How To Handle Libra Man

How To Handle Libra Man


How To Handle Libra Man

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Would You like to Calculate Your Chances with your Libra man?
Are you hopelessly in love and in a relationship with a Libra man but find him to be rather confusing? Are you thinking of being in a relationship with a Libra man but want to know more? Keep reading for some useful information on what a Libra man in a relationship is actually like.
Here’s the score… Libra man is excellent at looking at both sides of any situation or argument. However, if he feels offended or hurt by something that his partner has said, he tends to shut down a bit.
He’s excellent at talking about everything under the sun but talking about his feelings is a problem. He doesn’t really want anyone to know who he is at the core so he leaves things out.
It takes him a really long time to even open up to someone in the first place. He’s scared and indecisive about whether or not he should open up at all. This can cause lots of frustration for the woman who is in love with him.
Don’t get me wrong, if you ask him for some advice, he’ll be excellent at talking to you and giving you pointers. He’ll even talk to you about some basics about his life but when it comes down to intensely personal things, it takes him forever to open up.
The other thing is, when you’re trying to be honest with him, you have to watch the way YOU talk to him otherwise he takes it the wrong way and then will either pout or he’ll let loose all the things he’s held in that angered him about you.
He’ll tell you he loves you and how fantastic you are but when it comes to intensely personal matters, he’ll hold off on saying anything as he doesn’t want to seem like a bad guy or doesn’t want to hurt you.
Unfortunately, if you don’t know what is going on in his head, how can you possibly even begin to work at it or change things? This can make for some deep frustration for any partner of Libra man.
He is incredibly loving and has a huge heart but this is a heavy situation with him. The only way to cope with it or deal with him is by giving him some time, being patient with him, and try to talk to him in a “sweeter” way.
While the Libra man should be able to look at every angle as he does in any other situation, he’s unable to do it properly in a relationship. This makes it hard for him to understand his partner’s side of arguments or situation.
He worries that if he tells his partner the truth about how he feels or what he wants, that he will deeply hurt her and she will see him as a tyrant instead of as the loving care-free guy that he thinks she sees him as.
He always wants his partner to see him as amazing, comfortable to be with, funny, and giving. However, if he finds things in the relationship he doesn’t like, he will have trouble speaking up.
When he isn’t speaking up, nothing gets solved, and then the troubles continue to build until finally one day he explodes and his partner gets hurt by all the things he has to say.
He doesn’t understand that telling his partner what he feels right away is far better. Sure she may not like it or feel hurt but if she can understand then changes can happen to make things better. He needs to take that risk.
He’s also paranoid that he may screw up the whole relationship if he allows his partner to totally know who he is and so he finds himself keeping secrets which ultimately make him look sketchy.
He’ll be super sweet and tender but being real and admitting why he is the way he is when it comes to the darker side; he isn’t into explaining that which causes problems down the line.
Another heavy topic for any woman with a Libra man is the fact that he seems to need outer sources of adoration. He’s much like a Leo in this way. He wants to be paid attention to.
Sadly, he will seek out women who will pay attention to him. He may do this via social media, at work, or elsewhere. When he’s in an actual committed relationship, he feels that as long as he doesn’t cross a line then there is no harm.
Truthfully, most women will see her man flirting with other women and not feel really confident in their relationship with him anymore. It’s disheartening and makes a woman feel as though she’s not enough for him.
Libra man doesn’t mean for it to come off that way and will often do this flirting behind his partner’s back. While he may tell the women eventually that keep flirting with him that he’s taken, he doesn’t understand how hurtful this is.
To make matters worse, he isn’t the jealous type typically so he really doesn’t get why flirting with others should be any big deal. If he’s with a woman who also isn’t jealous then this may not be an issue.
However, if he’s with someone who doesn’t like him doing this and cannot trust him when he gets on social media, this will cause stress within the relationship, especially when he refuses to change his relationship status or hides it.
He doesn’t want everyone to know he’s in a relationship because then the women would stop trying to hit on him or compliment him and he thrives on this attention.
This can be something really difficult for any woman to deal with. The only way it can be dealt with is learning that he will not cross the boundary and actually go sleep with these women.
If you’re just scratching the surface with your Libra guy, you should really learn all you can about his sign. It may help you in the long run. Click here for more details on him!
Share your story (or situation) with our community in the comment section below (don’t worry, it’s anonymous).
Wishing you all the luck of the universe
Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,
Ready to calculate your chances with your Libra man?
Don't hesitate to take this 3 minutes test and see is there a future for you two!
My man is very romantic and obsessed with me he encourages me appreciates me a lot. but sometimes with him I really feel like maybe I am not his love only his obsession or lust. So, I get hurt I only feel like there’s nothing good in me except my looks or figure he just love to show off me that’s the only reason he is with me if some day he’ll find better he’ll leave me. And recently his behaviour towards me getting worse day by day he becomes angry even in small things and throws me away like i’m nothing! this hurts me so bad. He stopped talking with me also and I really don’t know what should I do now?! whether he really wants to be with me or not I really don’t know. When he gets angry he become so cold and heartless then he uses bad words I just can’t take these things and I feel like he doesn’t love me anymore, he gets angry over small things and starts scolding me or uses slangs which i just can’t tolerate! If I honestly say, there’s is no such issues between us. but when I see he’s creating issues by himself and getting mad on me I feel like he’s hurting me intentionally he loves to see me hurting crying he really enjoys it and he become so cruel that he doesn’t even care! Now I’m suffering from depression because of him. I’m losing my patience and getting frustrated day by day.
If your Libra man is paying to much attention to you then he probably doesn’t have the time to invest in anyone else. If you are feeling insecure then this is something you need to work out within yourself. If Libra finds someone else, he tends to pull back from you. If he’s angry then something is going on with him that he hasn’t talked to you about it. You need to bring it to his attention that he’s acting too angry lately and that it’s not right how he treats you. Don’t be his doormat or he won’t respect you. Tell him it’s not alright to take out his frustration on you. Tell him that if he wants to talk to you about his problem that you’re there to listen. Do not EVER allow yourself to become depressed by someone else’s action. You need to rise above and take good care of yourself. You can do it!
Hi. I’m in a relationship with a libra guy. I don’t know if I’m showering him with too much love/emotions or if he thinks I’m moving to fast for him. He seems a bit distant at times and then there are times when he seems to be normal. It is pretty fustrating at times because sometimes he would take my calls and respond to messages and other times he wouldnt. I’m having a hard time trying to reach out to him, well at least that’s how I feel. Don’t know what i should do and I don’t want to do anything else further to flunk it up cuz I really care for him.
There is no such thing as adoring a Libra man too much. Their ego feeds on it. Now, if he does perceive you moving faster than him then yes, he’ll clam up and pull back. He has to do it at his own pace. I would ask him what he’s comfortable with and go from there. If you need more information, please check out my book “Libra Man Secrets”.
I am with a Libra man. But just last week, he stops talking to me and even replying in my messages. We are in a Long Distance Relationship right now, during this quarantine period I know he is only at home and playing games on his phone but, I wanted his time but it seems that when I ask for his time.. i think he finds it demanding and suddenly the last messages he told me is that “when he started to went back home my story post on my social media are never ending and for him it giving him a feeling of bad vibes and he said. “Sometimes he is thinking just to end and stop our relationship as our way of thinking is different from each other”. Now, I am clueless, if what he means on that statement? Does that mean he is breaking up with me? coz after that he stops reading my messages.. he will just seen it and never reply. And he will just seen the messages like after 2-3 days.. so I am on a “seen-zoned” mode to him.
I don’t know what to do.. i don’t even know if we are still together or he just want a space…
He told his cousin that he feels that he got choked on what I am doing but his love for me is still there.
I don’t know what to say to him.. I don’t know if i should as him to let us fix our relationship or for him he already ended it.. What should i do or say to him?
I would ask him what he means by that statement. Tell him you’re concerned if he has issues that he hasn’t talk to you about. If he’s bothered by something then you won’t know unless he tells you so he needs to speak up. It’s important to ask him what is going on and where he sees things headed so that you know for certain what is going on in that head of his. If you need more information, please check out my book “Libra Man Secrets”.
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My name is Anna Kovach, and I’m a Relationship Astrologer.
Welcome to my blog about the Libra man.
If you’d like, you can learn more about me on this page here .

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Margaret is fascinated by astrology and hopes to share some of her knowledge with her readers.
Libra is represented by the symbol of the scales. Needless to say, balance and justice in life are major concerns for a Libra.
Because Libra is represented by the seventh house in the Zodiac -the house of partnership- and ruled by Venus, Mr. Scales is all about romance and love. Fairness and justice are also extremely important to your Libra. He is cordial, polite, charming, diplomatic, and peaceful. He enjoys socializing. He is a classy guy, and the perfect man to bring home to meet the parents.
However, Libras can be indecisive. They are often easily persuaded. That is, until they mature by learning from the hard knocks of life. It is important to understand that Mr. Libra upsets easily if his life isn’t balanced and harmonious. A mature Libra male will learn how to deal with this, however uncomfortable it makes him.
Your relationship with your Libra man will be a partnership. Everything will be equal. He doesn’t do well in a relationship where one partner is dominant and one weaker. He needs a female version of himself to be truly happy.
A Libra man is interested in a partner who can hold an intelligent conversation. A good looking social butterfly is attractive to your Libra man as well. He loves to love and be loved. Activity is important to Mr. Libra. Being outdoors is usually where he is during his free time. He isn’t your ordinary couch potato; although a romantic cuddle session while watching a movie with his lady is definitely well received. He is one of the most romantic men in the Zodiac.
Your Libra man is concerned about health; making his diet and exercise program priorities in his life. He is an optimist who loves life and wants to live it to the fullest. So if you want to hold on to your fun-loving Libra, I recommend you share the same priorities. If you treat him well and take care of yourself, he will love you forever.
For each question, choose the best answer. The answer key is below.
When you were born and your family was celebrating, the men probably went outside to share in the joy and smoke the cigars handed out by your father. If these men were to look up and take a picture of the cosmos, the photo would reveal your birth chart or natal chart.
This chart is divided into sections based on constellations or Zodiac signs. There are 12 houses that represent a specific section of your life. For example, the first house (also known as your Rising sign) represents your outward personality and the way you are viewed by others. Each Zodiac sign is ruled by a specific planet (or two in some cases). Each Zodiac sign is also assigned an element, quality, and symbol. Personality and priority adjustments are made all through life for all of us depending on many things including our age.
Between a minimum of 10 Astrological planets, 12 constellations (or Zodiac signs), and the 12 houses that classify your identity into major areas of your life, there is much to consider when getting to know someone based on Astrology. It’s best to have a professional Astrologer interpret your birth chart to further understand your actions, priorities, emotions, and individual personality.
Please feel free to leave a suggestion, comment, or constructive criticism in the comments section below. Your feedback is always welcomed and appreciated.

A born romantic, infused with charm and enriched by intellect, the Libra man is a handsome, enticing and wonderfully witty gentleman.
Luck seems to follow him wherever he roams, there’s no argument in this world he doesn’t know how to win, and perhaps most worryingly of all, he always seems to have his fair share of admirers trying to get close to him, anywhere he goes.
There’s no need for you to be anything less than confident though, because with the right approach, the Libra man will only have eyes for you . Here are 8 tips to seduce a Libra man and make him fall in love with you.
A Libra man is an individual in love with harmony, balance and beautiful surroundings.
This is more often played up in profiles and descriptions of female Libra souls, but the Libra man is just as fond of pretty places and peaceful interludes.
More than any other star sign, Libra souls of either gender adore the idea of everything looking just so, and will invest a lot of time, effort and money to make that a reality.
It’s a big reason why your Libra man to be always looks the part, whether it’s his smart casual appeal or him dressed to the nines for a night on the town. He’s worked hard to groom his hair and look his best.
However, that Libran love of aesthetics goes both ways. Part of making a Libra man love you is looking your finest, dressing well and keeping clean and presentable.
Someone who can glide through life gracefully is hugely appealing to a Libra man. He likes to know that the same love of aesthetics that defines him is present in his mate.
Put your best foot forward and make the effort when seducing a Libra man. He’ll definitely take notice, and he’ll appreciate the kinds of little details in how you’ve spruced up your appearance and surroundings that most others guys simply overlook.
Here is one of the biggest secrets to winning a Libra man over. He’s a capable debater and can verbally run rings around people in a way that seems effortless. There isn’t an argument around he can’t win, or at least prove a strong counter to.
Yet deep down, these are all tricks of the trade that the Libra man uses to safeguard that peace, harmony and positive connection between people that makes him feel at home.
He can’t rest until he knows everyone around him is happy, healthy and not feeling troubled by anything.
As you might imagine, that’s a tall order, but it’s not something a Libra man can switch off. He’s driven to keep this balance at all times, sometimes to his own detriment.
Even if he’s playing the lone wolf card, there’s nothing that a Libra man wants more than to share this love of harmony with someone else.
More than that, he needs someone who can help him keep himself in check too, and not push himself too hard.
You can captivate a Libra man by showing that time spent with you is harmonious, enriching and free from drama and conflict.
He’ll also appreciate if you’ve got your life pretty together, but don’t worry if that’s not the case – he’ll have advice to help you too.
Libra is an air sign, together with Gemini and Aquarius. Air signs in the traditional zodiac, which gives each star sign one of the four elements, move through life with fast thinking and intellect.
But of course, Libra is also symbolized by the scales . That means that your Libra man has an innate duality about him, and likes
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