How To Leave A Google Review For Businesses

How To Leave A Google Review For Businesses

Google Review helps your favorite business to grow. Your single review can help the business bloom and your neighbors can now about the business too. You might be wondering, why am I stressing you to leave a google review for your business.

Well, as a customer it is like paying a tip to the business after using the service. The review that you make helps the business improving the ranks on the search engine. Businesses have to buy Google reviews, and if the customer can actually give feedbacks, it would be great for them. Your positive feedback improves their ranks and negative feedback increases their improvement. It is helpful either way. In the article we will be discussing on how to leave a google review.

1. Log into your internet browser  

2. Google a local business  

3. Click Write a Review, which you can find by scrolling down on a business listing or clicking its reviews on Google Maps  

4. If you are not registered , a login field appears; You need to sign in to your Google account to leave a comment. 

5. After logging in, you will have the option to select a certain number of stars for the company and enter details of your experience (s)  

6. Click Post You after choosing a star rating (leaving a description is optional).  

 How to Leave a Google Review on Mobile 

1. Sign in to your Google Account 

2. Find the company you want to review  

3. When the company information box at the top of the page appears, click Reviews tab 

4. Below the summary of Google ratings you will see "Rate & Rate".

5. Click the number of stars you want to give the company. A star means you received terrible service and would never return to that job. Five stars mean that you liked the company's offer and would recommend it to your friends 

6. Share your own experience with the company  

7. If you have any, add relevant photos to your post 8. Click on Publish To leave a google review.

 Google review on a mobile device using Google Maps:

1. Sign in to your Google Account

2. Open the Google Maps application  

3. Search for the company you are want to rate  

4. Scroll down for full screen result  

5. Click the REVIEWS tab 

6. Click the number of stars you want to give the company. These can be positive comments, some negative ones, or both. 

7. Add photos if you want 

8.  Click Publish  

Since everyone uses a device, know that you should leave a review for the company. It also means leaving a review is faster and more accessible than ever. Since everyone has a mobile device and it's so easy to leave reviews, it's so much easier to get more quality reviews for your business than ever before. This is a win-win situation for both the rated and rated companies and their potential customers.

Businesses will low reviews can always opt to Ormbooster to buy google reviews to increase their content and business ranking on the search engine. A customer should always be emphasized on leaving a review.

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