How To Get Rid Of Blackheads - According To A Dermatologist

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads - According To A Dermatologist

Dr Niketa Sonavane, Dermatologist, Mumbai, India.

Blackheads, like cockroaches, are the worst for this reason: every time you squeeze one, you find dozens more to deal with. (How's that for a creative visual?) As pleasurable as that squeeze may be in the moment, the annoyance of blackheads can wear on anyone. They just keep going.

First and foremost: What are blackheads, exactly?

Before you start trying to get rid of blackheads on your skin, it's a good idea to first understand what they are. Blackheads are just an oxidised mix of oil and dead skin cells sitting in pores. Exposure to air is what causes them to oxidise and turn black.

An open comedone is the technical term for a blackhead (and comedone is the scientific term for an acne lesion). There are two kinds of comedones: open (blackheads) and closed (whiteheads). Blackheads are characterised by a dilated opening of a hair follicle, caused by the build-up of sebum, which is oil, P. Acnes bacteria — the primary bacteria responsible for causing acne — and inflammation.

In other words, a blackhead is a hair follicle that has become so clogged with dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria that it has opened up at the skin's surface. When all of this gunk reaches the open air (due to the large opening), it oxidises and turns black.

Despite their unappealing appearance, blackheads have nothing to do with dirt. Having blackheads is not a sign that you're dirty. So, at the very least, that's good news. The bad news for some is that blackheads have a genetic component, which means that certain people are more prone to developing them, though the underlying reason for this is still unknown.

How do you get rid of blackheads?

When it comes to getting rid of blackheads, or any type of acne for that matter, there are two options: DIY at home or see dermatologist for more severe or persistent cases of acne. Of course, the best course of action for you will depend on a variety of factors, but here are the best over-the-counter and prescription treatments to look for, according to top dermatologists.

1. Try a salicylic acid scrub for mild blackheads.

If you have blackheads, salicylic acid should be your go-to ingredient. This beta hydroxy acid aids in the removal of excess oil and the exfoliation of skin cells on the skin's surface.

What is the best way to use salicylic acid? Try a gentle face scrub, which acts as a one-two punch against blackheads by providing twice the exfoliation power. The combination of physical exfoliation from the scrub and chemical exfoliation from the salicylic acid can aid in the maintenance of clear pores.

You won't, however, want to exfoliate with a scrub every day. I usually recommend exfoliating two to three times per week for oily or combination skin and once per week for sensitive skin. On days when you don't want to use a scrub, use a gentle salicylic-acid cleanser instead.

2. For stubborn blackheads, use a retinoid cream.

Retinoids can aid in the treatment of blackheads and clogged pores by decreasing the stickiness of the cells that clog pores and increasing the rate at which the skin turns over and regenerates. While there are many retinol myths out there, the underlying truth about the ingredient is that the right percentage and regimen can completely transform your skin — including assisting in the prevention of blackheads.

Prescription retinoid creams are typically effective in treating more severe cases of blackheads. Retinoids prescribed by a dermatologist, such as tretinoin, Retino-A micro, or Tazorac, can be effective.

Topical retinoids are my first-line recommendation for blackhead removal.

3. Oral acne medication may be required in severe cases.

If everything else fails, your dermatologist may recommend an oral medication to help clear things up. If topical medications are ineffective, medications such as birth control pills and spironolactone can reduce oil production and effectively treat blackheads. They will remove existing blackheads and prevent new ones from forming in the future. However, these medications are reserved for people who have more than just the occasional blackhead; they are more appropriate for people who have moderate to severe acne.

Oral contraceptives and spironolactone both work on a hormonal level to help reduce skin oil production.

4. Finally, remember to moisturise.

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: moisturising is an important part of any skin-care routine, even if you have acne-prone skin. Why, you might ask? All of these methods may strip the skin's oils and be drying. It's critical to keep the skin's pH balanced, and moisturising will allow you to keep using exfoliating products without causing irritation.

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