How To Know Pisces Man Likes You

How To Know Pisces Man Likes You


I thought this was an interesting phrase that some readers used, so I guess I will dive into the topic. So far I have talked a lot about my personality and why I approach things the way I do where it seems like you are going to have to be the one to take initiative first. So what exactly are the signs that people like me give back to show that we are interested in learning more about you? Again, keep in mind that I am writing all of this based on my own experiences.
I remember one example in my life where there was this girl that met me at a place I was working at. My job was to interact and help customers find products that they were looking for while educating them about it. After talking with this girl, she seemed happy and proceeded to head home. Afterwards, she comes back a few seconds later and asks if I used things like an online chat software incase she doesn’t see me again and this way she can ask me questions about new releases and so fourth. I agreed and gave her my contact.
Now here is what was going on in my mind up till that point. Generally speaking, I was working at that job because I was very enthusiastic about the things I get to do and as well it revolved around a hobby I enjoyed. So whenever I talk to people in general it doesn’t feel like work and it’s great to meet other enthusiasts. When this girl came up to me I treated her like any other customer while having fun talking about the products.
When she turned around and came back with a semi stuttering voice asking me for an online contact I immediately knew that she liked me and was interested in getting to know me better. Now here was a big clue that I gave as a way of saying “you seem like a cool person and I would be really interested in learning more about you too”. She asked for an online chat alias and I normally don’t really use those programs. So, while I did give her an alias I gave her an e-mail address as well as I told her I actually check that often. So, she smiled and then left the store.
So what happened? She didn’t send me an e-mail. What happened was that she would come back to the store to chat with me again in a semi nervous type of way. She even started to do the girl stuff such as touching her hair a lot which from my knowledge/observations meant that she is trying to grab my attention (Correct me if I’m wrong ladies).
Again, I knew that she wanted me to say ask her out or something. To give her another hint that I would be open to it, I started to ask her about her personal life such as what school she went to, the type of courses she was taking, etc. If a guy like me asks those questions then that means you can relax as there is something about you that I like. Sure enough though, she seemed to just walk away with that “Nothing is working” mentality and questioning whether or not I had any interest in her.
So here is the ultimate attempt she made in trying to get me to ask her it seems. I guess from visiting the store she generally knew when I worked. For this particular day, I am usually one of the associates that help to close the store down for my department specifically. Sure enough, she arrives about 5 minutes before the store closes saying that she was looking for something for her dad. I mentioned that we didn’t really carry that item here and that the store was closing up. So, she asked if I knew any other places around the area and I mentioned there were many.
What happened was she waited for me to show her and so right after work I walked with her as if we were shopping together I guess you could say. Unfortunately, a lot of the stores were closing too which meant she couldn’t buy the item. As a result, we just started to head our own ways in an effort to get home. However, during this walk in my mind this was partly another attempt in trying to get me to say set a date up with her as I guess that was her definition of a reassurance that I liked her.
As kind of a final hint from myself, as we were walking she started talking about her collection of her video games and I commented in a playful way how I should visit her sometime and we can have a fun match. She responded in a subtle yet enthusiastic response saying I should do that. However, I didn’t specify a date but rather I told her to let me know when she was free one day and I would be open to it. She smiled and all to it. In the end, she never followed through.
My assumption on what happened, most girls often say that when a guy doesn’t directly take initiative in those types of situations that means he has no interest in you. Therefore, in my opinion she was probably just self doubting herself all the time and eventually believing that I just thought she was a disinteresting person.
For my personality type, the ironic thing is while I may be a bit more indirect and mysterious to people when it comes to trying to find out if I like them or not, interestingly enough it is pretty evident if I don’t have any interest at all. Example, like in this scenario I wouldn’t have even asked about her background or education or even offer to give her my contact information. Just the fact that I even continued to communicate with her is a good indication already. If I start to ask you more questions too that is a really good sign to say that I feel comfortable being around you far.
If I don’t like someone too, with my personality you are just gone. No communication, I will ignore your requests and so fourth. In many ways it’s just like becoming friends with people. If you want to be friends then the both of you will be open to each other as opposed to a closed off way. The key thing is communication and whether or not the person is actively asking you questions in an effort to learn more about you. If so, they obviously like you to a certain extent to want to possibly build a relationship of some sort.
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I really like what you write here. In fact, this was kind of what happened to me. Would appreciate if you could email me. I have a question to ask!
Very interesting. I happened to be attracted to Pisceans a lot. The first person whom I approached didn’t work out for me. Total disaster cos’ I can’t read between the lines.
This second person whom I’m really interested in. I also can’t seem to read his indirect signs very well. Maybe u can help to explain…
Here’s the scenario: I asked him for his contact no. He gave me. So after a week or so…I try to call him and ask him out. But he didn’t picked up the phone. So I message him instead…setting up a lunch with him alone. But later he message back…saying that he is having lunch with someone else on another day and ask me whether do I want to join them. So is he interested or just want to be friends? I rejected his offer as I have something on on that day itself.
Before I asked him out, I was messaging him on friendster and he replies my message. But after I asked him out, he stop replying any of my messages. So is it a sign of not interested? He’s my colleague and though we do not see each other often in the work place, we still say “hi and bye” to each other. And I still approach to talk to him.
Feel free to e-mail with using the contact form. I was hoping to make a “Ask me a question” category too if your question is broad enough where you think it will help others too.
From reading what you wrote here is my personal interpretation:
He invited you to have lunch with him along with another person he was having lunch with. This can either mean he is very uncomfortable being around you alone or that he sincerely wanted to hang out with you and didn’t want to blow you off. Unfortunately, I don’t know the whole situation too well to really say which one it is.
However, you did say that you were messaging him on friendster and getting responses before this incident. Therefore, this leads me to believe that for whatever reason he is giving you the cold shoulder to a certain extent to be just friends. The fact that you pretty much just straight up asked him out too was the right step I’d say. Considering he didn’t follow up and started asking you out afterwards to me shows disinterest. It would be different if you didn’t bluntly ask him out.
In my opinion, this is going to turn into a “too much convincing” type of scenario and I don’t know if you are willing to do that. It’s his turn to start asking you questions and such if he is interested I’d say.
I am going crazy over here, I have been seeing this pisces for at least 3 years, he has been super supportive of anything regarding my life, I recently doubted him on a situation and he found out, the situation was not major, he alienated away from me for two months, I could not take it any longer so I reached out to him, suprisingly he did not reject me. However, after we spoke again he invited me to see him, I oblige and met up with him, everything was cool, so I went on to assume we were back to normal and fine, he started an argument with me a week after I visited him. Then invited me to see him again to discuss what I had done to him. He told me that I hurt him and he was surprised with my actions, I apologized in the sincerest way, he seemed to accept, told me we are fine and he is going to put it behind him because the siutation was not that serious. We laughed, talked and enjoyed each other, the next day he went his way and I went mine. He reached out to me the day after I left him and again a week after our last meeting. Here is the confusing part, we had one more conversation again, everything seemed fine, then, BOOM, out of no where he disappeared again!!! this time its been 2 months and he is ignoring my emails, calls and text. PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE ON WHAT YOU THINK IS GOING ON IN HIS HEAD. This is a guy who said, I am everything that any man could want, but yet he alienates. sidebar: before, I messed up and snooped behind his back, we would be good for 6 months and then he would alienate without any justifiable cause. Ia m so confused, I love him so much, my heart says wait, my mind says go, there is much more to this situation, good things, but I did not want to bore you with the details. Before anyone says he’s not interested keep in mind he persued me for a year before I accepted to go on a date with him and here we are 3 years or more in and now I love him and he is running why. He has told me that when he feels like he likes a person too much he runs and I think its bull crap. What are your thoughts! please help!!!!! thanks in advance
1) The first one is that in the back of his head he strongly believes that your action from before where you snooped behind his back has caused him to really think that you need to do something to reassure him that it was just an isolated incident. Words are not good enough (Regardless if he says it is okay). Therefore, you two have this game going on where he wants it to work but he is keeping his distance to see what you do.
2) The second thought is that you were a challenge before, so to speak, which was a big thrill of sort for him where people want what they can’t have. Now that you have strong feelings for him that has kind of changed. The reason I say this too is because a person with my personality type/style is not usually that aggressive in asking someone out. The fighting for love usually would come after once all the trust is there.
Possibly too, maybe you are one of the very few if not only person he has ever pursued and now that he has his doubt about whether this is right for him he wants to really think about his options while at the same time not wanting to let you go. Kind of a selfish thing in many ways.
You know him way better than me though. Personally, I think that “running away when you get too close” mentality is just a load of garbage. It’s an excuse from having to say what one truly wants to say, in my opinion. Again, if the person was like me it makes absolutely no sense too when you think about it.
Example, for myself I can be very difficult to open up as my mentality is I don’t want to open up unless I fully trust you. Therefore, it should be the other way around where if I am uncomfortable with you in some way then I want to do more activities/hobbies with you to see what you are really like. It’s only when I am not interested in you anymore where I would be afraid/unwilling to be around you.
So with the limited info I have, I’m banking on the mindset that his mind is elsewhere and that he is latching on to you just in case. I’m not implying that he is cheating as it could be anything such as a personal problem. The fact that you keep trying to contact him too is reassurance that you are still there and that he can get you back whenever he wants (figuratively speaking). Time to make him go to you to find out if he truly cares I’d say.
WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOUR RESPONSE WAS SCARY, ALMOST LIKE YOU ARE SPEAKING FROM HIS MOUTH! I totally agree with everything you say 1000% and I am a Taurus, so you know we think we are always right, in this case you hit the nail on the head, I wish I could delve deeper into the situation. But, I cannot publicly, for various reasons. But wooooooooooooooooooowwwwww! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have one more question for you, but I want to be sure its okay to ask you before I post, its pertaining to the same person and two contradictory statements he made, that has me confused. I feel sometimes when you search for answers from pisces, you leave more confused than when you first asked the question!!! I can not thank you enough! you are a GOD SEND!
“In my opinion, this is going to turn into a “too much convincing” type of scenario and I don’t know if you are willing to do that. It’s his turn to start asking you questions and such if he is interested I’d say.”
Hi Alan, what does “too much convincing” type of scenario means?
I must say I don’t really know him to well either cos’ we haven’t had the opportunity to talk much. But whenever, I find the oppurtunities to get alone with him…I try to take the initiative to talk to him. And I’ve been trying to go to more group activities with him inside the group too…today, we had lunch together with some other colleagues and he asked me how was I. Good sign? hee…
No pressures…we can start being friends first. But he’s leaving his job soon…so I don’t know when I’ll see him again.
Alan! well you know if you are a taurus we NEVER give up! we fight till the bitter end, that is the hard part, I hope that if I just fall back, he will come around. Man, I really screwed up would you give up, if you heard the rest of my story as a taurus I KNOW you would say don’t give up!!! lol Taurus’ love hard
OOPs! meant to tell Nabully I am a taurus!
To you Alan, question:
He said “you are everything a man could hope for, when you come around you are a breath of fresh air, you make me so happy when you are around, when you leave its back to the bs” He said I care for you alot and I am not ever going anywhere I am right here”
The he said “I am not in love with you though, ouch!!!” what warranted that? he said that before he found out I snooped, (actually, I retract that, I think he knew I had snooped already when he said he was not in love with me) I say that because the very next day is when he put me on blast for snooping!!! go figure.
Second question: Before I snooped, why do you suspect he would alienate for months! then come back acting head over hills in love with me? When he would alienate in the past I would pay it no mind being the taurus I am I figured, “I would use reverse psychology”!! and of course he would resurface. We did everything as a couple week sleepovers, weekends, sleeping in, dinner dates alone and with friends, partied together, invited around family the whole nine yards, but yet in the mist of it all he says……..”I hope you don’t think you are my girl” ouch!!! again!!! WTH??? this man has me so confused and I have never been so attracted to anyone as I am to him! helllllllllp! I am taking your advice and falling back hoping he contacts me, but other than that I am dying!!! (not literally) but emotionally! lol! Thanks again!!!! this story gets better….trust me…
Too much convincing is like say me finding this girl super attractive and to impress her and to try and get her to talk to me I start doing the activities that she does. Likewise, it could be she always goes for these certain type of guys and then you see me trying to continually dress and act in a way simply to grab her attention in a positive way.
So I would basically be trying way too hard to convince her to be or talk with me when really it should be the efforts of both people I’d say. With my personality type it should always be if you give a little then I will give a little back to show the interest level and not just you doing all the work.
Like with that I’m sure if you persist long enough and find the right buttons to push then you can catch anyone’s heart/attention. But how long will that last too is what I would think about. If you do want to keep trying though, with my way of thinking/personality I think the way to see if he is truly interested in you in anyway in “that way” is to setup a small activity of some sort and invite him or just make sure that he knows about it indirectly.
Small event could be that you both love to watch comedy movies or say you both like to play a certain sport. Then, set something up with your existing friends that you are going to do together anyways and make sure that he knows that he is invited him to come along. If he rejects the offer like three times flat out with a lame excuse then that is a good sign to move on I’d say. People that do like you to a certain extent will make an effort to show up. Even better in this example would be he will tell you a specific day when he is available and if you could set up the activity on that that particular day.
I must say, that sounds very cruel. Did he literally say all that sappy romantic stuff and then follow it up with a “I don’t love you” type of phrase? Maybe I am just interpreting this all wrong. Although, my personal translation of that circumstance is “You are great. When I need someone to talk to you are there. When I need someone to hug you are there. I’m so glad that we can be this close as I need someone like you to not feel empty inside. However, I wonder if there is something more out there as you’re not perfect and I don’t want to commit myself to you. I just don’t want to be alone as I have emotional needs.” Sorry, but I am gonna go back to the point where I think this is a selfish thing that he is doing.
As to my theory why he would alienate you for months, the whole exploring his options and using you as the security blanket, so to speak, is my bet at this point with what I know. It’s almost like a battery charger emotionally. Basically, he gets what he wants emotionally from you, leaves….and then when he is drained and needs more you are there in open arms for him. I don’t doubt for one second where if you ignored him he would come flying back. In many ways you can say he is taking a lot from you and not wanting to give back unless he knows that he will lose you for sure.
Thanks Alan! but last question! what should I dooooooo! I am only asking because if you knew the hold story you would understand why I am holding on, i would normally walk away by now, my mind says run! my heart says have patience, I have a correction I said he disapears for 6 months, I meant to say more like a month and a half max, he sticks around for at least 6 months at a time. This is the longest time he has not talked to me, last I spoke to him was in
June. I miss him so much. Do you have any tips or advice on winning him back, from a pisces point of view? clearly me apologizing is not working. It has been said anything worth having is worth fighting for and he is w
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