How To Get Rid Of Boner

How To Get Rid Of Boner


How To Get Rid Of Boner

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Men experience unwanted erections, also known as boners, quite often. According to experts, a healthy man has approximately 11 erections per day( 1 ) and many more at night. Each of these erections last 25-35 minutes and most of these happen without any physical or mental stimulation.
So, what causes them? Well, there are a few reasons other than sexual stimulation that can result in an erection at a very inopportune moment. The most common reasons are:
Naturally, unwanted erections are unwanted and, therefore, you might be looking for methods to get rid of them. Read on to find some suggestions that can help you save yourself from an embarrassing situation.
Meditation can effectively get rid of an erection by cutting off any arousing thoughts. It will shift your focus from what brought on the erection in the first place and help in relaxing your mind.
Meditation works best in a quiet setting that is free from any distractions. If you are unable to find a quiet place, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Take deep breaths, and focus on the sound as you inhale and exhale.
You can also focus on a word or image when breathing to redirect your mind from distractions. Do it for as long as you need, and you will come out of the situation unscathed.
Meditate every time you need to get rid of your erection( 2 ) and get back to your routine quickly. It is advisable to practice meditation for 10 minutes every day to train your mind properly. Meditation is a little complex and may take time to show effect, but with practice, it can work wonders – not only in this case but for your overall mental health as well.
Most men will tell you that distractions are extremely useful in preventing unwanted erections. Whenever in a bad situation, think about something serious, some task that you need to finish, or an issue that you need to resolve, and your boner should be gone within minutes.
Avoid thinking about anything arousing and focus on problems. It sounds bizarre but doing this is way better than facing someone with an unwanted erection. So, think about a complicated mathematical or technical problem and try solving it in your mind.
Distracting your brain right when your body is headed in the wrong direction will save you from an unwanted boner situation. Practice it every time you need help.
Although taking a shower is not always practically possible, jumping into a hot or cold shower is one of the sure-shot methods of getting rid of an unwanted erection. This remedy will be especially useful if you are experiencing boners at home.
Take a quick hot or cold shower if you are at home; your mind will automatically relax, and the erection will be gone.
It would be highly impractical to jump into a shower if you are experiencing an unwanted erection multiple times a day. You will have to combine other methods with showering maybe once or twice a day.
You can manage an unwanted erection during sleep time by changing the sleep position. It can also help you hide the drama in your pants smartly.
The best position to hide an erection will be to sleep on the sides. Try changing your position and relax by meditating lying down or, better yet, distract yourself and get back to sleep by focusing on your breathing as mentioned above.
Repositioning can help in handy every time you feel like an erection coming up.
Having an unwanted erection is normal, and you should not worry about having it multiple times a day. However, some situations that might call for medical attention.
If a person experiences an erection for more than 4 hours, he should get in touch with a doctor immediately. This condition of having a long-lasting erection is known as Priapism.
Priapism is a dangerous condition that can damage the nerves in the penis, which can, in turn, cause erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a permanent condition and can cause severe distress to an individual.
Pain in the penis is also a sign of Priapism and needs an immediate checkup by a healthcare professional.
Remember to check for epididymal hypertension or ‘blue balls’ . In this condition, an individual experiences an erection without an orgasm. Although it is not a severe condition, it can lead to short-term problems that can be avoided if treated properly.
Everyone is different, and the processes in your body have unique patterns that react differently. If you notice any changes or differences in these body patterns, it is best to consult a medical professional. It may be nothing, but it is always good to talk to an expert and rule out serious problems.
It is common for healthy men to experience an unwanted erection. The only problem with erections is that they may happen in the wrong place and at the wrong time.
The good news is, however, that they can be managed efficiently by using some tricks like the ones listed in this article. You should be concerned about them only if you are failing to control them or if there are some other complications.
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Corey Walden is a certified personal trainer dedicated to improving people's health and quality of life. With a focus on preventing injuries, correcting misalignment's and offering diet advice, Corey strives to improve people's lives. Corey also spends a lot of time answering questions about natural treatments for common ailments and healthy living.

While getting a random erection can be something of a hassle, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Quite the contrary it’s an important part of making sure your anatomy is working. Because an erection is a normal part of arousal there is no way to prevent yourself from getting one, and really you wouldn’t want to. The ability to get an erection even from mental images or thoughts is an excellent indicator of genital health. It means everything is working the way you want it to. The goal, then, is to lessen the embarrassment.
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