How To Keep My Dick Hard

How To Keep My Dick Hard


How To Keep My Dick Hard

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Did you know? Only four types of erectile dysfunction medication circulate in the US market today—Viagra (Sildenafil), Avanafil (Stendra), Tadalafil (Cialis), and Vardenafil (Levitra). Despite them all being FDA-approved and prescribed regularly by medical professionals, every one of them comes with the risk of…
Have you ever wondered about how to avoid erectile dysfunction (ED)? A healthy erection is a sign of good health and virility. However, as men grow older, it’s not uncommon for many to experience a dry bedroom due to erectile problems. If you don’t…
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* Each individual’s treatment and/or results may vary based on the circumstances and
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The contents of this webpage are Copyright © 2021 Paramount Men's Medical Center. All Rights

Paramount Men's Medical Center
12400 Olive Blvd. Suite 402 St. Louis, MO 63141 (877) 353-0292

When it comes to making love, one of the biggest inconveniences a man can face is an inability to maintain an erection.
It’s not that you’re disinterested in sex; it’s just that, for some physical or physiological reason, you just can’t get it up.
To combat this, most men pop an ED pill for a quick fix (such as Viagra or Levitra). But if you’ve had a bad history with the pills, have no access to a prescription, or are simply looking for alternatives, there are many solutions to help keep the flame alive in the bedroom.
Interested to learn more about how to stay hard and combat erectile dysfunction?
Here are some ways you can treat erectile dysfunction, aside from taking pills.
If you’re looking for a scientific explanation for this, the most probable cause of sexual dysfunction or erectile dysfunction (ED) is the restricted blood flow in the penis.
Prior to achieving an erection, the chambers within the penis fill up with blood, allowing it to become rigid and capable of penetrative intercourse.
Achieving this boner is a natural and instinctual process that our bodies are naturally accustomed to. But, for some people, it won’t always be like this throughout their lifetime.
More often than not, erectile dysfunction affects men in their later years, though there are some occurrences where they happen to younger adults as well.
It’s not an uncommon condition, either. According to the National Institutes of Health, over 30 million men have limited erectile function in the United States alone.
ED medication temporarily suspends muscles in the penis from restricting blood flow. To do this, these medications signal the body to release a chemical called nitric oxide—which helps improve the rate of blood flow to the penis, which then makes you feel more aroused.
While it’s a popular treatment for many men, it’s less than ideal. There’s a long list of significant side effects that you can have from taking these prescription pills, ranging from mild to moderate. These include:
In addition, some ED medications can interfere with existing medical treatments like anti-depressants.
If you suspect that you have erectile dysfunction, improve your sex life by contacting a doctor today to evaluate your erectile dysfunction .
Here are three ways you can improve sexual function and stay hard without medication or pills.
Shockwave therapy, also known as acoustic wave therapy , is an effective method to combat erectile dysfunction, by using non-invasive and painless blasts of energy waves to restore and revitalize blood vessels in the penis.
This form of therapy is a novel means of curing erectile dysfunction in the long term. The studies for this form of therapy had promising results, many of which indicate that patients with impaired sexual function can achieve significant improvements in their performance from this form of treatment.
The foods you consume can have a huge effect on how you feel in the bedroom.
Fruits and vegetables, in particular, are great for erections and better testosterone levels .
Watermelons, bitter gourds, and cucumbers, in particular, are exemplary options to include in your daily diet as they’re rich in the amino acid citrulline, which helps improve both cardiovascular health and sexual health.
Citrulline is converted into arginine which increases blood flow to your penis, resulting in longer-lasting and harder erections.
In addition to the foods listed above, you can’t go wrong with trying these foods as well to improve performance in the bedroom:
Another rule of thumb is to avoid foods that contribute to you acquiring high blood pressure , such as sodas and fatty foods.
High blood pressure and ED often go hand-in-hand, so it’s best to watch what you eat if you want to improve your daily life .
Erectile dysfunction is a multifactorial condition , which means it can be caused by a variety of things affecting our bodies. Therefore, when dealing with erectile dysfunction, an integrated approach may be helpful.
Psychological impotence is a type of erectile dysfunction that occurs due to uncontrolled feelings of inadequacy, shame, and performance anxiety. It can grow alongside a preexisting health disease, or occur on its own.
The best way to recover from psychologically-induced ED is by talking to a mental health therapist about it.
No one claims that the road to erectile dysfunction recovery is easy.
It’ll require long hours, trips to the doctors, and unrelenting discipline, but if you’re set on reclaiming your sex life again, then all of the effort will be worth its weight in gold.
If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction , contact the medical professionals at Paramount Men’s Medical Center in St. Louis who specialize in treating conditions that impact men’s health. Our concierge approach positions your unique case at the centerpoint of our focus. We don’t just give you a pill for ED and send you on your way. We treat the underlying issues that led to conditions such as ED, PE , Low Testosterone , and more. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.

How to Increase Blood Flow to the Penis to Make It Rock Hard

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The human penis is a very complex organ, to say the least, and it’s also the cause of a lot of anxiety and stress for men across the world.
Recently, physicians from around the globe report that there has been an increase in the number of men who come to them to ask for ways to help them maintain better erections.
Thinking that this would improve their sexual performance and would resolve their body image issues, they often try risky techniques to increase blood flow to their penis, which puts them at risk for major health risks.
From penis fractures to high blood pressure; erection enhancement procedures/pills and exercises might not be as effective or healthy as you would think. You can opt for pills like Viagra and procedures like Vascular Reconstruction surgeries to improve your erections.
However, these are usually prescribed for people diagnosed with erectile dysfunction or similar conditions. So there’s little chance your doctors would approve these without having a valid medical reason.
This blog is a comprehensive guide on how to increase blood flow to your penis; it will describe the anatomy of the penis, how erections work and some safe ways that you can take to maintain better erections.
The penis is erected when blood flows into the erectile tissue that makes up the shaft and surrounds the urethra. So, the more blood that flows into your penis the better erections you can maintain for longer periods and with greater consistency.
To understand the process of erection, it’s important that we understand the anatomy of the human penis because any erectile problems will be caused by problems in the structures that make it up.
The parts of the penis involved in getting an erection are the shaft and the glans but these aren’t all the tissues/muscles that make up the penis. Specifically, the penis comprises of the following structures:
Each of these parts contains tissues like the corpora cavernosa, corpora spongiosum and a network of nerves that control the blood flow into the penis.
The tissue responsible for getting an erection is the corpora cavernosa. It runs down the length of your penis and is capable of holding in large amounts of blood when you are sexually stimulated.
Usually, when your penis is flaccid, the blood flow to the Corpora Cavernosa is restricted just enough to make sure that it gets the appropriate amount of nutrition and oxygen to keep it healthy.
The nerves are contracted because of the tightness of the muscle and so your penis remains flaccid.
When you are sexually stimulated, hormones and neurotransmitters are released from the spinal cord which forces the cavernosal tissue to relax and therefore increase the blood flowing into it.
With this increase in blood flow, the cavernosa becomes stiff and you experience an erection. It’s ultimately the blood flow to your penis that decides the quality of your erections .
If you could increase the amount of blood that flows into the cavernosa tissues, then you could get better erections and perhaps for longer periods of time than before.
Incidentally, this is the same principle that erection pills like Viagra use. These relax the corpora cavernosa to the extent that help develop erections faster and for longer periods of time.
Although research isn’t favorable when it comes to increasing the size of the penis, there is plenty of evidence to indicate that you can increase the blood flow to the penis.
There are various options that you can consider which include natural supplements, exercises, vacuum devices, medication and surgical procedures to achieve better blood flow.
Each of these influences the blood flowing into the corpora cavernosa through chemical/surgical procedures to help maintain better erections.
It’s usually suggested that you don’t adopt any of the pharmaceutical and surgical methods (including pumps) to help maintain your erections because of the side-effects and risks associated with these.
For this very reason, medical interventions are usually restricted to helping treat medical conditions that cause erectile problems.
Natural methods like improving your diet and adopting healthy lifestyles are always preferred over those alternatives owing to their risk-free effectiveness and the general health benefits of these.
The natural methods to increase blood flow to the penis include a comprehensive lifestyle and diet plans which can be implemented for significant improvement in the quality of your erections. These include:
There are certain foods and dietary regimens that can help improve the quality of your erections.
Incorporating them in your daily routines and diet plans will provide essential nutrients that can reduce the risk of ED and improve the quality of your erections. Some of these foods include:
Research indicates that coffee intake is significantly correlated with a decreased rate of erectile dysfunction.
A study conducted on 3,700 men in Greece and the United States found that consuming 2-3 cups of coffee each day reduced the amount of failed erections as observed in healthy subjects and those with cardiovascular disease and obesity.
Experts are of the opinion that caffeine helps dilate blood vessels which can help increase blood flow to the penis which could explain why the coffee intake is related to improved erections.
However, this relationship has to be much more widely studied and the current results aren’t conclusive.
Flavonoids have also been linked in reducing the incidence of erectile dysfunction amongst men and associated with a better quality of erections.
It is said that these can help ease the blood flow through the blood by helping the blood vessels dilate much more easily.
Dark chocolate is a flavonoid-heavy food that you can consume on a regular basis if you’re trying to improve the quality of your erections.
It’s considered so effective that some research actually compares its effectiveness to that of Viagra. In addition to improving erectile functioning, chocolate is also linked to a lower risk of heart disease and blood pressure.
Oatmeal isn’t exactly a way to improve the consistency in your erections, but these have been associated with improving the health of your arteries.
Studies conducted at Harvard University and the University of East Anglia found that it was a high flavonoid food source that can help with sexual performance and improve erection quality.
Chilies have long since been considered a traditional treatment for conditions like erectile dysfunction and to improve erection qua
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