How To Get A Monster Dick

How To Get A Monster Dick


How To Get A Monster Dick

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Get a Bigger Dick, Improve Your Confidence & Satisfy Your Partner
Welcome to How to Get a Big Dick, your one-stop resource for the various methods for increasing the size of your cock.
So what can you do to make your dick bigger? There are four methods that have been scientifically proven to provide gains:
The best of each of these methods are listed below.
Pills are one of the most popular methods as they are discreet and don’t require any physical coercion, you simply take the pills orally and their unique formulas will provide the improvements that you desire. Here are the top 3 pills on the market for increasing penis size:
An alternative to taking tablets, dick extenders are a more physical approach. They can be used in conjunction with pills or used independently to provide gains. The best extenders on the market are listed below:
Like extenders, penis pumps provide a more physical approach but using a different technique. The very best products on the market are listed below:
The least evasive of all of the methods of male enhancement, patches are simply applied to the skin. Check out the best patches available online here:
So, the reason that you have found yourself on this website is pretty simple, it’s because as a man you want to know how to get a big dick naturally in order to please your partner. Whether they be a male or female, it doesn’t really matter you still want to satisfy them, essentially you keep telling yourself: I want a bigger dick!
Here you will find a range of different methods for achieving that ultimate goal of improving your penis length and girth.
No doubt you’ve been trying, or at least have heard of the various and numerous penis enlargement products that label themselves as miracle “cures” for this common problem.
If you’ve tried them, you’ll be more than aware of the futility of some of these products; put plain and simply they just don’t work. The products above have been tried and tested and have a proven track record of great results.
If you’re anything like the majority of men out there then you want to please your partner and have the confidence in bed to drive them wild. Get a bigger dick and you will have the confidence to perform in bed without ever having to worry about size, you will be full of confidence and you’ll just perform.
Getting a big dick can seem like an impossible challenge, as just mentioned the supposed miracle cures out there don’t work so it can become extremely frustrating and often you just don’t know where to turn next.
Well if the above rings true to you then you’ve come to the right place, excuse the pun.
You will often hear women say that size doesn’t matter, well that is a matter of perspective. To you the size of your penis does matter, I am sure you’ve often said to yourself “I want a big dick”. It makes you feel good about yourself and gives you the confidence to perform better in bed. Confidence also makes you more attractive to a woman, she can sense your confidence a mile away.
It doesn’t matter if you’re old or young, short or tall, fat or skinny, it also doesn’t matter how much or how little sexual experience you have our system is guaranteed to work for you, and if you’re not happy in any way then you can just get your money back!
Think about it logically, if you ever say to yourself that you’re unhappy with how big my dick is then there is a good chance that the woman in your life might be as well. It’s time to stop worrying and do something about it, stop thinking about trying to find ways to get a bigger dick and take action now!
Remember, the size of your dick doesn’t just affect your sexual activity, the affects can be felt in many other areas of your life. Confidence is king in the bedroom, but it’s also ever so important in your career and in the kinds of relationships that you have with your friends and family or any other kind of social activity. It can also have a lasting impact on your relationship with your partner, confidence makes you far more attractive and pleasurable to be around.
We’re not saying that the size of your dick determines who you are, of course not! But you must come to realise that it does have a big impact in many parts of your life.
It can cause you to worry about being cheated on or left.
Most scientific research in the area agrees that the average size of a man’s penis when fully erect is approximately 5 1/2 inches.
Unfortunately, if you ask may women what size of penis they would like ideally they usually opt for something in the 7 to 8 inches.
Is it possible to get a bigger dick in this size range? The good news is that no matter the size of your dick, how tall your are, how much you weigh or any other factors that you can think of it is completely achievable.
Yes it is true, we can show you how to make your dick bigger fast!
We want to put tricks, gimmicks and false promise completely out of your mind.
With the products on this website we will alleviate any concerns that you have about taking unsafe pills and creams or ridiculous claims made by condom companies that their product will improve your stamina.
People the world over have used these products to increase their dick size, and guess what? These methods actually worked!
This really can change your life, so what are you waiting for?
Start on your journey to getting a longer dick, a stronger dick and most importantly find out how you can make your dick bigger!
It’s simple, all that is required is to take the plunge and actually try out the products featured on this website.
Get more girth for your dick to really satisfy your partner permanently.
It’s down to you, do you want to make a change that can help you to stop worrying about the size of your dick? If it really is smaller than you want it to be then you can do something about it today.
Another way to look at it is if you ask a group of men the majority would admit that they prefer a woman to have curves, a nice butt and hot legs. Is it really that much of a stretch to believe that women want a guy with a big dick?
The penis is constructed of 3 separate chambers, two on top, one on the bottom of the penis. These chambers have fancy medical names, but as with our entire site, we’re going to leave out the anatomy lesson and put it all in layman’s terms for easier understanding.
What you need to know is the two top chambers are comprised of erectile tissue, which expands as it engorges with blood, resulting in an erection. The bottom chamber contains a much smaller amount of erectile tissue which surrounds your urinary tract. The urinary tract is also what delivers semen from the testicles. Semen is pumped out of the testicles by the Prostate Gland with further assistance from the PC Muscle. It is the PC Muscle which gives your ejaculations their “ummmph”. With a weak, underdeveloped PC Muscle, your ejaculations likely “fall out” of your penis rather than shoot out like a porn star.
This is key to understanding what we can do for you – and understanding this concept will prove to you that penis enlargement is not only possible, but it’s possible for YOU!
As stated above, your penis is made up of three (3) chambers. The chambers are comprised of erectile tissue. To better understand the concept of penis enlargement, think of a muscle – any muscle in your body. How does a muscle grow? It’s a simple matter of over-engorging the muscle with blood – which breaks down the tissue – and allowing it to rebuild – bigger, stronger, more vascular and better! Through the application of PROPER stimulus, the erectile tissue responds very well – better than muscle – to a similar process.
To sum up, your erectile tissue reacts very much in the same manner that a muscle does…only better!
Muscle growth is limited by many genetic factors such as testosterone (“boy” hormone) and Human Growth Hormone (self explanatory) levels in the body, vascular limitations (the capacity of the blood vessels to move sufficient blood to nourish the muscle tissue), limitations of the skeletal and ligament systems (it can be difficult to pack muscle mass onto a weak frame) of the body, etc. The beautiful thing about the penis is it’s tissue “make up!” Erectile tissue is what we call Universal Tissue. It is the same from man to man. Erectile tissue does suffer from most of these same limitations but due to its nature there’s “a way around” these limitations.
There is a lot of very poor information floating around this industry. It seems that all the others will tell you that erectile tissue will break down and regrow bigger and stronger. This is completely false. Once men reach middle adolescence there is just not enough Human Growth Hormone to support this process – PERIOD. So how do we get around these limitations and experience true growth? Please read on and we’ll address all of these limitations one-by-one.
Recommended reading for those looking to get a larger dick:




C. Brian Smith
February 11, 2021


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The Power Assist Penis Wrench and a male enhancement coach called Big Al took my junk on the ride of a lifetime
Editor’s Note: This story was first published on July 24, 2018.
My microwave beeps three times to indicate that a tube sock filled with uncooked rice is sufficiently heated. I enter the kitchen apprehensively, first making sure my roommate has left for the day. Then I nudge the sock a couple times to check the temperature before draping it over my semi-erect penis for three to five minutes.
The “ Rice Sock Technique ” is the preferred warm-up of AJ “Big Al” Alfaro, my “Male Enhancement Coach” (i.e., dick enlargement tutor), who explicitly warns me NOT to skip this step. Some guys cut corners because they’re short on time, he explains, but warming up is essential when working out the penis because it prevents injuries and maximizes gains, as with any kind of exercise. I’m hoping to add an extra inch — to go from five and a half inches to six and a half inches, which Big Al assures me can be done in a matter of months so long as I follow his direction. We meet weekly via Skype to discuss my training regimen, and I receive occasional emails reminding me to update my training log. “The most difficult part of my job is getting men to comply with the Journal Progress Log,” he says sternly.
Big Al has been a pioneer in penis enlargement for going on two decades. The 44-year-old Miami native tells me he was a “thin, shy and bookish child” until age 14, when he began lifting weights and caught the self-improvement bug. After a five-year stint in the Army, he became a self-taught expert on nutrition, kinesiology and biomechanics. While researching a book on steroid-free natural bodybuilding, Big Al noticed the muscle mags were all filled with ads for penis enlargement pumps, pills and surgical procedures, so he developed a natural penis enlargement program as a free bonus for his bodybuilding course. “Surprisingly, nine out of ten weightlifters I spoke with were only interested in male enhancement,” he says.
So in 1997 he pivoted to the penis full-time, flexing his male enhancement chops by answering questions in web forums, Usenet groups and AOL chat rooms. Whatever he didn’t know, he learned, combing medical journals and consulting urologists to base his methodology on sound research. He was frustrated, though, by a dearth of information on natural, exercise-based male enhancement training and says the majority of online communities at the turn of the millenium were only focused on pumping. (Both jelqing and penis pumping force blood to the penis but do so differently. Imagine a tube of toothpaste: Starting at the bottom and squeezing the toothpaste out is jelqing; sucking the toothpaste out is pumping.)
“I’ve seen a lot of shifts over the years,” Big Al says after explaining a reverse kegel called the DLD Blaster . “When I first started, most guys were just looking for raw size — length and girth.” As time has passed, though, he’s given much more attention to things like erection quality, sexual confidence and addiction to porn. In fact, these days, four out of five of Big Al’s clients are self-diagnosed porn addicts.
“Big Al and I are kind of the kings of the male-enhancements space,” explains Michael Salvini (aka “Double Long Daddy”), the namesake of the aforementioned DLD Blaster reverse kegel and founder of the natural penis enlargement website . (The $159.95 “Maximum Gains Package” includes a lifetime membership to MoS forums; “the World’s First and Only Penis Enlargement DVD”; MoS Titan Pills “to intensify your workout by 200%”; and a patented stretching tool “to get the most intense stretch possible out of every workout.”) “We’ve been around since the beginning, and there’s really nobody else out there who survived.”
Salvini moonlights as a pastor and views Matters of Size as a Christian brotherhood — it’s tribal, he says. Men call each other “brother,” which makes it feel like a family rather than a business. The most common issue, he says, is men who were mocked about the size of their dick. “That’s 80 percent of it,” he says. “A lot of women are vindictive and know exactly what to shoot for to hurt a man. If you have a six-inch dick, she’s gonna say it’s eight inches and stroke your ego when she falls in love with you. But when the relationship ends and she suddenly hates you, she’ll deduct two inches and go around saying you have a four-inch nubby cock. That’s just the way it is.”
As I recently learned from Missouri State sociology professor Alicia M. Walker , men’s obsession with the diminutive size of their dicks can be debilitating. She’d spoken to numerous men who haven’t been to the doctor for a physical in a decade because they didn’t want to be naked in front of their doctor. Others had never approached someone for a romantic relationship because they didn’t believe anyone would be interested in them because of their penis size.
In terms of what constitutes small, big and average, a 2007 study from British urologists Kevan Wylie and Ian Eardley revealed that the average erect penis is 5.5 inches in length and 4.7 inches in girth. According to Wylie and Eardley, most men who suffer from small penis syndrome (i.e., the anxiety of thinking their penis is too small even though it isn’t) have nowhere close to what scientists define as a micropenis . Not to mention, according to one of the studies cited, 85 percent of women surveyed said they were satisfied with their partner’s genitals, whereas only 55 percent of men were happy with what nature had given them. In other words, almost half of the men surveyed would like to have a bigger dick.
Ben Clark was introduced to Big Al and the Double Long Daddy in the late 1990s after seeing Boogie Nights . Mark Wahlberg’s character is based on John Holmes , perhaps the biggest-dicked porn star of all time. Clark had never thought about the size of his penis — or how he measured up against other guys — but he became a major size queen after watching Wahlberg unfurl his monster cock in the film. He poked around on Lycos , a pre-Google search engine, which turned up a bunch of penis-enlargement spam links. One was a forum administered by Big Al who explained he’d developed a series of exercises proven to add significant length. “I guess you can say that changed everything for me,” Clark says with a laugh. “Big Al has always been a positive influence and inspiration for this industry. I’ve always known him to be honest about what he says and does.”
Clark was so inspired that he invented a penis weight-hanging device called the Malehanger , which attaches up to 80 pounds of weight to a flaccid dick for 20 minutes at a time. (It’s best to restore circulation after 15 to 20 minutes, he says.) Clark typically advises customers to use Malehanger instead of jelqing and stretching, since he claims the more focused you are on one type of training, the better results you’ll get.
Big Al makes similar claims. “Why would anyone want or need hundreds of exercises?” he wonders aloud. “If you want to really enlarge and strengthen your penis, you need exercises planned out in easy-to-follow routines that have been proven to work.”
All consultations with Big Al are done remotely via Skype, which he conducts from his home office in Central Florida (out of earshot of his wife and young kids). His wife is aware of what he does and is totally cool with it, so long as he’s helping people. Which he appears to be doing from the looks of dozens of seemingly legit testimonials on PEGym , a sexual improvement site for men. Dear Ambellina , for example, says he made some “good and easy newbie gains” before hitting a wall, but Big Al kept him motivated to reach his desired length of 7.5 inches. “A huge part of penis enlargement is mental discipline,” Ambellina explains. “A coaching service like Big Al’s is invaluable because you’re much more likely to follow through when a passionate professional is monitoring your progress and pushing you to achieve.”
I found that passionate professionalism a bit unnerving to be honest, but then again, I’ve never had weekly strategy sessions about my dick with a stranger. Like, how do you respond to a statement like this before lunch: “Be very careful not to grip the glans during your exercises, Brian. If you need to use some talcum powder to enhance your grip, that would be fine. Remember to update your log.”
Since I’m more interested in length over girth gains, after warming up with the rice sock, Big Al assigns 100 reps of the “Side-to-Side Stretch.” In a standing position, I grab my flaccid penis right below the head (avoiding the glans) and pull down. Maintaining that tension, I proceed to pull it left and right, like a ticking grandfather cock. The goal is to eventually reach 2,000 reps, but after 100, my dick is sufficiently fatigued.
The physiological goal of Big Al’s program is to expand the spongy bodies of the penis — known as the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum — while simultaneously stretching the tunica that holds those spongy bodies and spreading the suspensory ligaments that anchor the penis to the pubis. Cell walls grow and expand with each exercise session, Big Al tells me, and the compound effect over time is increased length. “One-third to one-half of the entire length of the penile body is hidden
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