How To Kill Your Sex Drive

How To Kill Your Sex Drive


How To Kill Your Sex Drive
How do I shut down my sexual urges permanently?
Studied Landscape Architecture · · 1 y ·
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How can I totally remove my sex drive and any feelings of lust or attraction? Sex and the associated emotions are a waste of time and mental energy.
How can I get rid of my sex drive? I am tired of watching porn and masturbation. I don't want to get a partner either. I just want to kill my sex drive because it is causing harm in my personal growth.
How can I shut down my sexual part permanently?
I don't want to have sex or masturbate (personal choice), but I have a high sex drive. What can I do?
How do you shut down your sex drive for good?
I have had a bilateral Orchiectomy, penis shrunk & atrophied · Author has 7.1K answers and 11M answer views · 3 y ·
How can I totally remove my sex drive and any feelings of lust or attraction? Sex and the associated emotions are a waste of time and mental energy.
How can I get rid of my sex drive? I am tired of watching porn and masturbation. I don't want to get a partner either. I just want to kill my sex drive because it is causing harm in my personal growth.
How can I shut down my sexual part permanently?
I don't want to have sex or masturbate (personal choice), but I have a high sex drive. What can I do?
How do you shut down your sex drive for good?
How can I eliminate my sex drive/libido? I feel the need to be "pure". everytime I feel the minimal arousal, I want to cry. I didn't have any drive as a teenager but it all changed when I accidentally masturbated for the 1st time as an adult.
I'm 17 years old. I've not lost my virginity yet. I'm surer horny but did not get any opportunity. What do I do?
How does one control sexual impulses? I crave sex on a daily basis and masturbate at least once a day even if I’ve had sex. I want to have more control over myself when it comes to this particular area.
What happens if you suppress your sexual urges for a long period of time as a female?
What are successful ways you have learnt so far, to regulate sexual urges?
I’m a 17-year-old girl. I always get horny and think about sex and I cannot control my thoughts. What can I do?
How can I kill my libido since I will always be single?
As a 13-year-old female, is it alright to have a very high sex drive? Is it really okay to masturbate every day?
How can I permanently eliminate my sexual desires, pornography and sexual impulses in my life?
How can a woman suppress her sexuality?
How can I totally remove my sex drive and any feelings of lust or attraction? Sex and the associated emotions are a waste of time and mental energy.
How can I get rid of my sex drive? I am tired of watching porn and masturbation. I don't want to get a partner either. I just want to kill my sex drive because it is causing harm in my personal growth.
How can I shut down my sexual part permanently?
I don't want to have sex or masturbate (personal choice), but I have a high sex drive. What can I do?
How do you shut down your sex drive for good?
How can I eliminate my sex drive/libido? I feel the need to be "pure". everytime I feel the minimal arousal, I want to cry. I didn't have any drive as a teenager but it all changed when I accidentally masturbated for the 1st time as an adult.
I'm 17 years old. I've not lost my virginity yet. I'm surer horny but did not get any opportunity. What do I do?
How does one control sexual impulses? I crave sex on a daily basis and masturbate at least once a day even if I’ve had sex. I want to have more control over myself when it comes to this particular area.
What happens if you suppress your sexual urges for a long period of time as a female?
What are successful ways you have learnt so far, to regulate sexual urges?
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If you would want to shut down your sexual desire and sex drive permanently, no matter if you are male or female, you would need to stop all production of testosterone.
Once the males testosterone levels drop below 300–350, they lose most of their sexual desire and become impotent.
The testicles are the main site of male testosterone production but the adrenal glands also produce testosterone in both males and females.
The adrenal glands normally produce a testosterone level between 35 and 85 in both males and females.
The adrenal glands can be shut down by anti androgens or testosterone.
If you would want to shut down your sexual desire and sex drive permanently, no matter if you are male or female, you would need to stop all production of testosterone.
Once the males testosterone levels drop below 300–350, they lose most of their sexual desire and become impotent.
The testicles are the main site of male testosterone production but the adrenal glands also produce testosterone in both males and females.
The adrenal glands normally produce a testosterone level between 35 and 85 in both males and females.
The adrenal glands can be shut down by anti androgens or testosterone.
I had prostate cance, had a prostatectomy, took anti androgens, and was surgically castrated.
Today my testosterone levels are unmeasurable.
I have no sexual desire or sexual drive whatsoever.

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Having a low sex drive sucks, and talking about it with your doctor or partner can make the experience even more unbearable.
But here’s the thing: More often than not, low libido is the consequence of mostly preventable sexual health problems —and that means you have a good chance to right the issue before it gets any worse.
We talked to Birgit M. Fisher, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of sexual disorders, and psychiatrist Gary Martz, M.D., about what could potentially stall your sex drive—and how you can get back on track in the sack.
Anti-depressants have a bad rap for messing with mojo. But more often than not, medical side effects are not to blame. Most people actually have something called hypoactive sexual desire disorder, which is just another name for low sex drive. Not every guy wants sex all the time (despite what society has us believe). Everyone has different libidos, and different biological sex drives and desires. So if you’re not always in the mood, that doesn’t mean something is automatically “wrong” with you.
With these orgasm-inducing techniques, she’ll never need to fake it.
However, certain medications can alter your sex drive. Be wary about meds used to lower testosterone (like those used to treat prostate cancer), selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (like paroxetine and fluoxetine), and serotonin and norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors (like venlafaxine). Some others include lithium, benzodiazephines, antihypertensives, cardiovascular drugs, and lipid-lowering meds like gemfibrozil.
And while there isn’t a whole lot of evidence linking supplements with lower sex drives, scientists have found people who take St. John’s Wort notice a lower libido. It’s always good to check the labels on anything you take, or ask your doctor or pharmacist if you’re concerned.
Booze and caffeine can lower your sex drive, but it depends on how much and how often you’re consuming both. You also need to factor in any underlying psychiatric issues.
Because caffeine is a stimulant, it can aggravate underlying anxiety conditions, which can lessen your desire for sex. Hitting the bottle too hard is also bad for libido, erectile function, and the quality of your orgasms.
Heard it'll be harder to get it up as you age? Not if you do this.
Everyone knows too little exercise can lower sex drives, but too much can have the same effect. Excessive exercise can lead to conditions akin to eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder, which can have a negative impact on your sex drive.
Overall, being fit helps people feel sexy, so moderate exercise is good. Yoga has been known to increase sexual interest and enhance sexual pleasure. Yoga may even stimulate genital blood flow, which can improve weak erections and orgasms, according to a review published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy . And obviously yoga is a huge de-stresser , which can stave off low sex drives as well.
Watch out for these sneaky mojo-killers.
If you’re addicted to porn and your masturbation habits are out of control , you can over-stimulate levels of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that triggers sexual pleasure. If this happens over and over, it becomes harder for your brain to respond appropriately. This can be reversed by avoiding pornography and sticking to a healthier masturbation pattern. It might sound easy, but men often have a hard time self-regulating this behavior, which is why many seek professional help.
If you’re in a rough patch with your partner, it could be the reason your sex drive has taken a nose dive. When your libido plummets, it could be your body’s way of protecting itself. If you sense a wall, identify what’s bothering you and talk to your partner about it, or seek professional help. You have to address the issues. Avoiding the conversation might make your partner feel rejected or even suspicious you’re being unfaithful.
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Find out how hitting the gym can improve your sexual performance.
A cure for the condition has finally come up.
Rid your fridge of these items that's causing your low libido.
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Home » 10 sex drive killers for men


Erectile Dysfunction , Libido , Men , Testosterone

While you may be interested in finding out how to improve your libido, it is just as important to be aware of conditions and factors that can wreak havoc on your sex life. Some of these factors are health-related, but there are several other issues in your life that can kill your sex drive.
If you have been experiencing any kind of sexual problems in your relationship such as erectile dysfunction (ED) or lack of interest in sex, consider whether some of the following causes could be to blame. Improving these problems could help clear the way to better and more frequent sex.
Stress is a psychological deterrent to healthy erectile function. Stress can zap your testosterone production as well. Even if you cannot control the stress in your life, you can learn how to manage it. Look into stress management techniques (such as yoga, exercise, breathing exercises or meditation) to handle work, home, money, and relationship stress. Seek counseling if you need it.
Testosterone (T) is a hormone that is responsible for your sex drive. Several factors can affect your testosterone levels such as aging, lack of sleep, obesity, excessive drinking, stress, or other reasons. Look to the best natural treatments for low testosterone to boost your own production of this important hormone as well as natural supplements that help boost natural testosterone levels .
An occasional drink does lower inhibitions and makes people interested in sex, but too much alcohol or regular heavy drinking can kill your sex drive and can turn off your partner. Drinking too much can lead to low T. Try cutting back on drinking, and seek help if you think you have a drinking problem.
If you are having problems with your partner or are suffering a lack of closeness, that is very likely to affect your sex drive and can even make you feel indifferent about sex. Experiencing tension from fights, miscommunication, or having trust issues can make you lose that loving feeling. Work on your relationship by communicating with your partner, and look into counseling to help regain your passion for each other.
Sleep problems can cause sexual problems. Fatigue saps energy, testosterone , and interest in sex. Pulling late nights and having a condition such as sleep apnea can keep you from sleeping deeply enough. There are a number of ways to help men sleep better at night from following a consistent schedule to getting all electronic devices out of the bedroom. And what do you know, having sex before bed can help you sleep better. Getting more sleep can help your libido and testosterone production, which can lead to more frequent sex. It is a great cycle to get on. If you are having trouble sleeping at night due to frequent urination, you may need to try a prostate supplement .
About 10 percent to 20 percent of ED cases are due to psychological causes like depression and anxiety. Depression and ED can become a vicious cycle of low libido. If a man experiences ED, he may become stressed and depressed, making him less inclined to pursue sexual activity out of fear of failure to achieve an erection. Certain medications, including antidepressants, can lower libido.
There are some drugs that cause low libido . If you take antidepressants, blood pressure meds, drugs for BPH (enlarged prostate), chemotherapy, or drugs for HIV, these drugs can cause low libido and in some cases ED. Talk to your doctor if you experience any sexual side effects from your medications. He or she may be able to switch your medication or change your dose.
Kids are one of the 10 sex drive killers because they create a barrier to sex. Sometimes they wiggle their way right between you and your partner in bed. Kids take up a lot of time and affection that could be spent on your partner. If you finally find a moment to be alone with your partner, it is frustrating to get interrupted. Try stealing some time while the kids are watching a movie or schedule some date nights and send the kids to a friend’s house for the night so you don’t deal with any frustrating unplanned coitus interruptus. This can also help reduce stress and help you reconnect with your partner, knocking a couple of other sex-drive killers off this list.
It is hard to feel sexy if you feel fat or unattractive. Accept your body. Do things to boost your self-confidence such as exercise or find an outfit that looks good on you. Confidence is sexy. If your partner is the one feeling unattractive, offer reassurance.
Obesity can affect your sexual desire in several ways. Size can be a barrier to performing the way you want to, it can affect your stamina, and carrying excess weight can affect your self-esteem. Excess body fat can bring down your testosterone level and create problems with erectile dysfunction. There are many good reasons to change your diet and get more exercise, but perhaps a better sex life is what can motivate you. You may need to talk to someone about how you feel about yourself and work on your self-image if that is what’s bringing you down.
If you have tackled the 10 items on this list and have followed guidelines for boosting testosterone but still aren’t rising to occasion, talk to your doctor. He or she can help you to take steps to diagnose what is causing your low libido and explore further treatment options so you can regain a satisfying sex life.
Craig Cooper is a serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author, and TV host of CNBC's "Adventure Capitalists". He is an “Ambassador” for both the global men’s health foundation “Movember” and 2XU , the performance sportswear company. He is the author of the Harper Collins book “Your New Prime: 30 Days to Better Sex, Eternal Strength, and a Kick-Ass Life After 40 “. Follow Craig on Instagram @craigcooperrrr and Facebook .
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Antidepressants are everywhere. So are their dire effects on love and sex. Isn't that depressing?
Katherine Sharpe will never know what caused her first serious relationship to end. And that still bugs her. What she does know is that over time, her physical desire for the man she dated in college began to wither. And as she points out, "sex inside a stable relationship is sometimes the glue that holds people together." She also admits that the flame could have gone out on its own. But there's another reason the love affair may have hit the skids, says the 34-year-old, and it doesn't sit quite so well. Its fate could have been sealed by a prescription medication she never really needed in the first place.
"The drug definitely diminished my interest in sex," says Sharpe, the author of Coming of Age on Zoloft . She was given antidepressants after a visit to the campus health center to talk about her anxiety, an ordinary window of distress she now views as minor. "I'll never know what role the drug played," she says, clearly wrestling with the thought. "I don't like having to wonder that.
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