How To Marry A Prince

How To Marry A Prince


How To Marry A Prince

Sorry, ladies. This prince is taken.

Prince William attends the unveiling of a new scanner facility at a children's hospital.

Bruce Adams- WPA Pool/ Getty Images
BBC News. "Review could see Prince William's daughter as Queen." Jan. 19, 2011. (Jan. 20, 2011). Churcher, Joe. "Reforms 'could make Catholics eligible for throne'." The Independent. Sept. 28, 2008. (Jan. 18, 2011). Foreman, Amanda. "How to marry a prince." The Deccan Chronicle. Nov. 28, 2010. (Jan. 18, 2011). Quinn, Ben. "Royal wedding: Prince William to marry Kate Middleton." The Christian Science Monitor. Nov. 16, 2010. (Jan 18, 2011). Varin, Andra. "When Commoners Marry Into Royal Families." ABC News. May 13, 2004. (Jan. 18, 2010).

Natalie Kilgore
"How can I marry prince charming?"
8 February 2011.
1 July 2022

Who Pays for a Royal Wedding — and How Much Does It Cost?
Most people are familiar with storybook fairy tales. The pretty peasant girl meets and falls in love with a tall, dark and handsome prince. He whisks our heroine away in a horse -drawn carriage to a white castle, and the happy couple lives a blissful life together until the end of time. Sigh.
What little girl doesn't dream that one day she'll meet prince charming, have a magical wedding and live happily ever after? The truth is, very few of us have a real chance at joining a royal family -- especially the British royal family.
Maybe that's why we're fascinated by the very real, very romantic story unfolding right now in the media.
An everyday English girl, Kate Middleton, beat the odds and snagged one of today's most eligible bachelors, Prince William of Wales. How does a commoner become the first woman in more than 350 years to marry prince charming? The pair met by chance as students at a prominent European university, but Prince William has reportedly claimed that Kate won him over with her "naughty" sense of humor.
Dying to take a stroll through Windsor Castle in Kate Middleton's Louboutin pumps? The life of a modern-day princess certainly has its perks. As if inserting the title of "princess" before her first name isn't thrilling enough, she also has a private secretary, a full team of aides, around-the-clock security and a couturier to design all of the custom garments and ball gowns she desires.
Even though your chance may be one in a million at becoming the next princess of England, you might be surprised to learn that there's no law keeping a prince from marrying a commoner. So, if you play your cards right, who knows? You could be the next girl who sweeps a prince off his feet. (You're already imagining how you'll look in a tiara, aren't you?)
For all of the hopeful bachelorettes out there, we've got three rules for meeting and marrying prince charming.
Contrary to popular belief, you can't buy your way into British aristocracy. England's upper class includes entrepreneurs, people who have become wealthy by working hard as business professionals, and those who have simply inherited large sums of money.
To fall in love with a royal, you've got to become acquainted with one -- and let's be honest, being wealthy definitely improves your chances of socializing with the royal family.
Princess Diana's parents (both from aristocratic families) mingled regularly with British royals. When Diana was a teenager, she met her future husband, Prince Charles, at a party she attended with family. The couple married several years later.
Even though the rich often run in the same circles with the British royal family, it's far more important to be an honorable member of society than a wealthy one. To gain respect and earn your spot as a dignified member of the royals' social circle, you must follow rules of etiquette, maintain an exceptional public reputation and earn a good education. Most eligible princes attend fine colleges and universities, so women admitted to the same schools are increasing their chances of socializing with royalty .
Our case study princess-to-be, Kate Middleton, who was raised by wealthy, self-made entrepreneurs, was accepted to Scotland's St. Andrews University, where she met Prince William. The two even shacked up as roommates in an off-campus estate during their college years! Over time, their friendship developed into a relationship that lasted several years, and the rest is history.
Now more than ever, royals mingle with commoners at everyday places and events.
If you're part of an upper-class family in England, you might be inclined to attend polo games, rugby tournaments or tennis matches where the British royals are also present. Prince Harry, a revered polo player, is rumored to have met his on-and-off girlfriend, Chelsy Davy, at a polo match.
This brings us to another point. You can be a prominent member of society and meet your prince, but you've got to have something in common if you want to make it to the altar. Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy both enjoy sports, outdoor activities and are regularly spotted together in London bars and nightclubs. Does all this add up to another royal engagement?
Long ago, royals only associated with other royals. They held grand celebrations and attended exclusive political functions, consulting with other high-ranking officials regarding the countries they ruled. Children of royals didn't play with commoners' children and stayed relatively sheltered from the world outside their tall palace walls. Edward VIII believed it was improper for a princess to be educated with commoners, so the young Queen Elizabeth II grew up very differently from today's young royals, receiving her education privately at home.
Modern royals don't necessarily rule their countries, and they have schedules filled with a different list of responsibilities. They often work outside the palace and attend events and fundraisers with commoners. Traditional responsibilities and practices have been replaced with duties of public service, where royals regularly mingle with everyday people. In the past, Prince William, known for being a passionate humanitarian, has volunteered at a British Red Cross aid distribution center, and he spends his free time working with several charities. Some royals work in various businesses and industries, so it's entirely possible that a prince could meet and marry a commoner he works closely with at the office.
New generations of royals have openly expressed unfavorable feelings concerning old-fashioned traditions and values, and much of this can be greatly attributed to socializing with people outside the royal circle. British royals now attend concerts, restaurants, shops, bars and nightclubs like everyone else. They seem to be the first generation to be able to easily relate to commoners, widening their circle of potential paramours.
OK, so here's where things get a little stale and sticky.
Historically, heirs to the throne can't marry a Catholic due to The Act of Settlement, a document enacted in 1701 by the British Parliament. This law, passed during a period when Protestants feared widespread Catholicism, states that only Protestant heirs of Princess Sophia, granddaughter of James I, should be permitted to take the British throne. Later, the law extended to Scotland.
The law still exists today, forbidding Catholics or those who marry a Catholic from becoming a member of British royalty . Even though Anglicanism and Catholicism are similar, if the bride-to-be is Catholic, she must convert to Anglicanism to become part of the royal family.
Only two years ago, Canadian-born Autumn Kelly, a commoner, converted from Catholicism to the Anglican church before marrying Peter Phillips, son of Princess Anne. Prince Peter would have been forced to give up his place in line to the throne if Autumn refused to denounce her Roman Catholic faith.
It's hard to imagine that today's multi-faith society still upholds this law, especially since it doesn't prohibit any other religious person from joining the royal family. Even though it would be a huge undertaking for members of legislation, they're currently reviewing the contents of The Act of Settlement and considering doing away with the discriminatory law altogether. Maybe one day, the system will expunge the act and be open to allowing spouses of British royalty to freely practice whatever religion they choose.
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To Marry a Prince by A.C. Arthur.

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Preview — To Marry a Prince
by A.C. Arthur

A royal seduction Crown prince Kristian DeSaunters has been groomed since birth to take his place as leader of his tropical kingdom—with the proper princess by his side. Never one to lose his control, he's stunned by his attraction to the free-spirited American stylist who arrives at the palace in his father's fiancée's entourage. Soon Kris and Landry Norris are sharing an
A royal seduction Crown prince Kristian DeSaunters has been groomed since birth to take his place as leader of his tropical kingdom—with the proper princess by his side. Never one to lose his control, he's stunned by his attraction to the free-spirited American stylist who arrives at the palace in his father's fiancée's entourage. Soon Kris and Landry Norris are sharing an instant sultry attraction that shows no signs of slowing down. Landry couldn't turn down the opportunity of a lifetime to dress the princess-to-be on a private Caribbean island. Falling for Kris is definitely not part of her plan, but the independent LA beauty soon finds herself yearning for a fairy-tale ending of her own. Until someone sets out to sabotage the upcoming nuptials—and Landry becomes the prime suspect. Will Kris and Landry be able to stop a hidden enemy bent on destroying the DeSaunters reign—and save the possibility of a future together?

May 1st 2017
by Harlequin Kimani Romance

(first published April 18th 2017)

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Start your review of To Marry a Prince (The Royal Weddings #1)

I received a copy of "To Marry A Prince" from the author "A.C. Arthur" in exchange for my honest review. I don't want to give to much away about "To Marry A Prince" all I can say it that A.C. has done it again. This is a great love story. This was truly a love story for both Landry Norris and Crown Prince Kristian Rafferty DeSaunters. Kristian believed in fairytales because when he was younger his mom would tell him bedtime stories that were fairytales, Landry didn't believe in fairytales because s
I received a copy of "To Marry A Prince" from the author "A.C. Arthur" in exchange for my honest review. I don't want to give to much away about "To Marry A Prince" all I can say it that A.C. has done it again. This is a great love story. This was truly a love story for both Landry Norris and Crown Prince Kristian Rafferty DeSaunters. Kristian believed in fairytales because when he was younger his mom would tell him bedtime stories that were fairytales, Landry didn't believe in fairytales because she just couldn't seem to grasp a prince falling for a ordinary citizen. Landry was a stylist to Hollywoods's most glamorous women and debonair men. Crown Prince Kristian Rafferty DeSaunters, Roland is the younger brother who has left palace details to Kris as he does things that a fun and then there is Samantha the baby of the family who has taken on the role as lady of the palace. Malayka Sampson is a american and is engaged to the prince of Grand Serenity Kris, Roland and Sam's father. She hires Landry as her personal stylist. From the moment Kris sees Landry he is totally smitten with her. He begins to request her presences at dinner where no other person that works at the palace has ever attended. Malayka is not happy at about. It doesn't bother Kris's sibling because want him to be happy and they see him watching Landry's every move. From the very beginning there seems to mystery surrounding the palace once Malayka arrives. Kris nor his siblings seem to care for Malayka but they know their father loves her so they go along with it. I can't help wonder that there is something more to Malayka, she seems to be upto something and it doesn't appear to be good. Can't wait for book 2 due in June which will be Samantha's story "Loving The Princess" the baby of the family and book 3 due in July Roland "Prince Ever After" the middle child of the family. So glad all three books are back to back.


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Apr 05, 2017


rated it
it was amazing

" To Finding Love With A Prince " I love the story line of Landry and Kristian it was a very good book love romance novel because I get to travel with the characters in the story lines, this book was fantastic impossible to put down. received it on Tuesday and finish it that night. it was irresistible the chemistry was strong from the beginning between Kris and Landry at their first meeting what a great story from beginning to end , but she didn't mention if Prince Rafe married Malayka and if she
" To Finding Love With A Prince " I love the story line of Landry and Kristian it was a very good book love romance novel because I get to travel with the characters in the story lines, this book was fantastic impossible to put down. received it on Tuesday and finish it that night. it was irresistible the chemistry was strong from the beginning between Kris and Landry at their first meeting what a great story from beginning to end , but she didn't mention if Prince Rafe married Malayka and if she was part of the plot to destroy the family she left me in suspense I didn't like Malayka don't want the Prince to marry her she wouldn't be a good princess she is to shallow. can't wait to read about the next chapter in the Royal Wedding with the prince and the princess can't wait to get started reading the next two novels.... " I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review "


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Apr 01, 2017

Cynthia Taylor

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True love can prevail - even over stubborn and decisive opinions. Kristina and Landry face insurmountable obstacles, and no ones journey is easy, but theirs is especially hard! Kudos, AC Arthur for inspiring stubborn souls! "I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. "
True love can prevail - even over stubborn and decisive opinions. Kristina and Landry face insurmountable obstacles, and no ones journey is easy, but theirs is especially hard! Kudos, AC Arthur for inspiring stubborn souls! "I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review. "


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Apr 18, 2017


rated it
really liked it

This series beginner was a good read! Watching Kris & Landry fall for each other when they weren't expecting it was a treat. But of course it wouldn't be an AC Arthur story if there wasn't a little mystery playing out in the background and like always she didn't disappoint so you that element is going to keep on the edge of your seat. While I know there's where it kept me. I can't wait to see how it continues to unfold in book 2. If you looking for a new author to check out this may be the book
This series beginner was a good read! Watching Kris & Landry fall for each other when they weren't expecting it was a treat. But of course it wouldn't be an AC Arthur story if there wasn't a little mystery playing out in the background and like always she didn't disappoint so you that element is going to keep on the edge of your seat. While I know there's where it kept me. I can't wait to see how it continues to unfold in book 2. If you looking for a new author to check out this may be the book for you start you on a the path of being an AC Arthur fan! I give this 2 thumbs up & would definitely recommend this story!


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Feb 08, 2018


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Plot: 4/5 Characterisation: 4.5/5 Prose: 4/5 How much I enjoyed it: 4/5


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Jun 20, 2017

Books and Spoons

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With the royal flair and every fashionista dream, the author takes the readers to a tropical paradise, where dreams do come true, after some real life compromises and conflicts. To Marry a Prince is a true modern day fairytale. Landry Norris is a stylist for the few selected customers, and her latest job - to style the future Princess. She is outspoken, independent, a modern-thinking professional woman who knows what she wants, and has her goals outlined. Not one of those goals includes a fling,
With the royal flair and every fashionista dream, the author takes the readers to a tropical paradise, where dreams do come true, after some real life compromises and conflicts. To Marry a Prince is a true modern day fairytale. Landry Norris is a stylist for the few selected customers, and her latest job - to style the future Princess. She is outspoken, independent, a modern-thinking professional woman who knows what she wants, and has her goals outlined. Not one of those goals includes a fling, or a relationship, or a prince. Crown Prince Kristian DeSaunters fell for the stylist, Landry Norris, with the first glance of her picture. He is trying to deal with the engagement of his father, with all the responsibilities he carries, with everything his title brings his way, and all he himself considers as hi
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