How To Make A Cancer Man Want You

How To Make A Cancer Man Want You


How To Make A Cancer Man Want You

How to Make a Cancer Man Want You – A Few Helpful Tips
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Are you tripping over you own feet for a Cancer man but not sure if he feels the same or if he’s even remotely interested? What can you do to ensure he’s going to be in your future? Keep reading for how to make a Cancer man want you.
The Cancer man is capable of casual relationships but he’s also looking for his one true mate and once he finds her, he won’t let go. Are you that woman? You could be but you’ve got to learn what to do in order to make sure he knows it.
One of the things a Cancer man looks for in a woman is someone he feels safe with and someone who he can totally trust. He won’t be with anyone he cannot trust or is worried about all of the time.
Cancer man needs a woman who is strong and can prove to him that he’s the only one for her. This can be a difficult thing to do and may take time. While Cancer men can sometimes dive right into a relationship, they really shouldn’t.
They find themselves in a string of failed relationships if they don’t learn to slow down, take their time, and truly get to know the woman that they feel so very close to. They may find with time that she’s not the one.
Then again, they may also in time figure out she’s exactly what he’s always wanted and will want to solidify things further by being in a partnership or even marriage.
As a woman, you’ll need to appeal to this need of his and the most effective way of doing it is by being friends with him and taking your time getting to know each other. If he tries to hurry, let him know it’s best to slow down a little.
When you do this, you also have to let him know it’s not because you’re into anyone else but rather, you want the best for the two of you and want things to go smoothly and naturally.
Making him feel as though things are going the right direction and are building, he’ll be very comfortable with this. You may even hold off on sex for the first few months of you two “talking”.
This will ensure that you’re intentions are true and you want to be with him for more than just sexual needs or desires. Your intention is really what is important here and letting him know your intention is for you two to build something strong with time, will make him feel at ease.
One of the things a Cancer man needs is a woman who will help inspire him when it comes to his goals or dreams. He wants a support system with the woman he decides to get involved with.
Getting him to want to be with you for more than friendship will require showing him that you’re interested in his life, his goals, his desires, and what he’d like to experiment with.
As you’re getting all this information with him, you can also share the same things about yourself. He needs to know where you stand and if you have common goals or passions in life. This makes him feel closer to you.
He doesn’t open up to just anyone so when he starts to open up, you need to do the same so that it’s even. He doesn’t want to open up to someone who never seems to want to talk about her own dreams.
This is something very important when it comes to cultivating a beautiful and strong relationship with a Cancer man. He wants to feel that his partner supports him in every way.
In return, he’ll do the very same for you. It’s a give and take and if you’re willing to open up and expose your deepest desires for your life, he’ll be enthralled by your inner beauty.
Cancer men are known for having mood swings. They feel so much that they have a hard time expressing themselves. They’re empathic and can pick up on other people’s feelings as well.
They need to learn how to properly ground themselves. They also want a partner who is going to be understanding that they have these various moods. They may not want to admit it but you’ll notice it whether he wants it or not.
Getting closer to him requires being very patient and having an even keel with your own temperament. If you’re a moody person then you’ll find it hard to cope with his swings.
He requires a woman who can keep her cool, is even keeled, and will not flip out when he’s in a mood that causes him to lash out. Just remember that he’s just overly sensitive and probably doesn’t mean what he says in the heat of the moment.
You’ll need to be able to show him empathy when he’s feeling down, be able to help soothe him when he’s angry, and be able to have a soft approach when he is perhaps shedding tears.
He needs a partner that will let him get his frustrations out and perhaps even give him a little wisdom. Showing him stability in this way will also double up and make him feel secure as I mentioned earlier.
Be sure when you spend time with him that you also dress your best. He loves beautiful women and he loves for a woman to dress classy. Be sexy and alluring but not trashy.
Going out with him on a night on the town will definitely cheer him up. You can put on your best dress, fix your hair and makeup, then whisk him away to a place you know he’ll enjoy.
Showing him you’re down for him, you support him, and you want to be his best friend will make him not only want you but want to make you his everything.
If you’re ready to understand how to make a Cancer man want you, and if you want to catch him and keep him click here to learn more about Cancer Man Secrets . 
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Wishing you all the luck of the universe
Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,
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My name is Anna Kovach, and I’m a Relationship Astrologer.
Welcome to my blog about the Cancer man.
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Are you looking for ways to make a Cancer guy want you? If so, you’re on the right page.
A Cancer man is a shy, reserved man that prefers to have a deep connection rather than just a fling. He’s in it for the long haul, but it can be a while before he considers you to be the one. He is on his quest to find his soulmate and will not stop until he can hold her.
He can be very sensitive and tends to get hurt easily. However, you might overlook this side of him when he displays his manly character. When he walks into a room full of people, people can turn their heads because of his strong demeanor.
Nonetheless, a Cancer can be insecure and tend not to see that he can attract people. Thus, he needs a woman who’s vocal, jolly, and in-tuned with her feelings for him to be comfortable. Through these attributes of a woman, he can freely share his feelings without any worries.
Thus, if you want to make a male Cancerian want you, make sure to appeal to his emotions and be his safe place. This way, he can get so comfortable with you and want you to be on his side for the longest time possible.
So, how can you make a Cancer man want you? Find some of the tips that you need to get this shy man hooked below.
Although it’s hard to read and get through the tough exterior of a Cancer man, there’s a way to make him want you. You may consider following the subsequent tips below to get him smitten.
When it comes to dating a Cancer man, consider taking things slow with him. He’s been in a few heartaches as he often goes all-in quick in a relationship. He doesn’t hold anything back and let all his emotions flow without knowing if he’s with the right person.
Thus, a Cancer man tends not to show his emotions in meeting or dating new people. You might get curious if he likes you or he only wants to hang out.
If you are hell-bound to make a Cancerian want you, make sure to let him know that you like him. This way, he can shake off his doubts about your feelings. You may also want to consider telling him that you want to take things slow as you want to know him deeper.
Expressing your feelings and letting him know you want to know him on a deeper level will make him want you more. He will see this as a positive sign as he is on the same wavelength as you in taking things slow.
Cancers are one of the most genuine zodiac signs. They don’t try to mask their true feelings and intentions and wear their heart on their sleeves. So, if you want to make a Cancer guy want you, be genuine with him.
A Cancer can detect pretense from afar, so it’s best, to be honest with him from the start.
A Cancerian male is quick to get attached when you let him do things for you. He can be very accommodating towards the woman he’s with, so never stop him from helping you with your chores. He can also be a very gentleman and hold doors for you and do small things that can make you feel special.
Thus, if you want this sensitive yet attractive man to like you, let him do things that make him feel good. You may also expect him to treat you like a queen if he’s invested in you.
Another way to make him want you is to flirt with him subtly. You may tap his shoulder lightly and smile at him while meeting his eyes. Avoid bold approaches such as kissing him all of a sudden in public to avoid making him disappointed.
A male Cancer wants a woman who respects herself but also knows how to flirt a little. Thus, consider letting him know that you like him in a subtle way to make him want you.
One way to make a Cancerian man want you is to be approachable. As you might already know, a Cancer is a shy type and tends to back away if he sees that you are not easy to approach. Thus, consider being receptive so he can express his feelings without any worries on his mind.
If you two meet on the street, make sure to give your brightest smile and you will linger on his thoughts more. He will definitely look forward to meeting you again and have some talks over coffee. He might also ask to hang out with you often if you are friendly with him each time you meet.
Knowing that you are a nice person, he can get very comfortable with you and tell you his deepest secrets. As you already know, he wants someone he can confide his emotions with. So, be that person and he will go out his way to date you.
Like all other signs, a Cancer man can have mood swings. He can all of a sudden not talk to you without knowing the reason why. He might also avoid you on purpose, even if you two meet on the street. Thus, consider being patient with him during his mood swings.
You can try asking what’s wrong with him using a sweet tone of voice. You may also touch his hands or tap his shoulder while looking at his eyes. If these gestures don’t touch him, consider leaving him alone for a while.
Once he is okay, he will likely realize his actions and apologize to you. If he does this, avoid lecturing him and instead tell him that he can tell you the things that bother him. This way, he will see your genuine care and want you to become a permanent part of his life.
Cancers are sensitive people. They are likely to get touched even by simple things. Consider checking on him now and then to know how he is and if he is feeling okay. This might be a simple act, but this can penetrate the heart of a Cancer guy.
Once in a while, invite him to your place and prepare his favorite foods. Ensure that he will be comfortable at your home and he will likely want to go back there and make it your love nest. Texting and calling him to know how he is will also make him feel loved and valued.
Thus, be caring towards him and you will likely get him hooked.
Ensure to appeal to a Cancer man’s empathetic side and you will likely attract him on a deeper level. He wants to get to the emotional level when it comes to relationships and being vulnerable with him is one way to do it.
Unlike Geminis, who don’t like to hear depressing talks, a Cancer will be more than willing to hear you out. You can tell your disappointments and failures to him and he will sympathize with you. He will also be protective of you and ensure to be there for you during your bad times.
Although Cancers wear a tough exterior, they are actually very soft inside. They quickly get hurt, so they choose to put a solid demeanor to avoid getting hurt repeatedly. If you desire to make him want you, make sure that you make him feel comfortable around you.
Once he is comfortable with you, he can share his stories with you and may start to develop some feelings for you. Let him also feel that you care and are always there for him no matter what happens. It’s also best to appeal to his emotional side by sharing your life struggles and stories with him.
If you want to get his attention through flirting , consider not to make a bold move. Instead, be subtle with your flirting style and he will likely react to it than your bold move.
Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. Read More About Karen Here.
My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. Read More About Me!

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Show him that you like him. As a more sensitive, shy sign, the Cancer man you have your eye on may need some more encouragement to make a move. [1]
Research source

Start by being friendly, and work your way up towards being flirty as you get to know him. You want to move at a gradual, authentic pace when trying to woo a Cancer.

Say "Hi" and smile anytime you see him at school or work. Stop at his locker or his desk and ask how his day is going if you have time.
Reply to his Instagram story or send him a text message with something that reminds you of him. He'll be flattered and intrigued to get to know you more.
When the two of you chat, laugh at his jokes and make eye contact with him. To flirt, greet him with a hug when you see him or touch his shoulder when you say goodbye.


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Be direct to show your interest. A Cancer man may need some confirmation that you like them before they start chasing you. Ask him out on a date or even tell him you like him. If you're not comfortable with that just yet or you're still getting to know him, ask him to hang out with a group of your friends or see if he wants to study with you after school. Whatever you do, be open about your interest in getting to know him better. [2]
Research source

Next time you talk, ask him if he would like to hang out or go on a date. Say something like, "I have so much fun when we run into each other. Would you ever want to get coffee or something?"
If you're not comfortable asking him out just yet, try a group hangout. Text him something like, "A few friends and I are going to see a movie next week. Would you wanna come?"
Avoid playing hard to get or trying to make him jealous. Cancers want something genuine, and they won't enjoy playing games.


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