How To Fuck Female Dogs

How To Fuck Female Dogs


How To Fuck Female Dogs
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C an a man have 'full on' sex with a female dog. like actual put his penis in her vagina?

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W e don't know you try it first and then tell us all ok!
I think if it's the right breed then it's possible. The dog has to be a bigger one because of the size of their vagina. It's the same with dog breeding in that you can't have a female chiuhaha have sex with a male St. Bernard or Great Dane.

If you want to fuck a female dog then make sure it's a bigger one and also that it is in heat. That should help.
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Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Do you know how dogs have sex? I thought I did. I only realized I didn’t when I started reporting an article about an 11,000-year-old sexually transmitted disease that gives dogs cancer .
Although there are more than 80 million pet dogs in the United States, surprisingly few of us have much to do with their reproduction. If you grew up on a farm or you raise champion show dogs then you probably know the intricacies of canine intercourse, but most of us spay or neuter our pets and do our best to discourage humping. The term “doggy style” adds further confusion to the act by implying that human rear-entry sex is the same as canine rear-entry sex.
Here’s how dog sex goes down. When the male attempts to mount the female, his penis is flaccid. In humans, this would constitute a non-starter, but canines are aided by a tiny bone called a baculum. (Read more about baculi and the weird things people do with them in this piece about hibernation from last year .)
Most of us have seen a dog hump. The legs of dinner party guests you were hoping to impress usually take the brunt of such advances, and the resulting motion is not unlike what humans do while having sex. However, the two performances are surprisingly different.

Humans hump to create friction. Friction stimulates the genitals and causes the male to ejaculate. However, when a male dog humps, he’s mostly just trying to get his reproductive organ in the right spot. (Outside of reproduction, both male and female dogs hump. Canine researcher Julie Hecht writes about some of the possible things humping might communicate , including excitement, dominance, and friendship.)
Once the penis is safely inside, true doggy style takes another turn away from the position that shares a name with Snoop Dogg’s seminal album . Blood rushes into the base of the penis, called the bulbus glandis , causing the organ to swell in size. At the same time, the female’s vagina contracts against the penis, creating what’s known as a “copulatory tie,” “coital tie,” or best of all, “dog knot.” The male and female are now physically, literally locked into one another. According to Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog , the main payload of sperm is delivered within 80 seconds of entry, but the dogs have only just begun.
As a way of sealing the deal, the male dog will now swing a leg up over the female’s back and stand directly behind her. To clarify, the dogs are still connected, via penis locked into vagina, but they will now stand butt-to-butt until the erection subsides—which usually lasts around 25 minutes but can exceed an hour. More semen is ejaculated during this phase, which is thought to help push the first responders into the uterus and possibly initiate contractions of the uterine tubes. 
Apparently, dogs doing it for the first time can get a little freaked out about the prolonged attachment, as do first-time dog breeders. If you should ever find yourself in this situation, The Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds suggests you prevent the female dog from trying to rip free from the male, because doing so can cause serious injury to the penis. Breeding websites recommend you get down on the floor and comfort the female . Oh, and never ice the dogs’ genitals in an attempt to separate them.
Preposterous as it sounds, coyotes, foxes, and wolves do it this way, too. There’s not much information out there about the evolutionary purpose of the dog knot, though the most obvious theory is that it keeps the couple together long enough for insemination to take place. In addition, the knot prevents other males from immediately mating with the female and displacing the first male’s sperm—as you can see in this video of a third wolf desperately trying to get in on the action and making it weird for everyone involved.
And now perhaps a word of caution. There’s no shortage of canine sex videos on the Internet. In fact, people seem rather fond of uploading movies of their dogs in the awkward position, complete with bizarre mood music . But watching these videos will make YouTube think you want to watch more animal sex videos— lions , tortoises , turkeys —and before you know it, your Internet history starts to look really, really embarrassing.
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What would happen if a man had sex with a female dog?

41 Replies
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They say that when you die, your life flashes in front of you. Make it worth watching!
« Reply #1 on: 06/07/2007 11:31:56 »
They say that when you die, your life flashes in front of you. Make it worth watching!
« Reply #2 on: 06/07/2007 11:47:33 »
« Reply #3 on: 06/07/2007 13:25:18 »
« Reply #4 on: 06/07/2007 13:40:31 »
But there is a possibility that it may get pregnant?
They say that when you die, your life flashes in front of you. Make it worth watching!
« Reply #5 on: 06/07/2007 13:43:26 »
« Reply #6 on: 06/07/2007 13:43:52 »
Oh.. So if it's not possible.. Then why against the law? Animal abuse?
They say that when you die, your life flashes in front of you. Make it worth watching!
« Reply #7 on: 06/07/2007 15:19:07 »
... or the danger that you might get bitten ?
"Wonder is no wonder" (Simon Stevin 1548-1620)
« Reply #8 on: 06/07/2007 15:24:01 »
They say that when you die, your life flashes in front of you. Make it worth watching!
« Reply #9 on: 06/07/2007 15:24:49 »
As a general rule, you wake up still drunk and your friends have a good laugh...
« Reply #10 on: 06/07/2007 15:25:22 »
They say that when you die, your life flashes in front of you. Make it worth watching!
« Reply #11 on: 06/07/2007 18:09:37 »
« Reply #12 on: 06/07/2007 18:23:02 »
« Reply #13 on: 06/07/2007 21:02:37 »
« Reply #14 on: 06/07/2007 23:59:10 »
« Reply #15 on: 07/07/2007 09:03:04 »
They say that when you die, your life flashes in front of you. Make it worth watching!
« Reply #16 on: 07/07/2007 18:40:16 »
The definition of a species is that animals can interbreed (although this may not be possible between extremes in the dog population which are all the same species) a different species of animal cannot usually interbreed but there are exceptions. Horses and donkeys can interbreed and produce mules and hinnies (according to which sex is the horse) These animals are usually infertile and cannot themselves breed. There were two subspecies of humans the Neanderthals and us and it has been suggested that we did not exterminate or displace them rather we interbred with them and they lost their identity. As to whether humans could interbreed with their closest relatives the great apes this topic is not considered to be socially acceptable to reasonable people although stories do exist of things like this happening
Learn, create, test and tell evolution rules in all things God says so!
« Reply #17 on: 07/07/2007 18:50:53 »
would it be possible for humans and apes to produce a child though? i'm not saying it would be right... but could it be done?
« Reply #18 on: 07/07/2007 18:57:04 »
I don't believe so. Although, of course, humans are actually apes themselves; so, technically, the answer is yes.
« Reply #19 on: 07/07/2007 19:03:50 »
ok now i'm confused.. a lot of that going on today. if we ARE apes then why are we not able to mate with them?


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Knotting is a sexual phenomenon that happens to a male dog when it intercourses with a bitch. So, unless you’re engaging with a dog sexually, there is no way that knotting will happen. But what if the unthinkable happens? What if you get it on with a dog? Hey, I’m talking to you, girl! And even you, boy (we all know that the anus is an entry point and an erogenous zone).
Let’s imagine that a dog knots any of your entry points. The experience will be similar to that of a dog knotting inside a bitch. When the dog’s penis enters, the swelling will start, and the dog will attempt to lock itself inside. If yours is a large one (like a Rottweiler or a Great Dane ), you could
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