How To Get A Libra Man To Open Up

How To Get A Libra Man To Open Up


How To Get A Libra Man To Open Up
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Libra men are of the kindest you will ever meet. The Libra man’s personality is also known to be gentle and calm. To get to know a Libra man well, and to build a strong connection with him, you first need to understand his unique sensibilities. One of your Libra’s personality traits is their ability to stay calm in trying situations. They are very peaceful beings. A rare mix of charm and charisma, they rarely lose their temper or show negative emotions. And though you may find yourself frustrated at times when they don’t open up, don’t give up! Getting a Libra man to open up is not as tricky a task as it may seem. By nature, they like to keep everything in their lives even keel. What this means is that even though they might have great affection for you, and appreciate everything you do, they do require a little help to show how they feel.
There are several characteristics of a Libra man’s personality that you can take into consideration when getting him to open up to you.
As I mentioned earlier, a Libra man not only rarely loses his temper, he is inherently relaxed and projects an inner peace. This Zen is a great asset to his romantic relationships. Not only will he be able to communicate calmly in a fight or any negative situation, but he will work his hardest to bring down the temperaments of those nearest to him as well. One way to get your guy to open up is by showing him that you too possess that peaceful easy feeling. By showing him that you are both peacemakers, he will immediately feel more comfortable being with you. Libra men feel a lot more attached to women who know who they are, and who can share their easy-going attitude.
There is no better thing to do in a relationship with a Libra than to tell him how much you care for them. Take a chance and let him know how you feel. If you are dating, let him know how much you care about him. If you are still getting to know them, let them know you’re interested. If you’ve been dating for a while and are trying to strengthen your relationship, let them know how much you love them. No matter what stage your relationship is at, your Libra will feel more comfortable opening up to you if he knows that you’re invested in him emotionally too.
Don’t Take his Charming Nature as a Threat
Libra men are known to be quite charming. They readily make friends with almost anyone they meet. Your Libra man is innately charming and honestly can’t contain it. If it seems like he is flirty with another woman, in his eyes, he’s just acting friendly or polite. Does this mean that Libra’s are prone to cheating? Not even a little. It is in their nature to have a need to be liked and loved. This can be a great advantage to start a conversation that will get him to open up. Let him tell you about his friends – male and female. Listen to what he has to say about them. More likely than not, you will learn more about him than about his friends in the conversation. He will feel more comfortable opening up when speaking about things that he cares about.
Relish in your Libra man’s optimism
Libras men are optimistic; they don’t see the flaws you may think you have. A Libra man sees good in everyone he meets. To your guy, there is no such thing as a flaw, just something unique to your particular personality. With such a cheery outlook on life, it’s no wonder Libra’s are so popular!
In their mind, you are perfect, inside and out. This unique Libra trait gives you the chance to nurture your self-confidence. Self-confidence is something that your Libra finds intoxicatingly attractive. By showing him that you too are an optimist, he’ll immediately feel attracted to that similar energy. Like definitely attracts like.
A Libra man is the modern-day equivalent of a medieval prince charming. They love to romanticize and are prone to feeling like a knight in shining armor. They have an innate desire to make you feel like a queen. His goal is to please you and make you happy. When he succeeds, tell him! Let him know that his actions are in fact pleasing you and making you happy. Show him that you are enjoying his company and would not trade him for anyone. Being grateful and recognizing positive behaviors will give him the incentive to keep doing all the things you like. Moreover, he’ll feel safer trying new things, communicating and opening up to you.
Having a Libra man as your partner can be an incredibly rewarding experience. They are calm and emotional beings that love to make you feel good. They feed off of your positive energy and try to maintain a sense of balance in all areas of their life. These ideal traits make it a lot easier to have a happy and fulfilling relationship. Use your understanding of his particular personality traits to your advantage by showing him that you too look for the best in everything and everyone. Let him know that you are also looking for a calm and trusting relationship.
If you’re ready to have him bare his heart to you there are things you can do to see changes right away. You don’t have to wait and hope that eventually things will turn around. Find out right now how you can make him commit and become yours forever. This informative site will give you all the tips you need to learn how to make him drawn to you instantly.
You can make the Libra man of your dreams love you.
Watch this Stunning Video that Explains How to Make Him Become Addicted To You Forever.
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Need to know how to make a Libra man fall in love ? You’re in the right place.
These are some of the most important (yet underrated) keys to do it:
Unfortunately, many women accidentally push their Libra men too hard until the relationship crumbles and they’re left asking why.
You have to let go if you want him to be yours.
If you’re not sure how to do it right, we highly recommend learning how to read your Libra man like an open book with a guide like Libra Man Secrets .
Click the link above now, or learn what earns a Libra man’s heart below.
You’ll hear a ton of advice from the astrology community about making Libra men fall head over heels.
And while there are plenty of ways to get a Libra man interested and wanting you, getting him to love you is a different story.
Looking good and dressing yourself well is one thing, but the inside needs to match the outside if you want a Libra’s heart and soul.
The reality is, getting a Libra man to catch feelings is about how much you align with his personal values and desires.
He wants a fun, thoughtful, sincere partner who is interested in making the world a better, more interesting place alongside him.
Here’s how to show him you’ve got going for you.
Lesson #1: A Libra man will fall hard for a woman who can wrap anyone around her finger with nothing but her charisma.
If this doesn’t come naturally to you, start practicing!
Take some cues from other Libras and study how they charm people.
Make your Libra man, but also the whole room , smile and laugh and hang on your every word with your entertaining stories.
Well, Libra is arguably the most social of the signs. 
Libra men are greatly affected by the group and care very much about the whole, not just the individual.
If so, you’ll fit right in and he’ll love the dynamic between you and his buddies.
If the answer is “Yes,” the Libra man will be proud to take you everywhere with him and make every man in the room wish you were his.
Of course, lay the thickest charm on the Libra!
You don’t want him getting the wrong message that you’re not into him specifically.
Just put that wit and charm to use to work the room while he’s watching , too, and his heart will beat right out of his chest for you.
We know it can be hard to wait around for a Libra to fall in love with you.
And while you should never pressure a Libra man (or he’s liable to back out entirely), you shouldn’t just wait , either.
Waiting implies an expectation, and even though Libras are people pleasers, they resent having to kowtow to expectations.
What you really need to do is live in the moment to get a Libra man to fall in love with you.
Instead of creating an air of expectation, enjoy being with your Libra man and appreciate things the way they are now.
Have a good time together on dates and relish the butterflies you give each other.
Make every moment with your Libra man count.
Refrain from making comments about what you two are or will (or could) be.
Getting too serious too quickly or coming across as needy is sure to turn a Libra man off.
Just have fun when you’re together and your Libra man will not have to think about whether or not he should fall for you.
Because he will be too busy falling in love with you.
A Libra man is constantly seeking new information and experiences. 
He is the perpetual student of life.
As such, he is always trying to broaden his perspective.
If you want a Libra man’s heart, be ready and willing to go on new adventures and have learning experiences with him.
Go to a philosophy group, take a dance class together, check out a renaissance fair.
Break the monotony. Try something new.
Prove to him that finally, life with a partner will never stop being an adventure.
Show that you can grow together and his love for you will grow, too.
Libras are attracted to people with big hearts. 
Concepts like fairness and equality are high on their lists of priorities, Libra being the sign of the Scales of Justice.
They don’t like seeing others get put down, and they won’t stand idly by if you’re rude or mean for no apparent reason.
You’ve got to show a Libra that you’re a kind, courteous and giving person.
Someone who thinks about the people and the world around her because she knows it’s not all about her.
Lift up your Libra and the people around you.
Pay for the person behind you in line for a coffee.
Hold the door open for someone else.
If you’ve got a dollar in your pocket, give it to a homeless person.
Being unselfish goes beyond these acts of kindness, too.
Listen to your Libra man without waiting to jump in and talk about yourself.
Offer to help out if he’s moving or renovating.
Even if he says “No,” the offer will touch him.
As you may already know, Libras are big, huge flirts.
They flirt with just about everyone, it seems to the rest of us zodiac signs.
This can feel threatening if you really care for a Libra, but instead of pouting or getting aggressive you should know your value.
A Libra is most attracted to people who are totally confident in themselves.
You see, a Libra man wants his equal as his partner.
He knows why he’s a catch, and he’s only interested in women who know this about themselves, too.
If you love and appreciate what makes you you , you’re doing it right.
Don’t change yourself to please others.
Do what you want, wear what you want and say what you want (as long as you’re being respectful!), fearlessly.
Be that type of woman who walks down the street with her head held high and making other women wish they could have just an ounce of her confidence.
If you’re still concerned about a Libra man’s flirtiness taking him away from you, check out Relationship Astrologer Anna Kovach’s tips on making him see only you in Libra Man Secrets .
Some say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
In the case of a Libra man, it’s more through laughter. 
Libras are extremely good at getting you to laugh. 
After all, they’re the most in tune with the crowd of any zodiac sign and they love to soak up all the praise and attention that comes their way.
If you can not only laugh and be entertained by your Libra man, but make him laugh, too, that’s the real love potion right there.
Just two funny, fun people making each other laugh.
Laughing is also a way of enjoying the moment with each other!
Nothing brings you together into the here and now like a giggle fit.
Another thing a Libra man needs, besides laughter and lightheartedness?
Libra is one of the intellectual air signs and is quite naturally intelligent, and most likely well-read.
Knowledge is very important to them, and they like to accumulate it constantly.
You can bring this out of a Libra man by sparking up some good old intellectually charged conversations.
Find a common ground where you both have shared interests and dive in.
Or, you can ask questions about your Libra guy’s interests and get him to tell you more.
He’ll jump to share his own knowledge and will feel more connected to you for it.
Open-ended questions are great for Libras.
“What ifs” and hypotheticals give them the opportunity to flex their intelligence, which they love!
Whatever you do, keep the conversations lively and interesting.
Smarts are sexy to Libra men and they can’t resist a woman who is a deep thinker.
One of the least attractive things to a Libra man is a stick in the mud.
Someone who says “No” for no good reason, from the Libra’s perspective, will probably miss out on a good time because of it.
Someone who says “Yes,” on the other hand, is a Libra’s dream.
Libra men love women who will go fine art shopping one day and play paintball the next.
In fact, Libra men are drawn like magnets to women who are sophisticated enough to enjoy the finer things, yet down to get dirty.
They want a woman who can go wine tasting or go to the local dive bar.
To a Libra, variety is the spice of life.
Embrace this concept wholeheartedly.
And go with the flow —even at a moment’s notice.
The woman who is this free and open is the one who will get a Libra man obsessed.
A Libra man likes a self-assured woman.
She needs to be friendly and outgoing enough to be a people person and fit well into the Libra’s active social life.
If you’re a gal who likes to have a good time and looks good doing it, you’re the Libra man’s type.
But also, do show that you’re a kind and fair person to get past a Libra’s barriers.
To get a Libra man to chase you, leave some room for him to get a running start.
Libra men want to know that you’re interested, but not too interested.
They steer clear of clingy partners. 
So lay a little groundwork , a little flirting here and a wink there, and make him come to you.
If you’ve heard Libras are indecisive , that’s because it’s probably their biggest weakness, at least if you ask people who know them.
They don’t like boxing themselves into a commitment that they’re not sure is the absolute best and right thing for them, which can take endless weighing of pros and cons.
When it comes to relationships, this can be exhausting for a Libra’s partner.
Make a Libra man miss you like crazy by making him a little jealous.
Not jealous of another guy, but jealous of your life!
Post pictures of yourself out at a concert that he loves, or a museum, or a bookshop.
Libras are suckers for all things cultural.
You’ll have him wishing he was with you.
Getting a Libra man to open up takes patience and understanding.
Trying to pry a Libra man open will only make him clam up.
You can set the tone by opening up about something on your own.
With you leading the way, he may feel secure enough to bring his own issues to the table.
Otherwise, just let him know that you’re there if he needs an ear.
To get a Libra man to commit to you, show him that he is better with you than without you.
Take an interest in him and his passions and make him feel good about himself.
But also, challenge him to grow and be better.
Make decisions when he’s feeling indecisive.
Be a ray of light when he is lost in darkness.
Show him that his life is richer and more meaningful with you in it.
If you’re ready to learn how your Libra man really operates and build a strong, committed relationship, get your hands on Libra Man Secrets .
You’ll find the answers to questions you didn’t even know you needed to ask.
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By Iamallergictofakeness — October 26, 2012 10:13am — 9 replies
Joined dxpnet on October 26, 2012 .

Hi all, I'm new to here, just really need advice from you awesome people, I've been dating ( friends with benefits) a libra guy (4th Oct Born) with leo moon and leo venus for 3 months now. My moon is in libra also and I'm like at least 50% libra and I can really understand them. My problem is I really want commitment ( serious relationship) from him but he does not talk abt feelings, where we stand and how he feels abt me (like me or love me). I'm so confused .. as a typical libra, he has too many friends, does not like drama and when we're in public, he introduces me to his friends as "friend" and he never treats me special in public so I always try to talk to other people and have fun on my own. It's like we are always mirroring each other ( especially from my side). I really want him to talk abt where we stand , I'm a sag and I need honesty and hate confusion. I wanna talk abt those relationship stuffs but I'm afraid if I start it, he would freak out or thinks I'm pathetic and just disappear. I've read that leo moon are quite commitment person and very attached, dunno why he's treating me like that , it's like he's a nice guy ( a bit shallow) with a lot of commitment issues. Thankz a lot for your time for at least reading my story.

Rockyroad is right. Friends with benefits is just that. I couldn't do it because i'd develop feelings and mess it up but evidently most guys would prefer a fuck buddy to a girlfriend anyway. This made me laugh a bunch Posted by rockyroadicecream Try to think less with your gine and more with your head. It'll help clear this up. I've noticed that Sag women tend to jump in with their vagina first, and then want to change the rules of the game after because estrogen took over and NOW you want a relationship. I am a very visual thinker... jump in with the vagina... what a mental image.

"Totally freakin' awesome, LOVE being me! Posted by caligula

That damn oxytocin is a bitchkitty. lol

Posted by rockyroadicecream I've noticed that Sag women tend to jump in with their vagina. So Sag women think with there vagina and libra men think with their penis. It would take you guys like 6 cups of coffee and four hours to finish a crossword puzzle. Im a libra male who "usually" holds out for love. makes a man crazy sometimes... venus is all about love, not sex..."coughs". Waking up with someone you want gone is kinda horrible.

Love doesn??t make the world go around. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile

Ho won't open up if he doesn't want to I,m a libra and can be extremely closed off and stubbborn if I want to be . What I would do is plain out ask him if you don't get the answer that you want simply move on because he's just interested in the sex and not you. Better for him to disappear then for you to be stuck in a relationship thats just based on sex unless thats what you want. You made it clear that it was fwb and I,m betting thats were he is and never had any intentions of anything more..

Joined dxpnet on October 26, 2012 .
Joined dxpnet on October 26, 2012 .

@rockyroadicecream Thank you for the very detailed reply. My fav part is the last paragraph , it really made me laugh cuz it's so true. Truth is he's just a foreigner who only stays in my cit
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