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How to Tighten Your Vagina Naturally: 4 Best Ways December 10, 2020

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🌈 Quiz: Are you living with the symptoms of weak pelvic floor muscles? 🌈

There’s a common misconception about what happens to our bodies, and more specifically our vaginas, as we get older or as a result of having a baby . There’s this idea that we’re irreversibly weakened and that we need to turn to surgery or other unsafe means to try to put a bandaid on the problem.
The reality is that our muscles weaken over time, just like any other muscle in the body unless we have a strong pelvic floor training routine to keep us strong. For 43% of women, weak pelvic floor muscles result in sexual dysfunction, including vaginal dryness , anorgasmia, and laxity/looseness.
Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be the case. There are several natural pelvic floor and vaginal “tightening” exercises to help women not just get back to the strength they are used to but rather achieve their strongest body ever.
Before we can address how best to “tighten” your vagina, it’s important to understand a second misconception at play. Namely, a tight vagina is not a healthy one nor an ideal. The ideal to aim for is to have strong muscles that can squeeze but also relax and release.
In reality, what most women really want when they use the word “tight” to describe it is to improve the squeeze and strength of the vagina. So to be clear, when I write about how to make your vagina “tighter,” I put the word in quotation marks since we now know that is a colloquial expression to describe strong, healthy pelvic muscles.
For example, a common surgical method used to tighten the vagina after childbirth is called the husband stitch. This essentially removes excess skin in an attempt to address laxity, but really it just makes the vaginal opening more narrow, but that doesn’t address the root problem. So after that kind of surgery, the skin and muscles can just be stretched or become lax. Even worse is the surgery itself that may result in cutting through nerves, which can leave one with pain or numbness or a combination of the two.
Vaginal rejuvenation surgery performed by a plastic surgeon is similar to the husband stitch technique. Still, even more muscle is cut into to artificially narrow the entrance to the vagina. Again, that creates a false sense of “tightness” as the true goal are muscles that can contract and release, and again, cutting into a sensitive part of the body can leave one with numbness or pain if there is nerve damage.
Pelvic mesh surgery, which is now considered high-risk by the FDA, tried to address weak pelvic floor muscles by inserting a mesh that was supposed to hold up the organs when the muscles were too weak to do so. Instead, many women ended up with life-long pain and side effects. A woman would be mistaken if she thought pelvic mesh would in any way make her vagina “tighter” or able to squeeze more, just the opposite. Since the hammock of muscles is interrupted with a piece of plastic, the woman loses the muscle’s integrity and loses the ability to squeeze. How to “tighten” your vagina naturally, or rather strengthen it, is by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles responsible for generating the squeezing and sucking capacity of healthy and toned female genitalia. This can start as early as you want through kegel exercises and other natural pelvic floor strengthening solutions . Fortunately, there are many ways to make your vagina “tighter” that will keep you strong instead of just a short-term solution.
Kegels are free and medically proven to address several vaginal and pelvic floor problems, including how to “tighten” your vagina naturally. Think of Cardi B singing in W.A.P “I do a kegel while it’s inside” and why that movement gets a special mention in a song devoted to amazing vaginas. Kegels are an exercise that consists of isometrically squeezing the pelvic floor muscles. Not only do they treat and prevent laxity/looseness, but also incontinence , prolapse , sexual dysfunction, and vaginal dryness. Unfortunately, to maintain your pelvic floor muscles with kegels, it’s required to kegel at least three times a day every day, which can add up to 100 minutes a week. Not only that, but numerous studies have proven that most women can’t do them properly, even with instruction.
Pilates is one of the few full-body exercises that can help tighten and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This is achieved by focusing on engaging the core muscles, including the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles, throughout the different movements. While Pilates is a great way to support natural pelvic floor strengthening, the classes can be expensive. Unless the routine is consistent with an instructor who emphasizes pelvic floor exercises and guides one properly to focus on the pelvic floor, it may not provide enough strengthening to be effective when it comes to making your vagina “tighter.”
This 28-day challenge is run by one of our favorite vagina experts , The Vagina Coach . She has created an app-based challenge to help change the way women workout for the better and create a healthy pelvic floor fitness routine. This challenge is a great option for women who want to be proactive about strengthening their pelvic floor muscles.
For those wondering how to “tighten” your vagina naturally, Kegelbell is one of the fastest and safest ways to do it. Kegelbell is the first externally weighted way for women to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles and decrease laxity/looseness . In muscle-building mode, women use Kegelbell five minutes, three times a week in the privacy of their own home or once a week in maintenance mode. Unequivocally, one’s vaginal squeeze becomes extremely strong as a result of holding in the insert much the way one gets strong bicep muscles with a kettlebell workout. Not only is it the first externally weighted solution, but the Original Kit is also the heaviest vaginal weight kit on the market before adding the Extension Kit that doubles the weight further. Kegelbell is made with medical-grade ingredients and is comfortable to use, with the insert similar in size to a large tampon. Learn more about how Kegelbell can tighten your vagina naturally →
When women are trying to figure out how to keep it “tight” down there, it’s easy to get distracted by all sorts of different “home remedies” to make your vagina tighter. The reality is that at best, these are ineffective, and at worst, they could be harmful to your body. When it comes to any sort of juices (lemon, apple cider, etc.) or herbs to tighten your vagina, we like to generally advise that it’s not healthy to put any chemicals that aren’t medical-grade inside your body. Your vagina has a natural pH balance, and adding these sorts of intense substances can throw off your body’s natural way of self-regulating. Many of those so-called home remedies are very acidic. The herbal chalky wands/sticks are simply just irritating the tissues so that they get inflamed, which gives the illusion of a tighter vaginal canal when really the lining of the vagina becomes puffy with inflammation. This is not the right way to approach the issue. Moreover, irritation certainly will not make intercourse more pleasant for the woman, nor would the pH imbalance those substances cause her long after applying the foreign substance. Some women also wonder if just doing squats “tighten” your vagina. The reality is that most exercises and activities that we engage with cannot target the pelvic floor muscles. That’s why it’s so important to establish a routine that is specifically intended to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
While it’s not possible to just snap your fingers and instantly have strong pelvic floor muscles and great squeeze, Kegelbell is pretty close! By using Kegelbell just five minutes, three times a week for two weeks, we guarantee that you’ll see an improvement or your money back! Kegebell was created to solve the gap in the market of effective ways for women to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. So often, women turn to surgery or other unsafe solutions to address a problem that is actually quite easy to solve with the right tools.
- Improve bladder and bowel control
- Reduce the risk of pelvic organ prolapse
- Treat Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD)

The first few years of marriage is like a wonderful dream, sex is usually amazing, the man you have chosen is ready to do anything for you and you feel like butterflies dwell in your body. However, the path to a healthy sex life is not always smooth. The initial spark fades and what was intense and exhilarating becomes placid and calmer owing to problems like vaginal looseness. As well as reducing sensation during intercourse, women with this problem almost always struggle with low self esteem. Pregnancy and childbirth are the primary trigger for a stretched vag.
Think of pelvic floor as being the same as a trampoline, since it can stretch when something passes down on it. However, unlike a trampoline pelvic floor carries weight for a very long period, as it does during pregnancy, the muscles can become loose as mentioned on . Pregnancy alone can overstretch your pelvic floor, even if you do not go on to have a natural childbirth. During birth, your pelvic floor stretches to allow the baby’s head to come out of the womb, and through the vagina. In this article, we will give you tips on how to tighten naturally.
One of the most effective methods of tightening your vagina is through nutritional intervention. A healthy diet will strengthen your pelvic floor. Feed your pelvic muscle correctly on a daily basis to ensure its proper repair. Consume foods that are high in natural estrogens which are found in fenugreek, sesame seeds, pomegranates, soybeans and its products, yarns, carrots, wheat berries and apples. Also, ensure that you consume lots of wholegrain organic carbs as well as organic lean animal protein. A well-planned diet will go a long way towards keeping your inner muscles strong and healthy.
Some people say that vinegar , applied both topically and ingested can help, but this is merely a wives-tale and can have adverse effects. There hasn’t been any scientific proof of the product even working at all, it’s just one of those things that people believe works and are passed on to future generations to use as well. Many people have been terribly mistaken about the whole idea of vinegar being able to naturally tighten a woman’s vagina by drinking it or bathing in it. We hope that this article will be able to help figure out the real reason behind it and the effects of doing it as well as real effective methods that will work for you that isn’t merely a hearsay or myth.
These exercises have been proven to effectively help women regain their lost tightness. First, you need to locate the correct muscles and the simplest way to locate these muscles is to impede urinating during midstream. If successful, you’ve found the appropriate muscle group. Once you have identified the pelvic floor muscles, empty the bladder and lie on your back. Now, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles and hold the contraction for a few seconds. To achieve positive results, you need to focus specifically on the pelvic floor muscles. Try to avoid the clenching of the abdomen, thighs, and butt at the same time.
One of the more underrated and glossed over natural solution to a loose vagina is the kegel exercises. Doing kegels is as easy as it can be when you consider the benefits of the whole exercise. The workout only takes 10-15 mins a day, and when you do it the right way consistently, then you are looking at permanent results sooner than later. It doesn’t take much to do the routine as it’s just similar to yoga but targeting more specific areas of your body namely your vaginal muscles. This is actually one of the better answers to female looseness problems as the kegel workout actually does target the problem from its roots. How more natural can you get with this exercise?
By performing squats, you would instantaneously and naturally regain gain that lost tightness. A body squat, as easy as it may sound is amongst the most common exercises which a majority of people perform improperly. To do squats correctly, simply stand with your feet outside of hip width, position your toes out about 30 degrees and ensure your feet are level. First, break at the hips then pretend that you want to sit onto the bench. Coming back up, it is important to push through your heel as this will prevent you from coming up on to your toes. If you’re challenged in doing squats correctly, it is advised to hire a trainer as it is a dangerous exercise.
Much like the kegel exercises, doing squats is not only for toning your buttocks but also works on enhancing your vaginal muscles making it more firm. This is also a compound exercise that has a lot benefits throughout your whole body. After reading this, you might want to start heading to the gym to do more of these workouts.
Pelvic stretch exercises specifically target the pelvic floor muscles and prevent looseness in the pelvic floor area. To perform a pelvic stretch, it helps to have a sturdy chair to sit on. Start by sitting on the edge of the chair with your feet apart. Place your hands above your knees, with your elbows turned out. Bend forward from the ankles, bend the elbows and shift your upper body weight on the thighs. Spread your arms, raise your chest and fold your pelvis under so that your front pelvic rim rises and your rear rim is lowered. This movement will go a long way towards toning the muscles that support the pelvis.
Another effective natural method is simply known as Leg ups. This exercise requires you to lie on your back and raise your legs straight up one after the other. Make a point of avoiding the bending of the legs. Learn to keep your legs straight as you lift and lower them. A minor variation to this method entails moving the legs sideways as well. Be sure to straighten your legs as you do that. For the best results, incorporate this exercise into your every day routine. Engaging in this exercise for 21 days should produce the best results.
Not only does set of workout benefit your lady bits, it also helps you improve the tone of your legs, back, and core. It’s an all-around exercise that is easy to do at home.
Performing yoga on a regular basis is enough for toning vaginal muscles. Yoga includes working on the pelvic floor muscles as well as strengthening your pelvic floor muscles which together will strengthen your muscles in your nether regions. Yoga poses such as the Bridge Pose, Child’s Pose, among others are excellent for tightening your pelvic muscles as they require lots of deep breathing. Repeating these poses several times throughout the day would allow you to get a naturally tighter vag in a short period of time.
Not only does this workout or lifestyle enhance your vaginal tightness naturally, it also helps your body with a ton more amazing benefits that I cannot even begin to list down on here. It’s a great habit to get into for sure!
Vaginal cones are an excellent natural way to strengthen the walls of your vigina. These cones come with varying weights attached to them. The exercise, which ought to be performed for 15 minutes twice a day, involves sliding a cone inside, beginning with the lightest cone you can easily retain and substituting it with a heavier one as your pelvic muscles become firm. While it is naturally a tightening method, it is a steady process that requires a lot of effort but produces great results.
Vaginal looseness is a problem that affects millions of women across the world. The good news, however, is they don’t have to opt for surgery to get to its pre-birth condition. Instead, they can employ natural tightening methods listed above.
Another way to tighten your vagina would be to opt for V-Tight Gel ( read review ), a natural cream which works by strengthening and tightening the pelvic floor muscles. The cream is formulated with naturally organic ingredients that are clinically proven to tighten vaginal slackness and restore its firmness. What makes this cream stand out is fact that it doesn’t contain ingredients that can wreak havoc on your body. V-Tight Gel is easy to use. Simply squeeze the gel onto your fingertips and slide your fingers into your vaginal walls. Gently massage and within a couple of minutes you should feel the tightness. By using a natural product consistently, you will feel the changes to your body but it will be long-lasting. This cream is especially effective if you combine it with the other methods above.
Vagina tightening. We know – it’s uncomfortable, awkward and sometimes downright humiliating to talk about – however – this is actually a big problem for tons of women!
This sexual health issue causes insecurity, damages your confidence, and can make you feel like crap. And when it comes to pleasing your partner in the bedroom – while this stuff shouldn’t matter – the issue can make you feel like you’re not performing under the sheets.
How sexy and confident you feel plays a huge part in your relationship, and keeping things tight can really help you get your sexy back in the bedroom. If you’re like lot’s of women, you’re looking for ways on how to tighten your vagina – or are scouring the web for vagina tightening solutions like V Tight Gel, which was rated the best vaginal tightening cream in 2019.
But with all the scammy products and multitude of options, choosing the right product for YOUR body can seem overwhelming. Don’t worry. We’re here to help. After tons of research, I’ve put together the 3 most effective ways you can tighten your vagina fast.
After I had my very first child, I felt like things just weren’t the same in the bedroom, and I didn’t enjoy sex as much as I used to. As a matter of fact, to place it bluntly (let’s get real ladies), I felt like I had a flappy pussy.
I wanted to find a solution to tighten my vagina walls, and I was willing to try anything. I looked everywhere, trialled and tested a lot of products, home remedies and herbs, as well as different exercises.
During that time I learned what works, and what is a waste of time. So while it’s a little humiliating and embarrassing, I’d like to share what I found that helped tighten my vag.
Now – contradictory to popular opinion, a loose or flappy vagina does NOT come from too much sexual intercourse (or the size of your partner’s penis… although of course your man would love to THINK he’s too big for you and stretches you out) A loose vagina can be triggered by numerous reasons, such as childbirth, menopause, or simply because our bodies are aging.
Remember, having less sex will not keep your vagina tighter. The reasons the vagina gets loose is due to the natural stretching and tearing of the muscles on the vaginal walls when you give birth or get older. As with every other part of our body, the vagina has muscles that contract and relax. But when we grow older, or the vagina goes throu
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