How To Get A Pisces Man To Ask You Out

How To Get A Pisces Man To Ask You Out


How To Get A Pisces Man To Ask You Out

7 Ways to Get Your Pisces Co-Worker to Ask You Out
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So, you’ve got your eye on your Pisces co-worker? Is it his dreamy eyes or his soft nature that inspires you? His sensitivity, creativity, or empathy? Perhaps it’s all of these. All you know is that you’d like to take your professional relationship a little further. Here’s how to do just that…
Pisces is one of the most romantic yet elusive and hard-to-pin-down signs in the Zodiac. 
In my experience with clients dating Pisces men, these guys are known to fall in love hard and fast, but getting them to that point? Well, it’s never easy. Pisces men can live with their heads in the clouds , so it’s quite possible that he hasn’t even noticed you staring at him with puppy-dog eyes yet! 
It is a little taboo to try and get cozy with a co-worker, but what if this is the soul mate you’ve been waiting for? Of course you want to give it a chance, right? 
A little bit of Astrology can be your best friend in this situation. Each Zodiac sign has a certain way that they like to be romanced , and the Pisces man has some particularly interesting likes. To prevent you from making things awkward, here are a few tips for levelling up that relationship!
Sound underwhelming? How on earth will you go from co-workers to lovers through a playlist? 
I’m here to tell you that Pisces men love, love, love music . Music forms part of their very souls, and what they can’t put into words, they express and feel through music. It’s very likely that your Pisces co-worker always has headphones in, and this helps him to escape from the mundane side of work. 
Why not ask him what he’s listening to the next time you see him humming or bobbing his head to a song? Get chatting, and offer to exchange playlists. 
Tip: this only works if you actually have some worthwhile playlists to listen to! If in doubt, search for “Pisces playlists” on Spotify. Yes, it’s that easy. 
The other thing that a typical Pisces man likes almost as much as music is a good drink. Wine, preferably! This is one guy that may even be a bit of a connoisseur and have plenty to say about his favorite vino.
If you’re a little wary of asking him outright, maybe suggest that a few of you go for a drink somewhere . Check out a new brewery or vineyard. Once he’s loosened up, it won’t be hard to start dropping a sexy hint here and there! 
Would your company be open to yoga and meditation for employees? Most offices are totally in for that these days! The benefits and effects of reducing stress is something that many businesses are cottoning onto. 
This suggestion not only helps you but also your company. You may be the one responsible for helping everyone else to soothe their tensions—and possibly explore a new romance at the same time! 
Of course, it goes without saying that you should roll your mat out right next to his, and make sure he knows you’re right there! Go get your best yoga outfit on! 
Because Pisces men love their music so much, they tend to also love music festivals or shows where they can watch their favorite band or act play. This move is best done when you’ve already shared playlists, but that isn’t a hard-and-fast rule.
Of course, you’ll never tell that you went out and bought the tickets especially for him! You’d be wiser to say a friend canceled on you. You might even just casually drop the fact that you have these tickets the next time you’re close to him, say, after a meeting. 
How do you say it? Here’s a tip to get you started “have you heard of so-and-so band/act? They’re in town this weekend, so excited to see them!” Then you can go on with your little white lie of how your friend had to cancel on you! 
If live music isn’t happening again in your area yet, suggest a watch party for a music documentary or live-streamed concert!
You have the power to draw a man’s notice by what you wear and how you look . This doesn’t have to be objectifying—looking good and being seen are empowering!  
The sign of Pisces tends to favour dreamy, floaty, ethereal clothing on a woman. This is one guy who still appreciates the flow of a long dress or a semi-sheer skirt. You can really look as feminine as you like with the Pisces man—the more, the better! 
Top it off with some crystal jewelry and an exotic scent—and let your hair loose! 
This tip requires you to be relatively sure your feelings are reciprocated, but if you know that you really like Mr. Pisces and have a hunch he feels the same, then the best place to tell him is at an office party! 
He’ll likely have had a few drinks, and his boundaries will be a little more relaxed, as will yours. Even if neither of you drinks, the buzz of being in a carefree social environment loosens anyone up.
Of course, it’s up to you to assess the risks of this, like being seen by other staff members. This may be grounds for dismissal in some companies, so tread carefully! Maybe you’ll need to offer to share an Uber together, or suggest a post-party nightcap! 
With Pisces being a water sign, they’re often eternally thirsty . They may even have a very special water bottle especially designed to filter out all the bad stuff. 
Whatever the case might be, your Pisces man will probably make plenty of trips to the water cooler. You can orchestra a few “random” bumps into each other and over time start talking—maybe getting to know each other better and better with every meeting. 
Think Jim and Pam from The Office here.
Often, half of the problem of going from co-workers to lovers is the fact that you don’t have enough opportunity to see or talk to each other, and this is one way to get past that!
Have you ever gone from working with a Pisces man to being in a relationship? What did you do to get his attention? Did it last? I learn the most from my readers, so I’d love to know your story. Feel free to post yours in the comments below—you’ll stay totally anonymous, of course! 
Curious to know more about the elusive, mysterious, and sensitive Pisces man? Pisces Man Secrets should give you all the pointers you need to capture—and keep—his heart! 
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My name is Anna Kovach, and I’m a Relationship Astrologer.
Welcome to my blog about the Pisces man.
If you’d like, you can learn more about me on this page here .

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A Pisces man is a dreamer and is naturally romantic. Despite this, it is not easy to get a Pisces man to chase you.
Pisces is a Mutable Sign , and like all Mutable Signs, he does not often take the initiative. Instead, he waits for people and things to come to him.
Yet, relationships are very important to him, so once he falls in love, he will do what he needs to in order to nurture and maintain his relationship.
He also does not mind if you take the initiative, so if a Pisces man does not chase you at first, it is ok for you to make the first move.
A Pisces man is a sensitive soul. This is the sign at the end of the zodiac, and as such, his function is to let go to make room for a new cycle.
Pisces natives are much more attuned to the spiritual realm than the material world. While this gives them a sense of detachment from the ordinary cares of physicality, it also means that they lack some necessary boundaries and defense mechanisms.
Because of this, a Pisces man is attracted to someone who is kind and nurturing and who enjoys looking after others.
He also craves deep emotional and psychic bonds, so he seeks out those who have the capacity and desire for a level of intimacy that will create and support such bonds.
When determining the natural partner for a sign, one looks to its opposite. The sign that is opposite to Pisces is Virgo.
The reason that signs seek their opposite when it comes to long-term partnerships is to create balance.
Our greatest faults and shortcomings are usually our greatest strengths when they become warped or are taken to excess. Having someone in our life who can balance our excesses helps to bring out the best in us.
The greatest virtues of a Pisces man are his capacity for a deep spirituality and his compassion.
Taken to excess, he can get lost in a world of fantasy and imagination. His compassion can also lead to codependency or being taken advantage of by others.
To balance these traits, he needs someone in his life who is firmly grounded in the material world.
He also needs someone who understands his desire to help, but who can also give him realistic advice about setting appropriate boundaries.
To get a Pisces man to chase you, you must first get him to notice you. He spends a lot of time daydreaming and involved in his own thoughts. So, you may need to take the initiative and be willing to approach him.
A Pisces man does not have the air of bravado that men of some other signs have. Because of this, he does not assume that just because he is interested in someone, she is interested in him as well.
Furthermore, because of his sensitive nature, a Pisces man can get very hurt if he is rejected. For these reasons and more, he generally will not approach a woman unless she has made it clear that she will welcome his advances.
So, if you are interested in a Pisces man, it is wise to clearly show your interested. Smile at him when he looks at you. Approach him for a conversation.
When he is talking to you, demonstrate your interest and attraction by making eye contact, and asking him questions about himself.
A Pisces man is capable of deep emotions, but he is not always good at expressing what he wants and needs.
He will find someone who is considerate of his feelings highly attractive. He will find her even more attractive if she can understand what he is feeling without him having to tell her.
Ask him how he is doing. Pay attention to his body language or any signs of discomfort. In particular, watch for times when his body language does not match what he is saying.
Pisces have a reputation for not always being honest, but when a Pisces man is less than truthful, he generally does not mean any harm. He just does not want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
Most of the time, when he tells a white lie, he is trying to put the needs of someone else above his own.
If you think that a Pisces man is not being forthcoming about his own wants and needs, ask him about it. He is generally honest when he is asked a direct question.
If you do that, not only will you learn the truth about what he thinks and feels, but you will gain his trust and admiration. In this way, you will show that you are paying attention to his needs, even when he is not telling you about them directly.
If you want to get a Pisces man to chase you, not only is it important to be kind and caring to him, but it is also important to show him that you are a nurturing person overall.
Let him see you with children or pets. Be understanding and considerate of the people around you.
A Pisces man cares about other people. While he may not notice everything about you, he will notice how you treat others.
Because a Pisces man tends to be detached from the material world, it can be hard for him to make decisions, even about basic matters. As a Mutable Sign, he tends to be happy with whatever comes his way.
Because of this, he finds someone who can make decisions extremely attractive. A Pisces man appreciates strength in a partner as well as tenderness.
Feel free to ask him out if you want to. Also, feel free to tell him where you want to go and what you want to do. Do not be shy or coy about expressing your feelings or desires.
To get a Pisces man to keep chasing you is to be helpful to him in concrete and practical ways.
A Pisces man is at home when it comes to spiritual, religious, academic, and creative matters.
He tends to be out of place in the material world, like his symbol, the fish, when out of water. He appreciates and admires those who are comfortable and at home in physicality.
Help him remember important dates and obligations. Make sure that he eats healthy meals every so often. As much as he will let you, help him to get organized.
Be willing to help him find his belongings when he loses them. Make sure that he uses his cell phone GPS so that he does not get lost.
More than most men, a Pisces man will greatly value these things that you do for him. He will value them not just because of the help that they provide him. For him, they will be signs that you truly love and care about him.
A Pisces man thinks a lot about matters such as philosophy and religion, and he enjoys talking about such matters. He also has a great deal of intellectual curiosity about other subjects.
Talk with him about your thoughts and ideas about deep spiritual matters. Also, share with him anything that you find interesting or exciting. Do not worry about whether he has any knowledge of the topic.
While a Pisces man might not have a great deal of interest in technical details, he can make great intuitive leaps. These intuitive leaps can give him a surprisingly quick grasp of the general picture, even when it comes to topics he knows nothing about.
Such discussions will hold the attention of a Pisces man for quite a long time, and they will encourage him to keep chasing you.
A Pisces man is generally loving and attentive. If you are asking how to get your Pisces man to chase you again, it could be a sign that there is something wrong. Below are some things that you can do to refresh and renew your relationship with him.
A Pisces man is sensitive and has deep emotions. On the other hand, he is not always good at expressing his feelings verbally. His most common response to difficulties is to escape.
There are Pisces men who escape through drugs or alcohol, but more commonly he will escape in less destructive ways.
He might get involved in a book or video games. He might even spend a lot of time in his own thoughts.
The best thing to do is to ask him what is going on. More than likely he will tell you. He will also know that you care about him.
A Pisces man is often psychic. At the very least, he is more than likely empathic. This means that he will be able to sense your feelings towards him, even those that you are not aware of yourself.
So, if you are asking how to get your Pisces man to chase you again, it could be that you that have started to lose interest in him. He could be sensing this, and if he is, this could be causing him to withdraw from you.
In long-term relationships, it is common for feelings to ebb and flow. Sometimes, even the traits that you fell in love with can become annoying. This is natural and normal.
Examine your own feelings and see if you have started to cool off towards him. If so, do what you need to do to rekindle your own feelings. Once you do, you may find that his feelings will be rekindled as well.
A Pisces man can only handle so much of the material world. Even if he is madly in love with you, any relationship requires him to come down to Earth. He may need to have breaks in which he can retreat to the world of fantasy and ideas.
While it is good for you to be an anchor for him so that he does not float too far away, he really does need to recharge every so often.
Because of this, sometimes all that you need to do is to leave him alone for a little while and give him space. Once he has had a vacation from the material world, he will generally come back to you and chase you all over again.
A Pisces man is a kind and loving partner. He enjoys fantasy and romance, but he can sometimes have some trouble with the material world.
He is at his best when he has someone in his life who understands his nature and can balance him.
If you want to keep a Pisces man interested in chasing you, it is important to show that you are such a person. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
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Last updated on June 14, 2022 by Sonya Schwartz . 
A hopeless romantic that struggled for many years to find her Mr "Right" and made all the mistakes you could think of while dating. Known for always choosing the wrong guys or messing up relationships, Sonya was finally able to change her approach and mindset when it came to dating which helped her eventually find the man of her dreams and become happily married. You can read more about me here ...
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Are you wondering how to make a Pisces man OBSESS over you? 
Perhaps you’ve met a great guy - who isn’t showing enough interest in you at the moment - and you want that to change?  
Or maybe you’re in a long-term relationship with a Pisces who isn’t too good at showing his affection?  
Either way, I invite you to read on. In this guide, you’ll learn seven effective strategies for making a Pisces chase you. 
But first, it’s very important that you read the following sentences carefully. 
In my teens and early twenties, I wasted a lot of my time chasing men who just weren’t that into me. 
The spark in my relationships would always peter out after a few weeks or months. 
It fel
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