How To Have Intercourse

How To Have Intercourse


How To Have Intercourse

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Feel like you've already passed the 101 course? Want a more advanced approach to intercourse and other kinds of sexual entry ? Then you might want to take a look at this: Let's Get Metaphysical: The Etiquette of Entry . Are you reading this piece because you're preparing for a first time with intercourse? An Immodest Proposal might also be a fine source of inspiration.
Some people have the idea that if they've started having intercourse, they can't go back to not having intercourse. But there are a lot of reasons why intercourse might be right for people one day or at one time, and not feel right or be what they want on another day or at another time, including pregnancy fears, physical discomfort, and just plain personal preference. It's always okay for anyone to say it's it's time to slow things back down , or that they don't want to engage in any given sexual activity, anytime, even if they've done that activity before.
originally written 06.15.2014  •  updated 11.07.2019  •  
If you're thinking about vaginal intercourse with an opposite sex partner , and you've got everything you need : in terms of your relationship , materially and emotionally, you're probably reading this because you want to know how to make it all work your first time. Or maybe you're here reading this because it was something you've tried that hasn't seemed to 'work" in one way or another, or at all.
The bulk of questions we get asked about first intercourse -- and we get asked about these every single day -- are: Will it hurt? Will I bleed? Will I hate it? I'm so scared, what do I do? Why isn't my boyfriend talking to me now that we've had sex? Why didn't I orgasm ? Why didn't it feel like anything?
Let's start here. Imagine that you're standing on the edge of a diving board, a hundred feet above the pool. If you're ready to try diving, you know how, and you really want to do it, your mind and your body will cooperate and let you. You may not execute it perfectly the first time, but you'll feel good about trying, and you won't kill yourself either. On the other hand, if you're not ready, you don't know how, or you don't want to, your body and your mind just aren't going to let you do it. Your feet will keep inching back from the edge, your heart will race, your head will say "No, no, no," a thousand times over, and you just won't be able to jump.
That's a good thing: it's the way our bodies and minds work together to keep us safe.
The same goes with sexual intercourse. To begin with, if you or your partner both really aren't or don't feel prepared, ready, or both completely wanting to have intercourse, it just isn't likely to go very well, it may very well hurt, you won't be as likely to enjoy yourselves, and no one will probably have a wonderful time and mutually beneficial sex.
Even if you think you're ready now, reading this, and you get there and change your mind, it is always okay to stop, wait for another time or switch to a sexual activity you know you feel ready for and are comfortable with. One of the biggest parts of sexual maturity is knowing our own limits, and being able to clearly and freely voice them and act upon them. A lot of young couples plan to have intercourse on a specific date, so if you're doing that, be sure you're both leaving room for one or both of you to find that on that date, you just might not be in the mood that day.
If you can't do that, or don't feel comfortable doing that, you need to learn to do so before you get into bed with anyone. Sexuality is something that is with you your whole life, so if you want to wait, the nice thing is that it will too, and your sexual life goes by the pace YOU set, not the other way 'round.
That all given, the first step in any sort of enjoyable sex is for it to feel fairly natural and organic, like the way you dance alone in your bedroom, rather than the way you'd dance in a televised dance contest.
No kind of sex is like an algebra test: you can't just start in classroom 203 when the bell goes off, and go through the motions to get a passing grade, and expect it to be phenomenal. Ultimately, there should be a comfortable progression to intercourse, and you should feel comfortable. If you've been having other kinds of sexual and intimate activity beforehand with someone you care about and trust, and have already established good patterns of communication about sex specifically, you can move (or not, depending on your own limits) into intercourse without it feeling forced or alien.
Foreplay is a term some people use to describe other sexual activities which can be engaged in before, during and/or after intercourse (or all on their own, so it's not the greatest term ever), and which most people need to have enjoyable intercourse the first time and thereafter. It can include things like:
Though it's normal to be nervous, if you're with someone you trust, enjoy other kinds of sex with, and with whom you feel safe, you should be pretty relaxed. (Though it's normal to feel excited and antsy at the same time.) If you aren't, be sure and take stock. You may just be nervous because you're doing something new, but it's also possible you or your partner aren't ready, you don't want to, or you aren't really with someone you trust or feel safe with. Trust your gut feelings, and be sure your heart and your head have good communication, too.
When your body relaxes, your muscles get a little looser, your breathing gets a little deeper, and then you're more likely to get and stay sexually aroused. When you are aroused (excited), your body will usually act in kind , lubricating itself, loosening the muscles and tendons in your whole pelvic area, and becoming much more sensitive to sensation and touch, with that touch more likely to feel pleasurable, not painful.
When and if you feel ready to attempt intercourse, before you do anything else, have your partner put on a condom , or, if you're the partner with the penis , put the condom on. You should not be trying a condom for the first time and first intercourse: make sure you both know how to use one well before. Be sure to use extra latex-safe lubricant with the condom, and put a generous amount of lube on and around the entire vulva . Either or both of you can massage the vaginal opening and clitoris with the lube, and be sure it's really slippery, andbe sure to add more lube throughout as needed. Suffice it to say, that extra "massaging" should hardly feel like a chore.
The vaginal opening is where the penis is inserted into, and one partner will usually need to (with all intercourse, not just the first time) use a hand to slide the inner labia apart and guide the head of the penis into the vaginal opening. If one or both of you are uncertain as to where that is, take some time -- be that minutes or weeks -- to better explore the vulva, with fingers and your eyes, to be more familiar with what's what. There is no need to worry about penetrating the urethra by accident, because that simply isn't possible: it's much, much too tiny. Same goes for the cervix . Sometimes, however, a male partner may "miss" the vagina and start to enter into the anus , so if that happens, just speak up.
While it's your call, it can be ideal for your partner to know it's your first time (for a number of reasons, the biggest of which is that healthy sex requires honesty). It can be helpful to be clear that you need he or she to be patient, and communicate with you as you go, as you will with them. This isn't the time to be shy, or get silent, so if you have a problem talking about sex, you shouldn't be quite this far along. These are also things we'll ideally want to have going on with all kinds of sex, whether it's our 1st time or our 301st time.
A lot of us have grown up with the idea that virginity is something tangible, that it's highly valuable, and that it's something we give to someone or take from someone else. Let's unpack this a little.
Virginity is a cultural or personal concept. We can't tell, just by looking at someone , whether or not they're a virgin. The idea of cherry popping as something physical or anatomical is also a myth. And any kind of sex between people isn't really about giving, getting or taking: it's about sharing something together or creating something together. In other words, when people engage in sex together, they're adding something, not taking something away: it's addition, not subtraction.
You can take a look at where the ideas of virginity really come from here .
Most positions for intercourse will work out fine for you, but you're still most likely to be able to figure things out with either the missionary position -- you on top -- or with your partner with a vagina on top. That way, you both have a better view of what is down there, as well as better control over moving into intercourse gradually, and as is most comfortable for both partners. Know that even long-time intercourse-havers usually do have to guide the penis to the vagina with hands, so don't worry that your penis has to have some sort of radar that allows it to find its own way. Throughout, talk to your partner: ask them what's working for them and what isn't, ask if what feels good for you is feeling good for them, and do be sure to remember that intercourse alone may satisfy many people with penises, but it satisfies fewer people with vaginas, so even with first-time intercourse, you probably don't want that to be the only sexual activity you're doing.
If you get nervous, it's OKAY. Even if that means losing an erection : again, sex isn't just about your penis, and while it's less visible with people with vulvas instead of penises, nervousness keeps people with vaginas from becoming fully aroused and functional for intercourse, too. So, don't sweat it too badly, and try and keep things down-to-earth: if you're just feeling too nervous, just SAY so -- being able to be honest with partners is so important, even when you feel like a heel. if you ejaculate quicker than you'd like, no big whoop: if your partner still wants to have more sex, do another activity with them.
Lastly, be sure and play your part in sexual responsibility when it comes to safer sex and birth control : not only is that vital to everyone's health, not worrying about pregnancy and infections makes it a lot easier for both of you to be relaxed.
People tend to report that the two easiest positions for new intercourse are either the missionary position (where the person with the penis is on top), or a position where the person with the vulva is on top. The latter may be a little easier because that person, who is more likely to have issues with discomfort, can control how deeply a penis is going into a vagina and at what pace. When you begin vaginal entry, go slow. Start by just setting the tip of the penis against the vaginal opening. You can learn a thing or two here from an eastern tantric tradition: if you simply set the penis at the vaginal opening, and either of you gently put your weight on the other and press down slowly as you both relax, the vaginal opening and canal will open to entry more naturally.
It should be up to the insertive partner (the one who someone else's body part is going inside of) to say how deep to go, and how fast to move. That person is the one most likely to experience pain if anyone gets too hasty, after all. Don't do anything that feels horribly uncomfortable for either of you: pain is the way the body tells us not to do something. It may only feel good to have an inch of entry, and then move very slowly. On the other hand, it may feel just fine to enter more deeply for both partners, and move more rapidly. Much of the time, how aroused the insertive partner is makes a very big difference in this regard. Just tell each other as you go what feels good, and what doesn't -- this is no time to be shy! -- and be prepared to be patient with each other.
Most of all, breathe. Look at the instructions given to a woman in labor, silly as that might sound. Though intercourse isn't anything even remotely close to as painful or intensive for your body as labor, the best thing for both of you to do is to breathe. Take nice deep breaths, and keep 'em steady. Bringing oxygen into your body and releasing it keeps your muscles relaxed, your head clear, and your heart steady and calm.
You may find that first intercourse does hurt. How much it hurts -- or if it does at all -- varies a good deal from person to person, experience to experience. However, most of the time, when people are all very aroused, relaxed and feel ready and comfortable and going about intercourse soundly, people feel good, rather than being in pain. Even the first time.
Sometimes the corona ( hymen ) may likely not be worn away a lot yet, and even if it has been somewhat, what remains of it may not have been stretched as much before as it is being stretched now.
But most commonly, pain or bleeding isn't about the hymen at all. Instead, it is more commonly about about feeling nervous, rushed, unsafe or scared, not aroused enough or having a partner be too hasty. Not communicating that something hurts, and keeping on in silence is another common culprit with pain during intercourse.
Again, go at a pace that feels right to you. If it hurts, stop; take a couple minutes again where the penis is just pressed against the vaginal opening, perhaps stimulate the clitoris a little, or take a big break to talk or snuggle. When and if you're both ready, try again. You may find you have to do this any number of times, and since it should still be enjoyable and intimate, there is absolutely no need to apologize for it. Any sort of sex isn't a one-shot deal -- it's a lifelong experience. Anyone in a hurry to "get it over with," is completely missing the boat.
We all also have different personal pain thresholds. For some people who have pain, first intercourse pain is a hiccup, and for others they feel a good deal of pain and discomfort. If it hurts a lot for you, you aren't a wuss, or weak, and if it doesn't hurt at all, that doesn't mean you weren't a virgin, or that something is wrong with you, either. First intercourse pain is usually, when it happens at all, fairly mild and short pain if you are aroused, relaxed, properly lubricated, and have a sensitive and patient partner.
There are a very small number of people whose coronas (hymens) are simply very resistant to eroding at all, and these people will usually feel tremendous pain at attempting intercourse. If you're one of them, you have probably found you cannot use tampons either, nor insert a finger into your vaginal opening. No matter how you try and break down a gate like this, it just isn't going to open, so you'll need to go and see a doctor or gynecologist to deal with it. Sex aside, it's not really healthy or comfortable to go through life with that sort of hymen, so you may need a surgeon or doctor to make an incision before you can do any of these things. Your doctor will talk to you about your options. As well, if pain during intercourse continues and helps like these don't fix things, check in with your doctor: certain health conditions or issues -- like an infection , a cyst, vulvar vestibulitis and the like -- can also be culprits
While most people don't bleed with intercourse, some do have bleeding during first intercourse or the first few times. Like pain, this is usually about things like not being aroused or relaxed enough, not using lubricant as needed and/or having a partner who is being too hasty. If you're well lubricated, and your partner goes slow, bleeding will likely be minimal or may not happen at all. Nothing is wrong if bleeding does not happen: some people have some bleeding or spotting with first intercourse or other kinds of vaginal entry, while others do not.
If you find that you've had intercourse many times and still are bleeding with it, and you've already tried things like adding extra lubrication or more non-intercourse activities, check in with your sexual healthcare provider . Bleeding and/or pain with intercourse can be a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection or other reproductive health issue.
Either of you may not reach orgasm during first intercourse, and it is common that many people with vaginas won't (ever) from intercourse all by itself. Most people with vaginas don't , and that's not usually just because a partner with a penis isn't maintaining erection for long enough or because he's not doing the right things.
That doesn't mean it wasn't good, that anyone failed, or that anything is wrong. Even once you're an old hand at intercourse with a given partner, it is entirely possible -- and usual -- that it won't be what brings you to climax by itself, but that other forms of sex, like oral sex or clitoral stimulation combined with intercourse, will. In addition, it is also highly common that during first intercourse, the male partner's erection may not last very long, and he may reach orgasm very quickly, perhaps even more quickly than he wanted to. Again, that too is okay, and it doesn't mean anything is wrong with anyone. It just means that something so new and intense, and often a little nerve-wracking, has effects on your body (and also that young people with penises, and people with penises in general, often reach orgasm quickly, and in general, more quickly than people with vaginas).
It is likely that during this experience, both partners may need downtime or care. Bear in mind that first intercourse, while not usually physically painful for people with penises, isn't always emotionally easy either, and those partners may likely be just as nervous, scared or inexperienced as the partner with the vagina is. They may, for instance, have trouble maintaining erection, and that's fine and good too -- if you still want to be sexually intimate, just move to another activity in which an erection isn't required. It's all okay, and if you've got a partner with a penis who thinks it isn't, just remind them that it really is.
Don't forget that people with penises often have burdens to bear with first intercourse, and many feel pretty serious pressure to do it "right" and make it good for everyone. Many caring young men in particular are also very scared and nervous of hurting their partners. Try and be sure and remember that women aren't the only ones with issues and fears, and give each other the same patience and sensitivity you want from your partner.
When you're done with intercourse, take off the condom -- away from the vulva -- slowly, knot it, and throw it away. When you're pulling the penis out of the vagina, you'll want to hold onto the base of the condom so it doesn't slip off before you're ready for it to come off. If the condom does slip off and get "lost" in the vagina during intercourse, reach into the vagina, and feel for the circular or ring end of the condom. Pinch it together, and pull it out carefully, to avoid spilling any semen . If that happens, you will want to be aware that you may have an STI or pregnancy risk to attend to.
Both folks should urinate after sex as a habit, especially people with vulvas. Because the vaginal opening is very close to the urinary opening, bacteria can easily get into that opening and create a urinary tract infection. In general, this can be easily avoided by making it a habit to urinate both before and after sexual intercourse.
You may find you have any number of different feelings after first intercourse. You might feel very excited, or glowy, or you might feel overexposed or confused. You mig
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