How To Make Thesis Recommendation

How To Make Thesis Recommendation

Willy Kelly
How To Make Thesis Recommendation

Creating a thesis recommendation involves providing guidance and suggestions based on the findings and conclusions of the thesis. Here's a general guide on how to make thesis recommendations:

  1. Summarize Key Findings: Begin by summarizing the key findings of the thesis. This sets the stage for the recommendations and helps readers understand the context.

  2. Align Recommendations with Findings: Ensure that your recommendations are closely tied to the findings of the thesis. Each recommendation should address a specific aspect or issue identified in the research.

  3. Be Specific: Avoid vague or general recommendations. Instead, be specific about what actions or changes you suggest. Use concrete language to make your recommendations clear and actionable.

  4. Prioritize Recommendations: If there are multiple recommendations, consider prioritizing them. Highlight which recommendations are most crucial or urgent. This helps readers understand the importance of each suggestion.

  5. Consider Feasibility: Assess the feasibility of implementing your recommendations. Consider factors such as resources, time, and potential obstacles. If possible, provide insights into how each recommendation could be realistically implemented.

  6. Discuss Potential Benefits: Highlight the potential benefits of implementing each recommendation. Explain how the suggested actions can address the identified issues or contribute to the improvement of the situation.

  7. Address Counterarguments: Anticipate potential counterarguments or challenges to your recommendations. Briefly acknowledge these concerns and provide reasons or evidence to support why your recommendations are still valid despite potential objections.

  8. Connect to Literature or Previous Studies: If applicable, connect your recommendations to existing literature or studies. This can provide additional support and context for your suggestions.

  9. Consider Long-Term Impact: Reflect on the long-term impact of your recommendations. Discuss how the proposed actions can contribute to sustained improvement or positive outcomes over time.

  10. Encourage Further Research: If there are aspects of the topic that require further exploration, suggest areas for future research. This helps to extend the conversation and contributes to the ongoing scholarly discussion.

  11. Provide a Clear Conclusion: Conclude your recommendation section by summarizing the key points and emphasizing the importance of implementing the suggested actions.

Remember that the recommendations should flow logically from the findings and conclusions of the thesis. They should be practical, evidence-based, and relevant to the research conducted.

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