How To Fuck A Mare

How To Fuck A Mare


How To Fuck A Mare

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Pleasuring Mares a Guide for Considerate Human Partners

The following discussion is intended as the beginning of an evolutionary document. If you wish contribute, please feel free to submit suggested additions, deletions, or corrections. You may note that the goal here is not another “how-to mares”, but assumes the reader already knows how to pleasure himself with a mare and wishes to try to enhance her experience. In the end, this brings more intense pleasure and ore willing, even eager, equine partners. Also note that horses are as different from one another as humans are, and thus anything said in the following pages may not apply to a particular mare.

This document is written based on experiential information (a labor of love), and not a scientific exploration of the subject. Having said that, the veterinary establishment has never considered the sexual pleasure that a mare derives from mating to be of importance as long as she conceives and produces a valuable foal. Only recently have some authors begun recommending against hobbling mares (allowing the equivalent of rape by the stallion), on the basis that it makes a mare less receptive, more prone to injury, and less likely to conceive. It is quite likely, therefore, that if a scientific study was undertaken it would find a connection between the mare’s pleasure and her likelihood of conceiving.

What is the basis for such conjecture? Simply put, evolution favors characteristics and behaviors that are more likely to allow the individual to survive and reproduce. Those characteristics and behaviors that do not contribute to the success of the species tend to be diluted and eventually disappear. Although the sexual characteristics of mares vary between individuals and breeds, it is fair to say that they are capable of very much enjoying the sexual act. The proof of this is in the famous Holy Grail of horse zoos, the "maregasm". That this phenomenon exists is indisputable to any horse zoo who has been lucky enough to induce it in his partner.

In fact, in researching the subject I found that many veterinary references contained diagrams of the mare’s reproductive tract that were grossly inaccurate. True, they have the plumbing connected correctly, but the critical placement of several items was completely wrong. For example, the cervix is often shown in the middle of the end of the vagina as in humans. It is, in fact, closer to the bottom of the end of the vagina (for a good reason). The upward angle of the vulva is often ignored, and it is shown as being in horizontal alignment with the vagina proper. As you will see later in the text, these mistakes greatly affect any attempt to understand the actual mechanism of the mare’s tract during intercourse. For that reason, I have produced my own crude sketches.

Basics of Horse Mating and Reproduction


Mares come into Estrus (heat) about every 28 days. Although this cycle can be detected all year around, the intensity of the heat is affected strongly by the reason (more specifically by the amount of daylight). Most mares have their first intense heat in early spring, with the intensity diminishing over the summer months. With a very few exceptions, mares will only accept stallions during their heat cycle which can last from a day to a week, but is most commonly about 3 days long. Luckily, they can and will accept human partners over a much wider period of their cycles.

In addition to the seasonal effects, the presence of other horses, especially stallions or randy geldings will play a large part in the intensity of a mare’s cycle. If stallions or geldings are not present, you can play the part to some extent by teasing them in the same way that the stallions do. The longer this is practiced, the more effect it will have. This will be discussed under Teasing.

It is crucial to understand that horses are very social animals and that until very recent geological time they were on the dinner menu of many large predators. These elements greatly affect the relationship a zoophile may experience with them. For example, the act of mounting a mare and clutching her rump may trigger the ancient reaction to a lion attempting the same maneuver (with very different motives). A stallion’s embrace falls just ahead of the pelvic bones and most zoos instinctively learn to use the prominent tips of this structure as a convenient grip.

Because they are a prey species, the sex act in horses has evolved to be an extremely brief. From the time a stallion achieves intromission (gets it in), to orgasm and withdrawal is typically 10 to 20 seconds. It is critical that the mating pair not take too long or they may become easy prey for a carnivore. It is also important that the stallion be able to quickly determine that a mare will accept him so that he is not unduly distracted from his vigilance.

Signs of Estrus

There is nothing subtle about a mare in heat. Her external labia and vulva will become engorged and swollen, giving their inside surfaces a bright red coloration. mares also perform the well known “winking” signal when receptive. This consists of the vulva contracting vertically forcing it to open, and the clitoris protrudes outward and upward. It is important to note that mares also wink two to three times after urinating, and not to confuse this with an invitation!

If the mare is in heat, the opening of the vulva exposes the red color of the interior. She will frequently squat and produce a stream of fragrant fluid that stallions can smell from significant distances.

Stallions test this odor by making the strange lip curl called a “flemen”. This gesture allows the stallion to test the odor using sensors in the roof of his mouth. Mares may also push their rumps against trees and fence posts to provide some relief from their unrequited lust.

Fortunately, the mare has also evolved to be an aggressive sexual partner when she is in Estrus, with much more staying power than her male counterpart. This assures the best chance of getting a quickie from her favorite stud.

Furthermore, she can actually become more sexually receptive after intercourse than before and will often allow several stallions to breed her in rapid succession. Dominant stallions will try to prevent this, in order to pass along their own genes, but mares are not so picky.

Although you cannot easily observe it, the cervix becomes enlarged and relaxed. This can be felt at the anterior (forward) end of the vagina near the floor. Note: Never push your finger into the cervix. If the mare is pregnant, this may rupture the waxy "foal plug", and cause her to abort.


Another behavior seen in rutting mares is unusual friendliness toward potential mates, including humans. This will take on the same characteristics no matter whether the target is a man or a stallion. One of the most common gestures is to gently nibble at the ankles. Another touching gesture is n embrace in which the mare wraps her neck around the person or chest of the horse. Some mares sniff the genitals of the potential mate, and despite the differences in posture between men and stallions, they know exactly where they are located. In perhaps the most overt gesture the mare positions herself in the path of the desired suitor and blocks his way with her tail held high and to the side. A mare may quickly apply these gestures to a human partner once she learns that he can satisfy her needs, but again this varies greatly between mares.

Mares also respond to foreplay from stallions by either threat kicking or showing the receptive behavior previously discussed. Both acceptance and
rejection are often accompanied by the mare emitting wild squeals. Stallions will nibble the mare’s mane near its base, sniff the mare’s mammary area, and sniff her vulva. Particularly experienced stallions will even lick the vulva of the mare, performing frequent flemen tests on the results. By performing these tests he hopes to avoid the punishment of a kick when he tries to mount.

Foreplay can take some time, especially if a mare is just coming into heat. It is important for the zoo to take some time to satisfy this need for the mare. Biting the mane (it is far too tough for you to damage it), exchanging breath (nostril to nostril), and gently caressing the mare will help set the mood. If she is in standing heat, you can easily bypass some of this but the experience will be diminished as a result.

Most mares love oral foreplay. It is highly suggested, however, that this be done only after the mare’s vulva has been carefully washed, or the suitor may well receive a painful sore throat as the result of bacterial infection. It is even possible that the eggs of internal parasites could be ingested causing serious health issues (although I have never heard of this occurring). In fact, one of the great benefits of being a zoophile is that you can seldom receive diseases from nor transfer them to your partner. This fact belies the "health threat" that has been used as an argument for outlawing zoophilia for many years.


Horses and humans have very similar sexual equipment, as opposed to bovines and canines. The stallion’s penis is made erect by the infusion of blood just as is a man’s. Besides the stallion’s obvious advantage of in size, he has another trick. When he begins to climax, the head of his penis becomes grossly enlarged. This is referred to as “flaring”. Mares can sense this and react to it by further erecting and dilating their cervix to accept the expected sperm. It is likely that the purpose of the flare is to block the escape of semen around the shaft of the penis, and to force it into the cervix.

The mare also has several wondrous improvements over her human counterpart. The first of these is the wink, described earlier. Not only is this used to attract a mate, it also occurs during mating which can be extremely exciting to a human partner. In some larger mares the clitoris will actually lift under a man’s testicles. The mare also has the ultimate trick of contracting her whole vagina almost to the labial lips in a tight, convulsive grip of her mate’s penis. This will normally be accompanied by a grunt each time the contraction occurs. This is the famous and illusive "maregasm". These enhancements to the standard human repertoire make mares incredible sexual partners and lovers.

As shown in Figure 1 below, the mare’s basic components are the same as for a human female. Nature did not stop there. Notice that the cervix and the urethra of the stallion’s penis match perfectly. When the stallion’s penis flares, there is a thumb-sized recess around the urethra that perfectly matches the mare’s cervix. Thus the importance that the cervix stand proud at the proper moment! The full thrust of the surge of semen is injected under force into the cervix, instead of lying in a pool in the vagina. This cuts down on the long hard swim that the sperm must make. If humans had possessed such an efficient reproductive tract, it is likely that we would by now have exhausted the last of earth’s resources!

Unless the reader is markedly better endowed that author, it is unlikely that his penis can perform this trigger on anything but the most miniature breeds. There are, however some ways this can be simulated.

Making Love to a Mare

It bears repeating that all mares are different. In my experience, they break down roughly as follows:

Perhaps one out of ten mares wants nothing to do with a human partner

Approximately four out of five mares will accept a man when they are in heat, without bribes. Half the remainder will accept a man when they are in heat if given a treat.

About two out of three mares will accept a man when not in heat for the consideration of a food treat.

A tenth of all mares will take a trusted human partner at almost anytime, regardless of incentive or heat.

Notice that these categories are not mutually exclusive, so they don’t add up to 100%. Also, the figures are based on about 40 mares, so there is a significant margin of error. Mares that fall into the last category are truly super zoo horses. I have owned two of these, and met several others, and they were priceless lovers. You can simply walk up to them, nuzzle a bit, and climb on.

If you plan to purchase a mare with which you hope to develop a relationship, it is a good idea to make the following offer. Tell the seller that you will provide a 30% deposit to take the mare in for 2 weeks. If you decide that you like her, you will pay the remainder, but if you don’t the seller gets to keep the deposit. This allows you time to get to know the mare and decide where she fits into the categories above.

A word about food bribes is warranted here. Horses love grain, but if they are allowed to eat too much it can cause them to colic and even die. Never bribe a horse with large amounts of grain or sweet feed. Excellent treats include alfalfa cubes and carrots. These both contain fiber, and take some time to consume. Some mares even accept good quality hay (especially alfalfa) as a treat.

Warming Her Up

Receptivity can be greatly enhanced, and the likelihood of being seriously kicked can be abated, if the mare actually likes you. Time spent grooming her, bathing her, sniffing her ears, hugging her, and generally showing affection without sexual demands will make her much more receptive to your advances. Never attempt to restrain a mare on anything more restrictive than a loose lead line. Doing so may cause her to panic and do significant damage to herself, you, and the immediate surroundings. I do not believe it possible to rape a mare, and I highly condemn anything that resembles force or cohersion.

If she is in heat, you will want to tease her in the same way a stud does. Imitating the "propositioning" grunts of a stallion can help as can mane biting and the other techniques mentioned earlier. If a mare does not feel receptive, she may make a faint of kicking in the air to tell you so. Watch the ears! They are the mare’s mood-ring. If she raises a hind leg in threat or the ears go back, or she stomps, these are signs that you better apply more foreplay, or give up the idea of mounting her.

If the mare raises her tail and starts winking, she is interested. Don’t, however, assume that she wants to be fingered. As it turns out, a lot of mares do not like the feeling of a bony, dry human finger with its sharp fingernail being forced into her luxuriantly soft and sensitive tissues. Many mares will welcome the human penis, and reject fingering.

One great substitute for inserting a finger during foreplay is to press the fingers flat along one labia lip, and to grind it slowly against the other. Thumb insertion is also appreciated more than other fingers. The thumbnail should be trimmed close, then the thumb should be held vertically against the lips so that it enters in an upward posture. The thumb is then rotated downward until it presses on the g-spot. This action can be repeated as long as it gets positive reviews from your lover. Note that the tail is an excellent gauge of her pleasure. The higher it goes, the better job you are doing. A clamped tail is one of the first signs that you are displeasing her.

Before going further, let me say a word about lubrication. If a mare is in heat, she will produce adequate lubrication. At other times, however, you will need a lubricant. I have found saliva to be a poor choice in general, and recommend a human product such as KY Jelly or "Silk" (a thinner lubricant that does not tend to dry and become sticky). Either lubricant will be essential if you plan to use your arm at any point, as described later.

Oral stimulation can be a great lead in, but it can also make a nice intermission between intromissions during long sessions. As mentioned before, it
is important to wash the mare before doing anything that involves penetration.

This has the following effects:

Prevention of infection to the human during oral stimulation

Prevention of infection to the mare caused by introducing fecal matter into the vaginal tract.

Prevention of a gritty feeling that can detract from the fantastic orgasms which mares can induce.

Washing with a soft washcloth soaked in warm soapy water is a terrific stimulant to the mare. Both mares and stallions are positively sensitive to moderate heat.Washing is the fastest turn on there is for a mare. Even mares that are not in estrus will wink and raise their tails when the warm washcloth is pressed against their vulva and squeezed to cause the warm water to splash over them.

When a stallion is probing for entry, he will emit a thin, sperm less ejaculate referred to as "pre-cum", the purpose of which appears to be to lubricate the external vulva and make entry easier. It is possible that warm water feels like this ejaculate. The effect is not lasting, but it is certainly an effective technique for introducing other stimulation. Mares have a wonderful, mild “sweet hay” smell and flavor, very unlike their human counterparts. Beware, however, that they are prone to break wind if you begin to successfully excite them, and this can be a real surprise given the position of your nostrils!

As already mentioned, most mares love oral sex. There are many ways to do this, and you need to find the one that your mare likes most. The face-first straight up posture with insertion of the tongue is the most obvious and but often the least effective. More advanced techniques include putting the lips around the clitoris and sucking it into the mouth while caressing it with the tongue.

Beware that there is sometimes a waxy “bean” under the clitoris and it should be
removed during cleaning. To stimulate the labia lips, turning the head at an
angle, inserting the tongue between the lips, then sucking a lip into the mouth
while stroking its inner surface with the tongue is very popular among many

Intercourse (the fun part)

Intercourse can be most pleasant for both partners if you do not simply pump away until you get your rocks off. Mares enjoy things starting slowly. Some like it that way all the way through, while others like fast and furious thrusting once things get going. There are up to three distinct stages: passivity, arousal, and orgasm.

The act of entering the vulva appears to be a turn on to mares, and fully withdrawing and then plunging back in appear, at least at first, to be well
received as opposed to shorter strokes. The early part of intercourse should be an extension of the foreplay. Even though the mare has allowed your entry, she may not be
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