How To Get More YouTube Views:

How To Get More YouTube Views:

Marketers who use YouTube are often in search of tactics for generating more views for their videos.While not the only metric that determines the success of a campaign, generating a decent number of views for your videos is something that you should definitely try to achieve on this social media platform.After all, what’s the point of uploading a video, if nobody is going to watch it, right? Especially your target audience.

Optimize your video

Optimizing your video can help make it so that your video appears when it should and where it should. This includes the search listings and the ‘related video’ suggestions.If you want to optimize your video, there are four things that you must take care of.

  • Title
  • Tags
  • Description
  • Thumbnail

It’s easy to over-complicate this and over analyze everything. Try to keep it simple.

For the title, it’s important that you don’t try and make it like click bait.

If you’ve created your video around a keyword, make sure that your title clearly explains that your video covers the keyword in question.

So, if I created a video, based on the keyword ‘how to bake a chocolate cake for beginners,’ my title might be…

Promote everywhere

Just because you’ve created a YouTube video doesn’t meant that you can now only promote on YouTube.

Post links for your youtube views content to all of your other digital assets, including your email list or your Facebook page and other social media sites.

If you know of some influences who might find your video useful, you may even want to let them know, via email, that you’ve created something that they might enjoy.

Don’t be afraid to let the world know that you’ve got something new to offer.

You’ll also want to focus on building a subscriber base for getting more YouTube views on future content.

If you can get subscribers, your videos will automatically get a good chunk of views, as soon as you post them. If these views represent a good user experience, your video might also do a better job at ranking, too.


For many, getting more YouTube views is something that sounds complex and obscure.

Hopefully, after reading this post, you now have a better sense of what needs to be done, in order to achieve such a goal.

There are many avenues that you can go down. But, the most important thing that you need to account for is good quality content.

If you can take care of that, then there is no doubt that everything else you do to get more views will be a lot easier.

Experiment with ads

Ads might sound like a little bit of a cop-out here. I get it.

But, running YouTube Ads is definitely one of the best ways to generate the right kind of views for your videos.

Using YouTube Ads, you can target your ideal audience and make it so that they’re made aware of your video.

It takes a lot of the guesswork out of the whole process on this social media platform.

Running ads allows you to get some real time feedback, in terms of how good your video is, speeding the process of working out whether or not you have an engaging video on your hands.

If you find that people are watching your video to the end and sharing it a lot, then you know you’re on the right track, in terms of the strategy that you’re using to actually create videos.






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