How To Hands Free Orgasm

How To Hands Free Orgasm


A hands free orgasm is when you have a sexual climax without using hands. As long as you are not using your hands to stimulate your body, it is considered hands free. This type of orgasm can be achieved solo or with a partner. 
According to certified sex and dating coach Myisha Battle, MS, in MindBodyGreen, you should approach exploring a hands free orgasm with a sense of curiosity to tap into any pleasure sensations you feel in your body. 
There are many ways to achieve a hands free orgasm. Both people with a vagina or penis can experience a hands free orgasm. 
Here are ways to try to achieve a hands free orgasm:
Humping and grinding. People with a vulva or a penis can grind or hump to pleasure themselves. You can use blankets, pillows, or couch cushions to rub against. Use the friction to reach orgasm. You can also use a vibrator to grind on. 
Orgasmic breathing. This is the practice of breathing intentionally and specifically to achieve orgasm for sexual pleasure. Using orgasmic breathing can also help elongate your hands-on orgasm. You can do this in a quiet, comfortable place. This method will take practice, but can be done with a partner, too. 
Use sex toys. To achieve a hands free orgasm with sex toys, you’ll want to try vibrators that go in underwear for people with vulvas or cock rings for people with penises. Remote controlled vibrators can be done with a partner. Dildos with suction cups can be helpful, because you can attach it anywhere to use it and have an orgasm. 
Try water play. This can be pleasurable for people with vulvas. If you have a shower head that detaches you can use that and direct it to your clitoris.
Practice kegels and muscle clenching. This technique works for people with vulvas and penises. Using your pelvic floor, you can do kegel exercises to increase arousal and stimulate your genitals. Try clenching and unclenching repeatedly to stimulate your prostate or clitoris. 
Myth: Only women can have a mental orgasm. A mental stimulation is a useful tactic for having a hands free orgasm. Both men and women can have a mental orgasm. It’s all about stimulating yourself in your mind. Some sex researchers have referred to the brain as the major sex organ. 
Myth: You don’t need to masturbate if you’re in a relationship. Masturbation is a normal part of most people’s lives. Even people in healthy relationships will masturbate. There are many reasons that a person will masturbate for the sensation or stress relief, that doesn’t require a sexual exchange with their partner. 
A hands free orgasm can happen with a partner, or you can do it solo. For a fun twist, you and your partner can try to achieve a solo hands free orgasms together. It’s important to know how you regularly orgasm. Hands free orgasms can be challenging to start with.
Before you start, you should get aroused in order to achieve the orgasm. You’ll want to focus on the sensations, and be relaxed and comfortable.  
It might be a good idea to try a hands free orgasm on your own first before trying it with your partner. Either way, you should try to talk about a plan with your partner for how you see this experience happening. 
The first time you try to reach a hands free orgasm, it may not work. Just be patient with yourself and your partner. Even if you don’t orgasm, it’s all about the pleasure you feel from it. 
The best way to have a hands free orgasm is to practice. Finding the right technique for yourself takes time and patience. In the meantime, you can become more mindful of the sensations you're feeling by edging, which is getting close but not quite achieving orgasm. 
GQ: “Hands-free orgasm: how to masturbate without masturbating.”
MindBodyGreen: “The hands-free orgasm: 25 ways to reach orgasm without using your hands.” “How to give yourself a hands-free orgasm.”
Psychology Today: “6 facts and myths about masturbation.”
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How can a man have a hands-free orgasm?
Updated 6 months ago · Author has 379 answers and 2.4M answer views
OK, I am so glad this question came up, HFO or hands free orgasms are one of my fields of expertise, I have researched and used various methods over many years as does my Partner, Now I will list the three main techniques my Boyfriend and I use on a regular or semi regular basis, then give a brief example or useful brief explanation. these have had a 98 percent success with these, I say 98 because it is a lot like any other sexual activity that an Orgasm or a great experience is never 100 percent guaranteed in any situation, so I consider this a very high and successful rate.
OK, I am so glad this question came up, HFO or hands free orgasms are one of my fields of expertise, I have researched and used various methods over many years as does my Partner, Now I will list the three main techniques my Boyfriend and I use on a regular or semi regular basis, then give a brief example or useful brief explanation. these have had a 98 percent success with these, I say 98 because it is a lot like any other sexual activity that an Orgasm or a great experience is never 100 percent guaranteed in any situation, so I consider this a very high and successful rate.
Now all of these work equally well for men and women though there may be slight variation in application and results or intensity and time needed to acquire a useful working session.
1 meditation sex is just like it sounds, though it is useful only with proper study and practice, lots of practice, there are many instructional videos and studies online if you do a little research, It requires only time and a place to relax, them after performing the meditation and breathing exercises you picture your most romantic or dirtiest thought in your head and relax into an orgasmic state. this is one of the harder ones on the list, it takes many hours of practice and lots of patience, once you get it, you are off and running and it is very thrilling and fulfilling and does require to study from known and good instructors and or methods, many of the free YouTube videos on this are crap and will avail you little if any good pleasures.
2 Self Hypnosis, I have spent many years studying this one and have found numerous sources for great instruction and methods, My boyfriend has found one that works very well for him from a reputable instructor at ( since you are asking about the male HFO, I will put a link) High End Hypnosis Shop, Hypnosis mp3s and Hypnosis Downloads, Awakening Possibility
Now I have used several sources and found most very good, once you study the sessions several times you are on your own and can pretty much trigger anytime or place you like if you master the technique of just getting yourself in the trance state first, the pleasure is very different but very pleasurable and I would still rate most of my sessions as 7 or 8 on the 1–10 scale
3 OK, last but not least by any means is sexual urtication, well this is by far the easiest and quickest male hands free orgasm it is also no doubt the strangest at first reading or usage, and now you ask, what is sexual urtication? In simplest terms it is using the stinging nettle plant to induce a physical orgasm in a man or woman, yes I thought the same thing OUCH!, that is insane! No not really , after a little study and some experimentation we discovered a unbelievable orgasmic response from this ancient and long used technique around since the Roman empire days there are tons of references and information on this all over the net and in some published books, there is even a genre or porn on this one. It require very little and here is all you need
1 Some time, preferably and hour or two
That’s it, now here is how it works, You find some nettle in the wild or your own garden, the more potent nettle tends to be growing in moderate sun or shade, the nettle in sunny areas tends to be weaker, and use only cut nettle that is less than say hip high, well I’m short but if you are a guy and tall say 6 feet or more cut your nettle from a plant less than the height of your knees, taller plants have more silica and other substances that are not that great to be in you, We live in a mild zone in the upper Midwest USA so my partner and I can only use nettle between the months of late April to late September, Nettle will sting you all year around but it only has the histamines for several months of the year ( and the histamines are what cause our pleasure later, they are introduced into the skin through the tiny hollow needles on the leaves and stalks of the plant) We keep a large garden of this for tea, health food, baking and for urtication. Now you want the leaves stalks and stems and a large bouquet of them or a small shopping bag full, you need to use these with in 20 minutes to 40 minute after cutting or they become too limp to use, if you need more working time cut the plants and seal them in a bucket with a little bit of water in the bottom and you will be fine, Pick and use with a set of quality gloves otherwise your hands hill itch so badly you will be in tears, Now the Hard part, you will need to unzip and apply the nettles to your parts, YES IT WILL VERY MUCH HURT AT FIRST, It hurts much worse for us ladies I am sure.
Now a good idea is to NOT remove you pants, my partner and I have special clothing for this because you just want the stinging nettle on your parts if it gets on your thighs, derriere or hips you will just be very uncomfortable, Unless a little discomfort is what your after, I have a pair of yoga pants with just a slit for rubbing the nettle on me, it is so much easier for men (my partner just pulls his out from his zipper). So now take the nettle stalks with the leaves and start smacking your privates, brushing the vulva, lips, clit etc.…and for guys brushing the shaft and head, do this for like (men may need ten minutes or more), then stop, the pain subsides about ten minutes then over the next 30–60 minutes you will have a very strong tingle that will eventually lead to a throbbing and then involuntary vibrations leading to contractions leading to a full rhythmic and productive orgasm with ejaculation and more great news for you guys, you can wait and it can happen all over again, yes multiple male orgasms. Warning: I found out (as did my Boyfriend) the hard way that you really need to grab hold of something or sit when the contractions start, otherwise you may fall or hurt yourself it is a very intense experience do not ruin it by falling or hurting yourself. just breath into it and do NOT fear it. let it consume you for the few minutes it last.
I am a tender soft person so I am really only good for this one about 4–6 times a year, My partner loves it and he has not really given me a stat but I can tell by the cutting in our garden that he is at least 4 or 5 times per month and admits to almost half of that. Now for the girls, just rub the nettle over your clit and lips and maybe some on the anus, be careful it is really uncomfortable if it gets on the thighs, the reaction time for us is much shorter than the guys and hang on because it is very very intense. for both sexes, if after all the fun the microscopic little hollow needles are still a problem after all the fun, grab some tape and rub it in the area and it will pull the needles out and rub or dab with hydrogen peroxide.
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Answered 2 years ago · Author has 836 answers and 2.8M answer views
For one, you could rub your penis against something without touching it with your hands and it could give you an orgasm. When I was at my second gay bar ever, I brushed up against a man with super-hairy forearms and literally had a spontaneous orgasm—it was embarrassing, to say the least.
In fact, lots of young boys (and some older boys/men) have spontaneous orgasms during their sleep called nocturnal emissions.
Also, During anal intercourse as the receiver, you can stimulate the prostate and cause a hands-free orgasm that is really amazing.
In fact, stimulating the prostate through any
For one, you could rub your penis against something without touching it with your hands and it could give you an orgasm. When I was at my second gay bar ever, I brushed up against a man with super-hairy forearms and literally had a spontaneous orgasm—it was embarrassing, to say the least.
In fact, lots of young boys (and some older boys/men) have spontaneous orgasms during their sleep called nocturnal emissions.
Also, During anal intercourse as the receiver, you can stimulate the prostate and cause a hands-free orgasm that is really amazing.
In fact, stimulating the prostate through any means (electricity, external pressure, internal pressure) can create a hands-free orgasm. I know of people who have had bowel movements that caused an orgasm or even riding a Harley with enough vibration caused an orgasm.
You can also have an orgasm from being emotionally present during an intense sexual, non-contact situation where you were simply administering pleasure to someone else and enjoying it.
And then there are some weird things that happen that are akin to orgasm. Apparently, you have a nerve that runs up your spinal column called the Vegas nerve. It is the nerve activated when you sneeze or when you get goosebumps, or even when you have an orgasm. Sometimes something like scratching your feet can trigger the Vegas nerve and generate a strange orgasm-like response.
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How To Hands Free Orgasm

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