How To Heal If You've Been Affected By Your Trauma

How To Heal If You've Been Affected By Your Trauma

Drew Godfrey

What is trauma, exactly? It's conceivable that it's more challenging than you think. If you learn how trauma healing might help you overcome your fear and anxiety, you might be ready to take the next step.

So, What's Going On Here?

According to neuroscience, trauma impacts everyone at some time in their life. It doesn't have to be a major traumatic event, such as a major loss, an injury, or exposure to a terrible situation.

On a daily basis, everyone encounters unpleasant feelings, which is best described as Micro Trauma.

The dissonance of the news, reports of terrifying happenings throughout the world, and our own personal lives and loved ones necessitates the experience of emotions that cover the whole gamut of a person's senses.

Trauma impacts our brains on several levels, from a little "shock to the system" to huge shock waves that smash through our bodies and minds, as we know.

The neurons that fire in unison in response to stress (shock) are truly connected. The bundles of neurons that have been joined together fire together when you experience a fearful or stunning emotion!

As a result, neurotransmitters are released, instructing our bodies to respond with a range of emotional and cognitive functions, which can sometimes shield us through protective states of awareness such as denial.

Sometimes we're filled with stress and terror to the point that the fight or flight reflex kicks in. This approach stimulates the release of powerful neurotransmitters and hormones that control your body and mind.

If you merely talk about your thoughts and beliefs, you are effectively re-traumatizing your body! Over time, this wears down your defenses, leaving you weary, worried, fatigued, and sad. Our bodies, particularly our neuro-cognitive systems, must be re-calibrated in order to stop the cycle of trauma recurrence.

What's The Best Way To Go About It?

When we allow creative expression of our emotions with intellectual / analytic comprehension, our neurons have the ability to unbundle trauma-based coding.

Our bodies may also reroute nerve endings and make new connections around the afflicted area, restoring a non-traumatic internal communication system between our hearts, minds, and bodies.

The Term "Healing" Is Used To Characterize This Process

The majority of practitioners (therapists) are uneducated in the subtleties of our nerve ganglia, which work as frequency modulators and are located along our spine. Our Chakra System consists of seven energy centers (modulators), each of which is associated with a distinct spectrum of color and perceptual emotion.

Using the tools of the artist to safely transmit the human being's rainbow of emotions and thoughts. You may do this with the help of a compassionate psychotherapist who will accompany you on your recovery journey.

This allows us to re-harmonize our subtle frequencies and reclaim our health and equilibrium.

I can accompany you anywhere you need to go, regardless of how deep or far you need to go.

It is my honor and purpose to give deeper healing and tranquility to you as an individual, as we all contribute to restoring our heart at a time.

Ed Regensburg, LCAT, has approximately 40 years of experience as a psychotherapist. Through his books, expressive art works, his private practice – Creative Sanctuary – as well as seminars and speaking engagements, Ed aims to go beyond standard therapy to help you overcome conflict and address your greater issues about life and existential meaning.

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