How To Make Wife Horny

How To Make Wife Horny


How To Make Wife Horny
How To Make Your Wife Totally Sex-Crazed Again (Without Her Even Realizing It)
Photo: Dragana Gordic / Shutterstock
By Nick Hardwick — Written on Jan 14, 2022
Marriage is tough, we all know that. However, it's not natural for your missus to lose her libido and become a “cold fish wife.” As much as it frustrates you, it's frustrating her, too — so much that she doesn't even want to think about sex.
So what could be the problem here? Is there a way to learn how to boost a wife's libido without going to a sex therapist and without embarrassing her?
Yes, there are actually a few different ways you can politely broach the subject.
The first and most obvious way is to romance the woman you married.
The is the easy way and it doesn't require a lot of awkward conversation. You simply romance the woman like you're 18 again and treat her to a day full of fun, freedom, frolicking and fornicating.
Perhaps you can treat her to a romantic dinner, followed by a visit to a spa.
Who knows, maybe she's into some real kinky things but is afraid to tell you. Maybe a sex chat is all you need to get back that fire.
The point is, have you really “tried” to have sex with your wife lately? No, you probably just want sex for free. Unfortunately, that doesn't do much for the libido.
Routines take the magic away from sex. They turn something erotic and pleasurable into something familiar, half-hearted, rushed and, of course, stuck in between episodes of raising babies and working full-time.
If you really want to learn how to boost a wife's libido and jump start her excitement, then it's time to put the passion back into your lives. Back into your “requests.”
First, plan a day where you and her can spend the whole day together, without interruption. Tell her how beautiful she is and how horny she's making you. Instead of wanting sex right away, tease her a little bit, whispering sweet nothings into her ear and texting her some dirty visuals about what you're going to do to her.
After a romantic dinner, instead of having sex the old-fashioned way, try something new — like a new sexual position, or tying her to the bed post. Something really kinky that will make her wonder, “Wow, what's up with him?”
The unpredictability will score you major points and she will give you an orgasm like the sweetheart you remember.
While sexual boredom accounts for the majority of loss of libido, it's important to remember that health and fitness are also extremely important, especially as we age. This is true of men and women. If you don't go on the offensive — meaning you start eating better, working out every day, and supplementing nutrients — then your natural libido will take a dive. If you're overweight it will crash and burn.
Of course, this is a delicate subject matter to discuss with your wife. So don't take the angle of “You have a problem.” Talk about “us,” the two of you, improving your sex life. If she seems confused or alarmed, reassure her that you miss making love the way you used to and that you are still attracted to her.
If she agrees, you may both benefit from taking natural herbal supplements (as opposed to risky hormone replacement therapy) such as Horny Goat Weed or Maca Root, which has been shown to improve female libido as well as that of males.
In general, it's best to avoid eating processed foods, meats and sugar and drastically increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
Some of these foods like bananas, asparagus, blueberries, and so on, are not truly aphrodisiacs — they are just healthy foods that can correct fluctuating hormone levels by loading in some much-needed nutrients. A healthy body is a horny body.
If you want to know how to boost your wife's libido, invest in yourself, your resources, and your attention.
Take the lead and take your wife by the hand, leading her to a new, rewarding sex life .
Nick Hardwick is an author, sex coach and sex educator and expert based in Montreal.
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5 Irresistible Ways To Make Your Wife Happy (And Hot For You!)
By drcoreyallan — Written on Mar 25, 2021
There are countless articles and websites filled with information on how to seduce your wife. There are techniques, tips, and advice from all manner of sources.
So what is it about sex, especially in marriage, that we struggle with so much? And why does it always seem as if everyone else is having better sex?
The truth is, they're probably not. They're likely grappling with the same sexual issues you are.
So take heart. Relax. There's plenty of time to get there.
But sexual satisfaction in marriage won't happen by chance.
It's amazing to me that sex can create such incredible emotional connections and orgasmic ecstasy, while at the same time it can just as easily create profound isolation, loneliness, and shame.
It all boils down to this: Sex is much more than an act. It's a metaphor.
They look and hope for ways to have sex with their wives without bringing up the subject, or they go through their day trying not to upset her out of fear she won't want to have sex later.
The problem with this is that they're not really taking charge of their life, or of their relationship. 
The biggest mistake husbands make is in believing that women like the same things they do. Sorry fellas, but reaching over in the morning and grabbing a breast — while seemingly a fairly clear signal to you — is usually not a way to ignite her passion; nor is it foreplay . 
If a woman loses interest in sex with you, my guess is that you haven't given her a reason to trust you, or that you've killed whatever trust she once had.
So how do you develop and maintain a high degree of trust in marriage and get your wife in the mood for love? Basically, through your strength, your presence, your confidence, and your integrity.
There's a reason people consider males the stronger of the two genders. A man is often expected to provide protection, support, and physical power. He's expected to work hard, sweat, do the heavy lifting, and to stick to it when times get tough.
A woman likes a man with sexual experience. Play to these masculine strengths. 
Your wife's willingness to have sex is deeply dependent upon this. If you are 100 percent present when you are with her, it will satisfy her and make her feel loved.
On a side note, I believe that you should focus 100 percent of your sexual energy on the relationship. Spending any percentage of it elsewhere leads down the slippery slope to breaking your partner's trust.
Men and women are different creatures. Women are by nature security-seeking creatures, so a man's confidence is a major turn-on.
When a man approaches a woman with confidence, she experiences the same chemical reaction in her brain (a release of both dopamine and norepinephrine) that a man experiences when a woman lifts up her shirt and shows him her breasts.
When seducing a woman, it's best to exude this kind of confidence so she will be more attracted to you, and by "confidence," I don't mean "machismo." I'm referring to the type of man who knows who he is (and who he isn't). At the other end of the spectrum, men who are anxious, passive, and eager to please exude anything but confidence.
Looking for a surefire way to kill the passion in your marriage? Become the passive, conflict-avoiding, eager-to-please nice guy who only wants to make his wife "happy." 
The ability to consistently act with integrity is crucial in maintaining a deep sexual bond with your wife. This means that you always tell the truth, keep your word, follow through and have good boundaries.
This isn't about controlling a woman; it's about giving her a choice. Coming home in the evening and asking, "What do you want to do tonight?" is one of the worst things you can do. Instead, walk in the door and say, "Get dressed and get ready to go to dinner by 7:00."
Give her an option: either following your lead or proposing an alternative. Don't leave everything up to her.
These same principles apply to the bedroom as well. As a man, when you are present and share your mind, heart, humor, intellect, imagination, words, strength, and even your dark side with your wife, you open her up to the fullness of your being.
As she joins you in this state of openness and opens herself up to you, she will take you places you can't take yourself.
Corey Allan is a husband, father, author, speaker, as well as a Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Professional Counselor with a Ph.D. in Family Therapy. Find out more on his website .
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