How To Guess Dick Size

How To Guess Dick Size


How To Guess Dick Size
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IT'S the age old question of whether or not size matters - but one doctor has revealed a nifty trick if you want to guess the size of a man's soldier.
You'd think that getting out the tape measure or even a ruler would do the trick, but there's an even simpler way.
Posting to TikTok , Dr Karan Rajan referred to a study which claims that you can measure the size of a man's penis by how short his index finger is.
He explained: "According to a urological study in the Asian Journal of Andrology a shorter index finger compared to ring finger correlates to a bigger snozwaggler.
"This is known as the second to fourth digit ratio, calculated by dividing the length of the index finger by the length of the ring finger.
"The smaller the index finger, the lower the 2D 4D ratio.
"A smaller digit ratio points to high exposure to testosterone in the uterus. According to the study testosterone doesn't just control future penis length but also future finger length."
Some TikTok users joked that they would 'walk around with my hands in my pockets from now on'.
Over 61,000 people liked the post with many others commenting on the new tool.
In the comments section Dr Rajan said: "This is not a HARD and fast rule, it's an interesting study but by no means a rule book! Love how this has triggered so many".
The NHS says that most men's penises are somewhere around 9cm (3.75in) long when not erect, but it's normal for them to be shorter or longer than this.
Official guidance states: "Some things can make your penis temporarily smaller, such as swimming or being cold.
"Research has found the average erect penis size varies from around 13cm to 18cm (5in to 7in). You cannot make your penis larger or smaller with exercises or medication", it states.
When it comes to the shape of your soldier, the NHS said there is a large variation and there is no right shape.
They explain that some penises point straight up and other point straight down, with others also having bends to the left or right.
They added: "If you have a more significant bend in your penis that may cause you pain or difficulty having sex, see your GP."
Dr Rajan's Tiktok advice has become popular with subscribers of the social media app and he now has 4.4 million followers and 224.1 million likes.
He previously advised his followers on how you can get rid of an unwanted erection .
He also revealed that the worst case he's ever treated in A&E was a man who was suffering with a 'marathon erection' .
This occurred after he had taken too many Viagra pills.
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Oct 29, 2021 "This is known as the second to fourth digit ratio, calculated by dividing the length of the index finger by the length of the ring finger," Rajan continued. "The smaller the index finger, the...
According to a study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology, the so-called "digit ratio" is actually the most accurate visual predictor of a man's penile length. The basic idea of this research focuses on the ratio between the length of a man's index finger and ring finger.
Posting to TikTok, Dr Karan Rajan referred to a study which claims that you can measure the size of a man's penis by how short his index finger is. He explained: "According to a urological study in the Asian Journal of Andrology a shorter index finger compared to ring finger correlates to a bigger snozwaggler.
3- Bend the index finger on the palm. With hand outstretched index finger flex to touch the palm. Keep other fingers extended. Again extending the index finger and measures the length between the point at which you've come to flex the finger and finger tip once extended. This would, in theory, penis length.
Another indicator of penis size may be the size of the man's fingers. For a long penis, you are looking for a long ring finger and a short index finger. A 2011 study reported in the Asian Journal of Andrology indicates that the ratio of index finger size to ring finger size is a good indicator of penis length.
It is possible to guess the average dick size of a man while looking at his index finger. Simply get him to make an "L" shape using his index finger and his thumb. That length of these index fingers down to their thumb will give you a good idea of what any erect peni will look like.
Considering you are here, you've never measured it before, so you better take our quiz! 1. First question is about underwear. Which is your type of underwear? Regular boxers Slip Slip boxers 2. Is your left index finger longer or shorter than your ring finger? Longer Shorter 3. Are you suffering or going to suffer from hair loss? Yes No
So my advice to you would be this. 1. look for someone with similar physical attributes. 2. find out what kind of underwear they wear, in my case (boxer briefs) 3. look for any signs of a bulge when you know he shouldn't be horny 4. ask him how big is it. if he is confident in his size most likely he wouldn't lie about it.
Studies have shown this type of bone growth of the fingers directly correlates to testosterone prior to birth. So if his ring finger is longer, odds are he's bigger then average. I'd his index finger is longer, odds are he's average or smaller. There are other aspects that determine penis size .
This Quiz Will Reveal How Long Your Dick Is. Well??? by Raphael Evangelista. Equipe BuzzFeed, Brasil.
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Penis size in relation to digit ratio ( source )
People often wonder is there any way to guess the size of a man’s penis without actually seeing it? Yes, according to several studies, there are some statistically proven indicators of what a man’s penis size may be. So if you have ever wondered how big a guy really is, here are the Top Five Ways to Tell Penis Size.
Of course, these studies are only going to give you some general indications of what penis size may be. There are always going to be guys that are outliers and do not follow the trend. The only way to know for sure is to check it out.
Not surprisingly, the best indicator of erect penis length is flaccid penis length. We have all heard of the growers and showers thing. While that is true, it is also true that if you have a big flaccid penis then you will have an even bigger erect penis. If a flaccid penis is six inches long, you know it is going to be six inches erect at a bare minimum and probably quite a bit more. Several studies have shown this to be the case.
A recent study out of Japan measured the relationship between different body measurements and stretched penis length (SPL). Stretched penis size is generally considered to be the best indicator of erect penis size. This study found the strongest positive correlation to be between flaccid penis size and SPL.
A Turkish study of 1132 military aged men, found a very strong correlation between flaccid penis length and stretched penis length. This was a good study in that it was not a self measured study (surprise, men sometimes lie about penis size). Additionally, it was not really a volunteer study and it was in a military setting where men could opt out. One concern with voluntary studies is that men with shorter penises may tend to opt out due to embarrassment.
The next best indicator of penis size may be the size of the nose. A big nose probably means a big hose.
A recent study out of Japan, has shown on average there is a strong positive relationship between nose size and penis size. Statistics were gathered from 126 recently deceased men in the 30-59 year old age range at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. Statistics taken include weight, height, testes size, prostate weight, flaccid penis length, stretched penis length, penile circumference and nose size.
To measure how the size of the body parts were related to each other, the researchers determined the Pearson correlation coefficient. The Pearson correlation coefficient is the measure of linear correlation between two sets of data. The higher the Pearson correlation coefficient the stronger the correlation of the two numbers are.
To approximate the length of the erect penis, the researchers used the stretched penis length statistic. This means they stretched the penis out straight from the body and measured along the top side of the penis from the pubic bone to the tip of the penis. This measurement is thought to be the best approximation of erect penis.
The Pearson Correlation coefficient for the relationship between nose size and stretched penis length was 0.564 which is considered to be a strong positive relationship. So in general, the bigger the nose the bigger the erect penis.
Another indicator of penis size may be the size of the man’s fingers. For a long penis, you are looking for a long ring finger and a short index finger.
A 2011 study reported in the Asian Journal of Andrology indicates that the ratio of index finger size to ring finger size is a good indicator of penis length. This study of 144 Korean men found that the shorter the index finger was relative to the ring finger (also known as second to fourth digit ratio 2D:4D), the longer the penis was.
The study used medical professionals to measure both the finger lengths and the stretched penis lengths of the subjects. This provides for the most accurate type of data.
The ratio was determined by dividing the length of the index by the length of the ring finger. So the smaller the index finger the smaller the ratio. A smaller ratio indicated a longer penis. The average ratio was 0.97.
Example of calculating this ratio: Index finger 3.0 inches, ring finger 3.25 inches, Ratio = 3.0/3.25 = 0.923. This would be significantly below the average of 0.97 so would indicate a long penis.
The table below show the relationship of penis length to digit ratio. You can see that the smaller ratios on the left side of the graph have a much higher average penis length.
The study theorizes that levels of exposure to testosterone while in the womb helps to determine both penis length and digit ratio. The higher the testosterone exposure rate, the longer the penis length and the longer the ring finger (thus a lower index finger to ring finger ratio).
In general, there seems to be a weak relationship between penis length and height. The taller the man, the longer the penis.
There have been a few studies that have shown a slight relationship between height and penis size. While not as strong of a relationship as there is with the flaccid penis size, finger ratio or nose size, there does seem to be a connection. In general, the taller the man is the longer his penis tends to be.
One 2010 study in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine indicates that country boys may be packing a little more in the meat department. This study involved 6200 white males and followed development of penis size from ages 0 to 19 years.
For some reason, males from rural areas constantly showed a larger penis throughout their development when compared to their city counterparts. The study tracked flaccid penis length only so we can not be sure that this is true with erect length. But we do know from our top entry on this list that flaccid penis length is a good indicator of erect length.
The study found that rural 19 year old men had a flaccid penis length of 9.72 cm (3.83 inches). Their urban counterparts had a flaccid penis length of 9.29 cm (3.66 inches). This was a statistically significant difference of rural men being 4.6% longer than urban men.
I am sure that this could lead to a bunch of conjecture as to why men from the farm have longer penises that city men.
The truth is that penis size is important if it is important to you. You should not feel embarrassed if your penis size concerns you. The most important thing is to try not to obsess about it.
If you are concerned about what women think about penis size, you should know that penis size is not the top concern of most women. Most women rank many other qualities or traits higher that penis size when picking out a male partner.
This being said penis size is a factor for many women. In addition to this, studies show that many women prefer a penis that is significantly larger than the average penis. For more information on the penis size preference of women read The Real Truth About Penis Size .
This is not to make guys panic or obsess about their penis size. This is to give guys an honest look at what they are up against. Medical and sexual health experts are quick to say that any penis that falls into the “normal” range of 3.9″ to 6.5″ is equally sufficient. This just does not match reality. The very top of that “normal” range is the preferred size of women.
There are not any quick and easy fixes for this question. Do not believe anyone who is selling you a magic pill that will increase the size of your penis. This will not work.
The first thing to do is to make the most of what you have. If you are not having extremely firm and full erections then you must address this first. These full erections will make your penis feel and look at its maximum size. I would first suggest a visit to your doctor to rule out any medical conditions. In addition to this, acoustic wave therapy like the Phoenix device treatments are an extremely effective ways to improve erection quality.
Actually changing the size of your penis is a much more difficult proposition. There are surgical methods but even these do not always work on their own. The scientifically proven method of enlargement that is used either with lengthening surgery on its own is the use of a high quality penis traction device . These devices will slowly increase penis size over time. It is not quick or easy but it is the only method that has been proven to work.
What Works for both Penis Lengthening and Thickening :
Posted on Published: January 20, 2022 - Last updated: April 14, 2022
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For years, I have been on a journey for personal erection quality and penis enlargement. To learn more about my personal story click the About Us button
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Last updated on June 16, 2022 by Sonya Schwartz . 
A hopeless romantic that struggled for many years to find her Mr "Right" and made all the mistakes you could think of while dating. Known for always choosing the wrong guys or messing up relationships, Sonya was finally able to change her approach and mindset when it came to dating which helped her eventually find the man of her dreams and become happily married. You can read more about me here ...
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Are you wondering how big your love interest’s penis is? 
Whether you’re worried about him having a small penis or excited about the prospect of a huge one, there are ways to tell what he’s packing. 
In this guide, I’ll reveal six reliable methods to help you find out. 
But before I do, I have an important story to share with you.
Back in my early twenties, there were so many guys I fantasised about making love with, but most of them weren’t interested in me. 
Even worse, most of the guys I did sleep with had no interest in building a relationship. 
I had no idea what was wrong with me. It felt like I was destined to a life without meaningful romantic connections.  
Thankfully, I was able to turn this around. It all started when I learned about a powerful male psychological trigger. 
It’s called the ‘Hero’s Instinct’ - and it appears to be held deeply by most guys. 
Once activated, it tends to release intense feelings of power, purpose and self-esteem with a man. Naturally he feels closer and more affectionate towards women who can make him feel this way. 
So, I learned how to do this - and the results were mind-blowing. Instead of only being seen as a ‘bit of fun’, it was common that men would quickly grow to OBSESS over me (you can learn how it works by reading my personal story ).
If you’re sick and tired of being overlooked by fantastic men, this is the skill you need to learn. 
I have written a detailed blog post about how I discovered the power of the ‘Hero’s Instinct’ , so you can experience this dramatic shift for yourself.
Go read it now - then come back and learn how to estimate the size of his penis.
It might seem odd to measure fingers in relation to penis size; however, this method was discovered by scientists in Korea. In the study, which was conducted with 144 over 20 years, participants would have their flaccid peni and their stretched peni measured as well as their ring finger and forefinger measured.
From this, scientists were able to conclude that there is a correlation between penis size and the ratio of the difference between the man’s fingers. The theory being, that the smaller the ratio between the fingers, then the bigger your guys package will be.
Of course, to do this, not only are you going to need to be a math master but you’re also going to need to figure out a met
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