, level 10 is ejaculation — and slow down the stimulation. Wait a few minutes until you sense he dropped down to level 3, then build up his excitement and turn him on again. Do several rounds. It will make him sexually hypersensitized, and it is truly healing.
Finally, you can bring him to orgasm — at level 9 or 10. At this stage, it will be a full-bodied experience where pleasure will flow through his entire body.
During the climax, wrap your fingers around the base of his scrotum. Then pull downward to stimulate an orgasm without ejaculation. Now, if he doesn’t want to or can’t orgasm, that is perfectly okay! Here are other options if he is open to them. He can move to:
With these steps detailed, you know the secret to be not his average girlfriend, but his extraordinary girlfriend! Now there are two rules to remember, and they are significant.
Set 30 full minutes just for him. Let him know that this is a space for him to receive and experience what he needs to undergo. These 30 minutes allow a moment in time to shut down the mind. It is a hard thing to do for our men as when there is a sexual encounter, the porn movie starts playing in their head. Performance pressure follows. So the longer the massage lasts, the more he steps out of his mind, and the more aware he becomes of his body.
A penis massage can help men who need sexual healing or release of things bottled up inside their sexuality. Encourage him to breathe and make a sound. If he is not having an erection, take the pressure off him and tell him that’s fine in this space. Don’t take whatever he is going through personally. Just keep bringing loving compassion and attention to his entire body for the duration of the massage.
So when are you going to try it? I challenge you to text your man now and invite him over for a truly mind-blowing experience.
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Движения при массаже члена руками — строго 18+
Движения при массаже члена. Чтобы сделать потрясающий эротический массаж мужчине, необходимо знать специальные движения при массаже члена. Смотри и учись!
Чтобы научится делать настоящий эротический массаж мужчине, нужно выучить движения при массаже члена! Без этих массажных движений рук на члене мужчины практически невозможно подарить ему настоящее, неземное удовольствие, так как не зная движений у вас получится не массаж члена, а простая мастурбация! Движения при массаже члена.
Как видно в анимации, одной рукой хорошо смазанный массажным маслом член мужчины захватывается у основания, а пальцами второй руки нежно массируется головка полового члена.
2. Массажное движение «Первобытный огонь»
Интересные и приятные ощущения от добычи «первобытного огня», не забывайте захватывать головку члена, а темп выбирайте который больше нравится мужчине.
Все просто, захватываете член за основание, а другой рукой, ладонью производите круговые движения.
Головка члена мужчины, это самое чувствительное место на теле мужчины, уделяйте ей как можно больше внимания, и ваш мужчина будет в полном восторге от массажа члена.
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Движение при массаже члена — легкая мастурбация, должно быть не банальной мастурбацией, а легкими, изящными, медленными движениями руки женщины, как бы играясь с членом любимого мужчины.
Очень потрясающее движение при массаже члена, дело в том, что обе руки женщины массируют очень большую площадь члена и воздействуют на большинство нервных окончаний, от этого становится очень приятно.
Легкая мастурбация в две руки доставляет массу удовольствия, тем более, обратите внимание на анимацию, женщина стоит с другой стороны члена и ладонью массирует уздечку и нижнюю сторону, что вдвойне приятно.
Это движение при массаже члена очень необычно по ощущениям для мужчины, так как эта поза сзади, меняется угол наклона члена, от чего ощущения реально восхитительные!
Как говорилось выше, уздечка члена и кольцо нервных окончаний, является самой чувствительной эрогенной зоной мужчины, помассируйте ее большим пальцем.
При массаже члена, чтобы доставить еще больше удовольствия, можно массировать и яички мужчины, но будьте предельно осторожны, и ни в коем случае не перекручивайте их!
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Применение минета при массаже члена может послужить своеобразной изюминкой в вашем эротическом массаже мужчине. В любом случае, чем разнообразнее будут ваши движения при массаже члена, тем больше мужчина получит удовольствия и восхищения вами!
Вот такие движения при массаже члена применяются, теперь женщины вы знаете как доставить потрясающее удовольствие своему мужчине! Балуйте его по чаще такими эротическими изысками и он будет от вас в постели просто без ума, да и вы потом можете ему намекнуть, что и вы бы не отказались от такого эротического массажа! Загляните в рубрику «учимся делать массаж» или ниже в списке, там есть видео ролики, как сделать эротический массаж женщине!
Обязательно знать каждой женщине! Видеоурок массажа члена:
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