How To Know If Your Bi Quiz

How To Know If Your Bi Quiz


How To Know If Your Bi Quiz
1. How would you feel if a person of the same gender asked for your number?
I’d be thrilled. I’d be nervous. My stomach would probably do a little flip. I’d be curious about getting to know them better. I’d be flattered, but I’d let them know I’m not interested.

2. When you think about a long-term relationship, who do you imagine as your partner?
I see myself with someone who identifies as the same gender as me. I could see myself with a partner of any gender, including non-binary or gender-expansive people. I’d be happy with a man or a woman. I see myself with someone who identifies as the opposite gender.

3. How’s your knowledge of LGBTQ+ pop culture?
I’m an expert on everything from queer ships to gay slang. I probably know about more queer content and influencers than most people. I’d say I have average knowledge. I’m not super up-to-date on gay pop culture.

4. Have you ever fantasized about someone of the same gender?
Yes, definitely. But I also fantasize about people of a different gender. Maybe, but hasn’t everybody? Once or twice. No.

5. Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender?
Yes, and I’d do it again. Yes, and that’s why I’m taking this quiz. No, but I wonder if I’d be into it. I don’t think I’d like it, or I tried it and didn’t like it.

6. Have you ever had romantic feelings for a friend of the same gender?
Yes, I definitely had a crush on my same-gender best friend. Yes, I think I can crush on people regardless of gender. Maybe, I’m not sure if that was a crush or not. No, I don’t think so.

7. Do people ever ask you if you’re bisexual or queer?
Yeah, people pretty much just assume that. My parents or close friends have asked about it. No one’s ever asked me that, but I wouldn’t be shocked if they did ask. Nope. People assume I’m straight.

8. Have you ever felt “butterflies” around someone of the same gender?
For sure, but I also get butterflies around people of the opposite sex. Only with one specific person or when I look at a really attractive celebrity. I’ve felt a little nervous, but that’s probably just normal. No. Don’t think so.

9. Why did you decide to take this quiz?
I’m pretty sure I’m bisexual. I don’t think I’m straight, but I’m not sure what I am. I’m taking this just for fun! I think I’m straight but just checking.

10. How do you feel about putting a label on your sexual identity or attraction?
Labels can be helpful. I personally don’t like using labels, but I know other people like them. Labels are confusing and/or unnecessary. I’ve never really thought about it before.

11. When you imagine kissing or being intimate with a future partner, how do you feel?
As long as I’m with someone I really like, that sounds great. Good, I guess? I can’t imagine that and I don’t think I’ll ever want that, regardless of gender. I’m too young for that.

12. Have you ever thought your crushes or feelings of attraction were different from other people's?
Yes, I probably questioned my sexuality more than other people. Sometimes, and I can’t explain why. Maybe, but that could just be from my personality or upbringing. No, I don't think my experience with crushes is super different.

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"This was very helpful! I've sometimes thought that it's weird that I had crushes on girls as well as boys, and I was a bit confused and unsure at first. I'm glad now that I explored the possibility of being bi, and can be more confident in my identity!" ..." more

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"This was very helpful! I've sometimes thought that it's weird that I had crushes on girls as well as boys, and I was a bit confused and unsure at first. I'm glad now that I explored the possibility of being bi, and can be more confident in my identity!" ..." more

"I tested this on my friend and I think it's pretty accurate with her sexuality."

"Actually I thought I wasn't gonna get a serious answer from the quiz. But when its says "For some, this may mean feelings for one gender but physical attraction for another." I was like, dude, that's me! This is totally me. No hesitation. You guys got me." ..." more

"I might be bisexual or queer. There's quite a difference in these two. I am excited that I might be bisexual but being queer also excites me. Honestly I don't care. Right now I am interested in a same gender relationship." ..." more

"Very helpful, helped me to find out my sexuality and be more accepting of it."

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If you have ever wondered “Am I bisexual?”, you’re not alone—and you’ve come to the right place. Bisexuality means romantic or sexual attraction to more than one gender, and there’s no exact set of criteria or experiences you have to check off to identify that way.

If you’re looking to explore your attractions, we’ve got the quiz for you. Ready to get some answers?

What do the letters in LGBTQ+ stand for? These terms don’t have universal definitions since everyone who identifies with a certain label gets to pick what that identity means to them . After all, it’s hard to define a key part of someone’s experience in a single word! But to give you the basics of LGBTQ+ terms, we’ve put together a glossary of common terms you might see or hear.

Asexual (“ace”) - Asexual refers to a lack of interest in sex or sexual contact with other people. People who use this umbrella term might experience a range of sexual attraction , from zero desire for sex, to occasional sexual attraction, or attraction only alongside a strong emotional bond (demisexuality).

Bisexual (“bi”) - The term bisexual refers to attraction to people of the same gender and another gender .

Gay - While this adjective has historically described men who are attracted to other men, the term now is used to refer to anyone who experiences romantic, emotional, or physical attraction to people of the same gender .

Gender identity - Gender identity is an internal feeling of how individuals perceive themselves as male, female, genderqueer, non-binary, etc .

Gender expression - Gender expression is the external way people convey their gender identity through behavior and physical appearance like clothing choices, body characteristics, speech patterns, etc.

Intersex - Intersex people are born with anatomy or sex characteristics that don’t fit into the “male” or “female” binary boxes. They may or may not identify with the sex they are assigned at birth (just like non-intersex people).

Lesbian - Women and non-binary people use this term to identify as people who are emotionally, romantically, or sexually attracted to other women .

Pansexual (“pan”) - Pansexual refers to people who are attracted to any/all genders or who don’t limit their attraction to the confines of the gender binary. Some pansexual folks might say that gender and sex are not determining factors in their attraction.

Non-binary - Non-binary refers to gender identity rather than sexual orientation. People who identify as non-binary express their gender and identity in a way that lives outside of and inherently rejects the socially-constructed gender binary. This term can include people who are genderqueer or gender expansive too.

Queer - This is an umbrella term that includes a variety of gender & sexual identities that fall outside of heteronormativity and the limitations of gender binary systems. While the word queer was once a slur, many people in the LGBTQ+ community have reclaimed the term to be radical and all inclusive.

Questioning - Questioning is both a noun and a verb. It describes periods of personal reflection and exploration involved in the process of discovering sexuality, gender identity, and gender expression. Additionally, it can be the second Q to queer in LGBTQQ, to denote the inclusion of folks questioning their identities.

Sexual orientation - Sexual orientation describes a person’s inherent physical, emotional, or romantic attraction towards other people, often based on their gender identity and/or expression. It is often used interchangeably with attraction and sexual identity.

Transgender (“trans” or “trans*”) - Transgender is an umbrella term that includes people whose gender identity and/or gender expression transgress the boundaries of gender and can differ from the sex they were assigned at birth. Since gender identity and sexual orientation are separate , transgender people can identify as straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc. The spelling trans* is sometimes used to include all gender-queer or expansive identities .

There are hundreds of important terms related to sexuality, gender expression, gender identity, and the LGBTQ+ community. For more info, here’s what we recommend:

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Marriage Quizzes


Same sex Quizzes

15 Questions
| Total Attempts: 176185

It happens that people are attracted to both sexes. Bisexual people have a hard time defining if they are actually gay or straight. All they know is that they wouldn’t mind dating both sexes at the same time or interchangeably.
They are normally vibrant, because at least they are honest with themselves, and with the world in extension when it … Read More comes to their sexuality. So, when it comes to you, do you think you are bisexual? Or are you still very confused to pronounce yourself? Take our �Am I Bisexual’ quiz and find out now. Read Less
1. What motivates you most to be with men?
2. Which of the two genders are you most comfortable with?
3. Which gender do you think is the most affectionate?
C. When both partners are of the same gender
4. Do you have a problem with being attracted to both genders?
5. What has led you to embrace your attraction to both sexes? 
C. You are not attracted to both sex
6. Do you openly qualify yourself as bisexual?
D. You qualify yourself as straight, actually

7. Which gender resembles you the most?
8. Are you sexually attracted to both sexes?
D. It depends on how one defines attraction
9. Would you feel as excited if someone from your gender asked you out, as you feel when someone from the opposite gender does?
10. Which sex do you have sexual fantasies about?
11. Can you see a future with someone from the same gender as you?
12. Do you feel super protective about friends who are the same gender as you?
14. Have you ever had sex with both genders?
D. Yes, but you've never come into contact with a person of the same gender
15. What motivates you most to be with women?
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10 Questions - Developed by: Robyn - Updated on: 2020-06-14 - 122,533 taken - User Rating: 4.3 of 5 - 34 votes - 135 people like it

Does the idea of being with someone of the same sex revolt you in any way?

Not at all. I'd love that, actually

What about someone of the opposite sex?

Is it weird to say the idea is a little nauseating?

If there were a situation where a woman walked into the bathroom and she was pretty, what would you think?

She's just a woman. Nothing more to say

Have you kissed a girl? Be honest. And if it was just for fun and/or was on a dare, that doesn't count.

If I have, it was a dare and I felt a little weird afterward

I have, and it was one of the best experiences of my life

Yeah, I have, and it wasn't a dare. At all

Have you kissed a boy? If you haven't kissed just because there's never been a boy who's liked you back (depressing, but I feel your pain) then just say you have. It's easier that way.

No, I haven't kissed a boy, and to be honest, the thought's like kissing my brother

I've kissed a boy, too. And it was just as great as kissing a girl

Which sex have you had the most crushes on?

I haven't had that many crushes on either sex, to be honest

Only on guys. I can't imagine having a crush on a girl. It's just a little weird, you know?

I've had my fair share on both, but the girls might have been friend-crushes. I'm not sure

Is it weird to say I've had the most crushes on girls? (If this is your answer, no, it's not)

Bit of an awkward question, but have you fantasized about anyone of the same sex?

I'd rather not say. (Understandable, I feel awkward just asking the question)

Eww, no. Was that question really necessary?

I've had more than my fair share, tbh

Yes, and about one girl in particular

Do you care what people would think if you came out publicly as bi? (If so, I understand. I can't come out to my group of friends because I'd lose them all, so I'm living a lie.)

I don't think I'd have anything to worry about, but I have wondered. Otherwise I wouldn't be here

A lot. I'm kind of terrified of what everyone will say

I'm a little worried, but I can't imagine living a lie

No, and I don't want any girls to like me

Last but really not least, do YOU yourself think you're bisexual, or gay, or whatever?

Isn't that the question YOU'RE supposed to be answering, not me?

I'm pretty sure I'm straight, thanks

Boss 👮 (👮 of girls) (30841)

It says I'm bi but I'm 99.9% sure that I'm pan

I've been thinking about bisexual for some time now but then then I thought I was pan then poly then lesbian then bi again??? I'm literally so confused and now think I'm asexual but that might just be cuz I broke up with someone recently. Help!!

I'm bisexual but it says I'm gay? I rather go for men but I would date a girl. or you know love both.

Jennie Finch (38423)

saurielys zoe ocasio RIvera (54092)

happy that I'm bisexual i told my mom not my dad and my family and i know that my mom is not going to tell anyone😄

SuicideGirl (02255)

I really like this girl, she is one of my best friends and I have a huge crush on her. Part of me thinks there might be a chance that she likes me and I want to ask her out but I don't know how to. We are going to camp for the next three days and she'll be there, I honestly don't know what I will do. Hopefully I can spring the courage to ask her out. Hope you guys have a good success with asking your crushes. :)


Oh yeah, and the quiz said I’m lesbian when I’m positive I’m straight- Yes, I almost yeeted my phone across the room. #HELPPLS


I live in a homophobic household, LITERALLY. But somehow I managed to have a crush on a GIRL and now I bury my face in my pillow and scream AHHHhhhhhHhHhhhHhHHHHhHh cause the girl I like is straight(maybe,I haven’t asked)But anyways, HELP😭 IM REALLY DESPERATE HERE.

I'm 15 and I was wondering if it s okay to just identify as not straight? I've tried calling myself lesbian, pan and bi but none of them felt right. If I find a label that's right will I know? Do I even need a label??? Please help

hey guys so i really need help. Im a thirteen year old girl and up till now ive only ever liked guys. but lately i have been interested in dating and kissing a girl. in fact, i WANT to date a girl. but am i just wondering or wanting. im most likely either bisexual, straight, or questioning. can anyone please help!!!!!!!!

Peculiar.Oatmeal. (24220)

This Quiz Was Really Helpful Thank You So Much For Helping Me Understand Better!🦋🍄

Hi, so im a 12y old girl who lives in an anti-lgbtq+ environment, as in gay marriage is illegal, and there are practically no public lgbtq couples throughout the country. My parents aren’t exactly supportive and i’ve always been reassured bc i thought i was straight. But then a few weeks ago, this girl came to our school and i felt weirdly attracted to her, even though everybody in my school sees me as the most straight person and that’s what i thought of myself too. I feel like it’s half admiration half im attracted to her. But is it weird i dont want to be bi? I just want to stay straight but it feels like everythings changing and i have no
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