How To Get Rid Of Blue Ball

How To Get Rid Of Blue Ball


How To Get Rid Of Blue Ball
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Epididymal hypertension is a health condition that is a bane for men all around the globe. Also known as testicular vasocongestion or blue balls, it is a condition that affects the male genital area. Although the state is not chronic, it can cause devastating pain in the testicles. It is mostly seen when men have an erection without an orgasm, and it is often noticed that there is a bluish hue in the testicles.
These symptoms and the pain in the testicles during EH occurs due to blood being built up in the nether region during arousal. It causes them to ache if the person remains aroused for too long. Blue balls are a painful condition; however, it doesn’t last long and is usually done once the state of arousal is done.  
People who experience EH may show the following signs and symptoms in their testicles:
It is caused due to sexual arousal, during this phase, the arteries carry a lot of blood to the male genitals, which causes the tissue to expand, thereby increasing the blood flow to this area. Additionally, the veins that take the blood away from the genitals are restricted. 
After a person reaches the climax, their blood vessels return to their standard size. However, in the case of EH, during the swollen or aroused state, there is tremendous pressure on the testicles due to the stored ejaculate in the testicles. Simple home remedies and natural methods alleviate the pain and its associated symptoms. 
As blue balls occur only during an erection, one of the simplest and easiest ways would be to ejaculate as this helps to get rid of the pain as stored semen causes pain. There are several ways like masturbating, oral sex, or intercourse that can help in alleviating the condition. 
Ejaculation releases extra pressure from testis and vas deferens and makes way for blood to flow. Many specialists and doctors suggest that regularly ejaculation is healthy; however, an excess of everything has its drawbacks.
Meditation helps in relieving pain , as it helps in controlling the mind. Following yogic exercises like Goumukhasanas helps in ejaculating and helps in regulating the blood flow in the genital regions. Also, it is strongly recommended that you say no to steroids or medicines, which promotes erection. It is recommended that you try meditating early in the morning every day for at least 20 minutes.
Distraction during the phase of being aroused is a skill you would need to master, and it is not accessible by any terms. However, with practice, it would get more comfortable to get your mind and body away from the phase. 
You could try to do something that interests you, from listening to your favorite track to watching something on television or reading an exciting book. There are several ways one could get their mind off the aroused state, try what works for you the best.
Massage is a fantastic way to relax and reduce the blood flow to your nether regions. Mild pressure and your hands could help you tremendously. Relax and lay down on a flat surface, preferably a bed, then massage your nether regions, gently and make sure that you apply mild pressure.
It helps in reducing the blood flow and thereby helps in reducing the pain. It is recommended that you lightly twist and apply mild pressure.
Exercise and workout is an ideal way of keeping EH at bay, as they help in drawing blood away from the testicles and towards the muscles. It is advised that you stick to cardio and light exercises such as walking and brisk walking as these don’t put tremendous pressure on you in the early days of when you start the regimen. As time passes, you could shift to a more intense workout plan. 
Make sure that you exercise at least 30 minutes in the morning. A cardio session is advisable as it draws stored blood from the testes.
It may seem a little off; however, steam is known to cause vasodilation and helps in the relaxation of the blood vessels and thereby reducing the blood pressure .
To soothe the pain EH, wrap a warm towel around your lower abdominal and genitals for 15-20 minutes at 3-4 times in a week whenever you are aroused. It’ll help you in easing the pain. Additionally, you could also take a steam bath, though it is less advisable as compared to other options but is quite helpful. 
Blue balls are a condition that causes pain in testicles( 1 ), especially during unfinished arousal. Consult a sexologist if EH causes you significant distress or is affecting your sex life. Regular pain in the testicles, especially if it’s dissimilar to sexual stimulation, may indicate a more grave problem if conveyed by other symptoms. 
Some other reasons which may cause pain in the testis are Diabetic neuropathy in the scrotum, Kidney stones, mumps, Testicular cancer, and epididymitis .
Blue balls are a common but rarely seen condition. It is a result of high pressure caused due to testicles being full of ejaculate. Following good sex practices and using the above remedies would help you with your condition.
Blue balls usually only last for about a few minutes, as it only happens when in an aroused state, after a couple of minutes, you should feel the reduction in your pain.
Blue Balls are not at all dangerous, it is a momentary condition, and once the blood starts to flow to your genitals, everything goes back to normal.
Yes, women do experience it. However, not in the traditional sense, like that of a man. However, in females, if a woman doesn’t reach the orgasmic stage, she is deemed to have ‘blue balls’
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How to Get Rid of Blue Balls?: Have you ever heard of a man complaining of blue balls? And did you happen to be one of the people who thought that he was joking? Well, you should know that blue balls is a condition that does exist. Medically termed as epididymal hypertension, this is a condition caused by retention of fluid and blood in a man’s penis, which in turn results in minor pain and discomfort in the area. The good news is that it is not a serious condition, so you do not have to worry if you suffer from blue balls.
Generally, blue balls do not last long and the pain usually goes away after ejaculation. In fact, you an get rid of blue balls with home treatment. However, if you do not get better within a week, you should consult a medical professional. Before we proceed to the home remedies for blue balls, here is what you should learn about the condition .
To have a clear understanding of the causes of blue balls or epididymal hypertension, you will first need to understand of what happens to your body during sexual intercourse. The sexual cycle basically has four phases: excitement or arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. During the phase of excitement, the flow of blood to the genitals increases, leading to an erection. As the excitement continues to increase, you enter the plateau phase which leads to even more blood flow to the genitals and increase of blood pressure.
When you reach the orgasm phase, your body increases noradrenaline production. This is a hormone that is designed to contract the penile arteries and muscle fibers, lowering the flow of blood to the penis. Noradrenaline also causes backflow of blood out of the penis, which is what cause it to become soft again during the phase of resolution.
So what does all this have to do with blue balls? The answer is a lot. If you have been sexually stimulated to the point of either the excitement phase or plateau phase but you have not had an orgasm, a large amount of blood gets trapped in the penis and testicles. There can be an extremely high blood pressure in your penis – in some cases, it can be almost twice as higher than in the rest of the body. This in turn can result in discomfort – an aching, heavy feeling. The bluish tinge that gives the condition its name can also be caused by the excess blood.
Here is a look at some of the best home remedies to help you get rid of blue balls and relieve the pain and discomfort that comes with it:
Strange as it may sound, masturbation is one of the most effective things you can do at home to get rid of blue balls. The aim is to ejaculate as that is what provides quick relief from pain and discomfort. If you are sure that you have the condition or experiencing pain and discomfort, try masturbation before going to a doctor or trying out another method.
Another simple way to relieve the symptoms of blue balls is to lie down, relax and massage the affected area. Massaging will keep the blood flowing, which is important. Once the blood gets moving, you will get immediate relief from the pain and discomfort that comes with the condition.
Another effective method that you can try to get rid of blue balls is to exercise. Cardio is a great choice. You should choose exercises that help in getting the blood flowing away from your testicles. Jogging, walking and other similar activities may also provide relief.
Research proves that something known as the Valsalva Maneuver can actually be caused by lifting a heavy object. Essentially, the Valsalva Maneuver is the sensation that you feel in your lower abdominal muscles while lifting weights. When you perform it, it can result in a change in blood pressure and in turn provide relief to some of the blood pressure in your penis and testicles.
This is another remedy that works like a charm to get rid of blue balls. A cold compress can actually mimic noradrenaline – the hormone that is released after orgasm, relieving epididymal hypertension. It causes constriction of the blood vessels and limits the additional flow of blood to the genitals.
Similar to cold compress, a cold shower can be equally helpful in providing you with relief from bluebells. The cold water will help numb the pain nerves and constrict blood vessels in the genitals. However, take note that this remedy comes with a risk, as the condition may also get worse since due to the constriction of blood vessels.
To sooth the pain that comes with epididymal hypertension, there is another simple home remedy you can try. All you have to do is take a small towel dampened with warm water and wrap it around your genitals. Leave it on for about 20 minutes. Repeat the process 3 to 4 times and you will find that it helps in easing the pain.
It might sound impossible to do especially when you are experiencing pain and discomfort in a very sensitive area, but sometimes the answer is waiting it out. In most cases, blue balls go away in about one hour. If you can, wait and the pain and discomfort will go away with causing any damage to the genitals.
When it comes to blue balls, one of the most important things you should keep in mind is that the condition is not life-threatening in any way. As mentioned, it does go away after a while. If you can wait for the pain and discomfort to subside, you should do so. Otherwise, you can try out some of the effective home remedies mentioned above for best relief.
If your pain is excruciating or happen to last a couple of days, then you should visit a doctor to determine if there is another underlying cause to this condition. However, as mentioned earlier, epididymal hypertension is not a dangerous condition and its symptoms go away after a while. You do not need medication to get relief – a few simple home remedies will do the trick to get rid of blue balls and make you feel better.
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