How To Get Your Dog To Fuck You

How To Get Your Dog To Fuck You


How To Get Your Dog To Fuck You
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Wait until your dog is old enough. Just like human beings, dogs need to reach biological sexual maturity before it's medically safe for them to breed. This is especially important for the female dog, as her health might be put at risk by a pregnancy her body is not prepared to carry.
A male dog should be at least 1.5 years of age before breeding. A female dog should be on her second or third heat cycle.


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Do not breed older female dogs. Mating a female dog whose body is too old for pregnancy can be as dangerous, both to mother and litter, as early breeding. There's some disagreement among breeders about what should be considered too old. In general, you shouldn't breed a female dog older than 4 — especially for large breeds that have shorter lifespans to begin with. If you have a medium or small breed, you should still think hard about breeding an older dog. However, proceed with extreme caution if your female dog is between 4 - 6 years old. 7 is definitely too old, even for small dogs.


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Research the genetic conditions that affect your dog's breed. Before mating your dog, you must be aware of the inherited conditions prominent in your breed. For example, Border Collies, Briards, Shetland Sheepdogs, and Rough Collies are all at increased risk of hereditary eye problems. [2]
Research source
Breed predispositions of the dog and cat. Gough. Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

In the US, the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists can screen your pet before breeding. [3]
Research source

If they certify the dog as clear, it can be listed with the Canine Eye Registration Foundation.

Regardless of how energetic and healthy your dog seems, every breed has genetic health risks. For example, Lhasa Apsos are vulnerable to inguinal hernias and kidney disease, while German Shepherds a prone to hereditary hip dysplasia. [4]
Research source

You should also research the specific dog's bloodline. If your pet has specific problems that can be pinpointed in his bloodline's medical history, you should not breed the dog. [5]
Research source


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Pay close attention to hip dysplasia in medium-to-large breeds. Though it affects them at a higher rate, smaller breeds like Cocker Spaniels can also be affected. Some dogs may not display any symptoms of this condition, but they still should not be bred if they have this issue. [6]
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Hip dysplasia is the deterioration of the hip joint, so the hip socket sits too shallow in the end of the femur bone. This condition can cause arthritis, destroying cartilage and causing severe pain. Breeders should not pass this trait
A radiologist will x-ray your dog's hips. This can only be done once the dog has achieved skeletal maturity, after 2 years of age.
They will have to put your dog under a general anesthetic so he won't move during the x-ray.
The x-rays are then sent off to an independent panel of experts who "score" features on the hips. The lower the score, the healthier the joint health. Only animals with low scores should be bred.


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Check small breeds for patellar luxation. This condition affects the knees, and causes your dog’s kneecap to slide out of place and lock the leg straight. Smaller dogs are more prone to this issue than larger ones.
Diagnosis for this condition is straightforward, and surgery can correct this condition. Still, no dog with patellar luxation should be bred, as this is a hereditary condition.


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Neuter any dog that fails a BAER test. It can be hard to tell whether an animal can't hear you or if it's choosing to ignore you. The BAER (brainstem auditory evoked response) test actually measures the electrical activity in the ear, though. [7]
Research source

If a dog fails the BAER test, you know with 100% certainty that the dog would pass down genes for deafness. These animals should never be bred.


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Have your dog checked for heart conditions. Many breeds suffer from breed-related heart conditions. For example, Boxers are at risk of subaortic stenosis, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels of mitral valve disease. [8]
Research source
Breed predispositions of the dog and cat. Gough. Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

The veterinarian will likely perform an ultrasound scan on your dog to screen for potential concerns. Any red flags should eliminate your dog from potential breeding.


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Confirm that your dog has the right temperament for its breed. Many common breeds have specific temperament tests, such as a Working Aptitude Evaluation for Dobermans. [9]
Research source

You can also take a Canine Good Citizen test, which is open to all dogs and will assess your dog’s temperament and level of training. [10]
Trustworthy Source

American Kennel Club
The American Kennel Club (AKC) is a purebred dog pedigree registry in the United States. The AKC advocates for the responsible ownership of dogs and promotes purebred dog events, such as the Westminster Dog Show.

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Therapy Dogs International and other therapy dog clubs have temperament testing that separate actual temperament from training. [11]
Research source

If your dog has any temperament problems, such as being untrustworthy around people, overly aggressive, excitable, or a biter due to fear, you should not breed it. Even if your dog is shy or submissive, don’t breed it.
You should breed a dog who is happy, confident, and obedient around both animals and humans.


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Test your dog for brucellosis. Brucellosis is a bacterial infection that eventually leads to sterility in both sexes. It can also cause a litter of puppies to be aborted or die shortly after birth. [12]
Research source

Brucellosis is often passed through sexual intercourse. However, an entire kennel can be infected through contact with secretions.
Brucellosis can occasionally be transmitted to humans via the dog's urine or feces.
Stud dogs should be tested every 6 months. If they test positive they should either be neutered, or treated and only used for breeding after 3 consecutive negative tests.
However, bear in mind that a male dog who has suffered from brucellosis may well be infertile in the future, so the chances of successful mating are reduced.


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Have a vet do a general physical examination. [13]
Research source
Breed predispositions of the dog and cat. Gough. Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Make sure that both your dog and its potential mate are in good health before breeding them, and don’t be shy about asking for medical records from the other dog's owner. A responsible breeder will try to improve the breed, not pass on genetic flaws that will pose health concerns in the next generation. The dam (female) must be in good health to withstand the stresses and rigors of a pregnancy. Indications of good health include:

The dam being in ideal body condition and weight for her breed. You should be able to feel her ribs but not see them, and she should have an evident waistline. Being overweight poses a risk of birthing complications, and being underweight will make her struggle to provide nutrition for the puppies.
General indicators of good health include a glossy coat, bright eyes, lack of body odor, and eyes, nose and ears that are free from discharge. She should be able to exercise without coughing, and be free from vomiting or diarrhea.
Both dogs should be up to date on their vaccinations.
Keep in mind that typically, the sire (male)'s owner does not incur any costs and receives the pick of the litter as a form of payment. The owner of the dam pockets income from the sale of the remaining puppies, but pays all vet and boarding costs. [14]
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Wait for the dam to go into heat or estrus. When females reach sexual maturity, they begin going into heat when they are receptive to mating. Females come into heat about every 6 months. This is called her "season," and it last for around 21 to 35 days. The signs of being in heat include: [15]
Research source

Curving her tail to the side when you scratch her backside (revealing her vaginal opening)
Twitching or swelling of her vulva [16]
Expert Source

Tom Robertson Dog Breeding Specialist

Expert Interview. 5 April 2022.

Bloody discharge from her vagina. [17]
Expert Source

Tom Robertson Dog Breeding Specialist

Expert Interview. 5 April 2022.

Note that a bloody discharge in a female that is not due in heat should trigger an urgent vet appointment, because it can be a sign of womb infection and can be serious.


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Watch for signs of ovulation. [18]
Research source
Reproduction in the Dog and Cat. Christiansen. Publisher: Bailliere Tindall.

Just because a dog is in heat does not mean that she is hormonally or psychologically ready to mate. She's best prepared to accept intercourse and get pregnant is when she ovulates. Ovulation is most likely to happen 7 - 10 days after the start of her season, but there is some variation between individual dogs. Some females ovulate as early as day 3 or 4, while others ovulate at day 27. Mother Nature is clever, though, and the hormones that cause ovulation also increase sexual interest in male dogs. Thus, the best way to tell when a dog is ovulating is to see how she interacts with her potential mate.
If the two dogs live close to one another, have the female visit every 2-3 days. Be alert to behavior that suggests she's open to his attention.


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Have vaginal cytology performed. [19]
Research source
Reproduction in the Dog and Cat. Christiansen. Publisher: Bailliere Tindall.

If your female dog's mate lives far away, it's unreasonable to travel every 2-3 days to assess her behavior around him. In that case, you can have a veterinarian do a vaginal cytology on her. First, he will roll a cotton tip over the mucous membrane of the dog's vagina. Then, he'll roll the swab over a microscope slide, air dry it, and stain it for inspection under the microscope.

The cells sloughed from the lining of the vagina vary depending at what stage in her cycle the female dog is.
The cells associated with estrus or heat are large, rectangular cells without a nucleus, as well as cell debris. When the number of red blood cells decrease, but these large anuclear cells are present, the female dog is most likely to be receptive.
When the "moment has passed," an increase in white cells start to appear, as well as nucleated cells, and red blood cells.


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Ask the vet to run a blood test. A blood test for ovulation is an alternative to vaginal cytology, and is likely the preferred option for many breeders. The blood test measures progesterone levels in the female dog's blood stream and looks for a significant rise that suggests she is about to ovu
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