How To Make A Pisces Man Love You

How To Make A Pisces Man Love You


How To Make A Pisces Man Love You
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Are you currently dating a Pisces man? Then you may be wondering how you can get him completely hooked .
The good news is that it’s entirely possible! All you need to do is appeal to his Piscean nature. More importantly, you need to follow these tips and tricks to make him obsessed with you. 
If you want to get a Pisces man to fall head over heels for you, you first need to know what qualities he finds attractive. 
While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Pisces men can’t help but be attracted to lovely women. In fact, they go crazy over ladies who exude confident beauty. 
Honesty is not only the best policy – it’s one of the traits Pisces men look for in women. They’re generally trustworthy, so they want a partner who’s the same way. 
“Honesty is a key component of a healthy relationship, not only because it helps us avoid harmful breaches of trust, but because it allows us to live in reality instead of fantasy and to share this reality with another.”
“ Emotional intimacy could be defined as allowing yourself to connect more deeply with your partner through actions that express feelings, vulnerabilities, and trust,” explains neuropsychologist Sanam Hafeez. 
As a romantic and sensitive person, a Pisces man wants to be with someone who can easily forge a strong emotional bond with him. 
When it comes to compatibility, Pisces men adore women who are as compassionate as them. In other words, they love ladies who have an authentic desire to help. Likewise, they adore ladies who respond whenever they perceive suffering.  
Of all the signs, Pisces is the most giving – and it’s not just about money.
“Generosity involves giving to others, not simply anything in abundance but rather giving those things that are good for others. Generosity always intends to enhance the true well-being of those to whom it gives.”
As such, Pisceans are always on the lookout for a partner who’s just as unselfish as them.
Pisces men are kind and sensitive, so they don’t want drama in relationships. They’re drawn to calm people , for they: 
Pisces is a feminine sign, which means a man born under this mutable sign tends to enjoy female-involved activities. That’s why these guys love creative women. 
After all, creativity paves the way for exciting conversations. 
Add to that, creative partners possess the following:
Now that you know what a Pisces man wants in a woman, it’s time to move in for the kill! By doing these four things below, you’ll be chased by your paramour in no time. 
We’re all beautiful in our own little way. But if you want your Pisces man to go gaga over you, then you need to ooze confidence – lots of it! 
Likewise, the more confident you are, the easier you’ll get a Pisces man under your thumb! 
Pisces men can be shy, so they sometimes need a woman who isn’t afraid to initiate a date . They need a nudge here and there, especially if their partners want to take things to the next level. 
In case they seem flighty, don’t worry – that’s the way Pisceans are. More often than not, they’re shy to open up. But when they do, the romantic possibilities are endless! 
Pisces men have vivid imaginations. They’re so creative that it borders on escapism. 
They tend to relish in their own minds, so you need to pull them out of this trance. One of the best ways is to show your creative side.
Pisces men love watching movies, reading books, basically anything that stimulates their creativity. If you want them to get them hooked, then make sure to do these things with them.  
Pisces men are very generous. In fact, they give so much – even if they lose a lot in the process. 
You don’t have to be as giving as them, though, for they often go overboard with this trait. 
By showing your charitable side, you’ll quickly get your Pisces man above the love train. 
Now that your Pisces man likes you, it’s time to make him obsessed! Here are 11 things that will make him hopelessly devoted to you : 
Pisces likes to be all up in other people’s business. If they can, they’ll spend every waking minute with their loved ones!
Those who don’t understand them may view them as needy – overbearing even. 
But if you’re looking to reel him in, then you need to give him what he wants – and that’s a lot of time with you. 
Honesty is essential for any relationship. It’s one of the many things that make men fall deeply in love with their partners, after all. 
And for the trusting Pisces men, dishonesty is a dealbreaker. 
They have pure intentions, which means they always see the best in people.
Unfortunately, this blind faith in others makes them naive – if not impressionable. They won’t bother to stop and question people if they’re indeed telling the truth. 
Pisces men are very kind, and for them, lying is akin to taking them for granted. This can make them resent you, and you don’t want that! 
Pisces men are sensitive romantics, thanks to their ruling planet Neptune. And while they like spoiling their women most of the time, they won’t mind it if you try to return the favor. 
Even if you aren’t that affectionate of a partner, you can make your Pisces man obsessed with these five thoughtful ways : 
Vulnerability isn’t always bad when it comes to relationships, especially if you’re with a Pisces man. 
According to clinical psychologist Shelley Sommerfeldt, PsyD, vulnerability is all about: 
“Letting your guard down to connect in a raw and open manner. It means putting your heart on the line, even if that means heartache.”
Remember: Pisceans are emotional beings, which is why they look for partners who are willing to be vulnerable with them.
Sure, exposing yourself is hard. For one, it “requires you to share from your heart, and that creates the potential for being hurt or rejected,” says Angela Amias, a couples therapist. 
In a nutshell, the more you open up to a Pisces man, the more he’ll be obsessed with you.  
The desire to be heard and understood is a basic human need. Not only will it make your relationship with a Pisces man stronger, but it can also make him more invested.
After all, understanding each other can lead to deeper intimacy and relationship growth. 
As per relationship therapist Rebecca Wong: 
“When we don’t have this (understanding), we feel rejected and like we don’t matter, which can fracture our relationship over time.”
Contrary to popular beliefs, understanding your lover doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing with him 100% of the time. 
In fact, it’s a matter of listening to your Pisces man fully and intently. Likewise, it’s all about clarifying their perspective – whether or not you agree with it. 
To fully understand your Pisces man (and make him obsessed along the way,) make it a point to: 
Pisces males, being emotional beings, yearn to have a safe space for their emotions. It’s one of the many things men want in relationships, after all. 
Even if you can’t be physically there with him – as is with a long-distance relationship – you can make your presence known by doing the following: 
While it’s good that you have everything together, it can deter your Pisces man. Like some men, they may have difficulty handling strong, independent women . 
Pisces, by nature, enjoy taking care of the people they like (and love.) They’re true romantics, so they’ll go above and beyond for their partners. 
They’ll spoil you with flowers, lavish dinners, even a romantic poem! 
The least thing you could do? Let them spoil you. They like indulging their partners, so make the most out of it! 
Pisces men are very trusting people. They love you and have faith in you, so they expect you to have confidence in them as well. 
That said, it’s hard not to get jealous if your zodiac sign is predisposed to be so. (Yes, I’m talking to Cancers, Leos, Virgos, and Scorpios.)
If you want your Pisces man to remain obsessed – instead of running for the hills – then make heed these tips on curbing your jealous streaks :
If there’s one thing that Pisces men despise, that’s women playing mind games. 
They’re straightforward people, so they like to be with honest, truthful partners.
So if you want to keep your Pisces man obsessed, then you should veer away from mind games . 
As per Tina Tessina, Ph.D., author of Dr. Romance’s Guide to Finding Love Today:  
“Games’ in terms of relationships are maneuvers people do to manipulate others, including dates and partners.”
They’re a “loose set of behaviors that people sometimes engage in in a dating context. They’re usually anything but fun to be on the receiving end of.”
Sadly, “Playing games is about intentionally not being transparent and forthright with the person you’re dating,” explains dating coach Connell Barrett. 
According to these experts, women who play mind games are unable to cope with intense feelings and emotions. 
They do these so as not to appear needy. They believe that these games leave them in charge of the relationship.
Lastly, they think that playing hard to get makes them more desirable to a Pisces man. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. 
If you want to keep your Piscean partner hooked, then you should AVOID these mind games: 
Pisces men are great dreamers, so they find it hard to delineate fantasy and reality. They spend more time dreaming instead of trying to attain their goals. 
If you want to keep your Pisces partner obsessed, you need to be his motivator. You can do this by:
Pisceans are known to have psychic abilities. Manifesting is a great way to tap on his psyche – and make him more obsessed with you .
So how do you know if you’re successful in your attempt to make your Pisces partner obsessed with you? Well, these four signs make it quite obvious: 
As a hopeless (and obsessed) romantic, your Pisces man will do everything to make you feel special. That includes flowers, chocolates, teddy bears – it’s as if it’s Valentines’ every day! 
His gestures are not limited to gifts, though. A man who admires you will always make a conscious effort. 
He’s willing to sacrifice everything for you. 
If need be, he’ll brave a storm to make sure that you get the clam chowder you’ve been craving for since yesterday.
He can’t get enough of you, so he’ll be in touch with you as often as he can. 
Apart from long talks and love letters, he’ll express his emotions by sending you pictures or book/movie recommendations. 
Granted that Pisceans love spending time with their significant others, an obsessed partner will take this to the extreme. He’ll go out on a date with you whenever possible. 
If you desire personal space, you may find this smothering at times. 
Although Pisceans are known to be flighty, they won’t walk out at the first sign of trouble. When they’re obsessed with their partners, they’ll do what they can to resolve everything. They won’t give up on you!
Whether he’s crazy over you – or if you’ve just broken up – you can make your Pisces man miss you bad . 
Here are six ways to draw him back: 
As mentioned, Pisces men are drawn to beauty – and confidence. 
If you want him to miss you badly, then step up your A-game. Look your best whenever, wherever. Make him realize what he lost – and he’ll come crawling back to you! 
Pisces men will go above and beyond for their lovers. So if you want them to miss you, don’t initiate.
Be it conversations or meet-ups, let them take heed. 
They like spoiling their lovers – that’s just the way they roll. 
While spending a lot of time with him will draw him in, asking for some time alone will make him miss you more. 
Sad as it may be, he doesn’t understand the concept of boundaries. In fact, he doesn’t understand why he needs to be away from his beloved. 
In other words, Pisceans can’t keep their distance. By asking for some space, he’ll just come back for more.
Pisceans are givers, which is why they prefer generous partners. But if ever you’re in a relationship where you’re the only one giving your all – you need to stop, at least for the meantime.
If you want him to miss you, then you need to keep this statement by therapist Jane Reardon in mind:
“A healthy relationship doesn’t require your attention 24/7. A truly balanced partnership deals with a great deal of compromise as well as showing the willingness to do whatever it takes to make the relationship work.”
Mind games such as ghosting may work on other zodiac signs, but not Pisces.
They want straight-up honesty. They don’t care for ghosting or playing hard to get. 
Let your relationship flow – or run its course. Romantic Pisces men will eventually realize how much they miss you. 
There’s no use in hurrying a Pisces man to reconcile with you or miss you, especially if you’ve just broken up . 
Pisces men like to keep things calm – hurrying him up only does the opposite. 
Pisces is a mutable sign, which means they’re very flexible. They’ll go with the flow, even if it sadly leads them away from you.
You needn’t worry about this because Pisceans have an inner compass that tells them when things are wrong. If they’re your soulmate , they’ll come back to you soon. 
Maybe you’ve done everything I said above – being affectionate, vulnerable, understanding, and the list goes on. 
If he can’t seem to catch your drift, then it might be due to your zodiac compatibility issues . 
It’ll help if you’re a Cancer , for this sign is the most compatible one with Pisces. Both are nurturing, sensitive, and compassionate, which is why they share a 98% compatibility rate. 
Scorpio is another excellent match for Pisces. Both are creative romantics, which makes for a 97% compatibility score. 
While Capricorn doesn’t have as high a score as Cancer and Scorpio, they prove to be a worthy Pisces lover. Their compatibility rate of 88% is proof that opposite poles do attract. 
The same goes for Taurus , with which Pisces shares an 85% compatibility rate. 
And while some signs get together well, some can be a disaster waiting to happen. 
As fire and water don’t mix, Leo is considered the worst partner for Pisces. They’re so antagonistic that they only come with a 38% compatibility. 
Aquarius is another poor partner for a Pisces man, for they have different approaches to love. 
Although it can work between a Pisces and a Gemini, their distaste for commitment puts their compatibility rate at 53%. 
All in all, you shouldn’t lose hope if your zodiac sign is not compatible with Pisces . Genuine relationships depend more on just astrological alignments. It’s up to you and your Pisces man to make things work. 
If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach.
I know this from personal experience…
A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track.
If you haven’t heard of Relationship Hero before, it’s a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations.
In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation.
I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was.

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If you are dating or have a crush on him, you can learn the ways to make a Pisces man love you.
How can you steal his heart and make him fall for you?
Each zodiac sign has different traits they look for in a romantic partner. Does a Pisces man want an assertive, aggressive woman, or someone more meek and submissive?
Does he want you to chase him, or would he rather pursue you?
By learning more about his zodiac sign, you will be able to understand a Pisces man well enough to make him fall in love with you.
Although they are romantics who fall in love quickly, Pisces men move slowly in relationships. He might not tell you how he really feels about you for a long time.
Just because he hasn’t professed his undying love to you yet doesn’t mean that your Pisces man is not interested in you.
He might be too shy to tell you that he loves you, or he could be waiting for you to say it first to make sure his feelings are reciprocated.
When you want your Pisces man to fall for you, don’t be afraid to let him know how you feel about him.
If you aren’t dating yet, show him that you’re interested in him by flirting, making physical contact when you talk to him, and talking to him about your feelings.
If you are in a relationship with him and are waiting for him to tell you he loves you, say it to him first. He’s probably just waiting for you to express yourself before he will say it back.
You should also talk to your Pisces man about your feelings in general. When he asks how you are, he’s not just making small talk.
Don’t brush him off with a generic answer. Instead, take the opportunity to engage him in a conversation and tell him how you really feel.
Pisces guys are very in touch with their emotions and they are sensitive to the feelings of the people around them, too.
When a Pisces guy likes you, he will want to take care of you emotionally. Asking you how you feel and genuinely caring about your emotions is a typical Pisces man in love behavior.
To get a Pisces man to fall in love with you, you need to open up and be vulnerable with him. When you are with your Pisces man in bed , stay up all night talking with him.
Tell him your secrets, your dreams, and your ideas. Tell him about your history and your most embarrassing moments. If he likes you, he wants to know everything about you.
He loves late-night conversations and trading secrets with his partner. He is an attentive and non-judgmental listener, so you don’t need to be afraid to share anything, no matter how dark, with your Pisces guy.
He needs to get to know you on a profound level before he will fall for you, so don’t be afraid to let your Pisces man into your heart.
Although he understands sarcasm and enjoys a dark sense of humor, a Pisces man is quite serious and needs someone straightforward and truthful.
What attracts a Pisces man is an honest and sincere woman. He would rather have a partner who is brutally honest than one who lies to him.
A Pisces guy’s ideal partner is honest but knows how to tell the truth without being hurtful. She should know how to express her opinions without being unkind.
If you want your Pisces man to fall in love with you, show him how genuine you are by never lying to him or others in front of him.
If you need to share an unpleasant truth with your Pisces guy, make sure to choose your words carefully and to be tactful so as not to hurt his feelings.
Politeness is one of the typical Pisces man characteristics . Their empathy and sensitivity make them courteous to others because they don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make them uncomfortable.
A Pisces man needs a partner with good manners. He wants to know that he can trust her to be gracious and kind in any company.
If you want to make a Pisces guy fall in love with you, always be polite to him and others when you’re around him.
Say please and thank you, offer to help, and follow the rules of table etiquette like chewing with your mouth closed and keeping your elbows off of the table.
When he sees how gracious and refined you are, he won’
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