How To Keep A Sagittarius Man In Love

How To Keep A Sagittarius Man In Love


How To Keep A Sagittarius Man In Love
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If you want to keep a Sagittarius man happy in a relationship, you need to understand what’s important to him in life.
He’ll be much happier when you care about his values and respect who he is as a person.
Keeping a Sagittarius man happy in a relationship is about respect in many ways. You need to respect his feelings. You also need to respect his independence and independence, as well as his values.
He is an adventurous person. He’ll be much happier in a relationship when his partner also has a sense of adventure. He likes spontaneity. He likes to be surprised.
You can make him happy by having intellectually stimulating conversations with him and taking him on trips. Help him enjoy life to the fullest and he’ll be happy with you.
One of the best ways to keep a Sagittarius man happy in a relationship is not try and not intentionally push his buttons.
Try not to pick fights with him. He’s not the type of man who enjoys arguing with his partner just because! If you’re angry about something, don’t lash out at him. Handle your anger in a more productive manner.
Be considerate of his time. He’s not going to spend every waking moment with you. If he wants to go out by himself or with his friends, don’t put up a fuss about it.
If he’s working on something, don’t interrupt him. Sagittarius men are usually good about letting you know when they’re busy. If he says he needs time to work by himself, give him the time he needs.
Be considerate of his boundaries as well. He will be clear about them. He likes to experience new things and get out of his comfort zone sometimes but if he has a clear boundary, don’t push against it.
The way a Sagittarius man expresses his love and his feelings might not be the same way you do. You still need to respect the way he expresses himself and try to understand it.
Part of respecting his feelings is respecting when he doesn’t want to talk about them. Sagittarius men don’t always like to open up about their feelings.
If it’s important to you, he’ll try to open up. There are still going to be times where he wants to deal with them by himself. You need to understand that.
When he does share his feelings with you, don’t judge him. Even if you wouldn’t react the same way to a situation, don’t invalidate his emotions.
Listen to him when he needs to share things with you. Be there for him when he needs somebody to lean on. You also need to back off when that’s what he really needs to process his feelings.
Sagittarius men are spontaneous people. They don’t always think before acting and they don’t always plan things out. Life is more exciting for them that way.
He will appreciate it when you are also spontaneous. If you can go with the flow when he surprises you with a date night at the last minute, you two will have a happier relationship.
If you’re the type of person who plans out your entire life, you two will need to compromise. He’s not going to suddenly change his spontaneous ways just because you like to stick to a schedule.
He’ll also feel stifled if he has to plan everything out to do things with you. You’ll need to learn to loosen up a little, just like he’ll have to learn that sometimes he needs to plan things.
Gift-giving is one of a Sagittarius man’s love languages. If you show up with a little gift for him now and then, he’ll appreciate it.
Dating a Sagittarius man is exciting. He’s always up for trying something new.
He’ll be much happier if you also have an adventurous spirit. He’ll be fine staying home with you sometimes but other times, he wants to go out and have fun.
He’ll want to go to new places and have new experiences as often as possible. When you two go to a new city, he’s the type of person who likes to find underground “hole in the wall” places to check out.
If you’re more reserved, you might have to learn to just go with the flow. Branch out! Get out of your comfort zone. You will both have a great time if you can adventure with your Sagittarius man sometimes.
He will want to share new experiences with you. Try to indulge him whenever you can.
A Sagittarius man’s relationship is important to him but it isn’t always necessarily his number one priority. You will both be happy if your values about relationships match up.
You should discuss your values in the early stages of dating a Sagittarius man. You don’t want to be dating for years only to find out that you two don’t see eye-to-eye on something that is a major issue for you.
He will be happier when you two have similar values when it comes to family as well. If he wants kids and you don’t, your relationship isn’t going to last long. There are some things he can’t compromise on.
Sagittarius men need to be in a relationship based on mutual trust and respect. If you don’t respect him, he’s not going to be happy in a relationship with you.
Being respectful doesn’t mean you need to obey him constantly. Respect goes both ways. If he’s not respecting you, what reason do you have to respect him?
Being respectful means being considerate of his feelings, his time, and his opinions. Even if you two don’t agree on something, don’t put him down or belittle his views.
You can also be respectful by trying to get along with his friends and family. You aren’t going to click with everyone. Make an effort to be kind to the people he cares about, though.
If you are constantly disrespecting him, he’s going to be unhappy in your relationship. It will definitely end sooner rather than later if he can’t trust you to respect him.
No relationship is perfect. There are going to be issues now and then. If you want your relationship with a Sagittarius man to be a happy one, you need to address issues as soon as they arise.
A Sagittarius man’s communication style is pretty straightforward. If he has a problem, he’s likely to just come to you about it if it’s not something he can fix himself. Do the same for him.
The sooner you inform him you have a problem with something, the sooner the problem can be resolved. He’s not a mind reader. He’s not going to sit around and try to figure out why you’re angry if you won’t tell him.
Letting him know when an issue comes up is another way of being respectful of him and his feelings.
When you’re honest about any problems you’re having with him, that shows you’re putting in an effort to work on your relationship.
The key to learning how to treat a Sagittarius man in a relationship is that you need to respect his freedom.
When a Sagittarius man loves you, he’ll want to spend time with you. He won’t spend all his time with you, though. He still wants to enjoy a certain level of freedom while in a relationship.
Sagittarius men often have a wide social circle. He’s going to want to spend time with his friends. You’re not always going to be invited when he goes out with them and you need to be okay with that.
A Sagittarius man in love is still a highly independent person. Loving you doesn’t mean he wants to spend every waking moment with you.
You need to be independent in your relationship. Sometimes, your Sagittarius man will want to do things by himself or with other people. That’s okay!
Show him that you are independent by having a life outside of him. Go out by yourself or with your friends.
Don’t always ask him for help if you can do something by yourself. Don’t rely on him for every little thing. Sometimes you need to do things on your own.
Sagittarius men love to have intellectual conversations and philosophical discussions. Not every discussion will be intense or serious but he does like to dive into certain topics from time to time.
If he wants to have an intellectual discussion, indulge him. Listen to his views on politics or philosophical topics. Share your own thoughts as well. He wants to hear them!
If there are certain topics you don’t enjoy talking about, just let him know. He’ll respect your boundaries. Don’t make all “serious” topics off limits though. That will be no fun for him!
He’ll have lighter conversations with you sometimes too, don’t worry. Once you’ve indulged him in a long, intense discussion, he’ll happily chat with you about something else.
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Are you dating a fidgety Sagittarius? Is his interest in other things making you doubt his engagement in the relationship? How do you compel the Sagittarius to stay interested in your love with him?
I’m Anna Kovach, a long-time Relationship Astrologer. I have a firm grasp of the nature of the Sagittarius in love. This is no easy task you’ve taken on, bestie! Creating a relationship stimulating enough for a Sagittarius is no easy feat! Despite this, I know that if you use my tips you will succeed in feigning his interest! 
I know you’re committed to keeping your Sagittarius man engaged and interested in your relationship with him. Because of this you must check out the following five tips I’ve presented. The difference it makes in your relationship with the Sagittarius will amaze you!
Are you ready to learn the foolproof techniques to keep a Sagittarius riveted by your love? Read on!
The Sagittarius man is ruled by planet Jupiter . Jupiter expands everything it touches, and thus, Sagittarius needs a lot of everything. Jupiter sees no limits! As a result, Sagittarius needs room to move around. Wide-open spaces excite them! The importance of freedom for the Sagittarius cannot be oversold.
The Sagittarius man remains interested in you when you provide the freedom he seeks. Any feeling of containment will repel him. Instead, give him space to be who he is without limits.
Highlight how easy going you are to make clear that the two of you are two whole people, not two halves that make a whole. This is Sagittarius’ definition of a great relationship.
Avoid telling him that he can’t go somewhere, hang out with a specific person, or that he has to stay in his stable job. All these statements will have Sagittarius rebelling against your wishes to spite you. Remember, he will remain with you as long as he knows you will never limit him!
Sagittarius is a mutable sign which means he is adaptable. He needs near-constant stimulation to stay happy. In a relationship, he needs to be entertained. He’s not willing to stagnate, even for the love of his life.
I recommend always having a thrilling plan on the horizon for you! Never leave him without something to look forward to. Booking vacation packages a year in advance is perfect since he adores travel. An adventure that awaits will keep him stimulated and excited for the future with you!
The Sagittarius must believe that your relationship is about to get ten times better! There must be an element of hope in your relationship. If it feels like things are leveling out, the Sagittarius will be out of there.
Jupiter expands all that it touches but also creates honest people. Sagittarius won’t pull the wool over your eyes because he does not believe in deception. Sagittarius is a truth seeker and a truth-teller, period! While it can be abrasive to some types of people, it’s an admirable quality!
The Sagittarius doesn’t want anyone to feel they have to hide any part of themselves from him. He dreams of a world where there is no need to hide or be defensive. He’s undoubtedly one of the least judgmental signs of the Zodiac.
The Sagittarius could never stay with someone who is being ‘fake.’ His beliefs directly oppose this. You’ll keep him by your side forever if you work on showing your most authentic self.
One way to tell if you’re hiding part of yourself is to track how much shame you feel about aspects of yourself. Where you feel ashamed is usually the parts that you keep hidden. Work on loving these parts of you enough to expose them to the world! The Sagittarius will support you 100%. He’s committed to see your journey to self-actualization to the end!
The Sagittarius is associated with the ninth house, which rules philosophy. He loves to talk about the meaning of life, ethics, and morals. He’s got a lot to say on how he feels the world should be! He’s always interested in chatting about the ‘bigger picture.’
Since Sagittarius is a macro guy, he’ll appreciate it when you’re the same way! Having a partner who gets his viewpoints on life, in general, will be inspiring to him. He wants to stay forever with the person who consistently challenges his mindset and point of view. This energizes his vitality and keeps him mentally preoccupied with you!
Don’t shy away from explaining your take on the world. It’s impossible to offend a Sagittarius, after all! He’s going to listen with an open mind to your interpretation of the world. You’ll keep him forever because it is so rare to find anyone honest about their opinions. This is the Sagittarius’ bread and butter… he knows he’d be a fool to walk away!
As I have mentioned, the Sagittarius is unafraid to venture out and find something new to explore. He loves to be the first one to do something. The idea of navigating unknown territory is thrilling to him! He’s the type of guy who will always go where no one else has gone before.
In the context of a relationship, the Sagittarius man likes to push the boundaries. He needs something fresh that he’s never done before. Crossing new relationship boundaries often will keep the Sagittarius invigorated and invested!
For example, if he’s never lived with a partner before, then make that a priority. If he’s used to sharing a bedroom with his partner, try having your own bedrooms that you take turns in. If other partners haven’t been up for certain things in the bedroom, then experiment to your comfort level.
Sagittarius is compelled to stay where the action is. If new possibilities for your relationship are constantly creeping up, then he’s got no problem sticking with you for the long haul.
Keeping the Sagittarius interested forever is a lot of work! You must always be coming up with new things to do and finding new experiences. That’s what makes loving a Sagittarius a blast, though!
Keeping yourself authentic is challenging to do, but loving the Sagittarius requires it. I am positive that you’ll find that loving the Sagittarius is the greatest thing you’ve ever done for your self-confidence.
New experiences with the Sagittarius will capture his attention for the foreseeable future. Never let the relationship go stale. Always speak your truth and have faith that the Sagittarius is yours. Follow these tips, and you’ll find that his interest in you never wavers!
What can you be more authentic about with your Sagittarius? Does the thought of being genuine scare you or excite you? Let me know in the comments below!
And if you’re looking for more ways to grow your love with Sagittarius guy to greater heights, then check out my guide Forever Love With A Sagittarius Man to find out how to sustain your love with him for all time!
Wishing you all the luck in the Universe,
Hi Anna, I’ve read that Sagittarius are usually players, is this true? My instincts tell me one thing, but he swears he doesn’t know where it’s coming from, cause he’s with me,
and he loves me! He’s been my best friend for over 10 yrs, so I thought I knew him pretty well, am I just scared he’s too good to be true or could my instincts be correct?
Not all Sagittarius are players so the answer is no. It’s not true. All signs have the capability of doing so, Sagittarius is no exception but you should never assume that they are all this way. When they are ready to settle down, they absolutely will do it. I can understand why you would think he’s too good to be true but your ego speaking isn’t the same as your inner voice speaking. Your inner voice speaks with love while your inner ego wants you to remain skeptical and miserable. Try boosting up your intuition via mediation and then ask yourself if it’s too good or not. Don’t buy into if it seems to good to be true it’s because it is… that’s not exactly true.
Hi anna, So I guess I did leave out a little history. The first 6 months we were together I found a posting he put on craigs list looking for an older woman, too be discreet with etc.. also about a year in, I found a picture of his, well you know, along with another posting saying he was super respectful, complete gentleman and very discreet. He apologized profusely for it, said that he never planned on doing anything and that he was completely stupid for 5 min and it would never happen again. I don’t think he has cheated on me, but I just can’t stop questioning his every move, which I know is bound to push a Sagittarius man away. I’ve always trusted him more than anyone in my life, he knows things my lifelong best friend doesn’t even know. I don’t know how to move past this betrayal I feel, and trust him again. I know he needs his freedom and his own life outside of our relationship, I’ve never been one to be insecure, or jealous at all. I just don’t know how to trust him again when I can’t shake these feelings. They go away once in awhile but always seem to come back out of nowhere. I’ve always had very good intuition, I just don’t want to believe this could be true after everything I have up to be with him.
I am totally in love with a Sagittarius man. Fell in love on sight he is everything you explain him to be. I a Taurus. And I can admit the Sagittarius man is unique in every way. I love everything about him he funny non judgmental intelligent caring always learning new things and willing to t
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