How To Girls Cum

How To Girls Cum


How To Girls Cum

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She wants one, you want to give one. Here’s what to do
The female orgasm can seem like a mythical beast. But for those who are willing to put in the groundwork, it’s no more mysterious than figuring out her favourite coffee order.
There are a few general guidelines to follow, but you’ll need to do a bit of tweaking and experimentation to figure out what she really likes (and dislikes).
Here's the ten steps you need know in order to bring her to the boil.
For every bloke worried about lasting longer in the bedroom , there’s a woman who feels self-conscious about taking too long to reach the Big O . It’s more common than you’d think. There’s a simple solution: chill out (we said simple, not easy). A neuroimaging study by Swedish researchers found a relaxed state of mind to be the single most important factor for women in achieving orgasm. Build up to it slowly, and make it clear you’re relishing the journey – whether she gets there or not.
Not your bedroom technique (as impressive as it is); we’re talking about your talent. Research from The Kinsey Institute concluded that talent is a potent aphrodisiac. More so than a washboard stomach and cheekbones you could slice prosciutto on, believe it or not. You don’t need bars like Drake to get her motor running – if she’s creased up with laughter at your Danny Dyer impression, you’re on to a winner.
All tips in the world won’t help you if a woman feels too self-conscious about her naked body to enjoy the moment. If you think she looks hot, tell her. In this circumstance, (sincere) flattery is your secret weapon. Furthermore, a study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that women who feel embarrassed about their bodies are less sexually assertive – important when you’re trying to suss out what she likes. Before you get going, try a different kind of oral.
At the start of foreplay, the top, bottom and sides of each breast is super sensitive. Gently caress these areas first; if she’s into it, blood will rush to her nipples and they’ll become sensitive to direct stimulation. This, in turn, will set things in motion down south, increasing bloodflow and lubrication.
The best way to do this is by building things up slowly . Lie next to her with the heel of your hand lingering lightly above her clitoris. Run two of your fingers along her outer lips, brushing the skin at first and gradually adding pressure. Rest your palm around her clitoris to stimulate the area without overdoing it too early. Once you’ve got into the swing of things, rest your hand on the fleshy mound that covers her pubic bone, and tease the clitoris with your fingertips while moving your palm.
The saying ‘different strokes for different folks’ could not be any more apt. A good starting point is her G-spot , a fleshy pad found an inch or two up the front wall of her vagina. Try slowly massaging the area with your fingers and pay attention to how she responds.
You’ve put in the groundwork. Take the same approach with oral sex – head south slowly, kissing her inner thighs and inner and outer lips before working your way inside using firm, broad tongue strokes. Use the movement of her hips to dictate the rhythm. Look for signs she’s close to climaxing – her labia will deepen in colour and the muscles in her stomach will contract, indicating that she’s about to explode.
When you assume the (missionary) position , curl your arms around her shoulders with your weight on your elbows, and move your chest close to her chin. This should bring the base of your penis in contact with her clitoris. Now, thrust slowly, moving up-and-down (rather than in-and-out). If you’re getting into it a little too much and need to hold back, quit thrusting and move in a circular motion against her clitoris.
When she’s on the brink of an orgasm, stopping or changing moves at this point can be catastrophic for her climax. By all means, test out new techniques while you’re warming up – but when it comes to the final few hurdles, you need to keep pace or you’ll lose the race .
Satisfy her before intercourse, and she’s more likely to experience multiple orgasms through penetration. It sounds counterproductive, but hear us out. If you rub the clitoris for an extended period (e.g. while thrusting), it’ll become overstimulated and ultimately sore. Relieve her before the main event, and she’ll be primed to go again .

How do I make myself cum as a female? I try and I get the sensation but I can never finish. What are some tips?
Author has 1.8K answers and 3.1M answer views · 1 y ·
How do I make myself cum (girl) if I'm a virgin?
How can you make yourself squirt? I never fingered myself because I have short fingers and I never penetrated anything before, but I really want to orgasm and squirt so bad! I’m 19 and a virgin.
Can a virgin girl squirt from masturbating?
How do I make myself cum? I am 17 and when I do it, it feels like I have to pee. Do I keep going and eventually it will make my cum?
Full time at McDonald's (fast food chain) ( 2021 – present ) · Author has 353 answers and 256.6K answer views · Mar 27 ·
How do I make myself cum (girl) if I'm a virgin?
How can you make yourself squirt? I never fingered myself because I have short fingers and I never penetrated anything before, but I really want to orgasm and squirt so bad! I’m 19 and a virgin.
Can a virgin girl squirt from masturbating?
How do I make myself cum? I am 17 and when I do it, it feels like I have to pee. Do I keep going and eventually it will make my cum?
How can I make myself squirt if I’m a virgin?
When I finger myself I dont cum or squirt. Is it normal?
I’m a 13-year-old girl and I masturbate. It feels good and there’s always this build up and release that feels like an orgasm but nothing comes out. What should I do?
Can a virgin girl still cum while masturbating? I’m 15.
I’m a girl and a virgin. How do girls feel when they cum?
How do I make a virgin cum during intercourse?
How can I make myself squirt while rubbing myself? I’m a virgin.
I'm a virgin, I've only masturbated, and I've never put anything inside of me. I only rubbed my clit. Can I still squirt if I do that well enough?
What does a female’s cum look like?
How do I make myself cum (girl) if I'm a virgin?
How can you make yourself squirt? I never fingered myself because I have short fingers and I never penetrated anything before, but I really want to orgasm and squirt so bad! I’m 19 and a virgin.
Can a virgin girl squirt from masturbating?
How do I make myself cum? I am 17 and when I do it, it feels like I have to pee. Do I keep going and eventually it will make my cum?
How can I make myself squirt if I’m a virgin?
When I finger myself I dont cum or squirt. Is it normal?
I’m a 13-year-old girl and I masturbate. It feels good and there’s always this build up and release that feels like an orgasm but nothing comes out. What should I do?
Can a virgin girl still cum while masturbating? I’m 15.
I’m a girl and a virgin. How do girls feel when they cum?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
What method are you using to masturbate ? The various methods are -
Do not hurry things, take you time, be nice and slow. You can increase the rhythm or decrease it as per your choice. Stretching you legs and the thigh muscles is normal during masturbation. Dont be afraid and stop as the sensation gets on a high, thats just when you are about to cum, keep on doing whatever you are doing. Gud Luk.
You must sincerely and fearlessly find subjects and activity or literature or visual stimulation must explore those outlets you must also have the courage to seek and search proper techniques erotica or instructional video maybe you just need someone to talk you through it and or possibly be the influence and motivation to help you actually reach a real climatic orgasm. And it sounds like you do plenty of self-exploring but it's okay to think out of the box it's okay to secretly privately find interest and taboo or nasty thoughts and desires don't be afraid be empowered and courageous.

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How To Make Her Ejaculate


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We won't judge you for being curious (we are, too): Can women really, um, squirt? You've seen it in so many porn vids you've lost count and when you talk to that one dude who always brags about his sex life (and his size), he can't stop going on-and-on about how he makes his girlfriend 'come' every time they get naked.
Here’s the honest-to-goodness, straight-from-the-experts, answer: Yes, you can make your girlfriend ejaculate. But while squirting — or its actual term, female ejaculation — isn't a myth or impossible, it'll take some true studying of her body, practice and being very comfortable with a big mess (hey, she's been putting up with yours all this time) to make magic happen in the bedroom. This makes it a fun endeavor for couples who have been together for many years, as it provides a way to shake things up in the bedroom and challenge your limitations and sexual education.
The first step, of course, is understanding what exactly you’re aiming to do to your lady’s body with a quick deep dive into her anatomy. If you aren’t comfortable discussing and exploring the in’s and out’s—you might not be ready to study female ejaculation.
"Before talking about squirting, it's important to know a little bit about the female anatomy," psychologist and sexual expert Dr. Rachel Needle says. "Female ejaculation is characterized by the expulsion of a significant quantity of fluid from the woman's urethra during orgasm. Many people refer to this as 'squirting' or 'gushing.'"
So how do you make your girlfriend squirt? Experts give you the dirty run-down on female ejaculation, along with some things you likely never knew about your leading lady's body parts :
It might seem sexy to 'turn on a girl so much that she squirts' — but without knowing the physical reasons that her body is responding in this way, it'll be hard to begin the process of helping her orgasm in such a powerful way. Much like the way you finish and release a liquid, women can do the same. In fact, the erogenous zones have similar functions, but your partner's spot might be a bit more difficult to find an stimulate than your own.
"Female ejaculation is often associated with the G-spot , which is said to be located in the anterior vaginal wall, halfway between the back of the pubic bone and the cervix along the urethra. While everyone has heard of the G-spot, many people don't know about the Skene's glands," Needle explains. "Skene's glands are sometimes referred to as the 'female prostate" for anatomical analogy. The male prostate is responsible for generating most of the content of seminal fluid. By analogy, the 'female prostate' is thought to produce the content of female ejaculate."
Makes sense, right? Though you can likely stimulate most every woman's G-spot, causing them to feel a deeper, more intense pleasure during intercourse, fingering play or oral sex, Needle notes that not every woman's Skene's glands (remember: the female prostate that produces liquid like your prostate) are developed enough to make large quantities of female ejaculate. Also, your girlfriend might not even know that you're starting to engage those glands because for most women, the sensation feels the same as if she was about to urinate, so they naturally hold back. 
This makes communication — the silver thread of every relationship! — that much more important. Once she is onboard with the idea of squirting, take some time to go over the process and the feeling, so she is prepared for how it will feel once you’re in the action.
During intercourse or oral sex, the moment that feels the absolute best for you is when you're releasing into your girl (or on her somewhere) — but that same moment might be as intense as it is for women, even if they are releasing female ejaculate. In fact, sex experts will tell you that while the challenge may be pretty hot for you, it's important to remember that for women, a great orgasm is a great orgasm, and doesn't require a liquid release to be pleasurable.
"There is little evidence that stimulating the G-spot or an ejaculatory orgasm is more enjoyable or intense. More lubrication is not equivalent to greater orgasmic intensity or pleasure, and emitting a fluid is not prima facie evidence for greater arousal or more pleasure," Needle explains. "Most women don't ejaculate with orgasm, and their orgasms and sexual response are still just as pleasurable as those who do."
This might not make the prospect of making her squirt as exciting, but chances are high you’ll be enjoy the novelty of the experience.
Even though it might not be the most extreme orgasm of her life, if you want to try to see if you can get her to squirt (or she's curious too!), it can be a fun way to shake up your go-to sexual routine with a goal in mind. Before any clothes come off or anyone touches anyone, the biggest factor to pay attention to is relaxation. It can be difficult for a woman to allow herself to let go and be in the moment, and any holding back will prevent her from releasing tension that leads to female ejaculation.
"After she uses the restroom — so she's not worried about urinating when she's actually about to squirt — tell her to lay back, relax and enjoy the sensations she feels.This is where foreplay comes in," Dr. Melissa Fogel , psychologist and clinical sex expert, suggests. "Foreplay is important not only to ensure she is sufficiently relaxed, but in order to make a girl squirt her G-spot needs to be adequately simulated for a prolonged amount of time."
In addition to the tried-and-true, toy-free ways to turn her on, there are other ways to ensure she’s zeroed-into the moment and fully at ease. From online websites with the sole purpose of making sex better to vibrators and other stimulators, here are some ways to get started:
While you can read just about everything the Internet has to offer (including this article), talk to all of your buddies and practice as often as you can — the greatest source of information on how to make that magical ejaculate happen from your lady is by talking to her. But another way to get a very in-depth look at the female anatomy, is to curate your sources and check them twice. One site that's dedicated to helping men (and women) get the most out of their sexual experiences and better educate their skill set is OMGYES .
What is it? Just like the name implies: by utilizing the resources here, you'll get her to that pleasure zone — and make her ejaculate — like you're working hard to achieve.
Created and directed by women, this site is more than just text on a page - you can physically see sexual techniques, 3D renderings and the ability to search for just about anything you need help figuring out. Though the videos are sexy, considering it's sexual play, more than anything, they're educational and meant to be a way for you to 'practice.' Instead of scoping out your skills with your partner, you can really dive into the topic you're most interested in and lets you navigate the vagina, the vulva, the clitoris, getting a better grasp on every area.
Imagine this: instead of touching her endlessly without much of a reaction, or missing a spot over and over, OMGYES will help you figure out exactly which region will ignite her pleasure, making it easier for you to give her what she needs to reach female ejaculation. All you have to do is check out the 'try it yourself' stimulation that's even compatible with touch-screen devices, so you can master your strokes, taps and such, for as long as you'd wish. You can also master pressure and direction, speed and sensation to 'pass' a level and get her to orgasm, virtually. A video game that'll help you make your real-life girlfriend ejaculate? Yes, please!
Talk to any sex expert and they’ll be the first to tell you how underrated lube is for sexual encounters. For squirting, lubrication is a must — as it keeps everything, ahem, well, flowing.
Fogel says that while you might want her to just be wet out of pure pleasure, there's no shame in having as much lube as possible to start engaging her body for a long time. " Using enough lubrication is important to make her G-spot ready and to prevent any discomfort that may arise due to friction," she suggests. "A water-based lube works best. Make sure not only to apply it to the outside and inside of her vagina, but to your fingers and palm as well. Once everything is sufficiently wet, you can start working on her G-spot."
To get started with the right type of lube, make sure you check the ingredients before applying any product to your most sensitive areas. While we can't guarantee your body's reaction, if you stick with these lubricants that are water-based, you will more than likely be safe. And hey, if it happens, see a doctor ASAP and do not be embarrassed — chances are good that they've seen it all!
If you've been getting it on since you were a teenager, you probably stopped by your local drugstore to pick up some K-Y. Why? As one of the most well known (and the No. 1 doctor-recommended) brands, it is no wonder that by now, this lubricant is a household name. This water-based formula only has water (duh), glycerin, sorbitol, propylene glycol, hydroxyethylcellulose, benzoic acid, methylparaben and sodium hydroxide — all of which are approved ingredients for fun time in the bedroom. It is mean to alleviate vaginal dryness for women while they're having sex, or for when you're trying to help her reach her highest level of orgasm. Though it is only compatible with latex condoms, the K-Y lube will be a welcome addition to your toy chest. $9.74 at
As the name suggests, this is a water-based lubricant meant for safe, slippery play. Though it is made
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