How To Make Her Squirt

How To Make Her Squirt


How To Make Her Squirt

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We can’t stress this enough: Foreplay is crucial
So you’ve been browsing a few too many XXX-rated websites and decided to learn how to make a girl squirt in real life. At the very least, you probably want to find out whether it’s really possible and not just a blend of camera angles, pelvic floor exercises and water (or worse).
While we’ll leave you to judge whether the footage you’ve personally seen is real or staged, the good news is yes: squirting is a genuine phenomenon, and with a little bit of know-how and a fair stretch of patience, you can master the technique to get her there.
For many – men and women included – squirting is a mysterious occurrence. Where does the liquid come from? What does it feel like? And crucially, is it urine? You might laugh, but in 2014 the UK banned squirting in porn, apparently because it's difficult to tell the fluid apart from pee (which is also banned).
It isn’t urine, recent studies suggest – researchers reckon the fluid comes from the Skene glands, which are often loosely referred to as the ‘female prostate ’ – but it’s also not entirely female ejaculate either, which is milky and white and produced in far smaller amounts.
By contrast, the fluid produced during squirting tends to soak the entire bed (though not always). It’s made up of a substance called urea, along with uric acid, ejaculation fluid, and creatinine (which is not to be confused with bodybuilder favourite creatine. So don’t get any ideas).
“The substance builds up in the bladder during good sex and releases at the point of orgasm,” explains women’s health expert Martina Mercer . “The simple fact is, it’s real, and it’s not wee. It’s actually a woman ejaculating. It feels great for a woman and now we know more about it, women can thoroughly enjoy the sensation.”
While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to making her squirt, there are techniques you can both try to make it more likely. Generally, squirting requires either G-spot stimulation or a combination of G-spot and clitoral stimulation. You’ll need two fingers, water-based lube and some free time. Oh, and plenty of patience.
It’s important you don’t put pressure on yourself or your partner to make her ejaculate, says Lelo sex expert Kate Moyle. “Squirting can be a part of an enjoyable sex life, but shouldn't be the be-all and end-all,” she says. “It may just be something that some women never experience and doesn’t define your sex life in any way.”
In any case, high expectations are likely to have the opposite desired effect, Moyle adds, by making you both tense and unrelaxed. “This will distract you from enjoying sex and the sensations that are the best part of sex ,” she says. “The goal of sexual experiences should always be fun and pleasure.”
It’s not particularly sexy, but a little pre-emptive clean-up prep goes a long way. The amount of fluid varies from person to person – some might release a teaspoonful – but you’re best off chucking a towel down so you can both enjoy the moment, rather than stressing over any potential mess.
Make sure she feels completely comfortable and at ease, says Mercer. “If she has squirted in the past with a previous lover, she may be embarrassed about doing it with someone new and will seize up and contract her muscles in order to prevent it from happening,” she explains.
Foreplay is crucial. We really can’t stress this enough. At the very beginning of foreplay, the top, bottom and sides of each breast is super sensitive, so gently caress these areas first. Build things up slowly from there, until eventually you’re stimulating her clit with your mouth, fingers, or a toy.
Then, with your palm facing upwards, insert two lubed-up fingers and make a beckoning motion inside her. Use tapping, stroking and caressing movements on her G-spot , which is located on the vaginal wall towards the stomach. You’ll know when you’ve found the right area because it feels rough, almost like the skin of an orange.
For most people, squirting only occurs when this area is filled with blood, so when you feel her G-spot start to swell, don’t be alarmed, and definitely don’t slow down or stop (unless she wants you too, obviously). Keep the same finger motion and pressure going. If she feels like she’s about to pee, it’s a sign she’s about to squirt.
While stimulating the G-spot area will help her to ejaculate, says intimate health specialist Dr Shirin Lakhani of Elite Aesthetics , it isn’t a guarantee. “It’s important to remember that women’s experiences of ejaculation vary a lot, so what’s normal for one could be very different to another,” she explains.
“There isn’t one medical failsafe way of recommending ejaculation to occur, it’s about working out what works for the individual – and often this comes through lots of trial and error. As with anything to do with sex, it’s important to know your body and communicate with your partner.”
While the manual method described above is often most effective, it isn’t your only option. If you’re wondering how to make a girl squirt during sex, any position that stimulates her G-spot and clitoris at the same time should have the same effect – we’ve picked three, below.
This move provides an ideal angle for you to reach the front vaginal wall. Opt for a shallower stroke to target the G-spot and hold a vibrator against her clit to make squirting more likely.
In this move, your penis points directly toward the G-spot while, again, leaving the clitoris open for stimulation. Plus, she can lean forward or push back into you to really nail the positioning.
This is the ultimate position for dual G-spot and clit stimulation – plus, she’s in control throughout, which will get her fired up while at the same time removing the guesswork for you.
It’s the 21st century, which means there’s a whole world of massagers and vibrators out there that are specially designed to target the G-spot. Get shopping.
A bit of verbal communication can go a long way. Tell her how hot she is, let her know how much you’re enjoying it – it’ll help her relax.
Consider squirting as a bonus, says Mercer, and don’t get disheartened if it doesn’t happen. “Either way, if you’ve found her G-spot and perfected the art of arousing her this way, you’ve made steps to give her the best orgasms of her life,” she says.
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Babe, today is your lucky day because I will show you how to make any female squirt. There are lots of tutorials around, but none of them include my secret sauce. This guide is meant to help you “help” the women that say “it’s just not possible”.
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Zachary Zane
Zachary Zane is a Brooklyn-based writer, speaker, and activist whose work focuses on lifestyle, sexuality, and culture. He was formerly the digital associate editor at OUT Magazine and currently has a queer cannabis column, Puff Puff YASS, at Civilized.

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There are certain sex acts that have developed a sort of cult following, and squirting is one of them. The term “squirt” was the 25th most-searched term on Pornhub in 2019, according to the porn site’s annual Year in Review statistics . For many men, there’s something undeniably arousing about a person with a vulva being able to expel fluids just like a person with a penis. And squirting often goes hand-in-hand with female orgasm, which is one of the reasons your partner might be into it, too. (Though it’s worth noting that people can squirt without climaxing—more on that to come. Pun not intended.)
We'll get there very soon, but first, there's something you should know. Porn has led us to believe that squirting is a lot more common than it actually is, and when a woman squirts, she’s able to shoot yards across the room. However, the truth is only between 10-54% of women can squirt, according to a 2013 review published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine . And most of the time, women don’t “shoot” like they do in porn.
“There are many misconceptions about squirting,” says Lola Jean , a sex educator and self-proclaimed “ Olympic Squirter .” “Given it is a heavily under researched topic and misunderstood act, this is not surprising. You may be surprised to learn that most of the time squirt does not ‘eject’ from the body with force, but rather falls.”
When some people with a vulva are sufficiently aroused, they're able to "squirt" a clear-ish liquid through their urethra—kinda like how people with a penis are able to ejaculate, except in this case, the process has nothing to do with reproduction.
Squirting fluid can come out in a variety of volumes. “It doesn’t mean you did a better job if there was more fluid,” Jean says.
Since the liquid expelled during squirting comes through the urethra, lots of people wonder if their partners are just, well, peeing. Not quite: a 2011 paper published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine study found that most people's squirt is watered-down urine, sometimes including a tiiiiny bit of female ejaculate, a white, milk-like substance produced in the Skene’s glands.
Almost. Before you get down to business, ask yourself: who is this for? “Squirting isn’t always accompanied by an orgasm and not everyone finds it pleasurable,” Jean says.
Do you want your partner to squirt for their sake, since you want them to have the most pleasurable sexual experience possible? Or do you want them to squirt for your ego? If it’s the latter, then you and your partner shouldn’t attempt squirting. You’ll likely end up putting way too much pressure on her that she won’t remotely enjoy the sexual experience. So, ask your partner if it is something they are interested in and find out why it is appealing to them.
Turning your partner on will prime their body for squirting. “Arousal will not only engorge the perennial sponge and the urethral sponge making then more receptive to touch, but it will also help build up fluids in the Bartholin's glands (largely responsible for vaginal lubrication) and paraurethral glands (largely responsible for urethral lubrication),” Jean says.
Arousal can occur from g-spot penetration, clitoral stimulation , digital fingering, oral sex , P-in-V sex, anal sex , or frankly, anything else that gets your partner hot and bothered.
Pro tip: if you're both new to this, resist the urge to put a towel down in anticipation of a waterfall. That’s a lot of pressure you’re putting on your partner who’s never squirted before. Now, if your partner already knows they're a champion squirter, then feel free to prep for cleanup in advance!
Every person is different when it comes to squirting. Some people need firm g-spot stimulation. Others need soft clitoral circling. Some women can even squirt without any direct stimulation to their vulva. Because of this, there are various techniques you can try. You can and should explore various methods with your partner, and of course, listen to whatever they say.
One popular technique involves a combination of clitoral and g-spot stimulation, Jean says. Once your partner is turned on, you then want to shift your focus more to their vulva (if you weren’t already focusing there). Consider using a g-spot wand to apply targeted pressure to her most sensitive internal areas.
"Sex hacker" Kenneth Play previously told Men’s Health his technique for helping his partners squirt, which involves using one hand to hit the clitoris, labia, and g-spot. Once his partner is sufficiently aroused, he inserts his ring and middle finger into her vaginal opening. Using his index and pinky fingers, he presses against the outer labia. He then presses the heel of his hand flush against his partner’s clitoris.
You may think that in order to get your partner to squirt, you need to aggressively thrust with your hand and deliver the most pressure possible. This is not always the case. “Everyone’s body is different and while many enjoy a full spectrum of intensity, these are highly sensitive parts of the body, so they may not want you jackhammering away at these nerve-packed zones,” Jean says.
She suggests approaching the squirting process like interval training. “Similar to your HIIT workout, try enacting an interval between time on and time off,” Jean says. “Think of it like an active recovery where you engage in another area, body part, or zone during your time off.”
That said, deciding whether to take a break or not comes down to your partner. You don’t want to cut off stimulation right as she’s on the cusp of squirting. Ask your partner, “Want me to keep doing this or switch it up?”
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“Once you hear the ‘splash splash’ sound—meaning your partner is really wet—I am telling you now that your partner is capable of squirting; they just have to figure out how to get it out of their body,” Jean says.
Often, women report that they feel like they need to pee right before they squirt, which makes sense, considering squirt does come out of the urethra. This discourages some women from squirting because they fear they’re just to pee. Knowing this is a common sensation can help your partner relax and push through the confusing “peeing” feeling.
Once your partner is about to start squirting, it’s generally advisable to keep doing what you’re doing, Jean explains. “It can sometimes be good to move from internal stimulation to external—your partner can often keep squirting this way,” she says.
You may attempt everything, and your partner doesn’t squirt. This is completely fine and doesn’t mean either of you did anything wrong. Plus, there's no cleanup involved. And whether or not your partner squirts, remember the importance of aftercare !

By Richard on December 13, 2020 Comments: 206

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Want to know how to make a girl squirt so hard that she can’t even move afterwards due to the intense orgasms? Well listen up dude… because I have finger squirt techniques that will change your life forever.
Ready to learn how to make a girl squirt fast?
Take a look at this raunchy text I received from a girl late last night which I received an hour after she left my place…
“Hey sexy! That was incredible!! I’ve never had an orgasm like that before… sorry for the bed sheets ;) I’ll buy you some new ones xxx”
Cool right? I get similar messages from girls like that all the time.
Because I’m about to teach you something that very few men know how to do correctly (to be honest I wasn’t doing it right either until my buddy showed me).
I’m going to show you exactly how to make women squirt … using only one hand… some lube and an open minded frisky woman.
Warning: If the girl doesn’t trust you or you haven’t built enough comfort… she WILL NOT orgasm, let alone squirt. So you need to make sure she’s really into you before attempting this stuff.
You’re going to learn what squirting orgasms are, the different types of orgasms women can have and most importantly how to make a woman squirt her love juice all over the bed.
Men can only have one type of orgasm (sucks I know) but women can actually have two…
Most common among women, direct stimulation of the clitoris and happens during masturbation. You can also give them a clitoral orgasm orally, if you know what you’re doing.
Quick tip: Did you know that women have as many nerve endings in their clitoris as men do in their penis? Crazy right? Now you get why it’s SO sensitive for women during foreplay and sex.
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