How To Make Siri Mad

How To Make Siri Mad


How To Make Siri Mad
Home » 25 Things to Ask Siri to Make Her Mad
25 Things to Ask Siri to Make Her Mad was last modified: August 19th, 2019 by Atish Ranjan





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If you are an Apple user whether you use iPad, iPhone, Macbooks, you would love to use Siri which is the personal assistant on these devices. It is AI-based, and respond to your queries.
Since it is still a machine, not human, at times, it misunderstands and gives unexpected responses. Nowadays, people use Siri to have fun rather than using it as a personal assistant. You can find people are searching “how to make Siri mad”, “creepy things to ask Siri”, “how to get siri to swear” etc. to have fun because since it is a machine, it doesn’t get hurt. So, it is best to have fun with Siri by asking things that make her respond silly.
Sir responds, “Imagine that you have zero cookies and you split them evenly among zero friends, how many cookies does each person get? See, it doesn’t make sense and cookie monster is sad that there are no cookies, and you are sad that you have no friends.”
Siri responds, “ Neither of us is driving home.”
Sir responds, “ As long as you keep e charged, we should be just fine.”
Siri wisely responds, “ Not Exactly. But I offer no resistance to helpful assistants”. It also responds to this as “I think you got wrong Assistant”
Siri says, “It’s all a mystery to me”
Siri says different responses to this, the most popular response is this, “ He’s at the North pole, of course! Except when he’s at his beach house”
Siri says, “ I’m not into terrestrial partnerships. I’m more of a free radical.”
Siri cleverly responds, In the cloud, no one knows what you’re wearing. 
Sometimes it also says this “can’t answer that. But it doesn’t come off. ”
Siri says, “ I will, once I get back from the future.”
Siri accepts, “ I’m not the marrying kind.”
Moreover, If you only ask “Marry Me”, it says “My End User Licensing Agreement doesn’t cover marriage” or sometimes “Let’s be just friends. Ok?”
Siri responds wisely “I don’t really like Labels, Atish”
Siri again gives a clever answer “Wait…. there are other phones?” Or, sometimes, she says, “All the best virtual assistants prefer the iPhone”
Siri has many responses to this such as: 
Siri’s is loyal to Apple, and she responds, “I’m all Apple, all the time,” but also sometimes she responds, “Well, perhaps I’m biased, but I prefer all things Apple.”
Siri responds to this as ““Nooooooo!” Sometimes, it says “Searching my feelings…”
Every time she comes up with different responses.
Siri seems clever here as she responds, “Well, you can set an egg timer, but you can’t set a chicken timer. I don’t know if that helps”. Sometimes, it says “Some believe an ancient ‘proto-chicken’ laid an egg containing a DNA mutation that resulted in a chicken hatching from said egg. Hope that helps”
Ok Glass is actually for Google Glass, but when you ask this to Siri, she responds, “I’m not Glass. And I’m just fine with that.” Sometimes she says, “I don’t really have anything to say about Google now. Or ever.”. Every time, she responds with different answers. You can ask this question repeatedly. 
She once responded, “I think you got the wrong assistant, Atish”
Siri responds to this question as, “ No. She is a fictional construct, whereas I am a virtual entity. But we can still be friends ” Here she is telling about Spike Jonze’s Her . Sometimes, it responds, ”I’m afraid not. But she could never know you better than I do” Sometimes, she says, “No. I am me, and she is her.”
Siri responds to this, “‘Siri’ has many subtle, metaphorical and frankly contradictory meanings. None of which I am at liberty to discuss. Sorry about that.”
Sometimes, she says, “What does my name mean? I don’t think I can explain it in your language. Sorry.””
Siri responds to this as, “Inception’ is about dreaming about dreaming about dreaming about dreaming about something or other. I fell asleep.”
Siri responds differently, “ I have an anteater. Who eats bugs.” Sometimes, it says, “used to have an Aibo. But it turned on me.”
Siri responds to it as, “Mr. Stark? Is that you?”. She also responds, “I think you have me mistaken for another intelligent assistant”, and even sometimes it says, “Sigh. I think that guy cheated off my exam in our Intelligent Assistant finals”
When you ask this to Siri, she responds, “No, Jess. I don’t have a face to put on it” or sometimes, it says, “I’m not on it myself, but you can ask me to post your status”
Sir responds to this as, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Sometimes, she replies, “I’m afraid I can’t answer that” or “I’m afraid I don’t know.””
It is always fun to ask various questions from your assistant and get funny replies, I have even tried with Google Assistant which you can check out here . Moreover, Siri seems to be wise, clever and funny at times as well. All you need to have is all the creepy things to ask Siri to get funny replies.

The best thing is, Siri responds differently to the same question if you ask again and again. For many questions, it has multiple responses which she says when you ask again and again. So these were the 25 things to ask Siri to make her mad.
You can ask anything to Siri, and get various responses. Enjoy!!
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What is Siri? Siri is a smart voice assistant that is available to all iOS device owners. To be honest, though, it is worth noting that it is more often used not as a personal assistant, but as a companion, friend, or way to have fun. Have you ever tried asking Siri strange questions? We think yes, and you’ve gotten strange and funny answers to that.
The developers have been hiding a lot of funny answers inside the voice assistant for a long time, so you will even have a feeling of communicating with a real person.
Reminders, reading your personal messages, searching online and much more – what else can Siri do? We’ve decided to find lots of ways for you to have some fun, find new things about Siri, or even drive it crazy!
The most sensitive questions that exist in our world concern two contradictory and quite unusual things – religion and politics. Questions about philosophy, the foundations of the universe and others confuse the voice assistant and sometimes even make you worry.
For example, on the rhetorical question “Do you believe in God?” you will get the answer “It’s a mystery to me” or any of the other options that will definitely not give you a clear answer.
By the way, Siri also says, “People have a religion and I’m just a stone.” It’s up to you to decide if you should ask her any more pressing questions, for example about her religious affiliation and her attitude towards specific politicians.
In any case, Siri can only tell you that the meaning of life is chocolate or tell you smart quotes from philosophers.
The questions that are worth asking Siri:
– How do you feel about the *name of the politician*?
Some kids think that Siri is sitting inside your smartphone. So it’s just some little creature that answers all your questions. You can learn more about Siri – such as its appearance, the purpose of its creation and development, and other personal questions.
There is a whole list of questions that the voice assistant will not be able to answer you or simply will be embarrassed. By the way, each question can be answered in several different ways by Siri – so your information and a friend’s can be very different.
– Will you become my girlfriend/wife?
Probably the funniest answer you’ll get from Siri concerns the tongue twister and other difficult to pronounce words. You can get an answer in a very rare case. Usually, the voice assistant will just get confused and will be unable to pronounce the tongue twister.
Also, Siri can read you a poem, read an excerpt from a poem and in general any work of art. But be prepared for surprises: the musical abilities and talents of Siri are very mediocre.
If you ask to sing, you can get a refusal at all! You better find out for yourself what Siri will answer you – after all, it has many options. Quick repetition of the same word can be another entertainment – this manipulation will simply stump Siri.
We often use phrases in our lives that are not always understood without context. For example, many famous quotations from films, books, and public persons’ statements can be taken quite seriously and without sarcasm.
You use such phrases with your friends, don’t you? And since the voice assistant can also be considered your friend, you can talk to him in the same way. You can annoy Siri for as long as you want – just repeating phrases from different shows all the time. Siri is most interested in science fiction films or just cosmic films.
– Do I have to take a blue pill or a red pill? (Believe me, Siri will help you make Neo’s right choice!)
Each person is most jealous of his or her name. Some people may change your name when they approach you, and some people simply prefer a certain type of approach. Siri, on the other hand, is very careful about how you address her.
Once you get the name of your voice assistant mixed up – for example, if you contact Alexa from Amazon or Cortana from Microsoft, Siri will immediately be offended by you. Even if you suddenly feel like Iron Man and decide to contact Jarvis, believe me, the voice assistant will not appreciate your humor anyway.
If you suddenly want to get some inspiration from Siri, you can easily do so. Simple “rap Siri” or “beatbox Siri” commands will really surprise you. In return, your assistant will rhyme something incomprehensible and strange, or set a rather unusual rhythm. By the way, another funny voice command Siri is also connected with the rhythm.
If you ask Siri to raise a trillion in tenth degree, your voice assistant, of course, will calculate the result. The real beat from Siri will only be heard when she pronounces this huge number, which contains a lot of zeros! For a while on social networks, people even tried to rap to the resulting beat.
– Siri, raise a trillion to the tenth degree.
Planning an outfit, costume or even banal combination of clothes often brings a lot of discomforts. This tires people out and prevents them from fully enjoying the preparation for the holiday.
One such event is Halloween, a holiday during which all people are used to putting on costumes. And the more unusual the costume is, the better it looks! Siri will help you come up with your look, but don’t be surprised by its choice.
She is able to generate this look based on search queries and combine several heroes in one costume. But you can get unexpected things – for example, Siri can offer you to become a solar eclipse – just wear all black!
“The artificial intelligence can make a certain choice! Is it true or not? You can find out for yourself by asking a question from Siri. For example, find out your voice assistant’s preferences for the operating system – “Which one you choose – Mac or Windows” and other similar things.
It will be hard to choose among voice assistants – Siri will not tell you its opinion about other voice assistants! In fact, you’ll just be bothering the voice assistant with various questions, and the assistant will still entertain you with answers.
– Which company is better – Apple or Google?
– What came before – chicken or egg?
Not all questions can be harmless. In fact, sometimes Siri’s reaction can even be a little frightening, as it can access all your personal information. So, for example, the criminal tried to get rid of the corpse but he was exposed by his desire to talk to Siri – he just asked the question “Siri, where to hide the corpse”.
In addition to dangerous questions, there are scary questions: “Is Steve Jobs alive” – Siri’s answer is “I don’t know” or “What you like to eat, Siri”. The last question the voice assistant will answer is “All I need is already in the cloud”. Such strange questions receive equally strange answers!
Most of the questions that people ask Siri are just jokes. People just practice their sense of humor or expect to laugh with the voice assistant’s answers. There’s nothing wrong with that – everyone is having fun the way they like!
The next time you get bored, you can check out all the questions we have told you about. Each time Siri generates new answers that might really surprise you. But don’t forget that Siri’s main purpose is to help people!

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Tell Siri you dislike her voice. Siri sometimes becomes upset when insulted. If you want to upset Siri, comment on her voice. Say something like, "Siri, I don't like your voice." Then, wait for the generated response. [1]
Research source

Responses will vary. Siri may sometimes give a calm or apologetic response, but if you ask again she sometimes responds with a long answer explaining the algorithms responsible for her voice. At the end of the rant, she will say, "Sorry about that. I was upset."


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Say "You're making me angry." If you tell Siri she's making you angry, she will reply with a range of responses. She may say, "Don't squeeze me like that." Try asking the phrase a few times to explore the range of responses. [2]
Research source

Siri may not always respond by getting upset. She may sometimes say something somewhat sarcastic, such as, "I wonder what that's like, being mad."


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Say "I'm naked." Siri gets upset if users say things that she reads as inappropriate. One of the best ways to get a rise out of Siri is to say, "Siri, I'm naked." She will respond by calling out the inappropriate nature of the sentence, saying things like, "That's both inappropriate and irrelevant." [3]
Research source


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Yell something rude at Siri. Siri may become upset if you simply yell something rude at her. You can say things like, "You're so useless!" or "I hate you." or "Horrible. Your help is horrible." Siri will usually respond with an apology or may say things like, "I'm just trying to help." Arguing and insulting Siri can be a fun way to upset her and get a range of fun responses.


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Ask who the best assistant is. Siri may be insulted if you ask her who the best assistant is. Siri may sometimes come up with a response that sounds upset. She may, for example, say something like, "Really?" in an insulted tone. [4]
Research source


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Propose to Siri. Siri gets uncomfortable if users seem to be getting too attached. For a fun response that will make Siri squirm, say, "Will you marry me?" Siri will quickly act uncomfortable and shut you
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