How To Make Me Cum

How To Make Me Cum


How To Make Me Cum
This Anonymous Website Written by Women Wants to Teach Guys How to Give Them Orgasms
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Talking about what you want in the bedroom can be hard. Sometimes it's because you're not even sure what you want. Sometimes it's because you're totally sure what you want and are embarrassed to admit it. Sometimes it's because you were raised Catholic and so you believe that every time you even say the word "sex," Satan lubes up the slide that will eventually deliver you to hell.
Whatever the reason, having an open dialogue about orgasms can be difficult. This is particularly true for the female orgasm, which is often harder to come by and more complicated than its penis'd counterpart. When you throw in the fact that we live in a patriarchal society that wrongly value's a man's orgasm over a woman's, it's hard to deny that discussion of the female orgasm is often challenging or even non-existent.
Well, one new Tumblr hopes to help close this discussion gap. How To Make Me Come is a collection of 71 anonymous essays from 71 different women about their relationship to their orgasms. The approach to the material is varied and interesting. Many take the form of a personal "How-to" guide . Others recount disappointing sexual experiences . And still others focus on the earliest memories of climax . Regardless of the angle chosen, one thing remains incredibly true through all of the pieces: There is something powerful and moving about women bluntly and unapologetically talking about their own pleasure.
Even the seemingly slightest of the essays still has the ability to knock you on your ass. Take one of my favorites, Essay #13 , which begins like this:
Gentle warrior, I commend you for your bravery, fortitude, and stamina
in even attempting to embark on what will mostly likely be a
completely doomed quest. For as we all know: My Vagina is a terrifying
and mysterious place. Many have entered. Few have returned… alive.
In preparation, I hope you’ve brought some trail-mix, preferably
something with peanuts (for protein) and M&Ms (because they’re fun and
delicious). Pack sunglasses (it gets surprisingly bright in there),
plenty of water, $200 (to bribe the guards), three copies of “Pride
and Prejudice” (that will be explained later), one of those old Nokia
phones, a can of tuna fish (explained later) and a scrunchie (any
color will do).
Upon entering, you’ll see what appears to be a long, wooden bridge -
DO NOT CROSS IT. I know there’s a sign that says “Cross This Bridge”
but it’s a trap. Don’t cross it. Instead, shimmy down the adjacent
grassy knoll until you find a small landing. Turn around. You’ll
notice a very tiny door built into the side. Knock 3 times and then
RUN. This will let The Beast know that A. you’re here and B. you mean
no harm. But since The Beast is a beast, he will chase you down—so
run very fast and do not look back.
Now that's incredibly goofy and silly, and as a result you wouldn't be faulted for thinking that it's the work of someone who just didn't take the prompt seriously. But then you get to the essay's end, and you, the Gentle Warrior, have used all of the things you were told to pack by way of metaphor to help her reach a G-Spot orgasm. Then, you reach this conclusion:
The tears come and they don’t stop coming. Wow, you’ve never cried
like this before. Duh. That’s because a “G” spot orgasm is BIG FUCKING
DEAL. It’s been a long journey. You’ve come a long way. But mostly,
“Wait. Hold on. I still have this scrunchie. Why did you ask me to
bring a scrunchie?"
I just wanted to see if you’d bring it. And you did.
That is meaningful, beautiful, vulnerable writing that just happens to be full of jokes. That's incredible. And it's even more incredible that it is positioned next to Essay 14 , which includes a ton of nuts and bolts advice (as well as a great Channing Tatum metaphor):
When a woman is in charge of sex—when she is on top, riding you
(during real sex; not in porn)—she grinds against you rather than just
bouncing up and down. The main reason behind this is that women need
that consistent, controlled clitoral stimulation, and that grind
against the clit is what you should be trying to replicate when you
are on top.
Maybe send the link to your significant other and talk about it with her. Who knows? It could open up a whole new dialogue between the two of you. Or maybe just read it to remind yourself that everyone's different and the key to a happy sex life is using communication to discover those differences. Hell, maybe just read it to be entertained or moved. Regardless, there's something in the collection for everyone, so do yourself a favor and dive in.
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For a man, a powerful orgasm means one thing – a lot of cum. A big ejaculation is not only the incredible sensation every man craves, but it’s a sign of masculinity, virility, and for some, even fertility.
Can you honestly say that every time you have an orgasm your load is as big as you want? Wouldn’t you rather shoot more for a more intense, impressive, and longer-lasting orgasm?
Then look no further. All the tips you could possibly want are right here to revolutionize your orgasms.
You’ve probably had times when you shot a big load and wish you could recapture that incredible feeling. But then found yourself disappointed time and time again when all that comes out is a little dribble. It’s a little underwhelming, isn’t it?
Fortunately, with a mix of exercise, diet, supplement, and lifestyle tweaks, you can change that to finally ejaculate bigger loads the way you’ve been wanting to.
Ultraload is a premium semen enhancer designed to increase semen volume to help you shoot bigger loads.
All orders come with FREE USA shipping and a 100-day money back guarantee.
Although for some men a small shot of semen doesn’t really bother them, thousands of men both young and old secretly wish they could produce a bigger load. But why is this?
While it may be a common goal many men want to achieve, they all have their own reasons and motivations.
The most obvious is that it feels good. More semen means better orgasms, more powerful orgasms, and longer-lasting orgasms.
For some, it might be a desire to feel younger. As you get older, age is one of the factors that leads to a reduction in semen volume and results in smaller loads.
For younger men, they might want to improve their fertility.
However, many just want a bigger load because of how it looks. For men and women, shooting a big load is a common fetish, one that makes a man feel more powerful and looks impressive to their partner, boosting his overall sexual confidence.
Whatever your reason for wanting to cum more, you’re not alone. There are others out there looking for the solution just like you.
Fortunately, there’s a way to get what you want – and it’s not as tricky as you may think.
The amount a man ejaculates varies from guy to guy, but the average is perhaps lower than you may think.
From a study that sampled more than 4,500 men across 14 countries over 4 continents, they found that the average semen volume was just over 1.5 ml. To put that into perspective, a teaspoon holds just under 6 ml. 1.5 ml is ¼ a teaspoon…
While some men can shoot up to 5ml, most men shoot an amount that can be contained within a teaspoon. So, if you’re worried about having a small load, don’t panic – not everyone is shooting like porn stars!
Of course, this is just the average of all men, but you have to remember the average changes when adjusting to different factors. For example, men in their thirties produce the largest volumes, but they decrease after this age.
How often a man ejaculates also affects semen volume, as well as how far and fast it can shoot out.
Genetics and lifestyle also affect a man’s overall health which contributes to semen volume and quality. For example, smoking or diabetes can reduce volume.
Just remember that the average is not nearly as much as you might think it is and your dribble is far from abnormal. But if you want a larger load, it’s possible! 
The average range is comparatively quite large. From ¼ of a teaspoon to just over a whole teaspoon, the amount of semen a man can shoot varies quite a bit. But why is this and what actually affects semen production?
Age is the obvious one. By the time a man is in his early thirties, his body knows the drill and is an expert at producing semen. At this time of his life, a man produces the most semen he ever will. But as he gets older, this amount tends to gradually decrease. Whilst he can still be sexually active and fertile, the amount he naturally produces gets lower.
Similar to age is your general health and genetics. Some naturally produce and ejaculate more than others, while chronic illnesses or those with hormonal issues may also see their semen production affected.
And lifestyle is the other key factor that affects how much you ejaculate. Think how frequent your sexual activity is; whether it’s sex or masturbation, the more often you ejaculate, the less you have stored up inside. Consider also your diet or any vices you have, like smoking or drinking.
You don’t have to put up with disappointing dribble. You can take action today to increase your load and shoot more – and it’s really not as hard as you think!
Just a few changes here, do a few extra things there – it’s simple. And when it comes to your next big orgasm, you’ll be thankful you did… but not as much as your partner will be!
You’ve been hearing it since school, and nothing’s changed since – you need to drink more water.
Of course, none of us do, but we should! Up to 60% of the body is water… You may prefer drinking coffee to get you through the day, but add in a glass or two of water every now and then, and your body will benefit hugely. And you’ll be ahead of most other people.
Did you know that Americans only drink just 43% of their recommended daily intake?
Well, it helps all aspects of sex. Good hydration in your body’s tissues ensures your body generates more energy, keeping up stamina for sex; water removes any toxins that may disrupt your body’s biochemical balance, affecting your sex hormones and libido; and it also helps maintain a strong erection by ensuring blood vessels aren’t constricted and the blood can flow easily.
And, of course, it helps you ejaculate more. Think about it – semen is liquid and largely water-based; only 2-5% of your load is actually sperm. The more water you drink, the more your body has to increase the amount you ejaculate.
We love solving our bodies’ problems by just popping a pill. Fortunately, upping the amount you ejaculate can be as simple as that.
A quick search online and you’ll find a range of supplements that can help maintain stronger erections, improve your libido, intensify your orgasms – and make you ejaculate much, much more.
As well as water, your body needs certain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to create semen. The more your body has to work with, the more your load will be.
One of the best is Zinc which your body requires for many purposes, often needing it to create fluids. It also contributes to balancing your testosterone levels as well as sperm quality. Vitamins C and D will also help promote improved semen quality.
Ingredients like Shilajit and Maca Root also help enhance fertility and sexual health.
Another popular one you’ll come across is Lecithin, a substance made up of fatty acids found naturally throughout your body. It helps your digestion and heart and lowers cholesterol… but it also promotes semen production too.
The simplest way to ensure your body is taking in all the best nutrients, minerals, and vitamins to produce the biggest load possible is to look at taking semen enhancer supplements.
While there are a few on the market, Ultraload is the most effective. With it’s potent, all-natural mix of ingredients, this supplement ensures your body has all it needs to maximize libido, maintain a strong erection, have an intense orgasm – and cum much, much more!
As much as we may wish we could live a fun, unhealthy lifestyle, our health will suffer consequences as a result – and so will the amount you ejaculate.
Regular exercise, however much, is not only good for general health, but works to boost testosterone levels. In fact, studies show that men who exercise more regularly have higher testosterone than men who are inactive, resulting in better semen quality and volume. However, a word of warning – don’t exercise too much as this can have the adverse effect of reducing testosterone. If this is a risk, take zinc supplements to counteract this.
Look after your mental health and wellbeing too – relax and take time to destress. Stress causes the hormone cortisol which harms your testosterone production. A high level of cortisol means a low level of testosterone. Make sure you get enough sleep too for the best semen quality possible.
Make sure you have plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet as these are rich in antioxidants to help your body produce semen, but avoid eating too much soy, since the isoflavones reduce its quality.
Smoking and drinking alcohol can also pose a risk to semen production, lowering testosterone levels and sperm count.
Testosterone is absolutely key in your body. Yes, it helps bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass, production of red blood cells… but it also regulates and helps improve your libido and sperm and semen production. The more testosterone you have, the bigger your load.
You’ll see testosterone comes up a lot in this discussion, as do the nutrients that help your body maintain higher levels of testosterone.
Ways to naturally boost testosterone can include exercising, eating protein, minimizing stress, maintaining healthy levels of vitamins, getting adequate sleep, and living a generally healthy lifestyle.
But what if you want an extra boost to your testosterone for even bigger loads?
While there are some natural testosterone boosters on the market, some are better than others.
For example, Ultraload is a supplement that contains a range of potent ingredients that all serve to make your sex the best it can possibly be, with an intense orgasm and a big load to finish it off.
One of the best ingredients? Shilajit – a sticky substance found in the rocks high up in the Himalayas, developed from the slow decomposition of plants over many hundreds of years.
Studies have shown that by taking Shilajit daily men can experience significantly higher testosterone levels, resulting in improved libido, energy levels, and semen production.
You may want to have sex and ejaculate as much as possible (who doesn’t?), but consider this… What’s better: frequent, boring orgasms or less frequent, mind-blowing orgasms?
The more frequently you ejaculate, the lower your load will be. This is simply because your body hasn’t had enough time to refill its supplies since the last time you ejaculated. So, decrease how frequently you ejaculate to give your body even more time to ‘stock up’ to give you bigger loads. Ideally, 3 days ought to be enough time to let your body fill back up.
Kegel exercises won’t necessarily add to the load you ejaculate, but they’ll intensify the feeling and make you shoot much further with more explosive orgasms.
First, you need to find your pelvic floor muscles (also known as pubococcygeus, or PC muscles for short) to make sure you’re exercising the right muscles. These are the muscles that help you start and stop peeing; try to stop mid-flow and the muscles you squeeze then are your PC muscles.
To do a Kegel exercise, simply tighten and hold your pelvic floor muscles for around five seconds, and then relax. Do this approximately 10 to 20 times a few times a day.
The good thing is it’s super easy to do these exercises and you can do them anywhere, while you’re reading, working, or watching TV. The bad news is it could take about 6 weeks or more for these exercises to really strengthen your PC muscles.
But when the effects start to kick in, the orgasm will be that much more powerful and you’ll be happy you put in the effort
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